Author Topic: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes  (Read 9229 times)

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #114 on: October 07, 2014, 11:29:00 AM »
Quote from: Cindy
Hawk has yet to post roll today yet we are still here arguing about this on his intro.
Contrary to popular belief he is not the only "cowboy" here. He's just the only one that seems to think he has to point out his "cowboy" status every time he posts. Dipping doesn't make you a cowboy. If you think that then you are definitely NOT a cowboy. At all. Shit kicker? Maybe. Bull rider? Maybe. Cowboy? Probably not. A cowboy wouldn't sit here and lurk around and manipulate people into sympathizing for him only to turn around and call names at the end of every sentence that started to sound reasonable. Right before you called people little faggots or fuckers or assholes. Starving for attention much? Gonna have to try harder to get with the program because I for one am done concerning myslef with your quit until you start posting roll and drinking the kool-aid. Drop the bullshit excuses. Not all cowboys dip. Some don't want to die a premature, painful, and pointless death.
Hey Cindy, he did post roll this morning but he must have gotten bumped. He posted day 4

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #113 on: October 07, 2014, 11:15:00 AM »
Contrary to popular belief he is not the only "cowboy" here. He's just the only one that seems to think he has to point out his "cowboy" status every time he posts. Dipping doesn't make you a cowboy. If you think that then you are definitely NOT a cowboy. At all. Shit kicker? Maybe. Bull rider? Maybe. Cowboy? Probably not. A wouldn't sit here and lurk around and manipulate people into sympathizing for him only to turn around and call names at the end of every sentence that started to sound reasonable. Right before you called people little faggots or fuckers or assholes. Starving for attention much? Gonna have to try harder to get with the program because I for one am done concerning myslef with your quit until you start posting roll and drinking the kool-aid. Drop the bullshit excuses. Not all cowboys dip. Some don't want to die a premature, painful, and pointless death.

Edit: I stand corrected as apparently you did post roll. Still, your lifestyle is not a reason to dip.

When you stop quitting hard, you forget how hard it was.

"When will you put the arrogance and ignorance aside and choose to live and to live with honor and integrity. It's the best fucking feeling in the world. It beats the shit out of feeling like a loser caver. It beats the shit out of knowing that you are nic's bitch. It beats the shit out of getting cancer and dying. This is really hard shit and you have to attack it with a vengeance. Get after it January. Quit like fuck" ~ Bronc

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #112 on: October 07, 2014, 10:52:00 AM »
Quote from: hawkeyerunner
I'm doing pretty good, thanks. Keeping busy is probably the biggest help.

I never hid my habit, it's extremely common where I live and among my friends and family. It looks like most of the people on here are from the east end of the country, so it will probably seem insane but dipping is really engrained into rodeos, which are a huge part of my life. Up until recently the PBR was sponsored by US Smokeless, free samples would be given out at competitions, and the list goes on. I'm not even joking, my ex-girlfriend makes earrings out of empty tin lids.
There are people from all over. Nicotine addicts are everywhere- and there are plenty of eastern BAQs here on KTC. Plenty of southern gentlemen and ladies on here. A lot of active military and veteran military personnel. We have active combat personnel in our quit group. Point is no matter what you think, you aren't a special case or have it harder then anyone else here. We are all addicts. We are QUIT and we are a couple of bad decisions away from being right back to bangin' a cancer can daily.

If you open your mind you might actually learn something from some of these BAQs

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #111 on: October 07, 2014, 10:11:00 AM »
Quote from: hawkeyerunner
Yeah, I gave it to a friend this morning.
K, this kinda bugs me. The reason? Because you told me 2 days ago in chat that you dumped it.

The fuck, man? Are you here to seriously quit or are you here to just say what you think people wanna hear so they can hold your hand?

I really hope you actually got rid of it this time and that you're not wasting peoples time here.

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #110 on: October 07, 2014, 09:45:00 AM »
I'm doing pretty good, thanks. Keeping busy is probably the biggest help.

I never hid my habit, it's extremely common where I live and among my friends and family. It looks like most of the people on here are from the east end of the country, so it will probably seem insane but dipping is really engrained into rodeos, which are a huge part of my life. Up until recently the PBR was sponsored by US Smokeless, free samples would be given out at competitions, and the list goes on. I'm not even joking, my ex-girlfriend makes earrings out of empty tin lids.

Offline FMBM707

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #109 on: October 07, 2014, 09:37:00 AM »
Just imagine how much time you spent on your addiction. Hiding it, going to buy cancer cans, finding excuses to finger fuck that poison can.

Put as much or more energy into your QUIT as you did your addiction and do it one day at a time, every damn day and you can kill the can.

Drink the KTC kook-aid. Follow the protocol here. It's a process and it works.

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #108 on: October 07, 2014, 09:21:00 AM »
Yeah, I gave it to a friend this morning. I'm on Day 4 now, from what I read the first 3 days were the roughest so I don't think I need it now.

i had some pretty intense dipping dreams last night, looking forward to those going away since I wake up doubting my decision for a while. No worries though, those doubt go away once reality sets in and the coffee kicks in.

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #107 on: October 07, 2014, 07:53:00 AM »
Post roll and get this quit going man. is that 'Emergency" can disposed of? You can't have an emergency can. That is setting yourself up to fail. Its as if you already think your going to cave. Going in with that mindset will destroy you. I think its pretty obvious that you can simply empty it, which shouldn't bother you if your clean, or have people bitch at you on here for having it. It doesn't make sense to have and is counter-productive. Switch that can with a can of fake!

Try out some of the advice here instead of bucking the trends. Listen to the Vets. Some of these guys are hundreds of days to multiple years nicotine free. They aren't here to troll you, so drink the KTC Kool-Aid and stay awhile.

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #106 on: October 07, 2014, 07:09:00 AM »
Quote from: hawkeyerunner
Woah dude, that was really impressive. I'll give it a shot. And yeah, I was lurking because I do see the value in it.

I may not like most of you, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend and I really want this enemy destroyed.
If you're really going to destroy your enemy. You can start by destroying your "emergency" can. Please let us know when that is done.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #105 on: October 07, 2014, 07:04:00 AM »
Do you still have that "emergency" can just in case?
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #104 on: October 07, 2014, 06:57:00 AM »
A beer pong table from empty cancer cans is all I need to know. Put it next to the discarded syringe coat rack bro.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline Raider

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #103 on: October 07, 2014, 02:36:00 AM »
Because you are still here, I am assuming that you are going to post roll. If you decide to stick around, you will have a shitload of badass quitters here to support you through it. The KTC way is by far the BEST way to quit. It is extreme but it works.

Post Roll and make some friends.

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #102 on: October 07, 2014, 02:32:00 AM »
I hope you post roll and quit with us. I think that's the bottom line is because everyone saw your posts on that other site and were afraid you were just setting yourself up for failure. I don't think anyone wants that. Did it get blown out of proportion? Yeah. Did we all get pissy and act like asses? Yeah. We're addicts. We have issues, withdrawals, headaches, ect. Anyway. I hope you stick around. I think now that you are serious or you wouldn't be here still hashing it out.
I quit with you too

When you stop quitting hard, you forget how hard it was.

"When will you put the arrogance and ignorance aside and choose to live and to live with honor and integrity. It's the best fucking feeling in the world. It beats the shit out of feeling like a loser caver. It beats the shit out of knowing that you are nic's bitch. It beats the shit out of getting cancer and dying. This is really hard shit and you have to attack it with a vengeance. Get after it January. Quit like fuck" ~ Bronc

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #101 on: October 07, 2014, 02:04:00 AM »
Quote from: hawkeyerunner
Woah dude, that was really impressive. I'll give it a shot. And yeah, I was lurking because I do see the value in it.

I may not like most of you, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend and I really want this enemy destroyed.
You don't have to like us, or me. You just have to stay quit.

We all have one thing in common...we hate nicotine and want to be quit.

Post roll and give your promise not to use for the day. Takes about 2 minutes.

Then if you have questions, are raging, want to rant, call me a piece of shit, etc...come here and let it all out.

We can take it.

Quit on...
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21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline hawkeyerunner

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Re: Reddit AMA - Live updating my quit as it goes
« Reply #100 on: October 07, 2014, 01:58:00 AM »
Woah dude, that was really impressive. I'll give it a shot. And yeah, I was lurking because I do see the value in it.

I may not like most of you, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend and I really want this enemy destroyed.