I am back. As you can see, I’ve been a weak ass, trying to quit for 6+ years. Ive posted here, posted on other sites, done my own thing- but none of it worked and eventually I caved.
I always had goals to get to 100 days, quit for life, quit for a month, etc. but none of that matters if I don’t quit for today. Just one day at a time.
I know I can’t do it on my own, so I came here to connect with accountability and brotherhood. I have 350 days without alcohol, all by taking it ODAAT, posting and making connections for accountability. So I’m here to do the same thing. I’m here to be an example to new quitters to not fucking cave like me.
So what happened? Found myself in a vulnerable state with no one to reach out to, so I decided to dip.
What am I going to do differently? Post every damn day and pour myself into the brothers of Dec ‘21 to establish connections so I have a reason outside of myself to fight this battle against dip each and every day, but take it one day at a time.