Author Topic: Starting now  (Read 3979 times)

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Offline Keddy

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #29 on: April 18, 2012, 09:17:00 AM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: you
I have personally experienced quitting for months to then break down and start again.  I have read about others with the same history.

Why do you think a person would go back after pretty much beating the physical and emotional habit of dipping.  I would be curios of anyone's perspective - it may help me and others.

I am day 8 so I have a way to go - but just read another post of someone who quit for 6 months and then when back.

The combination of a trigger or a romantic memory with the idea that they will have just one.

Then the law of addiction is applied. The law of physiological addiction states that administration of a drug to an addict will cause reestablishment of the dependence on that substance. I didn't write that law. I don't execute that law. My job is much simpler than that. All I do is interpret the law. This means, by taking a chew, the dipper either goes back to full-fledged dipping or goes through the withdrawal process associated with quitting. Most don't opt for the withdrawal.
Let me add to the good stuff that Scowick just wrote.

Early in our quits we are vulnerable because of the power of the addiction as Scowick has explained. The addiction will always be there and we need to guard against it although the struggles of the immediacy of quitting diminish.

The word, "guard," is very important. Most quitters who fail, having been off the stuff for a longer period of time, fail because of complacency. They stop guarding their quits; they stop posting roll and quitting is no longer a priority. That's just when the nicBitch pounces.

Keep involved in this site and post roll every day; keep serious about your quit, and you will succeed.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #28 on: April 18, 2012, 05:57:00 AM »
Quote from: you
I have personally experienced quitting for months to then break down and start again. I have read about others with the same history.

Why do you think a person would go back after pretty much beating the physical and emotional habit of dipping. I would be curios of anyone's perspective - it may help me and others.

I am day 8 so I have a way to go - but just read another post of someone who quit for 6 months and then when back.

The combination of a trigger or a romantic memory with the idea that they will have just one.

Then the law of addiction is applied. The law of physiological addiction states that administration of a drug to an addict will cause reestablishment of the dependence on that substance. I didn't write that law. I don't execute that law. My job is much simpler than that. All I do is interpret the law. This means, by taking a chew, the dipper either goes back to full-fledged dipping or goes through the withdrawal process associated with quitting. Most don't opt for the withdrawal.

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #27 on: April 18, 2012, 05:29:00 AM »
I have personally experienced quitting for months to then break down and start again. I have read about others with the same history.

Why do you think a person would go back after pretty much beating the physical and emotional habit of dipping. I would be curios of anyone's perspective - it may help me and others.

I am day 8 so I have a way to go - but just read another post of someone who quit for 6 months and then when back.


Offline Wt57

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #26 on: April 16, 2012, 01:15:00 AM »
Quote from: Flake7
Just found this site tonight. Reading some of the titles of the threads and this one caught me. Like the OP, I have chosen to spend some of my free time chewing instead of spending time with my wife (she has no idea that I chew). We have only been married a short while, but we are already having all kinds of problems.

I would like to tell you a little bit about how I got here. During college my roomates (3/5) were big chew guys and often went through a can or two a day. I hardly ever did it with them, maybe one or two chews a month when we were drinking. However, in my last year of college my friends introduced me to the camel suns and I started doing that pretty much every time we went out drinking. Well, I graduated college and completly forgot about the snus and went on to medical school. Life here at school is stressful in a way I can't even describe, so what did I do in the first semester of medical school? On a lonely Saturday night I decided to stop at the local gas station a pick up a can of skol wintergreen pouches. The logical thing to do as a medical student right? The sad thing is that I can tell you pretty much everything that nicotine and tobacco do to the human body.

Everything was going great. I had this great new study buddy on my lonely nights in the library. No doubt, tobacco helps me sit there for hours on end and what a great thing to make me want to go study, tobacco. It turned into more than that. I have found myself not spending time with my wife, even the nights I don't have to study. We have grown apart and even talked about divorce.

I have decided now is the time to stop. I have only been chewing for about two years but the days I go without it, it's all I can think about. I have my medical boards coming up this summer, going to be one of the most stressful times of my life, but I need to do it.

Anybody out there with some advice on where to start?
Flake I sent you a pm awhile ago check it out. There is only one time to quit that is today and every day from now on.
Go to the welcome center read how to post roll, you will be in July quitters.
It sucks to shake the bitch but all of us are doing it together. As for your wife can't help but maybe you've been avoiding her to be with the bitch. Hell I kept my secret lid from my wife for years, even when she did find out I promised the relationship was over even though it wasn't the lies never end lies are never good in a marriage.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline Flake7

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #25 on: April 16, 2012, 12:59:00 AM »
Just found this site tonight. Reading some of the titles of the threads and this one caught me. Like the OP, I have chosen to spend some of my free time chewing instead of spending time with my wife (she has no idea that I chew). We have only been married a short while, but we are already having all kinds of problems.

I would like to tell you a little bit about how I got here. During college my roomates (3/5) were big chew guys and often went through a can or two a day. I hardly ever did it with them, maybe one or two chews a month when we were drinking. However, in my last year of college my friends introduced me to the camel suns and I started doing that pretty much every time we went out drinking. Well, I graduated college and completly forgot about the snus and went on to medical school. Life here at school is stressful in a way I can't even describe, so what did I do in the first semester of medical school? On a lonely Saturday night I decided to stop at the local gas station a pick up a can of skol wintergreen pouches. The logical thing to do as a medical student right? The sad thing is that I can tell you pretty much everything that nicotine and tobacco do to the human body.

Everything was going great. I had this great new study buddy on my lonely nights in the library. No doubt, tobacco helps me sit there for hours on end and what a great thing to make me want to go study, tobacco. It turned into more than that. I have found myself not spending time with my wife, even the nights I don't have to study. We have grown apart and even talked about divorce.

I have decided now is the time to stop. I have only been chewing for about two years but the days I go without it, it's all I can think about. I have my medical boards coming up this summer, going to be one of the most stressful times of my life, but I need to do it.

Anybody out there with some advice on where to start?

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #24 on: April 15, 2012, 09:57:00 AM »
Quote from: you
Wanted to share with you the benefit of no more dip. Going to hardware store, grocery store, home depot etc., etc. on the weekends used to be a great reason to dip. In fact, as I am sure many of you have done, I would make up shit that I needed to get at these places, typically go sit in the parking lot play on my phone, listen to the radio and dip my freaken face off.

Also I forgot to mention that my kids would always ask to come with me - but of course that would ruin the whole trip, so I would quickly depart and leave them at home.

Well yesterday - the first Saturday of my quit - I spent the entire morning with my kids, running errands, playing out side, took them to lunch and man did we have a ball. Quitting nicotine sucks - but what really sucks are the 10 years I missed spending time with my kids on weekends- because I was a selfish fool.

Fucking tobacco - you do not realize it but if it lets you live it takes your life away, or it just decides to up and kill you - either way you are dead!

It is a rainy, nasty Sunday outside - I can't wait to have the best Sunday with my kids in 10 years!
great post! Freedom from addict behavior is the reward we reap for being strong enough to remain quit. Enjoy your freedom, protect your quit.
Fish, eat, sleep. Repeat.
quit date 2/10/12
HOF date 5/19/12
1 Year 2/10/13
2 Years 2/10/14
8th Floor 4/19/14

Offline Wt57

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #23 on: April 15, 2012, 09:32:00 AM »
Quote from: usmc6048
Quote from: you
Wanted to share with you the benefit of no more dip.  Going to hardware store, grocery store, home depot etc., etc. on the weekends used to be a great reason to dip.  In fact, as I am sure many of you have done, I would make up shit that I needed to get at these places, typically go sit in the parking lot play on my phone, listen to the radio and dip my freaken face off.

Also I forgot to mention that my kids would always ask to come with me - but of course that would ruin the whole trip, so I would quickly depart and leave them at home.

Well yesterday - the first Saturday of my quit - I spent the entire morning with my kids, running errands, playing out side, took them to lunch and man did we have a ball.  Quitting nicotine sucks - but what really sucks are the 10 years I missed spending time with my kids on weekends- because I was a selfish fool. 

Fucking tobacco - you do not realize it but if it lets you live it takes your life away, or it just decides to up and kill you  - either way you are dead!

It is a rainy, nasty Sunday outside - I can't wait to have the best Sunday with my kids in 10 years!
Kids are powerful man! My son asked all the time when "was I quitting the gross stuff" and one day I found him spitting in a bottle to be like me. Its been 50 days for me, but the most important peice of advice I can give is post roll and take it one day at a time. Dont think about qutting forever, just quit for today then repeat. Welcome man, let me know if you need anything.
I agree don't think further than today it (the bitch) will screw with your mind. Every time you have a crave think how much you love those kids, and want to be with them always.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline usmc6048

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #22 on: April 15, 2012, 07:03:00 AM »
Quote from: you
Wanted to share with you the benefit of no more dip. Going to hardware store, grocery store, home depot etc., etc. on the weekends used to be a great reason to dip. In fact, as I am sure many of you have done, I would make up shit that I needed to get at these places, typically go sit in the parking lot play on my phone, listen to the radio and dip my freaken face off.

Also I forgot to mention that my kids would always ask to come with me - but of course that would ruin the whole trip, so I would quickly depart and leave them at home.

Well yesterday - the first Saturday of my quit - I spent the entire morning with my kids, running errands, playing out side, took them to lunch and man did we have a ball. Quitting nicotine sucks - but what really sucks are the 10 years I missed spending time with my kids on weekends- because I was a selfish fool.

Fucking tobacco - you do not realize it but if it lets you live it takes your life away, or it just decides to up and kill you - either way you are dead!

It is a rainy, nasty Sunday outside - I can't wait to have the best Sunday with my kids in 10 years!
Kids are powerful man! My son asked all the time when "was I quitting the gross stuff" and one day I found him spitting in a bottle to be like me. Its been 50 days for me, but the most important peice of advice I can give is post roll and take it one day at a time. Dont think about qutting forever, just quit for today then repeat. Welcome man, let me know if you need anything.
QD - 25 Feb 2012

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #21 on: April 15, 2012, 06:57:00 AM »
Wanted to share with you the benefit of no more dip. Going to hardware store, grocery store, home depot etc., etc. on the weekends used to be a great reason to dip. In fact, as I am sure many of you have done, I would make up shit that I needed to get at these places, typically go sit in the parking lot play on my phone, listen to the radio and dip my freaken face off.

Also I forgot to mention that my kids would always ask to come with me - but of course that would ruin the whole trip, so I would quickly depart and leave them at home.

Well yesterday - the first Saturday of my quit - I spent the entire morning with my kids, running errands, playing out side, took them to lunch and man did we have a ball. Quitting nicotine sucks - but what really sucks are the 10 years I missed spending time with my kids on weekends- because I was a selfish fool.

Fucking tobacco - you do not realize it but if it lets you live it takes your life away, or it just decides to up and kill you - either way you are dead!

It is a rainy, nasty Sunday outside - I can't wait to have the best Sunday with my kids in 10 years!

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #20 on: April 14, 2012, 05:44:00 PM »
I am :ph43r: and i am proud. Way to quit again. 1 day at a time.

Offline Wt57

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #19 on: April 12, 2012, 12:28:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: you
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: you
the only reason I am posting is because I feel bad about myself and those that reached out to me day 1.  Believe me I thought about just not posting and forgetting this site
Stay quit or haul ass. Your choice. If you fuck up again do not bother posting again. This pisses me off. Upon your request, I will be your quit Sherpa, but I demand 100% full compliance. This is not a game. Shoot me a pm if you wish. We will crush this.

You can do this. It is simply a choice...and you must choose to suffer for some time to regain your freedom. What are you willing to do for freedom?

Read this index.php?showtopic=3861
Alright my previous post is harsh. I now see that. That said, this is not a place for failure. I am an addict so i choose to hang around quitters and not cavers. Why? I dont ever want to use again. I will always protect the quit. So, stay and quit or leave. Now, If you want to quit i will help you. I will most definitely.

Start reading the words of wisdom. The section is full of unbelievable nuggets of goodness. As you read, if you connect with someone seek them out. They will help you.

Now, kick some ass 1 day at a time. You can do this.
OK - day two - lomg car ride today - but no nic. It is great to make that decison up front rather than every fucking mile of 120 mile car trip!
Great job. 1 moment at a time.
Hey you got my contact info too! No excuses get back in here and remember how f--kn bad it sucks to let your quit buddies down let alone letting yourself down. You can't be that big of a pussy.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #18 on: April 12, 2012, 12:14:00 PM »
Quote from: you
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: you
the only reason I am posting is because I feel bad about myself and those that reached out to me day 1.  Believe me I thought about just not posting and forgetting this site
Stay quit or haul ass. Your choice. If you fuck up again do not bother posting again. This pisses me off. Upon your request, I will be your quit Sherpa, but I demand 100% full compliance. This is not a game. Shoot me a pm if you wish. We will crush this.

You can do this. It is simply a choice...and you must choose to suffer for some time to regain your freedom. What are you willing to do for freedom?

Read this index.php?showtopic=3861
Alright my previous post is harsh. I now see that. That said, this is not a place for failure. I am an addict so i choose to hang around quitters and not cavers. Why? I dont ever want to use again. I will always protect the quit. So, stay and quit or leave. Now, If you want to quit i will help you. I will most definitely.

Start reading the words of wisdom. The section is full of unbelievable nuggets of goodness. As you read, if you connect with someone seek them out. They will help you.

Now, kick some ass 1 day at a time. You can do this.
OK - day two - lomg car ride today - but no nic. It is great to make that decison up front rather than every fucking mile of 120 mile car trip!
Great job. 1 moment at a time.

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2012, 06:37:00 AM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: you
the only reason I am posting is because I feel bad about myself and those that reached out to me day 1.  Believe me I thought about just not posting and forgetting this site
Stay quit or haul ass. Your choice. If you fuck up again do not bother posting again. This pisses me off. Upon your request, I will be your quit Sherpa, but I demand 100% full compliance. This is not a game. Shoot me a pm if you wish. We will crush this.

You can do this. It is simply a choice...and you must choose to suffer for some time to regain your freedom. What are you willing to do for freedom?

Read this index.php?showtopic=3861
Alright my previous post is harsh. I now see that. That said, this is not a place for failure. I am an addict so i choose to hang around quitters and not cavers. Why? I dont ever want to use again. I will always protect the quit. So, stay and quit or leave. Now, If you want to quit i will help you. I will most definitely.

Start reading the words of wisdom. The section is full of unbelievable nuggets of goodness. As you read, if you connect with someone seek them out. They will help you.

Now, kick some ass 1 day at a time. You can do this.
OK - day two - lomg car ride today - but no nic. It is great to make that decison up front rather than every fucking mile of 120 mile car trip!

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2012, 11:09:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: you
the only reason I am posting is because I feel bad about myself and those that reached out to me day 1.  Believe me I thought about just not posting and forgetting this site
Stay quit or haul ass. Your choice. If you fuck up again do not bother posting again. This pisses me off. Upon your request, I will be your quit Sherpa, but I demand 100% full compliance. This is not a game. Shoot me a pm if you wish. We will crush this.

You can do this. It is simply a choice...and you must choose to suffer for some time to regain your freedom. What are you willing to do for freedom?

Read this index.php?showtopic=3861
Alright my previous post is harsh. I now see that. That said, this is not a place for failure. I am an addict so i choose to hang around quitters and not cavers. Why? I dont ever want to use again. I will always protect the quit. So, stay and quit or leave. Now, If you want to quit i will help you. I will most definitely.

Start reading the words of wisdom. The section is full of unbelievable nuggets of goodness. As you read, if you connect with someone seek them out. They will help you.

Now, kick some ass 1 day at a time. You can do this.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2012, 10:41:00 PM »
Quote from: you
the only reason I am posting is because I feel bad about myself and those that reached out to me day 1. Believe me I thought about just not posting and forgetting this site
Stay quit or haul ass. Your choice. If you fuck up again do not bother posting again. This pisses me off. Upon your request, I will be your quit Sherpa, but I demand 100% full compliance. This is not a game. Shoot me a pm if you wish. We will crush this.

You can do this. It is simply a choice...and you must choose to suffer for some time to regain your freedom. What are you willing to do for freedom?

Read this index.php?showtopic=3861