Author Topic: Time to get ALL my ducks in a row  (Read 14066 times)

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Offline Smeds

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Re: Time to get ALL my ducks in a row
« Reply #55 on: September 13, 2021, 12:26:53 PM »
My 3 answers:

What happened: I had 149 days of stoppage. I had been posting on Reddit on their stop dripping group. There’s not much accountability there, but the Stop Drinking group on Reddit had helped me quit alcohol one day at a time for 351 days. Anyways, my 15 mo old son was in the ER and admitted to the hospital. Since there was only 1 bed I tried to get my wife to go home, knowing I’d cave, but she wouldn’t leave his side- so sure enough I picked up a dip on the way home.

Why did it happen: because I’m a life long addict and dip will always be lurking around the corner to present herself as a stress reliever. I didn’t have anyone to reach out to. I knew I was struggling but didn’t have anyone to text “help me stay quit. Talk me off the ledge.” Which is why I’m here. I know I’m going to get so much shit but I need this place. Obviously. After 149 days quit I was still weak enough to need brothers to lean on. 

How are you going to keep it from happening again: by posting here everyday, by making connections with my quit brothers and texting/ calling them if I even have a slight craving. I knew I was going through a huge craving, but didn’t have anywhere to go for support. So I will work to establish that here. I will also pour my experience out to new guys. It’s not worth it. It’s not worth it to struggle with your quit for 6+ years. Don’t be like me.

I put this in Dec but I'm not sure you saw it so I will copy it here

@sschumann you were here before and caved. Why didn’t you start over here instead of  using Reddit. If the accountability was too much for you I might not be the guy you want around. Lol! PMed you my digits anyway but like I said in the pm build relationships here in your group first.

Thought about coming back, but just posting daily on Reddit was working great for my alcohol quit, and so I decided to post my dip quit on there hoping for the same success. Everything was going good until I hit a life challenge and didn’t have the accountability and brotherhood that this place offers.

So I caved, immediately realized why I caved, and started posting here again.

You get what you put into your quit.

Did you ask for help on Reddit?  Did you have numbers or contacts in case of emergency?  Reddit, this board, and all the contacts and magic that you derive from your quit tools won't do you any good if you decide to walk off and buy a can.  We are all bullets in your arsenal of quit but you have to fucking point the gun and pull the trigger man.

I'm sorry about your son and praying for him.  Own up and realize that if you want to be quit, you've got to close the door on nicotine and be willing to ride the waves of quit.  It's not always good.  It's not always easy.  You're not always inspired.  But when you are practice for this shit.  You have an avenue to stay quit if you pave it.

We can do this man.

“You have an avenue to stay quit if you pave it.”
I like this.

And you’re completely right. I don’t use to choose the right tools, and ultimately I was the one who paved my way to a cave. I do take full responsibility and realize what I did wrong- which is why I’m back here to add to my quit toolbelt.

You're missing a CAVE or two in your story ... not surprised one bit by THAT!  You stacked quite a few days prior to this 150 day failure.  Fucking Reddit quit LOL.  You fail at every location, every time.  What attempt are you up to now?  What excuse do you have at the ready this time?  Pfffffttt.  I've seen this shitty movie a bunch of times. 
« Last Edit: September 13, 2021, 12:30:07 PM by Smeds »
My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are.

Offline sschumann

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Re: Time to get ALL my ducks in a row
« Reply #54 on: September 10, 2021, 06:58:27 AM »
My 3 answers:

What happened: I had 149 days of stoppage. I had been posting on Reddit on their stop dripping group. There’s not much accountability there, but the Stop Drinking group on Reddit had helped me quit alcohol one day at a time for 351 days. Anyways, my 15 mo old son was in the ER and admitted to the hospital. Since there was only 1 bed I tried to get my wife to go home, knowing I’d cave, but she wouldn’t leave his side- so sure enough I picked up a dip on the way home.

Why did it happen: because I’m a life long addict and dip will always be lurking around the corner to present herself as a stress reliever. I didn’t have anyone to reach out to. I knew I was struggling but didn’t have anyone to text “help me stay quit. Talk me off the ledge.” Which is why I’m here. I know I’m going to get so much shit but I need this place. Obviously. After 149 days quit I was still weak enough to need brothers to lean on. 

How are you going to keep it from happening again: by posting here everyday, by making connections with my quit brothers and texting/ calling them if I even have a slight craving. I knew I was going through a huge craving, but didn’t have anywhere to go for support. So I will work to establish that here. I will also pour my experience out to new guys. It’s not worth it. It’s not worth it to struggle with your quit for 6+ years. Don’t be like me.

I put this in Dec but I'm not sure you saw it so I will copy it here

@sschumann you were here before and caved. Why didn’t you start over here instead of  using Reddit. If the accountability was too much for you I might not be the guy you want around. Lol! PMed you my digits anyway but like I said in the pm build relationships here in your group first.

Thought about coming back, but just posting daily on Reddit was working great for my alcohol quit, and so I decided to post my dip quit on there hoping for the same success. Everything was going good until I hit a life challenge and didn’t have the accountability and brotherhood that this place offers.

So I caved, immediately realized why I caved, and started posting here again.

You get what you put into your quit.

Did you ask for help on Reddit?  Did you have numbers or contacts in case of emergency?  Reddit, this board, and all the contacts and magic that you derive from your quit tools won't do you any good if you decide to walk off and buy a can.  We are all bullets in your arsenal of quit but you have to fucking point the gun and pull the trigger man.

I'm sorry about your son and praying for him.  Own up and realize that if you want to be quit, you've got to close the door on nicotine and be willing to ride the waves of quit.  It's not always good.  It's not always easy.  You're not always inspired.  But when you are practice for this shit.  You have an avenue to stay quit if you pave it.

We can do this man.

“You have an avenue to stay quit if you pave it.”
I like this.

And you’re completely right. I don’t use to choose the right tools, and ultimately I was the one who paved my way to a cave. I do take full responsibility and realize what I did wrong- which is why I’m back here to add to my quit toolbelt.

Offline wastepanel

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Re: Time to get ALL my ducks in a row
« Reply #53 on: September 08, 2021, 09:04:07 AM »
My 3 answers:

What happened: I had 149 days of stoppage. I had been posting on Reddit on their stop dripping group. There’s not much accountability there, but the Stop Drinking group on Reddit had helped me quit alcohol one day at a time for 351 days. Anyways, my 15 mo old son was in the ER and admitted to the hospital. Since there was only 1 bed I tried to get my wife to go home, knowing I’d cave, but she wouldn’t leave his side- so sure enough I picked up a dip on the way home.

Why did it happen: because I’m a life long addict and dip will always be lurking around the corner to present herself as a stress reliever. I didn’t have anyone to reach out to. I knew I was struggling but didn’t have anyone to text “help me stay quit. Talk me off the ledge.” Which is why I’m here. I know I’m going to get so much shit but I need this place. Obviously. After 149 days quit I was still weak enough to need brothers to lean on. 

How are you going to keep it from happening again: by posting here everyday, by making connections with my quit brothers and texting/ calling them if I even have a slight craving. I knew I was going through a huge craving, but didn’t have anywhere to go for support. So I will work to establish that here. I will also pour my experience out to new guys. It’s not worth it. It’s not worth it to struggle with your quit for 6+ years. Don’t be like me.

I put this in Dec but I'm not sure you saw it so I will copy it here

@sschumann you were here before and caved. Why didn’t you start over here instead of  using Reddit. If the accountability was too much for you I might not be the guy you want around. Lol! PMed you my digits anyway but like I said in the pm build relationships here in your group first.

Thought about coming back, but just posting daily on Reddit was working great for my alcohol quit, and so I decided to post my dip quit on there hoping for the same success. Everything was going good until I hit a life challenge and didn’t have the accountability and brotherhood that this place offers.

So I caved, immediately realized why I caved, and started posting here again.

You get what you put into your quit.

Did you ask for help on Reddit?  Did you have numbers or contacts in case of emergency?  Reddit, this board, and all the contacts and magic that you derive from your quit tools won't do you any good if you decide to walk off and buy a can.  We are all bullets in your arsenal of quit but you have to fucking point the gun and pull the trigger man.

I'm sorry about your son and praying for him.  Own up and realize that if you want to be quit, you've got to close the door on nicotine and be willing to ride the waves of quit.  It's not always good.  It's not always easy.  You're not always inspired.  But when you are practice for this shit.  You have an avenue to stay quit if you pave it.

We can do this man.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline sschumann

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Re: Time to get ALL my ducks in a row
« Reply #52 on: September 07, 2021, 08:46:00 AM »
My 3 answers:

What happened: I had 149 days of stoppage. I had been posting on Reddit on their stop dripping group. There’s not much accountability there, but the Stop Drinking group on Reddit had helped me quit alcohol one day at a time for 351 days. Anyways, my 15 mo old son was in the ER and admitted to the hospital. Since there was only 1 bed I tried to get my wife to go home, knowing I’d cave, but she wouldn’t leave his side- so sure enough I picked up a dip on the way home.

Why did it happen: because I’m a life long addict and dip will always be lurking around the corner to present herself as a stress reliever. I didn’t have anyone to reach out to. I knew I was struggling but didn’t have anyone to text “help me stay quit. Talk me off the ledge.” Which is why I’m here. I know I’m going to get so much shit but I need this place. Obviously. After 149 days quit I was still weak enough to need brothers to lean on. 

How are you going to keep it from happening again: by posting here everyday, by making connections with my quit brothers and texting/ calling them if I even have a slight craving. I knew I was going through a huge craving, but didn’t have anywhere to go for support. So I will work to establish that here. I will also pour my experience out to new guys. It’s not worth it. It’s not worth it to struggle with your quit for 6+ years. Don’t be like me.

I put this in Dec but I'm not sure you saw it so I will copy it here

@sschumann you were here before and caved. Why didn’t you start over here instead of  using Reddit. If the accountability was too much for you I might not be the guy you want around. Lol! PMed you my digits anyway but like I said in the pm build relationships here in your group first.

Thought about coming back, but just posting daily on Reddit was working great for my alcohol quit, and so I decided to post my dip quit on there hoping for the same success. Everything was going good until I hit a life challenge and didn’t have the accountability and brotherhood that this place offers.

So I caved, immediately realized why I caved, and started posting here again.

Offline Tjschu

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Re: Time to get ALL my ducks in a row
« Reply #51 on: September 07, 2021, 08:21:18 AM »
My 3 answers:

What happened: I had 149 days of stoppage. I had been posting on Reddit on their stop dripping group. There’s not much accountability there, but the Stop Drinking group on Reddit had helped me quit alcohol one day at a time for 351 days. Anyways, my 15 mo old son was in the ER and admitted to the hospital. Since there was only 1 bed I tried to get my wife to go home, knowing I’d cave, but she wouldn’t leave his side- so sure enough I picked up a dip on the way home.

Why did it happen: because I’m a life long addict and dip will always be lurking around the corner to present herself as a stress reliever. I didn’t have anyone to reach out to. I knew I was struggling but didn’t have anyone to text “help me stay quit. Talk me off the ledge.” Which is why I’m here. I know I’m going to get so much shit but I need this place. Obviously. After 149 days quit I was still weak enough to need brothers to lean on. 

How are you going to keep it from happening again: by posting here everyday, by making connections with my quit brothers and texting/ calling them if I even have a slight craving. I knew I was going through a huge craving, but didn’t have anywhere to go for support. So I will work to establish that here. I will also pour my experience out to new guys. It’s not worth it. It’s not worth it to struggle with your quit for 6+ years. Don’t be like me.

I put this in Dec but I'm not sure you saw it so I will copy it here

@sschumann you were here before and caved. Why didn’t you start over here instead of  using Reddit. If the accountability was too much for you I might not be the guy you want around. Lol! PMed you my digits anyway but like I said in the pm build relationships here in your group first.

Offline sschumann

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Re: Time to get ALL my ducks in a row
« Reply #50 on: September 06, 2021, 08:59:18 AM »
My 3 answers:

What happened: I had 149 days of stoppage. I had been posting on Reddit on their stop dripping group. There’s not much accountability there, but the Stop Drinking group on Reddit had helped me quit alcohol one day at a time for 351 days. Anyways, my 15 mo old son was in the ER and admitted to the hospital. Since there was only 1 bed I tried to get my wife to go home, knowing I’d cave, but she wouldn’t leave his side- so sure enough I picked up a dip on the way home.

Why did it happen: because I’m a life long addict and dip will always be lurking around the corner to present herself as a stress reliever. I didn’t have anyone to reach out to. I knew I was struggling but didn’t have anyone to text “help me stay quit. Talk me off the ledge.” Which is why I’m here. I know I’m going to get so much shit but I need this place. Obviously. After 149 days quit I was still weak enough to need brothers to lean on. 

How are you going to keep it from happening again: by posting here everyday, by making connections with my quit brothers and texting/ calling them if I even have a slight craving. I knew I was going through a huge craving, but didn’t have anywhere to go for support. So I will work to establish that here. I will also pour my experience out to new guys. It’s not worth it. It’s not worth it to struggle with your quit for 6+ years. Don’t be like me.

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Re: Time to get ALL my ducks in a row
« Reply #49 on: September 05, 2021, 08:16:13 PM »
I am back. As you can see, I’ve been a weak ass, trying to quit for 6+ years. Ive posted here, posted on other sites, done my own thing- but none of it worked and eventually I caved.   

I always had goals to get to 100 days, quit for life, quit for a month, etc. but none of that matters if I don’t quit for today. Just one day at a time.

I know I can’t do it on my own, so I came here to connect with accountability and brotherhood. I have 350 days without alcohol, all by taking it ODAAT, posting and making connections for accountability. So I’m here to do the same thing. I’m here to be an example to new quitters to not fucking cave like me.

So what happened? Found myself in a vulnerable state with no one to reach out to, so I decided to dip.

What am I going to do differently? Post every damn day and pour myself into the brothers of Dec ‘21 to establish connections so I have a reason outside of myself to fight this battle against dip each and every day, but take it one day at a time.
I'm glad you decided to get your life back. It is going to take work. Reading back through your intro it appears you weren't ready to work for it. Has that changed? Are you ready for sure now? From your past history here, you are going to have to prove it. To everyone. Step 1. Answer those 3 questions in your new group, AND your old group. Dig deep and put some real thought into it. Then remember the answers to those questions every damn day when you wake up, piss, and post your promise on roll. Keep that promise, no matter what, because this site is built on integrity. One day at a time.

Quit with you today.
Set short term achievable goals! there is a reason we talk about one day at a time. Hell in the begining I was looking at the clock saying ok I made it for 5 minutes I will wait for 15 more before I go to the store. Just stay quit for the next 5 min then the next hour then the next day. Then all of a sudden your sitting on a pile of quit! Make yourself accountable to your fellow quitters give them your number and get theirs. Text them call them build a network of quit! My number is a PM away just ask! First you need to be accountable to your old groups answere the 3 questions in every one of them. 1 what happened 2 why did it happen 3 what are you going to do different so it doesn't happen again? Give it some thought and itrospection before you answer.
The Three Questions - an Irish take on them.
“Everything good that has happened to me has happened as a direct result of helping someone else, everything". - Danny Trejo

Offline Tjschu

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Re: Time to get ALL my ducks in a row
« Reply #48 on: September 05, 2021, 07:37:15 PM »
I am back. As you can see, I’ve been a weak ass, trying to quit for 6+ years. Ive posted here, posted on other sites, done my own thing- but none of it worked and eventually I caved.   

I always had goals to get to 100 days, quit for life, quit for a month, etc. but none of that matters if I don’t quit for today. Just one day at a time.

I know I can’t do it on my own, so I came here to connect with accountability and brotherhood. I have 350 days without alcohol, all by taking it ODAAT, posting and making connections for accountability. So I’m here to do the same thing. I’m here to be an example to new quitters to not fucking cave like me.

So what happened? Found myself in a vulnerable state with no one to reach out to, so I decided to dip.

What am I going to do differently? Post every damn day and pour myself into the brothers of Dec ‘21 to establish connections so I have a reason outside of myself to fight this battle against dip each and every day, but take it one day at a time.
I'm glad you decided to get your life back. It is going to take work. Reading back through your intro it appears you weren't ready to work for it. Has that changed? Are you ready for sure now? From your past history here, you are going to have to prove it. To everyone. Step 1. Answer those 3 questions in your new group, AND your old group. Dig deep and put some real thought into it. Then remember the answers to those questions every damn day when you wake up, piss, and post your promise on roll. Keep that promise, no matter what, because this site is built on integrity. One day at a time.

Quit with you today.
Set short term achievable goals! there is a reason we talk about one day at a time. Hell in the begining I was looking at the clock saying ok I made it for 5 minutes I will wait for 15 more before I go to the store. Just stay quit for the next 5 min then the next hour then the next day. Then all of a sudden your sitting on a pile of quit! Make yourself accountable to your fellow quitters give them your number and get theirs. Text them call them build a network of quit! My number is a PM away just ask! First you need to be accountable to your old groups answere the 3 questions in every one of them. 1 what happened 2 why did it happen 3 what are you going to do different so it doesn't happen again? Give it some thought and itrospection before you answer.

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Re: Time to get ALL my ducks in a row
« Reply #47 on: September 05, 2021, 04:16:01 PM »
I am back. As you can see, I’ve been a weak ass, trying to quit for 6+ years. Ive posted here, posted on other sites, done my own thing- but none of it worked and eventually I caved.   

I always had goals to get to 100 days, quit for life, quit for a month, etc. but none of that matters if I don’t quit for today. Just one day at a time.

I know I can’t do it on my own, so I came here to connect with accountability and brotherhood. I have 350 days without alcohol, all by taking it ODAAT, posting and making connections for accountability. So I’m here to do the same thing. I’m here to be an example to new quitters to not fucking cave like me.

So what happened? Found myself in a vulnerable state with no one to reach out to, so I decided to dip.

What am I going to do differently? Post every damn day and pour myself into the brothers of Dec ‘21 to establish connections so I have a reason outside of myself to fight this battle against dip each and every day, but take it one day at a time.
I'm glad you decided to get your life back. It is going to take work. Reading back through your intro it appears you weren't ready to work for it. Has that changed? Are you ready for sure now? From your past history here, you are going to have to prove it. To everyone. Step 1. Answer those 3 questions in your new group, AND your old group. Dig deep and put some real thought into it. Then remember the answers to those questions every damn day when you wake up, piss, and post your promise on roll. Keep that promise, no matter what, because this site is built on integrity. One day at a time.

Quit with you today.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2021, 04:20:59 PM by DaddysJunk »
Quit date: 2/17/21    HOF:5/27/21

The Lord God who created us created us to be free, slave to neither man nor substance. -Athan

“Me not wanting dip was the beginning of me
wanting myself thank you.”
~Nayyquitirah Waquitheed(Stillbrewing)

Offline sschumann

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Re: Time to get ALL my ducks in a row
« Reply #46 on: September 05, 2021, 03:29:03 PM »
I am back. As you can see, I’ve been a weak ass, trying to quit for 6+ years. Ive posted here, posted on other sites, done my own thing- but none of it worked and eventually I caved.   

I always had goals to get to 100 days, quit for life, quit for a month, etc. but none of that matters if I don’t quit for today. Just one day at a time.

I know I can’t do it on my own, so I came here to connect with accountability and brotherhood. I have 350 days without alcohol, all by taking it ODAAT, posting and making connections for accountability. So I’m here to do the same thing. I’m here to be an example to new quitters to not fucking cave like me.

So what happened? Found myself in a vulnerable state with no one to reach out to, so I decided to dip.

What am I going to do differently? Post every damn day and pour myself into the brothers of Dec ‘21 to establish connections so I have a reason outside of myself to fight this battle against dip each and every day, but take it one day at a time.

I'm done with chew

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Re: Time to get ALL my ducks in a row
« Reply #45 on: February 17, 2015, 07:36:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Question, if you were giving advice, Schuman, how would you advise on how to deal with a serial caver on an extreme quitter site?

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Re: Time to get ALL my ducks in a row
« Reply #44 on: February 17, 2015, 02:47:00 PM »
Question, if you were giving advice, Schuman, how would you advise on how to deal with a serial caver on an extreme quitter site?

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Re: Time to get ALL my ducks in a row
« Reply #43 on: December 29, 2014, 01:48:00 PM »
Sschuman, if you have no integrity, being on KTC will not help you quit at all. You chose death. You asked for your name to be inscribed in the Black Book of Death and you got nothing in return. Did you go nuts like your namesake???? (all I see in that link is a guy looking like a fucking asshole smoking a cigarette) You look and sound like a fucking asshole, Sschumann.

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Re: Time to get ALL my ducks in a row
« Reply #42 on: December 29, 2014, 12:37:00 PM »
Quote from: sschumann
Quote from: CC268
Not seeing any post from him today...looks like he caved.
LOL from the looks of it, you have no room to talk...
Nic still has her arm elbow deep up your ass, moving your lips for you.

You're not done yet. That much at least is plain as day. That is what it is. The part that I can't abide by is the fact that you consumed so many other people's time and effort while you briefly pretended to quit. It takes a real special type of asshole to willingly lie right to the faces of those that are trying to help you. I hope you reflect on that bit once or twice as you continue to hump a can.

Offline twballgame9

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Re: Time to get ALL my ducks in a row
« Reply #41 on: December 29, 2014, 10:54:00 AM »
Quote from: Frazzled
Quote from: twballgame9
Quote from: sschumann
Quote from: CC268
Not seeing any post from him today...looks like he caved.
LOL from the looks of it, you have no room to talk...
sschu, where were you yesterday?
He caved.
Missed it on the way back last night. Shit.