Author Topic: New Guy  (Read 5234 times)

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Offline Gunner26

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Re: New Guy
« Reply #44 on: January 19, 2012, 03:53:00 AM »
Documenting my days events... Oral Surgery: Had one of my upper front teeths root removed, then had my gum slit open and a titanium implant inserted, packed with synthetic bone and stitched back up and covered with silly puddy type substance so no shit gets in there. Good thing is I am quit and if I wasn't I would have compromised my health and the implant by getting an infection by shoving some poisonous black shit in my mouth to take the edge off. What a fuckin moron! Yup would have done it... No doubt...But not today...Thank you, yes you, you, you and you!


Offline Gunner26

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Re: New Guy
« Reply #43 on: January 15, 2012, 03:23:00 AM »
I don't know what it is but the fact that some of our brothers in March keep popping in and out of roll posting like it's a choir is starting to piss me off... its likes a slap in the face... me personally... i don't take slaps to the face that well!!!! I understand the odd day once and awhile but come on don't keep disrespecting the rest of us.
My Peace out.

'Finger' 'finger point'

Offline Keddy

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Re: New Guy
« Reply #42 on: January 12, 2012, 02:10:00 PM »
Quote from: Gunner26
Thanks Keddy! I truly appreciate your support... It helps.
My feelings as of today are be honest I just want to forget about the nasty little bitch. She is still consuming my every second thought .... Shit I don't think I thought about dip this much when I did dip, of course I did I know that. Now here's the thing... yes I think about it.. yes I have triggers/craves and yes I realize I basically lost parts of 23 years of my life... I am now enjoying those missed parts everyday... I know over confidence is not good and complacency will get you a veteran beat down accompanied by verbal chastising but Keddy right now I feel great one f***** day at time! Yes I do have my moments but those moments seem to be diminishing slowly... I am Quit... Bottom line. Thanks again.
Hey, Man, celebrate the victories!!! But just don't forget that the battle isn't over. Confidence is a great asset to your quit, provided it is located in the right place. You can be confident about the tools you have built and the support of this site. This is potent stuff. You cannot be confident in your abilities alone. Quitting is not a "lone wolf" sport; we need each other.

I rarely think about dip now (after 444 days of being quit); only occasionally. You are reprogramming your mind to experience reality without the crap. It takes a while.

Every time you beat down a crave, you get stronger. You're at the place now where giving the nic bitch the finger and derisively laughing at her attempts goes a long way. When I get a crave, I smile, say "fuck you," sometimes audibly and then I turn my back.

All the stuff your are going through right now, Gunner, is normal and HEALTHY!! You are learning to be you all over again . . . the real you!

Nice job!!!

These two links may help:



Offline Gunner26

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Re: New Guy
« Reply #41 on: January 12, 2012, 12:14:00 PM »
Thanks Keddy! I truly appreciate your support... It helps.
My feelings as of today are be honest I just want to forget about the nasty little bitch. She is still consuming my every second thought .... Shit I don't think I thought about dip this much when I did dip, of course I did I know that. Now here's the thing... yes I think about it.. yes I have triggers/craves and yes I realize I basically lost parts of 23 years of my life... I am now enjoying those missed parts everyday... I know over confidence is not good and complacency will get you a veteran beat down accompanied by verbal chastising but Keddy right now I feel great one f***** day at time! Yes I do have my moments but those moments seem to be diminishing slowly... I am Quit... Bottom line. Thanks again.

Offline Keddy

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Re: New Guy
« Reply #40 on: January 12, 2012, 10:10:00 AM »
Nice four weeks of Quit, Gunner! One day at a time; no exceptions!

Offline Gunner26

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Re: New Guy
« Reply #39 on: January 12, 2012, 03:11:00 AM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: Gunner26
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: Gunner26
Ok I just wanted to put this out there.... This is inspired by my fallen comrade Texasfireman93. I was a ninja dipper and yes unfortunately I am a ninja quitter! Now if I die I will just disappear there will be no sister, aunt, uncle, wife, red headed step child or anyone for that matter coming on here to say thank you or say goodbye or ask for donations... It won't happen...So after ooooh let's say 15 days ...if after 15 days I am MIA, please quit for me for one day. This is my word that I will never disappear forever unless I am dead, thus this is also my good bye if such an unfortunate incident does indeed fall upon my soul. I will try to post from the dead but I can not gaurantee anything. Cheers!
You know how we quit here. There is no forever. There is no never. We quit one day at a time. If you want your legacy to continue than stay involved and support the folks around you. If you give someone a shoulder to lean you'll be a part of their quit and their experience in getting to freedom.

Keep up the good fight bud.
Ummm but uhhh in the context in which I used never and forever should be acceptable? No? I will always quit one day at a time but if I never post again it will be forever cuz I will be dead!
Gunner26 out
:wacko: :blink: :wacko: :blink:
Sounded like you were making a "quit forever" pledge. My apologies.

So if you disappear for two weeks I should assume you are dead and quit that day. Got it. I'm good.
'40' That is exactly what I was trying to say! '40'

Offline Souliman

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Re: New Guy
« Reply #38 on: January 11, 2012, 09:26:00 PM »
Quote from: Gunner26
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: Gunner26
Ok I just wanted to put this out there.... This is inspired by my fallen comrade Texasfireman93. I was a ninja dipper and yes unfortunately I am a ninja quitter! Now if I die I will just disappear there will be no sister, aunt, uncle, wife, red headed step child or anyone for that matter coming on here to say thank you or say goodbye or ask for donations... It won't happen...So after ooooh let's say 15 days ...if after 15 days I am MIA, please quit for me for one day. This is my word that I will never disappear forever unless I am dead, thus this is also my good bye if such an unfortunate incident does indeed fall upon my soul. I will try to post from the dead but I can not gaurantee anything. Cheers!
You know how we quit here. There is no forever. There is no never. We quit one day at a time. If you want your legacy to continue than stay involved and support the folks around you. If you give someone a shoulder to lean you'll be a part of their quit and their experience in getting to freedom.

Keep up the good fight bud.
Ummm but uhhh in the context in which I used never and forever should be acceptable? No? I will always quit one day at a time but if I never post again it will be forever cuz I will be dead!
Gunner26 out
:wacko: :blink: :wacko: :blink:
Sounded like you were making a "quit forever" pledge. My apologies.

So if you disappear for two weeks I should assume you are dead and quit that day. Got it. I'm good.

Offline Gunner26

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Re: New Guy
« Reply #37 on: January 11, 2012, 08:51:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: Gunner26
Ok I just wanted to put this out there.... This is inspired by my fallen comrade Texasfireman93. I was a ninja dipper and yes unfortunately I am a ninja quitter! Now if I die I will just disappear there will be no sister, aunt, uncle, wife, red headed step child or anyone for that matter coming on here to say thank you or say goodbye or ask for donations... It won't happen...So after ooooh let's say 15 days ...if after 15 days I am MIA, please quit for me for one day. This is my word that I will never disappear forever unless I am dead, thus this is also my good bye if such an unfortunate incident does indeed fall upon my soul. I will try to post from the dead but I can not gaurantee anything. Cheers!
You know how we quit here. There is no forever. There is no never. We quit one day at a time. If you want your legacy to continue than stay involved and support the folks around you. If you give someone a shoulder to lean you'll be a part of their quit and their experience in getting to freedom.

Keep up the good fight bud.
Ummm but uhhh in the context in which I used never and forever should be acceptable? No? I will always quit one day at a time but if I never post again it will be forever cuz I will be dead!
Gunner26 out
:wacko: :blink: :wacko: :blink:

Offline Souliman

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Re: New Guy
« Reply #36 on: January 11, 2012, 07:17:00 AM »
Quote from: Gunner26
Ok I just wanted to put this out there.... This is inspired by my fallen comrade Texasfireman93. I was a ninja dipper and yes unfortunately I am a ninja quitter! Now if I die I will just disappear there will be no sister, aunt, uncle, wife, red headed step child or anyone for that matter coming on here to say thank you or say goodbye or ask for donations... It won't happen...So after ooooh let's say 15 days ...if after 15 days I am MIA, please quit for me for one day. This is my word that I will never disappear forever unless I am dead, thus this is also my good bye if such an unfortunate incident does indeed fall upon my soul. I will try to post from the dead but I can not gaurantee anything. Cheers!
You know how we quit here. There is no forever. There is no never. We quit one day at a time. If you want your legacy to continue than stay involved and support the folks around you. If you give someone a shoulder to lean you'll be a part of their quit and their experience in getting to freedom.

Keep up the good fight bud.

Offline Gunner26

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Re: New Guy
« Reply #35 on: January 10, 2012, 10:18:00 PM »
Ok I just wanted to put this out there.... This is inspired by my fallen comrade Texasfireman93. I was a ninja dipper and yes unfortunately I am a ninja quitter! Now if I die I will just disappear there will be no sister, aunt, uncle, wife, red headed step child or anyone for that matter coming on here to say thank you or say goodbye or ask for donations... It won't happen...So after ooooh let's say 15 days ...if after 15 days I am MIA, please quit for me for one day. This is my word that I will never disappear forever unless I am dead, thus this is also my good bye if such an unfortunate incident does indeed fall upon my soul. I will try to post from the dead but I can not gaurantee anything. Cheers!

Offline Gunner26

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Re: New Guy
« Reply #34 on: January 07, 2012, 02:47:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: Gunner26
Friday night just got off work and this is for sure the worst f***** night in awhile... This craving sucks hind tit!!! F***** brutal.... I am a f***** addict!! Just wanted to log this... Cuz wow I am in full on I deserve a dip mode... How f***** up is that!!!  'bang head'  'finger point'
You give your word today Gunner? You put your word down that you are quit with the rest of your brothers and sisters?
'lift' 'jj' 'nhl'

Sure did...

Offline Souliman

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Re: New Guy
« Reply #33 on: January 07, 2012, 08:36:00 AM »
Quote from: Gunner26
Friday night just got off work and this is for sure the worst f***** night in awhile... This craving sucks hind tit!!! F***** brutal.... I am a f***** addict!! Just wanted to log this... Cuz wow I am in full on I deserve a dip mode... How f***** up is that!!! 'bang head' 'finger point'
You give your word today Gunner? You put your word down that you are quit with the rest of your brothers and sisters?

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Re: New Guy
« Reply #32 on: January 07, 2012, 08:11:00 AM »
Quote from: Gunner26
Friday night just got off work and this is for sure the worst f***** night in awhile... This craving sucks hind tit!!! F***** brutal.... I am a f***** addict!! Just wanted to log this... Cuz wow I am in full on I deserve a dip mode... How f***** up is that!!! 'bang head' 'finger point'
One Day at a time--beat your head against the wall--do whatever you have to do, but no cancer turd.
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can do without" HD Thoreau

Offline Gunner26

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Re: New Guy
« Reply #31 on: January 07, 2012, 03:13:00 AM »
Friday night just got off work and this is for sure the worst f***** night in awhile... This craving sucks hind tit!!! F***** brutal.... I am a f***** addict!! Just wanted to log this... Cuz wow I am in full on I deserve a dip mode... How f***** up is that!!! 'bang head' 'finger point'

Offline Tsmith17

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Re: New Guy
« Reply #30 on: January 07, 2012, 12:10:00 AM »
Quote from: PMac
Today is day 19 for me Gunner. I've had a headache for about 18.5 days or so. The more water I drink the better my headache gets (especially with salty as hell seeds). Seriously get a water bottle or cup and drink until you are peeing every hour at least. Mostly mine is just a dull nagging pound above my eyes. If it gets worse to the point I can't work at the office then I take ibuprofen. Drink water and take ibuprofen as needed and you'll be fine. While you're at it tell the bitch to fuck off.
PMac is right. Headaches sucked for me real bad too. I was starting to think that they would never go away. They will though. Drink lots of water! Stay quit brother.