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Re: Need Help Please!
« Reply #22 on: July 03, 2012, 12:15:00 PM »
'troll' :scowick:

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Re: Need Help Please!
« Reply #21 on: July 03, 2012, 12:13:00 PM »

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Re: Need Help Please!
« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2012, 12:00:00 PM »
So you don't have the stones? Figures.
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Re: Need Help Please!
« Reply #19 on: July 01, 2012, 11:55:00 AM »
Quote from: H3lpm3st0p
Thank you all for responding sorry I have not responded till now just been real busy. I am probably going to try mint snuff just been trying to find a place locally that sells it, but it looks like I will have to order online. I have been cutting down a lot though which I have been doing now for awhile. Just can't seem to kick it which is why I am most likely going to do mint snuff. Guess I have strong oral fixation. Been trying to change habits though I don't take a chew right after eating anymore and been trying to keep from taking every 3 to four hours by chewing gum, and I have been writing down how many I have in a day to keep track and if I go over the set limit I have set for myself well I start trying to stick to it again. When I first joined I was inspired by all that i read so I really tried to stop cold turkey but then I cracked after 22 hours so then I came up with this new plan that i wrote about earlier. I believe I can do it now but it will have to be gradual cause well what I experienced that 22 hours wasn't pleasant, and I already suffer from a type of depression that I cannot take meds for cause well I do not do well on I tried couple times before and it just makes it worse. Basically the idea is I will extend the time between dips which I am close to doing soon so it will be every 4 to 5 hours and keep extending till I am not allowed any, and hopefully with the gum and mint snuff I can accelerate my time table I came up with be like all you wonderful people who have kill the can. I am not sure how this works either for help and support do i just add the people that have responded to my post as friends for some sort of support systems cause I am a little confused on that, because i thought I had to completely stop before I did that if someone can help me understand how this works I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks again for helping.
Man, you are making this way, way more complicated than it has to be.

1. Flush all remaining tobacco products down the toilet

2. Post roll in the October 2012 HOF group that you won't use nicotine today.

3. Quit today, repeat tomorrow.

You can buy whatever the hell you want for the oral fixation. I chewed coffee grounds and tea for the first couple of weeks. I use the fake chew (smokey mountain) and chew a crapload of gum (I buy the 180 piece bags at target). Other use seeds, atomic fireballs, hard candy, whatever it takes to keep dip out of your mouth.

If you want this, and I mean REALLY want this, then flush that shit now and quit. It's been done by thousands of us here and it can be done, but you have to have the stones to do it. We can't give you balls, only you can.
Quit date 03/24/2012
HOF date 07/01/2012

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Re: Need Help Please!
« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2012, 10:59:00 AM »
Quote from: redtrain14
Here's what I read.....

"I am too busy and have too much drama in my life to save myself".

"I was hoping this would be easy, please show me the easy way out."

If you put forth no effort, you will get nothing in return for results.

Good luck sir, you will need it.
Redtrain boils it down to the true basics. He is spot on.

H3, life lesson #1: you get what you pay for. You want freedom? You gotta be willing to pay the price. We aren't here to foot the bill, we are here to make sure you get the biggest bang for you buck.
*Quit today. Full stop. No qualifiers. Tomorrow?... IDK, IDC.

Offline raiderx

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Re: Need Help Please!
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2012, 10:22:00 AM »
1. I am Adan of the scaling back approach if done properly. The best way is to get hooch or smokey mountain and mix with the real. Every week increase fake and decrease real up to a set quit date
2. If this is what we wish to do then you should not post anything here until you are ready to go nic free. This is a cold turkey, tough lover site. It would not be far to others who have gone cold turkey and it is a little disrepctful.
3. Finally I do encourage you to continue to visit and read everything you can this site has many great resources

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Re: Need Help Please!
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2012, 10:18:00 AM »
Wt57 is right on - your story is very familiar to every quitter on this site because we all spent a huge chunk of our lives rationalizing our addiction.

I read your post and think "This guy is miserable":

First, you are torturing yourself because like most dippers you are filled with self-loathing because of your addiction. The only cure for self loathing is to quit and not look back.

Second, all that stuff about changing your habits, cutting back, etc. is slow torture.

The day before I quit (17 days ago) I almost talked myself out of quitting with this equally lame excuse - "it's the start of the wildfire season. I can't work a fire all day or go to a campaign fire without dipping. I'll just quit in the fall." I am so glad I finally did not give in my excuses.

Yesterday, I responded to three brush fires here in the valley and didn't even think about a chew until I got back to the station - fortunately, in my locker I had a can of smokey mountain to get me through the craving.

The point is - you will never quit until you finally realize that the only good time to quit is right this minute.

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Re: Need Help Please!
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2012, 10:18:00 AM »
Here's what I read.....

"I am too busy and have too much drama in my life to save myself".

"I was hoping this would be easy, please show me the easy way out."

If you put forth no effort, you will get nothing in return for results.

Good luck sir, you will need it.

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Re: Need Help Please!
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2012, 09:44:00 AM »
Hey everything you said is addict bullshit start at th beginning of my intro My good cave and read it all the way through you sound a lot like the whining addict I was on march 28th. You have my # use it! Text me or call but also prepare to get ripped a new one if you are still using! As for the depression if you read my intro you will see what nicotine can do for depression, call I'll tell ya how bad nicotine reacted to my depression. Quit being a pussy Quit!

Side note: Grizzlydipper18 here is a good opportunity for you to recruit. Tell him your story. Bring him in it will strengthen both of you.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
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Re: Need Help Please!
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2012, 09:40:00 AM »
Alright here I go I have been chewing for around 18 years and really want to stop. I have Quit so many times before that I have lost count and I always end up coming full circle and dipping again. I am to the point that everyday I pray to God to either help me stop or just take my life so I can watch over family and friends because I am so sick of being a failed loser cause I can't stop and want to. I will also let you know that there is more going on than just my dipping addiction I got let go from my family business over a year ago supposedly so i wouldn't get stuck working there even though I had worked there off and on for over 15 years. But my family in all there wisdom figured since I was the only real college graduate that worked there that I had a shot having a great career in Graphic design, 3D animation, or at the very least a brilliant photographer. Well that hasn't worked out to well except for occasional free lance work. The point in bringing this up is it attributes to why I can't stop and feel like such a failure both in life and with not being able to quit. There is more to the story as well such as the love of my life getting injured at the end of are schooling and the couples years after I graduated where I tried to help her with her pain issues which basically sent me into dipping heaven so to speak. Then she just left and at first I quit dipping and was working out 5 times a week working full time for family and was auditing classes to continue my pursuit of my animation career. Basically I was trying to win her back so i did all that for 4 months and finally got my face to face with her and was told well I am happy for you but I am in a dark place. Great right all for not I guess which sent me somewhat down back into a depressed state but I managed to go a couple of months after that not dipping but then I cracked and started the vicious cycle all over again. I as mentioned before things for me got worse with losing my job with my family at no fault of my own mind you. Anyway that is the brief background with where I am at and why I need help desperately. I am tired of feeling like a pathetic loser for not being able to stop and I figured while I practice my skills that I went to school for and hunt for work that maybe I could try yes once again to finally stop this gross disgusting addiction which is killing me and now just making me feel worse and worse about myself like I need anymore of that in my life. Please help me I am in real need of it I will try anything.
Dude... With that much going on in your life your gonna need more help than you can get here.. We are here to help you stop dipping! With your relational issues.. seriously find an Al Anon group somewhere local.. I go to AA too.. they know A LOT about drinking and how to stop! They don't know shit about keeping a relationship together! Here we know a hell of a lot about dipping and tobacco..  some of us know a hell of a lot about stopping.. you want to stop dipping - here is the place.. But seriously man ( I will take shit for saying this) if you think you are really going to pull the trigger... eat a can dip first! then lets talk some more.. DO not create a permanent solution for a temporary problem.. Gooch... PM me and I will send you my phone number..

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Re: Need Help Please!
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2012, 08:00:00 AM »
Quote from: Wedgie
Quote from: H3lpm3st0p
Thank you all for responding sorry I have not responded till now just been real busy. I am probably going to try mint snuff just been trying to find a place locally that sells it, but it looks like I will have to order online. I have been cutting down a lot though which I have been doing now for awhile. Just can't seem to kick it which is why I am most likely going to do mint snuff. Guess I have strong oral fixation. Been trying to change habits though I don't take a chew right after eating anymore and been trying to keep from taking every 3 to four hours by chewing gum, and I have been writing down how many I have in a day to keep track and if I go over the set limit I have set for myself well I start trying to stick to it again. When I first joined I was inspired by all that i read so I really tried to stop cold turkey but then I cracked after 22 hours so then I came up with this new plan that i wrote about earlier. I believe I can do it now but it will have to be gradual cause well what I experienced that 22 hours wasn't pleasant, and I already suffer from a type of depression that I cannot take meds for cause well I do not do well on I tried couple times before and it just makes it worse. Basically the idea is I will extend the time between dips which I am close to doing soon so it will be every 4 to 5 hours and keep extending till I am not allowed any, and hopefully with the gum and mint snuff I can accelerate my time table I came up with be like all you wonderful people who have kill the can. I am not sure how this works either for help and support do i just add the people that have responded to my post as friends for some sort of support systems cause I am a little confused on that, because i thought I had to completely stop before I did that if someone can help me understand how this works I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks again for helping.
You want help right? You asked for help, even your name asks for help.

Let me give you the only help you are going to get here, plain and simple: here, there is no slowing down, only quitting. Flush your cans, post roll with us, keep your promise, use the tools provided to help, grin and bear the suck, and save your life.

If you can't do that, then we can't cater to the "help" you are looking for. We know that withdrawl is "unpleasant", otherwise you and I wouldn't be addicts. We have all been there and gone through withdrawl. You aren't special. So unless you are willing to quit like we quit, endure the pain for a couple of days, I suggest you go find a nice quiet corner to keep shoving that poison in your mouth.

Otherwise, grow a pair of balls and follow scowicks lead. He laid out the path for you.

There's your help.
PS. "Busy" is an excuse. If you can't make time to post Roll everyday, you will lose.

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Re: Need Help Please!
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2012, 07:39:00 AM »
Quote from: H3lpm3st0p
Thank you all for responding sorry I have not responded till now just been real busy. I am probably going to try mint snuff just been trying to find a place locally that sells it, but it looks like I will have to order online. I have been cutting down a lot though which I have been doing now for awhile. Just can't seem to kick it which is why I am most likely going to do mint snuff. Guess I have strong oral fixation. Been trying to change habits though I don't take a chew right after eating anymore and been trying to keep from taking every 3 to four hours by chewing gum, and I have been writing down how many I have in a day to keep track and if I go over the set limit I have set for myself well I start trying to stick to it again. When I first joined I was inspired by all that i read so I really tried to stop cold turkey but then I cracked after 22 hours so then I came up with this new plan that i wrote about earlier. I believe I can do it now but it will have to be gradual cause well what I experienced that 22 hours wasn't pleasant, and I already suffer from a type of depression that I cannot take meds for cause well I do not do well on I tried couple times before and it just makes it worse. Basically the idea is I will extend the time between dips which I am close to doing soon so it will be every 4 to 5 hours and keep extending till I am not allowed any, and hopefully with the gum and mint snuff I can accelerate my time table I came up with be like all you wonderful people who have kill the can. I am not sure how this works either for help and support do i just add the people that have responded to my post as friends for some sort of support systems cause I am a little confused on that, because i thought I had to completely stop before I did that if someone can help me understand how this works I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks again for helping.
You want help right? You asked for help, even your name asks for help.

Let me give you the only help you are going to get here, plain and simple: here, there is no slowing down, only quitting. Flush your cans, post roll with us, keep your promise, use the tools provided to help, grin and bear the suck, and save your life.

If you can't do that, then we can't cater to the "help" you are looking for. We know that withdrawl is "unpleasant", otherwise you and I wouldn't be addicts. We have all been there and gone through withdrawl. You aren't special. So unless you are willing to quit like we quit, endure the pain for a couple of days, I suggest you go find a nice quiet corner to keep shoving that poison in your mouth.

Otherwise, grow a pair of balls and follow scowicks lead. He laid out the path for you.

There's your help.

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Re: Need Help Please!
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2012, 06:53:00 AM »
Quote from: H3lpm3st0p
Just can't seem to kick it which is why I am most likely going to do mint snuff. Guess I have strong oral fixation

Addict talk
When I first joined I was inspired by all that i read so I really tried to stop cold turkey but then I cracked after 22 hours so then I came up with this new plan that i wrote about earlier

Addict talk...plan 3.1.8
I believe I can do it now but it will have to be gradual cause well what I experienced that 22 hours wasn't pleasant, and I already suffer from a type of depression that I cannot take meds for cause well I do not do well on I tried couple times before and it just makes it worse. Basically the idea is I will extend the time between dips which I am close to doing soon so it will be every 4 to 5 hours and keep extending till I am not allowed any, and hopefully with the gum and mint snuff I can accelerate my time table I came up with be like all you wonderful people who have kill the can.
Addict talk

How do I know? I am an addict. Do you know why this is so hard? It is not because you have an oral fixation. It is not because you are a unique and special butterfly and are different from the rest of us.

It is because YOU are ADDICTED to nicotine JUST like the rest of US. You want to know how to QUIT? Follow the ADVICE of an ADDICT who is QUIT.

Step 1. Read this:

Step 2. Post roll here: index.php?showtopic=6639

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Re: Need Help Please!
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2012, 04:48:00 AM »
Thank you all for responding sorry I have not responded till now just been real busy. I am probably going to try mint snuff just been trying to find a place locally that sells it, but it looks like I will have to order online. I have been cutting down a lot though which I have been doing now for awhile. Just can't seem to kick it which is why I am most likely going to do mint snuff. Guess I have strong oral fixation. Been trying to change habits though I don't take a chew right after eating anymore and been trying to keep from taking every 3 to four hours by chewing gum, and I have been writing down how many I have in a day to keep track and if I go over the set limit I have set for myself well I start trying to stick to it again. When I first joined I was inspired by all that i read so I really tried to stop cold turkey but then I cracked after 22 hours so then I came up with this new plan that i wrote about earlier. I believe I can do it now but it will have to be gradual cause well what I experienced that 22 hours wasn't pleasant, and I already suffer from a type of depression that I cannot take meds for cause well I do not do well on I tried couple times before and it just makes it worse. Basically the idea is I will extend the time between dips which I am close to doing soon so it will be every 4 to 5 hours and keep extending till I am not allowed any, and hopefully with the gum and mint snuff I can accelerate my time table I came up with be like all you wonderful people who have kill the can. I am not sure how this works either for help and support do i just add the people that have responded to my post as friends for some sort of support systems cause I am a little confused on that, because i thought I had to completely stop before I did that if someone can help me understand how this works I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks again for helping.

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Re: Need Help Please!
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2012, 07:31:00 PM »
Get some mint snuff