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Re: Its About Time
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2020, 12:09:52 PM »
Do you and would you have the ability to help out with the SSOA/ tracking down the missing/ and/or roll flipping duties in your April 2020 quit group? Any help at all is much appreciated and goes along way when it comes to Brotherhood + Accountability. Thanks in advance!
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Re: Its About Time
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2020, 02:33:12 AM »
Congrats on your early accomplishments on taking down the nic bitch again. I will echo what skol has said, and that is you will be held to a higher standard. Fair or unfair, it's just the way it's going to be. It was like when I was coaching my son in baseball,  he got it tougher than anyone else. Because I knew what he was capable of. Same goes for you. You've been here before and we have seen what you are capable of. Don't throw it away this time and use any and all tools at your disposal to practice NAFAR. We're all here to help. Digits are a pm away. PTBQWYT
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Offline rezmersmash

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Re: Its About Time
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2020, 08:18:08 PM »
Day 6 update. Today was a test. I have hesitated updating a lot of my quit over the past few days because so far it has actually been going alright. I get the cravings and momentary lapses where I will reach down into the door of my truck looking for that tin on my way to or from work that isn’t there. But mostly I’ve been quite the quit ninja just dodging cravings left and right. Felt like a prize fighter all week just bobbing and weaving around my own fucking brain telling me its time for that nicotine fix. To be honest, I’ve been able to look at each day of this first week as a competition. Over the past few years when I would attempt a quit and fail, I could hear myself saying “fuck it.” As in, “fuck it what does it matter?... this one won’t be the one that will get me.” God I don’t think I could count the number of times I’ve told myself that or something similar to justify another trip to the store for that shit. Dumbass. Well this week there has been a lot of “fuck you.” But all solely aimed at the addiction itself. It’s felt great being able to tell the nicotine to go fuck off for once.

One of the reasons that the cravings themselves have been mostly manageable this week is because on days that I work, it is and has always been impossible to chew. So as long as I could make it to and from work without any stops I was in the clear. It also helped tremendously that my wife has been home all week. I’ve never done it around her in the decade we’ve been together. With her knowing all about my quit that made the past few evenings alright. Well today was my day off and I have spent the past several Friday’s sitting in a library for a few hours studying for a professional exam coming up in a couple months. Two of my biggest triggers have always been on two opposite ends of the spectrum. I would feel like I needed a chew when I was bored out of my mind, or when I needed to be the most productive human on the planet. Either way for the past few years my addiction would tell me I couldn’t just sit and relax, nor could I get up and get shit done without dipping. I proved to myself that I could indeed accomplish both of those things today. One more notch on the belt. Looking forward to getting into week two (of many to come) in this quit. Thanks for all of the support. And for all of my fellow April 2020 quitters, keep posting roll, keep up the interaction with each other, keep quitting.

Life itself is but what you deem it.

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Re: Its About Time
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2020, 10:16:23 PM »
By the way I merged your two intro's, only one per member.
Be humble... grow everyday.

I fear I will always be chasing the vortex like a drug. None will be as special as my first hit.


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Re: Years too late
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2020, 10:09:21 PM »
I will hold your ass to the fire, I promise you that.

But guess what, I see a leader for April 2020 emerging.

Get involved, stay involved, the fight is NEVER over.

I will be posting on this site Roll until my last breathe.


Because it saved me.

There is no freaking way I could have broken the chains alone.

I tried... many times.

Step up bro, lead, help, read.

I sent you digits, haven't got yours back...… how bad do you want this??

The answer should be "more than anything.... for me."

No more pussy Rez…… it's time for the best life Rez…. it just keeps getting better everyday brother.

Be humble... grow everyday.

I fear I will always be chasing the vortex like a drug. None will be as special as my first hit.


Offline rezmersmash

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Years too late
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2020, 09:38:50 PM »
From the looks of most of the stories on here most of you have been burdened with this addiction longer than I have. Being 22 years old and in my first year of graduate school I know I want to stop this habbit before I lose complete control of it. It has slowly been getting out of control as I played baseball in college over the past four years and now that it is over I have no "excuse" to keep doing it. I lost my older brother to cancer when I was 15 and I never want to put myself through what he had to endure, and I damn sure dont want to put my family through anymore stress with that word than they have already had to experience. I know it is going to be a long road, but I like that fact that I have to hold myself accountable on here and commit to a promise.

Above was my introduction to this site in 2011. Since then I have graduated from a doctoral program, gotten engaged, married, moved 3 times. All of those milestones and events in my life served as a plan to quit date after I failed so miserably on here. None of them came to fruition. I have had conversations with friends, family and my wife about my continued problem with tobacco but nothing has changed. The addiction got worse than I ever thought I would let it. It has controlled my day to day life over the past 5+ years and I am ashamed of that. That changes now. I had my last dip on the morning of Saturday Dec. 29th 2019. Yes I am a Retread, Yes I caved back in 2011.

What happened?
Why did it happen?
What are you going to do differently this time?

I addressed these in the first day posting roll call but I will post them again and hopefully satisfy any other members who may think less of my quit because I said I would WUPP 8 years ago and failed.

What Happened?
I've got no excuses. I was a pussy. I let my brain and its addiction to nicotine try to kill me. I stopped posting roll after day 4. Trying to think back to 8 years ago I probably thought "I'm good." How dumb is that? Four days in and I thought I had it handled. I also think I downplayed my own addiction because at the time it was a much smaller problem. I know now that in order for me to quit for good I need to treat the following as fact. This is a serious addiction that will kill me.

Why did it happen?
A 22 year old's pride and stupidity. I couldn't admit to myself that I needed to be on this site every day. I couldn't look myself in the mirror and admit that I REALLY had a problem at all. And if I did, I thought I could certainly solve it myself since I've seen other friends quit chew and cigarettes cold turkey without any outside help. This also turned out to be false.

What are you going to do differently this time?
WUPP. EDD. I will be on this site every morning posting roll call. I will use the support of all of you going through the same addiction that I have. I acknowledge and understand that I have an addiction to nicotine that I cannot solve on my own. I have already given out my number to a few members, and received some from other vets and I will use them.

Never Again, For Any Reason
One Day At A Time


Life itself is but what you deem it.

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Re: Its About Time
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2011, 10:32:00 PM »
Quote from: rezmersmash
From the looks of most of the stories on here most of you have been burdened with this addiction longer than I have. Being 22 years old and in my first year of graduate school I know I want to stop this habbit before I lose complete control of it. It has slowly been getting out of control as I played baseball in college over the past four years and now that it is over I have no "excuse" to keep doing it. I lost my older brother to childrens cancer when I was 15 and I never want to put myself through what he had to endure, and I damn sure dont want to put my family through anymore stress with that word than they have already had to experience.  I know it is going to be a long road, but I like that fact that I have to hold myself accountable on here and commit to a promise.
I dipped through college as well (I wrestled) and then had a temporary stoppage that I called a "quit" before I went to graduate school. Like you, I wanted to quit before it got out of control.

However the nic bitch lied to me by telling me I couldn't write papers without her loving support. So I started back up when I went to graduate school. Four years later, I was still finger banging the can and shoveling tobacco into my mouth at a rate that would've scared me shitless only a few years before.

But 117 days ago I quit for good. And the nic bitch lied. You can do serious academic work without her. I'm proving it by writing a paper right now (well, not RIGHT now, before and after i'm done typing here).

Anyway, don't lose years of your life to this fucking addiction. Post roll, keep your promise, repeat. It works.

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Re: Its About Time
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2011, 08:21:00 PM »

You are an addict. Please get straight on this. Nicotine is the most addictive substance in the world. It does not take long to hook you. Now, what we do here is quit. Get in the December group and post roll and get invovled.

Addicts need support---we are here for you.

Pm me if you need anything
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can do without" HD Thoreau

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Re: Its About Time
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2011, 06:41:00 PM »
Quote from: rezmersmash
From the looks of most of the stories on here most of you have been burdened with this addiction longer than I have. Being 22 years old and in my first year of graduate school I know I want to stop this habbit before I lose complete control of it. It has slowly been getting out of control as I played baseball in college over the past four years and now that it is over I have no "excuse" to keep doing it. I lost my older brother to childrens cancer when I was 15 and I never want to put myself through what he had to endure, and I damn sure dont want to put my family through anymore stress with that word than they have already had to experience. I know it is going to be a long road, but I like that fact that I have to hold myself accountable on here and commit to a promise.
An addict is an addict, even if I chewed for 3 years longer than you have lived it doesn't change the fact that we both suffer from the same thing - an addiction to nicotine. If I can help in anyway please ask. Hell, ask anyone on this site and they will help. Welcome.
Quit date 12/10/09

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Re: Its About Time
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2011, 04:44:00 PM »
Glad you decided to admit the addiction early. Pesonally I used tobacco for 2 years before deciding to quit. Not long compared to most guys on here but sure does not take long to get hooked! I started on a deployment in 09 - 10 and swore I would stop when I got home........a year after redeployment I was ninja dipping......had enough of hiding it from my wife......38 days ago I quit! THis site will save your life!
EX ninja dipper!
Felt good to come clean on August 12, 2011

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Re: Its About Time
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2011, 03:34:00 PM »
Quote from: rezmersmash
From the looks of most of the stories on here most of you have been burdened with this addiction longer than I have. Being 22 years old and in my first year of graduate school I know I want to stop this habbit before I lose complete control of it. It has slowly been getting out of control as I played baseball in college over the past four years and now that it is over I have no "excuse" to keep doing it. I lost my older brother to childrens cancer when I was 15 and I never want to put myself through what he had to endure, and I damn sure dont want to put my family through anymore stress with that word than they have already had to experience. I know it is going to be a long road, but I like that fact that I have to hold myself accountable on here and commit to a promise.
Glad you're here man. You are young, but don't let that fool you into thinking that you can just keep chewing until you get older without consequence. You are making a wise decision. You nailed it when you said "excuse" because your addicted brain will come up with all kinds of excuses and ways out of this over the next few days and beyond. Buckle up and get ready for the ride and embrace the pain. It sucks but what comes out in the end is something solid. It does not mean that you will never get sick or that bad shit won't happen to you. This does mean that you are taking you're life back from something that has nothing bad bad to give. It tricked all of us into thinking that we needed it. You don't need it and it sounds like you don't want it. Remember this pain and remember why you are doing this. It'll get hard before it gets easier, but it will get easier. I am jmiah and I am on day 66. You'll get there and beyond as well if you allow yourself the chance. Glad to be quit with someone who wants to save their young life.

candor dat viribus alas
Sincerity gives wings to strength.

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Its About Time
« on: September 18, 2011, 03:02:00 PM »
From the looks of most of the stories on here most of you have been burdened with this addiction longer than I have. Being 22 years old and in my first year of graduate school I know I want to stop this habbit before I lose complete control of it. It has slowly been getting out of control as I played baseball in college over the past four years and now that it is over I have no "excuse" to keep doing it. I lost my older brother to childrens cancer when I was 15 and I never want to put myself through what he had to endure, and I damn sure dont want to put my family through anymore stress with that word than they have already had to experience. I know it is going to be a long road, but I like that fact that I have to hold myself accountable on here and commit to a promise.
Life itself is but what you deem it.