Author Topic: Starting now  (Read 3978 times)

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #14 on: April 11, 2012, 10:07:00 PM »
Quote from: SWJ
Quote from: Dumbass
I am on day one...again - I fell short of 24 hours and gave in to the craving - the only reason I am posting is because I feel bad about myself and those that reached out to me day 1.  Believe me I thought about just not posting and forgetting this site - and I can anticipate the comments that will probably come from this - but this is what I earned.

To have the feeling of emotional let down,  I see the power of what this community has and realize I will need it to quit- I feel like I let down some friends after only one day and a few simple e-mails.

I will post roll call - and I understand that it may take a few days of my real quit before folks believe....but I can do this and I will.  I am now about 20 hours since I caved - I will post roll call tomorrow am and officially hit day 1 for the last time.

You fucked up and are going to hear it from a lot of dudes over the next few days.

Believe me, I know.

There's a lot of good news buried in this shit though, so listen up and rock it this time.

Plus, check your inbox.

I'm coming at you.
**Nice name change there SW**

You better get your shit in order. The is a big difference between Can do and Will do.

Do you have the character and fortitude to do this? You damn sure had it to start stuffing your face.

Show us what you got.

Failure is not an option.
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Re: Starting now
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2012, 09:34:00 PM »
Is this the NiceGuy person from the chat the other night?
Day 1: February 28, 2012
Day 100: June 5, 2012

Negative. I am a meat popsicle.

The force is STRONG with this one.

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2012, 04:27:00 PM »
Last night was my first night without a dip. It was tough, but I made it. I was sweating in a 69 degree bedroom, shaking. I rolled over and over, but finally I fell asleep. This morning wasn't too bad, but it's all about finding things to take your mind off of it.

You can do it, repeat.

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2012, 04:18:00 PM »
Quote from: Zam
Anyone "can" quit. At KTC, we DO quit. Show us you mean it and post roll TODAY.
'clap' absofuckinlutely ... You get it brother ... No Truer Words could be Spoken ...
No Chew Crue - Cliff's Big Brother Jack

B.ig B.rother J.ack

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2012, 04:09:00 PM »
Quote from: Zam
Quote from: you
I am on day one...again - I fell short of 24 hours and gave in to the craving - the only reason I am posting is because I feel bad about myself and those that reached out to me day 1.  Believe me I thought about just not posting and forgetting this site - and I can anticipate the comments that will probably come from this - but this is what I earned.

To have the feeling of emotional let down,  I see the power of what this community has and realize I will need it to quit- I feel like I let down some friends after only one day and a few simple e-mails.

I will post roll call - and I understand that it may take a few days of my real quit before folks believe....but I can do this and I will.  I am now about 20 hours since I caved - I will post roll call tomorrow am and officially hit day 1 for the last time.
You'll post tomorrow? Tomorrow!!?? WTF? Why tomorrow? Is there some super good reason to wait until tomorrow to post roll? If the reason is good enough to keep you from posting today, it will be good enough to keep you from posting a couple of days from now.


On a side note: the deserved beat-down and forthcoming discussion of your commitment to quitting that will come after you dragging your ass back to the group is WORTH IT!! It will keep your mind of of dip. It will help you to realize what it will take to quit. It will help you to decide if you are serious about quitting.

As your user name suggest, you can do it. But you didn't. Anyone "can" quit. At KTC, we DO quit. Show us you mean it and post roll TODAY.
Fair comments on "you can do it" quote - my take was I was going to post day one when I had really not dipped for over 24 hours - but to your point - do not have to wait -thanks, I can show my commitment today, tomorrow and the next

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2012, 04:03:00 PM »
Quote from: you
I am on day one...again - I fell short of 24 hours and gave in to the craving - the only reason I am posting is because I feel bad about myself and those that reached out to me day 1.  Believe me I thought about just not posting and forgetting this site - and I can anticipate the comments that will probably come from this - but this is what I earned.

To have the feeling of emotional let down,  I see the power of what this community has and realize I will need it to quit- I feel like I let down some friends after only one day and a few simple e-mails.

I will post roll call - and I understand that it may take a few days of my real quit before folks believe....but I can do this and I will.  I am now about 20 hours since I caved - I will post roll call tomorrow am and officially hit day 1 for the last time.
You'll post tomorrow? Tomorrow!!?? WTF? Why tomorrow? Is there some super good reason to wait until tomorrow to post roll? If the reason is good enough to keep you from posting today, it will be good enough to keep you from posting a couple of days from now.


On a side note: the deserved beat-down and forthcoming discussion of your commitment that will come after you dragg your ass back to the group is WORTH IT!! It will keep your mind off of dip. It will help you to realize what it will take to quit. It will help you to decide if you are serious about quitting, or just looking to make mom happy.

As your user name suggests, you can do it. But you didn't. Anyone "can" quit. At KTC, we DO quit. Show us you mean it and post roll TODAY.
*Quit today. Full stop. No qualifiers. Tomorrow?... IDK, IDC.

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2012, 03:57:00 PM »
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: SWJ
Quote from: Dumbass
I am on day one...again - I fell short of 24 hours and gave in to the craving - the only reason I am posting is because I feel bad about myself and those that reached out to me day 1.  Believe me I thought about just not posting and forgetting this site - and I can anticipate the comments that will probably come from this - but this is what I earned.

To have the feeling of emotional let down,  I see the power of what this community has and realize I will need it to quit- I feel like I let down some friends after only one day and a few simple e-mails.

I will post roll call - and I understand that it may take a few days of my real quit before folks believe....but I can do this and I will.  I am now about 20 hours since I caved - I will post roll call tomorrow am and officially hit day 1 for the last time.

You fucked up and are going to hear it from a lot of dudes over the next few days.

Believe me, I know.

There's a lot of good news buried in this shit though, so listen up and rock it this time.

Plus, check your inbox.

I'm coming at you.
If anyone will understand how tough this is it would be the guys on this site and in these groups!

I can see some guys giving you a mulligan and realizing you must be being honest otherwise why would you come back and own up to it after 1 day and caving!

I can understand how this worked for you and also can understand that you are NOW FULLY COMMITED...... but you will need to show the group that commitment. the way to show that will be to post everyday and really dive into this quit and not cave a second time.....

I am from the May group and I can help you and am here if you need someone to talk you off the ledge so to speak just send me a PM and we can trade the numbers and help you thru what will be the single toughest fight of your life!

Quit on quiter!
Yeah - I will post roll call tomorrow - and probably spend the rest of the night just trying to figure out how. tomorrow am is first roll call!

Offline Grizzly25

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2012, 03:49:00 PM »
Quote from: SWJ
Quote from: Dumbass
I am on day one...again - I fell short of 24 hours and gave in to the craving - the only reason I am posting is because I feel bad about myself and those that reached out to me day 1.  Believe me I thought about just not posting and forgetting this site - and I can anticipate the comments that will probably come from this - but this is what I earned.

To have the feeling of emotional let down,  I see the power of what this community has and realize I will need it to quit- I feel like I let down some friends after only one day and a few simple e-mails.

I will post roll call - and I understand that it may take a few days of my real quit before folks believe....but I can do this and I will.  I am now about 20 hours since I caved - I will post roll call tomorrow am and officially hit day 1 for the last time.

You fucked up and are going to hear it from a lot of dudes over the next few days.

Believe me, I know.

There's a lot of good news buried in this shit though, so listen up and rock it this time.

Plus, check your inbox.

I'm coming at you.
If anyone will understand how tough this is it would be the guys on this site and in these groups!

I can see some guys giving you a mulligan and realizing you must be being honest otherwise why would you come back and own up to it after 1 day and caving!

I can understand how this worked for you and also can understand that you are NOW FULLY COMMITED...... but you will need to show the group that commitment. the way to show that will be to post everyday and really dive into this quit and not cave a second time.....

I am from the May group and I can help you and am here if you need someone to talk you off the ledge so to speak just send me a PM and we can trade the numbers and help you thru what will be the single toughest fight of your life!

Quit on quiter!
"Remember you are either getting better or getting worse, nobody stays the same!" Woody Hayes

"Winning! That's all we do around here brotha! Failure is not an option, remove it as an option and the possibilities are endless...." Bruce317 5-18-2012

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2012, 03:35:00 PM »
Quote from: Dumbass
I am on day one...again - I fell short of 24 hours and gave in to the craving - the only reason I am posting is because I feel bad about myself and those that reached out to me day 1.  Believe me I thought about just not posting and forgetting this site - and I can anticipate the comments that will probably come from this - but this is what I earned.

To have the feeling of emotional let down,  I see the power of what this community has and realize I will need it to quit- I feel like I let down some friends after only one day and a few simple e-mails.

I will post roll call - and I understand that it may take a few days of my real quit before folks believe....but I can do this and I will.  I am now about 20 hours since I caved - I will post roll call tomorrow am and officially hit day 1 for the last time.

You fucked up and are going to hear it from a lot of dudes over the next few days.

Believe me, I know.

There's a lot of good news buried in this shit though, so listen up and rock it this time.

Plus, check your inbox.

I'm coming at you.
Quit Date: 03/13/12
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Re: Starting now
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2012, 03:29:00 PM »
I am on day one...again - I fell short of 24 hours and gave in to the craving - the only reason I am posting is because I feel bad about myself and those that reached out to me day 1. Believe me I thought about just not posting and forgetting this site - and I can anticipate the comments that will probably come from this - but this is what I earned.

To have the feeling of emotional let down, I see the power of what this community has and realize I will need it to quit- I feel like I let down some friends after only one day and a few simple e-mails.

I will post roll call - and I understand that it may take a few days of my real quit before folks believe....but I can do this and I will. I am now about 20 hours since I caved - I will post roll call tomorrow am and officially hit day 1 for the last time.

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2012, 10:15:00 AM »
Quote from: you
Just had my last dip this am, fealt as shitty as the last 20 years of dips and for some reason I loved that terrible feeling. I did not know it would be my last as I actually bought two cans- time to go out to the car (which I will do after my post) and through the crap out.

My 100 days will be right before my daughters birthday in August - great motivation.

I will tell myself just give it 15 minutes. I just hope I can be happy and not put my family throught the terrible moodswings. Funny part is I have been putting them through these mood swings all my life.

Can't wait to ask my son to go to Hoome Depot with me - instead of trying to convince him to do something else so daddy can sneak a did.

What an ass - I am done!
Welcome You!
Congrats on now being quit. Jonathan gave you everything you need, post roll, reach out to other quitters and help them, read. You will get through the pain and fog. Way to go You! I quit with you today brother. Shout if you need anything.
Fish, eat, sleep. Repeat.
quit date 2/10/12
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Re: Starting now
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2012, 09:45:00 AM »
Congratulations on your decision. It's one you will never regret. But don't be fooled - quitting is not for pussies. It takes balls, determination and a relentless disdain for the nic bitch who's been nagging at you all this time. But if you use the tools you have at your disposal, you can be successful.

Here's everything you need to know about this site:

We quit one day at a time by making a promise each morning that we will not use tobacco IN ANY FORM (dip, cigarettes, cigars, snus or patches/gum) for the day. We stay quit for the day, go to bed and wake up and do the same thing. You make your promise by "posting roll."

The Welcome Center tells you all the basics of how things work around here. WhoDey also has taken the time to develop very informative, step-by-step Instructions for Posting Roll to help guide you through posting your promise for the first few days.

Some asides:

1) We don't "try" to quit, or tell others "good luck" in their quits. Again, it's about determination and balls.

2) We don't take kindly to folks who just drop in every couple of days and post. Posting every day is the whole point of why we are here. It's about accountability.

3) Reach out to your brothers via private message and exchange phone numbers. First, this allows you a contact to post roll for you if you can't get to a computer. But more importantly, it allows you a brother to reach out to whenever you get a bad craving or need someone to talk to.

4) Lastly, it is wise to develop a quit plan so you'll know exactly how to handle situations that may arise during your quit.
Telling that dirty whore to fuck off since 2/21/2012. You can do it too. Just stop being a pussy and do it.

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Re: Starting now
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2012, 09:06:00 AM »
Quote from: you
Just had my last dip this am, fealt as shitty as the last 20 years of dips and for some reason I loved that terrible feeling. I did not know it would be my last as I actually bought two cans- time to go out to the car (which I will do after my post) and through the crap out.

My 100 days will be right before my daughters birthday in August - great motivation.

I will tell myself just give it 15 minutes.  I just hope I can be happy and not put my family throught the terrible moodswings.  Funny part is I have been putting them through these mood swings all my life.

Can't wait to ask my son to go to Hoome Depot with me - instead of trying to convince him to do something else so daddy can sneak a did.

What an ass - I am done!
Good job you can do it yes you can and so can I 1 fricking day at a time. Watch your inbox I'll send ya intro to me
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Starting now
« on: April 09, 2012, 08:53:00 AM »
Just had my last dip this am, fealt as shitty as the last 20 years of dips and for some reason I loved that terrible feeling. I did not know it would be my last as I actually bought two cans- time to go out to the car (which I will do after my post) and through the crap out.

My 100 days will be right before my daughters birthday in August - great motivation.

I will tell myself just give it 15 minutes. I just hope I can be happy and not put my family throught the terrible moodswings. Funny part is I have been putting them through these mood swings all my life.

Can't wait to ask my son to go to Hoome Depot with me - instead of trying to convince him to do something else so daddy can sneak a did.

What an ass - I am done!