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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #144 on: October 07, 2014, 11:25:00 PM »
Quote from: hawkeyerunner
There's also a rodeo gear page, but buying from people who are so far away that shipping is needed makes me nervous. I got a new helmet that way, someone with a head as big as mine only used it once and only wanted $75.

(Surprise, surprise, I've got a big head, eh?)
Yeah I would definitely make sure the seller used paypal or something similar. I have seen several cases where someone would send money and never receive their saddle or whatever it was. Normally saddles

When you stop quitting hard, you forget how hard it was.

"When will you put the arrogance and ignorance aside and choose to live and to live with honor and integrity. It's the best fucking feeling in the world. It beats the shit out of feeling like a loser caver. It beats the shit out of knowing that you are nic's bitch. It beats the shit out of getting cancer and dying. This is really hard shit and you have to attack it with a vengeance. Get after it January. Quit like fuck" ~ Bronc

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #143 on: October 07, 2014, 11:16:00 PM »
There's also a rodeo gear page, but buying from people who are so far away that shipping is needed makes me nervous. I got a new helmet that way, someone with a head as big as mine only used it once and only wanted $75.

(Surprise, surprise, I've got a big head, eh?)

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #142 on: October 07, 2014, 11:14:00 PM »
Quote from: hawkeyerunner
Sweet! A pen at home is awesome to have, I got spoiled as a kid and had one right there. I've seen them posted for sale on my county's Facebook garage sale. Ever check there? Used gear is the best, already broken in and no worries if the paint gets scratched up.
No we haven't really looked yet but that is a good idea

When you stop quitting hard, you forget how hard it was.

"When will you put the arrogance and ignorance aside and choose to live and to live with honor and integrity. It's the best fucking feeling in the world. It beats the shit out of feeling like a loser caver. It beats the shit out of knowing that you are nic's bitch. It beats the shit out of getting cancer and dying. This is really hard shit and you have to attack it with a vengeance. Get after it January. Quit like fuck" ~ Bronc

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #141 on: October 07, 2014, 11:12:00 PM »
Sweet! A pen at home is awesome to have, I got spoiled as a kid and had one right there. I've seen them posted for sale on my county's Facebook garage sale. Ever check there? Used gear is the best, already broken in and no worries if the paint gets scratched up.

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #140 on: October 07, 2014, 10:55:00 PM »
Quote from: hawkeyerunner
Broken axels suck! That's really cool you're learning to heel for him, husband-wife teams do really well since you guys are on the same vibe. It really seems to help when you know the person well. Like, I heel better with my brothers since I don't need to really look at them to know what they're doing. But, newcomers in need of a heeler at the last minute don't fare as well with me.

Is there a way for you to practice from home? There's a really cool dummy target on wheels that can be pulled behind 4-wheelers that some of my friends have, the legs kick out and everything too. Those are excellent for practicing.
Yeah we have been talking about trying to build a pen soon, but I don't know yet. Hubby got a new job so we should be able to get the trailer fixed and start hauling up and down the road again soon.

When you stop quitting hard, you forget how hard it was.

"When will you put the arrogance and ignorance aside and choose to live and to live with honor and integrity. It's the best fucking feeling in the world. It beats the shit out of feeling like a loser caver. It beats the shit out of knowing that you are nic's bitch. It beats the shit out of getting cancer and dying. This is really hard shit and you have to attack it with a vengeance. Get after it January. Quit like fuck" ~ Bronc

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #139 on: October 07, 2014, 10:51:00 PM »
Broken axels suck! That's really cool you're learning to heel for him, husband-wife teams do really well since you guys are on the same vibe. It really seems to help when you know the person well. Like, I heel better with my brothers since I don't need to really look at them to know what they're doing. But, newcomers in need of a heeler at the last minute don't fare as well with me.

Is there a way for you to practice from home? There's a really cool dummy target on wheels that can be pulled behind 4-wheelers that some of my friends have, the legs kick out and everything too. Those are excellent for practicing.

Forgot to add, ranch rodeos are a riot! Depending on the crowd they can be more fun than when there's big prizes on the line.

Speaking of prize money, it's going to be sweeeeet to win some and not go blow it on cigars afterwards.

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #138 on: October 07, 2014, 10:47:00 PM »
Menace - Dip dreams almost a year later is crazy dude! I've had dip dreams every night since quitting and they are no fun at all, and the cold sweat is nasty. Yeah, I completely get what you're saying on romanticizing dipping - I've got five brothers and dipping was like a milestone for manhood or something between us and our friends...really stupid, but that's how my family, friends, and I act.

You bring up a really good point, I get cocky and I don't want to get it in my head that I can "have just one" a week, month, year later...I know I'll be back at a can a day. I really do need to learn to hate it, because right now I'm very happy to not be spending money on it and extremely proud of going 4 days without it....but part of me still wishes I could do it. I realize that I absolutely can't do it again, but the desire to dip is still there. I have every reason in the world to hate it, but I'm not there yet.

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #137 on: October 07, 2014, 10:43:00 PM »
Quote from: hawkeyerunner
Whaaat? You're learning to heel too? I'm a lefty, so my friends roped me into it (pun totally intended). I'm really struggling with the whole hand-eye cordination thing, my aim is terrible so far. Working with a practice dummy helps, but once speed is added in, the aim goes out the window. How about for you?

I do saddle bronc as my main event, a little bit of bulldogging and bulls if I'm feeling crazy. But roping and sorting are going to be my "retirement" events, and that's not too far away.

I guess making the fake stuff mint flavored would be easier than trying to make fake tobacco flavoring. It would probably turn out like how artificial banana flavoring tastes - like crap!

Well, my horse Rocky loves alfalfa and he was definitely right about sugar cubes being awesome - so maybe alfalfa is tasty too?
My husband is a really good header so I want to be able to heel for him. I haven't got to practice in a few months due to finances and a broken trailer axle. My aim is ok as long as we aren't going super fast. But yeah it's definitely a work in progress. I have also done ranch rodeos a few times when I'm feeling froggy.

When you stop quitting hard, you forget how hard it was.

"When will you put the arrogance and ignorance aside and choose to live and to live with honor and integrity. It's the best fucking feeling in the world. It beats the shit out of feeling like a loser caver. It beats the shit out of knowing that you are nic's bitch. It beats the shit out of getting cancer and dying. This is really hard shit and you have to attack it with a vengeance. Get after it January. Quit like fuck" ~ Bronc

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #136 on: October 07, 2014, 10:38:00 PM »
Whaaat? You're learning to heel too? I'm a lefty, so my friends roped me into it (pun totally intended). I'm really struggling with the whole hand-eye cordination thing, my aim is terrible so far. Working with a practice dummy helps, but once speed is added in, the aim goes out the window. How about for you?

I do saddle bronc as my main event, a little bit of bulldogging and bulls if I'm feeling crazy. But roping and sorting are going to be my "retirement" events, and that's not too far away.

I guess making the fake stuff mint flavored would be easier than trying to make fake tobacco flavoring. It would probably turn out like how artificial banana flavoring tastes - like crap!

Well, my horse Rocky loves alfalfa and he was definitely right about sugar cubes being awesome - so maybe alfalfa is tasty too?

Offline Menace

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #135 on: October 07, 2014, 10:36:00 PM »
I'm going to give you my 2 cents even if you don't want it. First off congrats on 4 days or whatever you are at now. You keep posting how easy it has been for you, but be cautious with that because the nicotine whore is sneaky. You need to learn to hate the f$%ing nicotine whore dude or you are going to fall flat on your face. You keep talking about being a cowboy and how everyone dips, like putting cat turds in your lip is romantic or something. I'm not a cowboy but I am an addict just like you and dipping 16-18 hours a day (read when I was awake) was as normal for me as eating and drinking. When I first came here, I glamorized dip as well and thought it was a love affair. I learned there is no love affair and all she wanted was my $$$$$$ and didn't care about anything else. As for easy, yesterday was easy. I am 322 in today and had a dip dream just the other night. The nicotine whore is patient and she will lurk and come at you when you least expect it. As for the hard core attitude on here, well that is because we, the collective KTC have seen every excuse, every BS story, etc. etc. that is known to mankind when it comes to dipping and BS will be called when it is needed. Stay the course, post roll, tighten the belt and get ready to ride the Bronc of your life Hawk, because this will be your toughest rodeo. I'll quit with you today. Lets do it again tomorrow.


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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #134 on: October 07, 2014, 10:30:00 PM »
Quote from: hawkeyerunner
Forgot to add that Fast Draw is a lot of fun. Ever try Cowboy Mounted Shooting? It gets pretty crazy trying to hit those targets.
I haven't tried the mounted shooting yet. I don't have the equipment. I have thought about it but am currently learning to heel for my husband and try to focus on one thing at a time. Lol
But yes I love shooting fast draw. It's a blast. (No pun intended.)

When you stop quitting hard, you forget how hard it was.

"When will you put the arrogance and ignorance aside and choose to live and to live with honor and integrity. It's the best fucking feeling in the world. It beats the shit out of feeling like a loser caver. It beats the shit out of knowing that you are nic's bitch. It beats the shit out of getting cancer and dying. This is really hard shit and you have to attack it with a vengeance. Get after it January. Quit like fuck" ~ Bronc

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #133 on: October 07, 2014, 10:29:00 PM »
Quote from: Cindy
Quote from: hawkeyerunner
That's awesome! Do they taste good? I figured Copenhagen probably actually tastes like crap but I was/am too hooked to know it.

Getting over the oral fixation seems like it's going to be just as tricky as the tobacco part. I'm focusing on just the nicotine for now, but eventually I'd like to be able to not spend all day popping bubble gum and carrots like Pacman does with those dots. Chompa-chompa-chompa :D

Not spitting has been another thing I didn't expect to feel weird. I still spit constantly just out of habit, no reason needed.
Everything I have is mint flavored. Even though I didn't dip mint. I dipped grizzly fine cut natural. I haven't really found any fake that tastes like snuff so I do the mint stuff. They say Hooch spitfire is pretty close but I haven't tried it yet
Oh and the Holt tastes like alfalfa. With peppermint. Lol

When you stop quitting hard, you forget how hard it was.

"When will you put the arrogance and ignorance aside and choose to live and to live with honor and integrity. It's the best fucking feeling in the world. It beats the shit out of feeling like a loser caver. It beats the shit out of knowing that you are nic's bitch. It beats the shit out of getting cancer and dying. This is really hard shit and you have to attack it with a vengeance. Get after it January. Quit like fuck" ~ Bronc

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #132 on: October 07, 2014, 10:28:00 PM »
Quote from: hawkeyerunner
That's awesome! Do they taste good? I figured Copenhagen probably actually tastes like crap but I was/am too hooked to know it.

Getting over the oral fixation seems like it's going to be just as tricky as the tobacco part. I'm focusing on just the nicotine for now, but eventually I'd like to be able to not spend all day popping bubble gum and carrots like Pacman does with those dots. Chompa-chompa-chompa :D

Not spitting has been another thing I didn't expect to feel weird. I still spit constantly just out of habit, no reason needed.
Everything I have is mint flavored. Even though I didn't dip mint. I dipped grizzly fine cut natural. I haven't really found any fake that tastes like snuff so I do the mint stuff. They say Hooch spitfire is pretty close but I haven't tried it yet

When you stop quitting hard, you forget how hard it was.

"When will you put the arrogance and ignorance aside and choose to live and to live with honor and integrity. It's the best fucking feeling in the world. It beats the shit out of feeling like a loser caver. It beats the shit out of knowing that you are nic's bitch. It beats the shit out of getting cancer and dying. This is really hard shit and you have to attack it with a vengeance. Get after it January. Quit like fuck" ~ Bronc

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #131 on: October 07, 2014, 10:27:00 PM »
Forgot to add that Fast Draw is a lot of fun. Ever try Cowboy Mounted Shooting? It gets pretty crazy trying to hit those targets.

Offline hawkeyerunner

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #130 on: October 07, 2014, 10:24:00 PM »
That's awesome! Do they taste good? I figured Copenhagen probably actually tastes like crap but I was/am too hooked to know it.

Getting over the oral fixation seems like it's going to be just as tricky as the tobacco part. I'm focusing on just the nicotine for now, but eventually I'd like to be able to not spend all day popping bubble gum and carrots like Pacman does with those dots. Chompa-chompa-chompa :D

Not spitting has been another thing I didn't expect to feel weird. I still spit constantly just out of habit, no reason needed.