Author Topic: INTRO  (Read 4828 times)

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Offline Grizzly25

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« Reply #26 on: April 10, 2012, 09:25:00 AM »
Quote from: rgross298
Quote from: rangy96
Day 54.  Made it through a weekend with a dipping father in law.  He's the kind that likes to say "no way your gonna quit.  you've said that before".  And then sticks his tongue into his can of skoal and shows me how good it is. 

I love him because he is my father in law.  Not because he is supporting my quit.

Stay quit dudes.
Sigh. I just have no freaking patience for these folks you guys are encountering who should be supportive and are quite the opposite.

I don't care if they are coworkers, relatives, or even spouses/kids/siblings, if they are USING in front of you and MOCKING your quit, they are FUCKS.

I'm lucky, I guess, I happen to have a halfway decent father-in-law. Mother-in-law's another tale :) However, this FIL of yours helps support that notion that in-laws SUCK. You tell him I said that, I don't mind being the bad cop.

Stay strong, brother.
There are always doubters and they can all kiss my ass!

We quit like Fuck around here!

I say do your best to avoid negative people like that and stay near your support which is this group, they are the ones who know what your dealing with and going thru.

Stay quit stay focused!
"Remember you are either getting better or getting worse, nobody stays the same!" Woody Hayes

"Winning! That's all we do around here brotha! Failure is not an option, remove it as an option and the possibilities are endless...." Bruce317 5-18-2012

"...We'll be heroes or ghosts...But we won't be turned around." Wastepanel 6-15-2012




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Offline rgross298

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« Reply #25 on: April 10, 2012, 08:44:00 AM »
Quote from: rangy96
Day 54. Made it through a weekend with a dipping father in law. He's the kind that likes to say "no way your gonna quit. you've said that before". And then sticks his tongue into his can of skoal and shows me how good it is.

I love him because he is my father in law. Not because he is supporting my quit.

Stay quit dudes.
Sigh. I just have no freaking patience for these folks you guys are encountering who should be supportive and are quite the opposite.

I don't care if they are coworkers, relatives, or even spouses/kids/siblings, if they are USING in front of you and MOCKING your quit, they are FUCKS.

I'm lucky, I guess, I happen to have a halfway decent father-in-law. Mother-in-law's another tale :) However, this FIL of yours helps support that notion that in-laws SUCK. You tell him I said that, I don't mind being the bad cop.

Stay strong, brother.

Offline rangy96

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« Reply #24 on: April 10, 2012, 08:38:00 AM »
Day 54. Made it through a weekend with a dipping father in law. He's the kind that likes to say "no way your gonna quit. you've said that before". And then sticks his tongue into his can of skoal and shows me how good it is.

I love him because he is my father in law. Not because he is supporting my quit.

Stay quit dudes.

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« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2012, 04:09:00 PM »
Quote from: rangy96
I posted this in my group, but wanted it in my thread as well because it has been a profound part of my quit. thx
(Skoal Monster @ Apr 8, 2012, 1:01 am)
Wanna reminder of what's at stake?  Here's a page from Jenny Kern's journal.  If you haven't read the Tom and Jenny Kern story here is the link


Monday, May 10, 2010 12:10 AM CDT

I'm sliding backwards. I have been angry since Christmas because life is either at a standstill or going backwards.....[cut remainder]
Just to add to this, I was reading Ms. Kern's caring bridge blog and got all torn up over the pain expressed there. I found a link to an email address that appeared to be for her so I sent a quick note to say thanks for continuing to share, it helps, etc etc. Suprisingly, she wrote back very quickly. A portion is below:

[My youngest just asked me to buy her dad's aftershave so she can smell what he smelled like because she was too young to remember him. She has lived half of her life without him. I ache for her!

I'm so glad your wife and daughters won't have to experience this pain. Good luck and God bless!]

If you ever need some quit mojo and have kids, go read the Caring Bridge Kern stuff. If your boat hasn't been set ablaze yet, then these pages are a 5 gallon can of gas and a box of weatherproof matches.

Stay quit. Your life depends on it.
Great post Rangy.
There is a lot of very sobering stories and info on this site, it certainly helps me stay quit just to read. Proud to be quit with you.
Fish, eat, sleep. Repeat.
quit date 2/10/12
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8th Floor 4/19/14

Offline Grizzly25

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« Reply #22 on: April 08, 2012, 09:26:00 AM »
Quote from: rangy96
I posted this in my group, but wanted it in my thread as well because it has been a profound part of my quit. thx
(Skoal Monster @ Apr 8, 2012, 1:01 am)
Wanna reminder of what's at stake?  Here's a page from Jenny Kern's journal.  If you haven't read the Tom and Jenny Kern story here is the link


Monday, May 10, 2010 12:10 AM CDT

I'm sliding backwards. I have been angry since Christmas because life is either at a standstill or going backwards.....[cut remainder]
Just to add to this, I was reading Ms. Kern's caring bridge blog and got all torn up over the pain expressed there. I found a link to an email address that appeared to be for her so I sent a quick note to say thanks for continuing to share, it helps, etc etc. Suprisingly, she wrote back very quickly. A portion is below:

[My youngest just asked me to buy her dad's aftershave so she can smell what he smelled like because she was too young to remember him. She has lived half of her life without him. I ache for her!

I'm so glad your wife and daughters won't have to experience this pain. Good luck and God bless!]

If you ever need some quit mojo and have kids, go read the Caring Bridge Kern stuff. If your boat hasn't been set ablaze yet, then these pages are a 5 gallon can of gas and a box of weatherproof matches.

Stay quit. Your life depends on it.
Keep on quiting and writing stories like this and putting things in perspective like this make your quit stronger!

I am proud to be quit with you today and everyday!
"Remember you are either getting better or getting worse, nobody stays the same!" Woody Hayes

"Winning! That's all we do around here brotha! Failure is not an option, remove it as an option and the possibilities are endless...." Bruce317 5-18-2012

"...We'll be heroes or ghosts...But we won't be turned around." Wastepanel 6-15-2012




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Offline rangy96

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« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2012, 08:52:00 AM »
I posted this in my group, but wanted it in my thread as well because it has been a profound part of my quit. thx
(Skoal Monster @ Apr 8, 2012, 1:01 am)
Wanna reminder of what's at stake?  Here's a page from Jenny Kern's journal.  If you haven't read the Tom and Jenny Kern story here is the link


Monday, May 10, 2010 12:10 AM CDT

I'm sliding backwards. I have been angry since Christmas because life is either at a standstill or going backwards.....[cut remainder]
Just to add to this, I was reading Ms. Kern's caring bridge blog and got all torn up over the pain expressed there. I found a link to an email address that appeared to be for her so I sent a quick note to say thanks for continuing to share, it helps, etc etc. Suprisingly, she wrote back very quickly. A portion is below:

[My youngest just asked me to buy her dad's aftershave so she can smell what he smelled like because she was too young to remember him. She has lived half of her life without him. I ache for her!

I'm so glad your wife and daughters won't have to experience this pain. Good luck and God bless!]

If you ever need some quit mojo and have kids, go read the Caring Bridge Kern stuff. If your boat hasn't been set ablaze yet, then these pages are a 5 gallon can of gas and a box of weatherproof matches.

Stay quit. Your life depends on it.

Offline rangy96

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« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2012, 08:16:00 AM »
gotta write this morning. WTF is goin on with me? all the way back to confused, pissed, happy, sad, pissed and guilty?! Why guilty?! what the hell is that about?

It's day 50. Got REALLY sick of the drama in the brothers of may this past week. One minute I hate the guys who are holier than thou you gotta post within the first 30 seconds of waking up bullshit, then the next minute, I see their point. Wastepanel says take what you need for your quit, leave the rest behind. So I did, but couldn't stop reading all the clamor. Then this morning I start reading the Kern Story (which I have read 10 times before) but I stumble on stuff that is being written like 7 years after this guy died.

By his kids.

It's been like 7 years and they are still in incredible pain. Horrible fucking agony because their daddy is gone.

So in response to that I sob like I haven't ever, in my life, done. Asking God why he did that to them and not me. I have been putting that shit in my face since 4th grade and I am still here with the chance to quit but Tom isn't here. And his kids are missing their dad.


Not an expected symptom of quit. But it has been coming on pretty strong for the last week or so.

OK, got that out there.
Gotta go post up some support for a Brother of May that seems to be teetering. If I don't, feels like I might be teetering soon.

Offline AgLawyer

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« Reply #19 on: March 28, 2012, 11:28:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: swimmerdave
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: rangy96
Just random sharing. Just got out of a meeting with a big 90% of our business big. They informed us we are entering a new phase where they make it where we don't do business any more. but that won't happen for a year or so. not totally unexpected, but none the less about 2/3 of the way through the meeting i had a "It's gonna be ok cuz when this meeting is over I am gonna cram 1/2 a can of copenhagen in my face" moment. Then I remembered I can't do that anymore and it was 5 seconds of sheer terror. But it went away in the following 10 seconds.

That, my quit brothers, is progress. So, for the small percentage of you that have fewer days quit than me............Stay strong. The bit of news I just got is easily the most profound piece of shit news I have had in 4 years and it only caused 5 seconds of pain. I didn't die or even come close.

KTC is the shit.
Nice work bro!!

Stay strong!
Love the stories guys

I just found out today that the insurance company for the quick oil change place I used - that screwed up the oil change - filter came off - that screwed up a perfect 75k toyota engine on my daughters vehicle doesn't want to pay the $7500 to fix the engine - in fact doesn't want to pay the claim at all -

I did not need a chew for this news - took it like a man - told him I've been quit for 12 days and will not be responsible for future sins. Ya gotta laugh at the triggers. Also - I have been taking the best dumps in a long while - no nic in my crap - no nic in my mouth as I take a crap - or leak - or shower -or drive - or walk - or read- or mowing the lawn - or work up estimates - or work on the computer - or work on the taxes - or talk on the phone - or breath - or watch Survivor (which I missed tonight - so don't tell me anything)
Nice work bro. Embrace that challenge. Enjoy it. You are stronger than some pussy ass ruffled panties wearing spineless fucking addict. You got this.

I quit with you today.
That's what I call WINNING!

Offline Souliman

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« Reply #18 on: March 28, 2012, 09:47:00 PM »
Quote from: swimmerdave
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: rangy96
Just random sharing. Just got out of a meeting with a big 90% of our business big. They informed us we are entering a new phase where they make it where we don't do business any more. but that won't happen for a year or so. not totally unexpected, but none the less about 2/3 of the way through the meeting i had a "It's gonna be ok cuz when this meeting is over I am gonna cram 1/2 a can of copenhagen in my face" moment. Then I remembered I can't do that anymore and it was 5 seconds of sheer terror. But it went away in the following 10 seconds.

That, my quit brothers, is progress. So, for the small percentage of you that have fewer days quit than me............Stay strong. The bit of news I just got is easily the most profound piece of shit news I have had in 4 years and it only caused 5 seconds of pain. I didn't die or even come close.

KTC is the shit.
Nice work bro!!

Stay strong!
Love the stories guys

I just found out today that the insurance company for the quick oil change place I used - that screwed up the oil change - filter came off - that screwed up a perfect 75k toyota engine on my daughters vehicle doesn't want to pay the $7500 to fix the engine - in fact doesn't want to pay the claim at all -

I did not need a chew for this news - took it like a man - told him I've been quit for 12 days and will not be responsible for future sins. Ya gotta laugh at the triggers. Also - I have been taking the best dumps in a long while - no nic in my crap - no nic in my mouth as I take a crap - or leak - or shower -or drive - or walk - or read- or mowing the lawn - or work up estimates - or work on the computer - or work on the taxes - or talk on the phone - or breath - or watch Survivor (which I missed tonight - so don't tell me anything)
Nice work bro. Embrace that challenge. Enjoy it. You are stronger than some pussy ass ruffled panties wearing spineless fucking addict. You got this.

I quit with you today.

Offline swimmerdave

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« Reply #17 on: March 28, 2012, 09:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: rangy96
Just random sharing. Just got out of a meeting with a big 90% of our business big. They informed us we are entering a new phase where they make it where we don't do business any more. but that won't happen for a year or so. not totally unexpected, but none the less about 2/3 of the way through the meeting i had a "It's gonna be ok cuz when this meeting is over I am gonna cram 1/2 a can of copenhagen in my face" moment. Then I remembered I can't do that anymore and it was 5 seconds of sheer terror. But it went away in the following 10 seconds.

That, my quit brothers, is progress. So, for the small percentage of you that have fewer days quit than me............Stay strong. The bit of news I just got is easily the most profound piece of shit news I have had in 4 years and it only caused 5 seconds of pain. I didn't die or even come close.

KTC is the shit.
Nice work bro!!

Stay strong!
Love the stories guys

I just found out today that the insurance company for the quick oil change place I used - that screwed up the oil change - filter came off - that screwed up a perfect 75k toyota engine on my daughters vehicle doesn't want to pay the $7500 to fix the engine - in fact doesn't want to pay the claim at all -

I did not need a chew for this news - took it like a man - told him I've been quit for 12 days and will not be responsible for future sins. Ya gotta laugh at the triggers. Also - I have been taking the best dumps in a long while - no nic in my crap - no nic in my mouth as I take a crap - or leak - or shower -or drive - or walk - or read- or mowing the lawn - or work up estimates - or work on the computer - or work on the taxes - or talk on the phone - or breath - or watch Survivor (which I missed tonight - so don't tell me anything)

Offline Grizzly25

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« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2012, 02:11:00 PM »
Quote from: rangy96
Just random sharing. Just got out of a meeting with a big 90% of our business big. They informed us we are entering a new phase where they make it where we don't do business any more. but that won't happen for a year or so. not totally unexpected, but none the less about 2/3 of the way through the meeting i had a "It's gonna be ok cuz when this meeting is over I am gonna cram 1/2 a can of copenhagen in my face" moment. Then I remembered I can't do that anymore and it was 5 seconds of sheer terror. But it went away in the following 10 seconds.

That, my quit brothers, is progress. So, for the small percentage of you that have fewer days quit than me............Stay strong. The bit of news I just got is easily the most profound piece of shit news I have had in 4 years and it only caused 5 seconds of pain. I didn't die or even come close.

KTC is the shit.
Nice work bro!!

Stay strong!
"Remember you are either getting better or getting worse, nobody stays the same!" Woody Hayes

"Winning! That's all we do around here brotha! Failure is not an option, remove it as an option and the possibilities are endless...." Bruce317 5-18-2012

"...We'll be heroes or ghosts...But we won't be turned around." Wastepanel 6-15-2012




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Offline rangy96

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« Reply #15 on: March 28, 2012, 12:48:00 PM »
Just random sharing. Just got out of a meeting with a big 90% of our business big. They informed us we are entering a new phase where they make it where we don't do business any more. but that won't happen for a year or so. not totally unexpected, but none the less about 2/3 of the way through the meeting i had a "It's gonna be ok cuz when this meeting is over I am gonna cram 1/2 a can of copenhagen in my face" moment. Then I remembered I can't do that anymore and it was 5 seconds of sheer terror. But it went away in the following 10 seconds.

That, my quit brothers, is progress. So, for the small percentage of you that have fewer days quit than me............Stay strong. The bit of news I just got is easily the most profound piece of shit news I have had in 4 years and it only caused 5 seconds of pain. I didn't die or even come close.

KTC is the shit.

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« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2012, 12:25:00 PM »
Congrats Rangy...and all folks who have replied. I've read it before on here, but it is worth repeating...

You can't change the past. We don't know the future. But you can control what you do right now. So, quit hiding, get tough and start being the person you want to be today...right now.

Stay strong and stay quit, brother!

Offline DW3

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« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2012, 11:12:00 AM »
Quote from: rangy96
Saw that Gunner26 kind of kept an intro thread going where he could post stuff as he moved through the various phases of quit. I liked reading it and it helped me so I am gonna try the same thing.

Day 23 I posted an intro and felt really good. Day 24, 25, 26, and 27 were the worst. I didn't even feel human. Depressed, pissed, mentally sluggish, sad, happy, pissed, pissed and sad. It was by far the worst. I think that when you finally deal with what nicotine is doing to your life, you go through a euphoria stage because the truth will set you free. Then comes reality.......oh my god I can never put that shit that I love in my mouth again. The emotional aspect of dealing with this reality is doing things to me that I have never experienced and I don't know what they are. Nicotine was what I looked forward too. Even when I couldn't do it because of "life's" complications, I could always rest easy knowing that in time, I could have nicotine.

Not anymore. I am sure that this part is what is going to hurt the longest.

I miss you nic bitch. But I fucking hate your sorry slimy ass and all that you are. I will not lose focus on one day at a time and my hate of you and what I am with you in my life will fuel that focus.

I will not use nicotine today.

And finally, thanks to everyone who has responded to something I have posted. It really helps. I have been "taking" a lot from this site and need to start "giving" more. You have shown me that.

Thanks for sharing that rangy, a lot of people will be able to relate to it and will be helped by it. I struggled with that hole in my life for a short while as well. Thats when it's really important to put your blinders on and go one day at a time. Until I did that I was really wrestling with forever and it was wasted energy and bad karma.

For me I also had a short funk at about 70 that was post euphoria, post fear of losing dip forever and just saddness for the years and years I wasted dipping. The lies, missed opportunities etc. After a couple days of moping and a couple days of anger I came to terms with it. It really felt like I had a new beginning complete with a third testicle I didn't know I had. Things have been real solid ever since. Hang in.
Grit and Quit ~ Timpy
Building a relentless, laser-sighted, chrome-plated, heat-seeking, cock-blocking, wolf pack of a quit (with curb feelers), one day at a time.

Offline rgross298

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« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2012, 08:46:00 AM »
Quote from: rangy96
Saw that Gunner26 kind of kept an intro thread going where he could post stuff as he moved through the various phases of quit. I liked reading it and it helped me so I am gonna try the same thing.

Day 23 I posted an intro and felt really good. Day 24, 25, 26, and 27 were the worst. I didn't even feel human. Depressed, pissed, mentally sluggish, sad, happy, pissed, pissed and sad. It was by far the worst. I think that when you finally deal with what nicotine is doing to your life, you go through a euphoria stage because the truth will set you free. Then comes reality.......oh my god I can never put that shit that I love in my mouth again. The emotional aspect of dealing with this reality is doing things to me that I have never experienced and I don't know what they are. Nicotine was what I looked forward too. Even when I couldn't do it because of "life's" complications, I could always rest easy knowing that in time, I could have nicotine.

Not anymore. I am sure that this part is what is going to hurt the longest.

I miss you nic bitch. But I fucking hate your sorry slimy ass and all that you are. I will not lose focus on one day at a time and my hate of you and what I am with you in my life will fuel that focus.

I will not use nicotine today.

And finally, thanks to everyone who has responded to something I have posted. It really helps. I have been "taking" a lot from this site and need to start "giving" more. You have shown me that.

Amazing, heartfelt shit. I'm at Day 25 and fortunately I haven't been hit by this depression yet. Or perhaps I have but I call them funks. I've had funks, but I have NOT had issues with the concept of never having tobacco again.

When the addiction makes me think of tobacco and the routines and lies I used to subscribe to (hey, I could slip away from the family like this and buy a can over here ...), I just get PISSED. Not pissed at anyone or "generally angry", pissed at tobacco.

I read a couple similar posts from brothers this morning talking about unfocused anger and wondering if this stuff goes away. Look guys, GET YOUR ANGER FOCUSED ON THE ASS OF TOBACCO WHERE IT BELONGS. FUCK TOBACCO.

Tobacco won't ever "fix" you, it never has.
