Author Topic: Well....finally here....  (Read 2384 times)

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Offline GMunz

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Re: Well....finally here....
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2014, 06:10:00 AM »
Still doing well after 5 days. I've had some intense cravings, but have been so busy at work I was able to shake them. The weekend is scary for sure.....
'Remshot' KODIAK

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Re: Well....finally here....
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2014, 02:59:00 PM »
You say you are pain dude, so join up and stop being in pain. It will suck until it doesn't, then you'll wonder why you ever started. Step up and post roll.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline Dagranger

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Re: Well....finally here....
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2014, 02:18:00 PM »
Super introduction...but where are you now? You need to post roll. Without it your 20th time will be your 21st... Go to the top of this page then click the "community" link, then click the "welcome center" link then click "how to post roll". I'd link them myself but I'm on a cell phone. You've gotten way too much good advice above to flake out.

Offline 30isEnuff

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Re: Well....finally here....
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2014, 08:17:00 AM »
Quote from: landdon
So, each time you try to quit and fail, the next time is harder. You are going against the stream big time my friend. IF you try to do this on your own you will be just a fleeting memory here at KTC. Nobody will remember you or care who you were, and you will someday lose your tongue or jaw or face or all three, and your family will think of you as a week person for not being able to quit something so silly.

BUT if you follow this program and commit to it, and let the KTC brothers help you and you in turn help them, then you my friend are going to make the best decision of your life. Sound good? Adhere to the following:

1. Post roll everyday of your life. No internet? Tough! Reach out to your cave list (see #2). This is the most important part of your quit, and is the cornerstone. You post first thing in the morning. Before doing anything you post roll. I call it Wake n Roll. Wake up and post roll. If you aren't able to commit to posting roll daily then I advise you to stop reading this and just go ahead and buy another can, cause you'll be right back at it a month.

2. Get a few numbers of bros in your quit group who you can call or text should you find yourself ready to cave, or need someone to post roll for you. These guys are there to talk you down. Drinking to much, and out running with the boys, and feel the need to sling some poison in your lip? Call one of your quit bros to talk you down.

Those two steps are the beginning. If you want to quit, and you are willing to follow the program, you will quit. This place will work for you. So, are you willing to commit to it? I hope so. I look forward to seeing you in HOF someday my friend. Good luck to you, and welcome!
Welcome Gmunz.
Glad you could make it today.
We quit everyday. ODAAT. (one day at a time).
You can do this the KTC way.
Read everyday in here, make some friends.
Get real serious about this poison. Know that you're an addict, plain and simple.
Post roll EDD your feet hit the floor
Honor your word
Wake and repeat.

20000 can't be wrong. 'boob'
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

Offline Landdon

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Re: Well....finally here....
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2014, 07:01:00 AM »
So, each time you try to quit and fail, the next time is harder. You are going against the stream big time my friend. IF you try to do this on your own you will be just a fleeting memory here at KTC. Nobody will remember you or care who you were, and you will someday lose your tongue or jaw or face or all three, and your family will think of you as a week person for not being able to quit something so silly.

BUT if you follow this program and commit to it, and let the KTC brothers help you and you in turn help them, then you my friend are going to make the best decision of your life. Sound good? Adhere to the following:

1. Post roll everyday of your life. No internet? Tough! Reach out to your cave list (see #2). This is the most important part of your quit, and is the cornerstone. You post first thing in the morning. Before doing anything you post roll. I call it Wake n Roll. Wake up and post roll. If you aren't able to commit to posting roll daily then I advise you to stop reading this and just go ahead and buy another can, cause you'll be right back at it a month.

2. Get a few numbers of bros in your quit group who you can call or text should you find yourself ready to cave, or need someone to post roll for you. These guys are there to talk you down. Drinking to much, and out running with the boys, and feel the need to sling some poison in your lip? Call one of your quit bros to talk you down.

Those two steps are the beginning. If you want to quit, and you are willing to follow the program, you will quit. This place will work for you. So, are you willing to commit to it? I hope so. I look forward to seeing you in HOF someday my friend. Good luck to you, and welcome!

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Re: Well....finally here....
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2014, 05:37:00 AM »
Learn the plan here. Live the plan here. Don't chump out on your little girls. They will hate their dead Daddy. PM me if you want my #. I understand some stuff about the jaw pains, etc.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

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Re: Well....finally here....
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2014, 12:30:00 AM »
Welcome to the family bro. Great introduction by the way. We've all been there. It's an ugly addiction  it's time to MAN up. FMBM707 nailed it on the head. Read, read, read  exercise. Drink water  read some more. Reach out to us  let down your guard. This quitting thing isn't for the birds. You gotta want it. We will help you if you make yourself available. Here's to a life full of FREEDOM.

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Re: Well....finally here....
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2014, 10:25:00 PM »
Gmunz welcome to being QUIT. Welcome to KTC. There are going to be some BAQ (Bad Ass Quitters) that are going to come on here into your intro and help point you in the right direction.

A couple things:
1.) it's not a habit- it's an addiction. you are a nicotine addict, as we all are on this site
2.) it's going to get worse before it gets better but it will get better
3.) drink A LOT of water, instead of reaching for your spit cup reach for your bottle of clean fresh water- it'll help flush your system and keep you hydrated as you battle the withdrawal
4.) post on your intro- use it as a daily or weekly log so you can revisit it and look back at how bad this shit was

Because you are a dad you need to read this, read it all:

Because you have a scare about having your tongue and jaw cut out read this:

Read everything you can on this site and quit like you mean it every damn day. Use LIVE CHAT, read intros and HOF speeches, post roll every damn day. OWN YOUR QUIT.

PM me if you want my digits. I've been through the mouth issues.

Quit on.

Offline GMunz

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Well....finally here....
« on: September 24, 2014, 10:05:00 PM »
Here I am.....

Three days into probably my 20th "quitting" attempt.....this time, it has to be done...

Ever since 1999.....15 years......Jesus....The bear in the green can has had me by the balls with a vice like grip....unrelenting...

I'm in pain....I can't remember a place that I didn't have a dip in....from the minute I finished my coffee in the morning, until that last late nightcap...

Hell, I can't even remember when all this crap started.....we used to call it "busting a fatty" back in college. Unfortunately, I developed a reputation in the friends circles as being married to my sweet Kodiak. Not really the reputation you want for yourself, as most people realize what a terrible habit it is.....

I've been through about everything probably everyone else has....mouth sores, cavities, crowns, sore throats, etc....going through some jaw soreness right now.....I visit the doctor next week. Praying that it's TMJ or something associated with constant oral movement/spitting. hopefully my mouth is just getting used to being "normal" again....

Needless to say, I'm frightened, but have all the confidence that these are withdrawal symptoms and not lingering effects of long term dipping. My jaw and muscles are more used to having a dip in rather than eating and talking...

I could go on and on, but there's no use dwelling on the situation now...I've had my opportunities to quit and now I'll face the consequences....guilt sometimes overwhelms me, but my wife is very supportive, despite riding my ass for years about quitting....

I have two daughters, 17months and 5 years, and I'd like to be around for them....

Glad I found a place to vent....hopefully someone understands......
'Remshot' KODIAK