Author Topic: no more self deception  (Read 2390 times)

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Offline LaQuitter

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #30 on: February 04, 2010, 07:26:00 PM »
Quote from: Smokeyg
Quote from: LaQuitter
Quote from: BoutTime
Quote from: Rawaldem
Quote from: judetree
Quote from: FtheKodiak
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: judetree
Quote from: nmc
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from:
this habit has become such a love of mine that it's almost impossible to imagine life without it. But i'm trying.
You love it? are you sure? why?

seriously this will actually help you.

Tell me why you think you love it and I bet I can show you how your lying to yourself. This will be interesting, pretty arrogant on my part I agree but I just wanna see if you can come up with something new. I bet you can't.

Skoal Monster- slaps judetree silly with glove and issues the challenge

Give me three reasons why you think you love it.

Give me any reason why you struggle to see yourself living without it.

The stakes

If you can stump the Skoal Monster, I'll buy you your Hof coin .....when you hit the Hof. Rules are I will prove without a doubt why your thinking is false on both topics. If I win you have to change your Avatar to a Skoal Monster and stay quit.

a bet?
You can't let that go unchallenged, judetree! You never know, you just might get a free coin out of the deal. Do it....DO IT!!
Day 1 is in the books...I was trying to remember the last time I went 1 single day without chewing and I think it's been 8 years. Didn't sleep much but all in all it wasn't too bad making it through one day/night. I have to say all of the words of encouragement from everyone on here were a huge help in getting me through the first day. So, thanks for that. Not sure what the consensus is on using replacement products (hooch, mint snuff, etc.) but I decided that I was going to just kick without replacing the fixation with anything else (other than Altoids and gum, which work okay for me). I know one day is no big deal but it's something and it feels great. A little worried about Sunday's big game cause watching FB is my biggest trigger but the more I think about it as I write this the more I know it's not going to get in my way. Thanks again all - will drop in w/ updates and to hear from others.
Nice job judetree. How can watching football be a trigger. Is that one of the only times during the week you dipped?
Problem with dippers is, we dipped during everything from eating, sleeping and for some, even sex. So if we dipped during everything then everything is a trigger, and if everything is a trigger then nothing is a trigger..make sense.

You make it thorouh this game and it will prove that you can watch FB without dipping. Imagine you thought it could not happen.
True that, Mike. I can think of 100 or so other triggers for me, and judetree weird ones will pop up all the time at the beginning. They have these new anti-smoking commercials on here, I think they are NY state...and they are hilarious cause one shows this guy going outside for a cigarrette and he steals a car, and the caption is something like,"you don't have to drive everytime you smoke, so why do you smoke everytime you drive?" and then there's another one where this chick is in her office getting ready for a cig break and she whips up like some fancy drink in a blender, "you don't drink everytime you smoke, so why do you smoke everytime you drink?'

Something like that.

Point is you don't have to spit watching football. Or anything else.
Believe me I have a trigger for every letter in the alphabet. Sports, after dinner, watching a movie, working in the yard, after a workout, before a workout, when I get home to "relax", on and on and on. Football is just the worst. I'd guess between your average College Saturday and NFL Sunday I've had by Sunday night close to 20-25 chews, maybe more. The best thing I'm finding here on my 2nd day is how helpful it is being at work at a job where I cannot easily chew (and never have) as I work in an professional office environment. Going 8 hours without a chew when you are trying to quit is a blessing. I'm also finding that planning my evenings once I get home is helpful. Last night it was a ridiculously long walk, wife made an amazing dinner, chick flick (!) and early attempt to go to sleep (which failed). Tonight, it's tennis for an hour and a half and then early night sleep to make up for last night. Basically, skipping altogether the opportunity to even think about chewing. Anyway...for the record, I like the Colts (to cover as well...).
Someone wiser than me once told me that he used to think things were made better by dip...aka fishing, hunting, movies, an after meal treat and so on. But the truth is he realized he sometimes was simply doing things just to justify dipping afterwards. Dip does not make things better and any thought that it does is just a junkies mind convincing you that you need it or that it serves a purpose.

Fact is everything you do is better without a cancer causing addiction and you do not need that shit.....period
Congrats on the first day fellas. One day at a time, one step at a time, no more than that.

Everyone here has your back. PM anyone for their phone number, always good to have if you need to talk.

After 3 days the nic is out of your system, then it is just mind games. I know you said you were not going to do the fake dip, but you might want to have one in the ready...better than the alternative.

Breathing was my biggest trigger, but in reality it was just the nic bitch needing a fix, now I am starving her fucking ass. 'Finger'
Something proven by the many quitters here: we can do ANYTHING, and do it without dip. Living life was everyone's trigger. The concept takes some getting used to. You've got to learn to live your life without the dip. Placate the oral craving with something other than tobacco, if necessary. Driving, hunting, golf, football, welding, mowing the lawn, fishing, can all be done without nicotine. Just stay quit, and little by little, you will re-train your brain.
Damn, that's a manly list o' placation.

Whatever happened to antiquing, tittering, knitting, gossiping, not paying attention at traffic lights, fisting one's vagine?
My bad, Smokey. I'm not much for political correctness.

But sure, add that to the list, along with pedicures, manicures, pokeno, Avon parties...whatever floats your boat. ;)
Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

"Post roll like 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus himself was telling you to do it" - Jaydisco

Offline Smokeyg

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #29 on: February 04, 2010, 07:08:00 PM »
Quote from: LaQuitter
Quote from: BoutTime
Quote from: Rawaldem
Quote from: judetree
Quote from: FtheKodiak
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: judetree
Quote from: nmc
Quote from: Skoal
this habit has become such a love of mine that it's almost impossible to imagine life without it. But i'm trying.
You love it? are you sure? why?

seriously this will actually help you.

Tell me why you think you love it and I bet I can show you how your lying to yourself. This will be interesting, pretty arrogant on my part I agree but I just wanna see if you can come up with something new. I bet you can't.

Skoal Monster- slaps judetree silly with glove and issues the challenge

Give me three reasons why you think you love it.

Give me any reason why you struggle to see yourself living without it.

The stakes

If you can stump the Skoal Monster, I'll buy you your Hof coin .....when you hit the Hof. Rules are I will prove without a doubt why your thinking is false on both topics. If I win you have to change your Avatar to a Skoal Monster and stay quit.

a bet?
You can't let that go unchallenged, judetree! You never know, you just might get a free coin out of the deal. Do it....DO IT!!
Day 1 is in the books...I was trying to remember the last time I went 1 single day without chewing and I think it's been 8 years. Didn't sleep much but all in all it wasn't too bad making it through one day/night. I have to say all of the words of encouragement from everyone on here were a huge help in getting me through the first day. So, thanks for that. Not sure what the consensus is on using replacement products (hooch, mint snuff, etc.) but I decided that I was going to just kick without replacing the fixation with anything else (other than Altoids and gum, which work okay for me). I know one day is no big deal but it's something and it feels great. A little worried about Sunday's big game cause watching FB is my biggest trigger but the more I think about it as I write this the more I know it's not going to get in my way. Thanks again all - will drop in w/ updates and to hear from others.
Nice job judetree. How can watching football be a trigger. Is that one of the only times during the week you dipped?
Problem with dippers is, we dipped during everything from eating, sleeping and for some, even sex. So if we dipped during everything then everything is a trigger, and if everything is a trigger then nothing is a trigger..make sense.

You make it thorouh this game and it will prove that you can watch FB without dipping. Imagine you thought it could not happen.
True that, Mike. I can think of 100 or so other triggers for me, and judetree weird ones will pop up all the time at the beginning. They have these new anti-smoking commercials on here, I think they are NY state...and they are hilarious cause one shows this guy going outside for a cigarrette and he steals a car, and the caption is something like,"you don't have to drive everytime you smoke, so why do you smoke everytime you drive?" and then there's another one where this chick is in her office getting ready for a cig break and she whips up like some fancy drink in a blender, "you don't drink everytime you smoke, so why do you smoke everytime you drink?'

Something like that.

Point is you don't have to spit watching football. Or anything else.
Believe me I have a trigger for every letter in the alphabet. Sports, after dinner, watching a movie, working in the yard, after a workout, before a workout, when I get home to "relax", on and on and on. Football is just the worst. I'd guess between your average College Saturday and NFL Sunday I've had by Sunday night close to 20-25 chews, maybe more. The best thing I'm finding here on my 2nd day is how helpful it is being at work at a job where I cannot easily chew (and never have) as I work in an professional office environment. Going 8 hours without a chew when you are trying to quit is a blessing. I'm also finding that planning my evenings once I get home is helpful. Last night it was a ridiculously long walk, wife made an amazing dinner, chick flick (!) and early attempt to go to sleep (which failed). Tonight, it's tennis for an hour and a half and then early night sleep to make up for last night. Basically, skipping altogether the opportunity to even think about chewing. Anyway...for the record, I like the Colts (to cover as well...).
Someone wiser than me once told me that he used to think things were made better by dip...aka fishing, hunting, movies, an after meal treat and so on. But the truth is he realized he sometimes was simply doing things just to justify dipping afterwards. Dip does not make things better and any thought that it does is just a junkies mind convincing you that you need it or that it serves a purpose.

Fact is everything you do is better without a cancer causing addiction and you do not need that shit.....period
Congrats on the first day fellas. One day at a time, one step at a time, no more than that.

Everyone here has your back. PM anyone for their phone number, always good to have if you need to talk.

After 3 days the nic is out of your system, then it is just mind games. I know you said you were not going to do the fake dip, but you might want to have one in the ready...better than the alternative.

Breathing was my biggest trigger, but in reality it was just the nic bitch needing a fix, now I am starving her fucking ass. 'Finger'
Something proven by the many quitters here: we can do ANYTHING, and do it without dip. Living life was everyone's trigger. The concept takes some getting used to. You've got to learn to live your life without the dip. Placate the oral craving with something other than tobacco, if necessary. Driving, hunting, golf, football, welding, mowing the lawn, fishing, can all be done without nicotine. Just stay quit, and little by little, you will re-train your brain.
Damn, that's a manly list o' placation.

Whatever happened to antiquing, tittering, knitting, gossiping, not paying attention at traffic lights, fisting one's vagine?

Offline LaQuitter

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #28 on: February 04, 2010, 05:44:00 PM »
Quote from: BoutTime
Quote from: Rawaldem
Quote from: judetree
Quote from: FtheKodiak
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: judetree
Quote from: nmc
Quote from: Skoal
this habit has become such a love of mine that it's almost impossible to imagine life without it. But i'm trying.
You love it? are you sure? why?

seriously this will actually help you.

Tell me why you think you love it and I bet I can show you how your lying to yourself. This will be interesting, pretty arrogant on my part I agree but I just wanna see if you can come up with something new. I bet you can't.

Skoal Monster- slaps judetree silly with glove and issues the challenge

Give me three reasons why you think you love it.

Give me any reason why you struggle to see yourself living without it.

The stakes

If you can stump the Skoal Monster, I'll buy you your Hof coin .....when you hit the Hof. Rules are I will prove without a doubt why your thinking is false on both topics. If I win you have to change your Avatar to a Skoal Monster and stay quit.

a bet?
You can't let that go unchallenged, judetree! You never know, you just might get a free coin out of the deal. Do it....DO IT!!
Day 1 is in the books...I was trying to remember the last time I went 1 single day without chewing and I think it's been 8 years. Didn't sleep much but all in all it wasn't too bad making it through one day/night. I have to say all of the words of encouragement from everyone on here were a huge help in getting me through the first day. So, thanks for that. Not sure what the consensus is on using replacement products (hooch, mint snuff, etc.) but I decided that I was going to just kick without replacing the fixation with anything else (other than Altoids and gum, which work okay for me). I know one day is no big deal but it's something and it feels great. A little worried about Sunday's big game cause watching FB is my biggest trigger but the more I think about it as I write this the more I know it's not going to get in my way. Thanks again all - will drop in w/ updates and to hear from others.
Nice job judetree. How can watching football be a trigger. Is that one of the only times during the week you dipped?
Problem with dippers is, we dipped during everything from eating, sleeping and for some, even sex. So if we dipped during everything then everything is a trigger, and if everything is a trigger then nothing is a trigger..make sense.

You make it thorouh this game and it will prove that you can watch FB without dipping. Imagine you thought it could not happen.
True that, Mike. I can think of 100 or so other triggers for me, and judetree weird ones will pop up all the time at the beginning. They have these new anti-smoking commercials on here, I think they are NY state...and they are hilarious cause one shows this guy going outside for a cigarrette and he steals a car, and the caption is something like,"you don't have to drive everytime you smoke, so why do you smoke everytime you drive?" and then there's another one where this chick is in her office getting ready for a cig break and she whips up like some fancy drink in a blender, "you don't drink everytime you smoke, so why do you smoke everytime you drink?'

Something like that.

Point is you don't have to spit watching football. Or anything else.
Believe me I have a trigger for every letter in the alphabet. Sports, after dinner, watching a movie, working in the yard, after a workout, before a workout, when I get home to "relax", on and on and on. Football is just the worst. I'd guess between your average College Saturday and NFL Sunday I've had by Sunday night close to 20-25 chews, maybe more. The best thing I'm finding here on my 2nd day is how helpful it is being at work at a job where I cannot easily chew (and never have) as I work in an professional office environment. Going 8 hours without a chew when you are trying to quit is a blessing. I'm also finding that planning my evenings once I get home is helpful. Last night it was a ridiculously long walk, wife made an amazing dinner, chick flick (!) and early attempt to go to sleep (which failed). Tonight, it's tennis for an hour and a half and then early night sleep to make up for last night. Basically, skipping altogether the opportunity to even think about chewing. Anyway...for the record, I like the Colts (to cover as well...).
Someone wiser than me once told me that he used to think things were made better by dip...aka fishing, hunting, movies, an after meal treat and so on. But the truth is he realized he sometimes was simply doing things just to justify dipping afterwards. Dip does not make things better and any thought that it does is just a junkies mind convincing you that you need it or that it serves a purpose.

Fact is everything you do is better without a cancer causing addiction and you do not need that shit.....period
Congrats on the first day fellas. One day at a time, one step at a time, no more than that.

Everyone here has your back. PM anyone for their phone number, always good to have if you need to talk.

After 3 days the nic is out of your system, then it is just mind games. I know you said you were not going to do the fake dip, but you might want to have one in the ready...better than the alternative.

Breathing was my biggest trigger, but in reality it was just the nic bitch needing a fix, now I am starving her fucking ass. 'Finger'
Something proven by the many quitters here: we can do ANYTHING, and do it without dip. Living life was everyone's trigger. The concept takes some getting used to. You've got to learn to live your life without the dip. Placate the oral craving with something other than tobacco, if necessary. Driving, hunting, golf, football, welding, mowing the lawn, fishing, can all be done without nicotine. Just stay quit, and little by little, you will re-train your brain.
Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

"Post roll like 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus himself was telling you to do it" - Jaydisco

Offline BoutTime

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #27 on: February 04, 2010, 05:13:00 PM »
Quote from: Rawaldem
Quote from: judetree
Quote from: FtheKodiak
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: judetree
Quote from: nmc
Quote from: Skoal
this habit has become such a love of mine that it's almost impossible to imagine life without it. But i'm trying.
You love it? are you sure? why?

seriously this will actually help you.

Tell me why you think you love it and I bet I can show you how your lying to yourself. This will be interesting, pretty arrogant on my part I agree but I just wanna see if you can come up with something new. I bet you can't.

Skoal Monster- slaps judetree silly with glove and issues the challenge

Give me three reasons why you think you love it.

Give me any reason why you struggle to see yourself living without it.

The stakes

If you can stump the Skoal Monster, I'll buy you your Hof coin .....when you hit the Hof. Rules are I will prove without a doubt why your thinking is false on both topics. If I win you have to change your Avatar to a Skoal Monster and stay quit.

a bet?
You can't let that go unchallenged, judetree! You never know, you just might get a free coin out of the deal. Do it....DO IT!!
Day 1 is in the books...I was trying to remember the last time I went 1 single day without chewing and I think it's been 8 years. Didn't sleep much but all in all it wasn't too bad making it through one day/night. I have to say all of the words of encouragement from everyone on here were a huge help in getting me through the first day. So, thanks for that. Not sure what the consensus is on using replacement products (hooch, mint snuff, etc.) but I decided that I was going to just kick without replacing the fixation with anything else (other than Altoids and gum, which work okay for me). I know one day is no big deal but it's something and it feels great. A little worried about Sunday's big game cause watching FB is my biggest trigger but the more I think about it as I write this the more I know it's not going to get in my way. Thanks again all - will drop in w/ updates and to hear from others.
Nice job judetree. How can watching football be a trigger. Is that one of the only times during the week you dipped?
Problem with dippers is, we dipped during everything from eating, sleeping and for some, even sex. So if we dipped during everything then everything is a trigger, and if everything is a trigger then nothing is a trigger..make sense.

You make it thorouh this game and it will prove that you can watch FB without dipping. Imagine you thought it could not happen.
True that, Mike. I can think of 100 or so other triggers for me, and judetree weird ones will pop up all the time at the beginning. They have these new anti-smoking commercials on here, I think they are NY state...and they are hilarious cause one shows this guy going outside for a cigarrette and he steals a car, and the caption is something like,"you don't have to drive everytime you smoke, so why do you smoke everytime you drive?" and then there's another one where this chick is in her office getting ready for a cig break and she whips up like some fancy drink in a blender, "you don't drink everytime you smoke, so why do you smoke everytime you drink?'

Something like that.

Point is you don't have to spit watching football. Or anything else.
Believe me I have a trigger for every letter in the alphabet. Sports, after dinner, watching a movie, working in the yard, after a workout, before a workout, when I get home to "relax", on and on and on. Football is just the worst. I'd guess between your average College Saturday and NFL Sunday I've had by Sunday night close to 20-25 chews, maybe more. The best thing I'm finding here on my 2nd day is how helpful it is being at work at a job where I cannot easily chew (and never have) as I work in an professional office environment. Going 8 hours without a chew when you are trying to quit is a blessing. I'm also finding that planning my evenings once I get home is helpful. Last night it was a ridiculously long walk, wife made an amazing dinner, chick flick (!) and early attempt to go to sleep (which failed). Tonight, it's tennis for an hour and a half and then early night sleep to make up for last night. Basically, skipping altogether the opportunity to even think about chewing. Anyway...for the record, I like the Colts (to cover as well...).
Someone wiser than me once told me that he used to think things were made better by dip...aka fishing, hunting, movies, an after meal treat and so on. But the truth is he realized he sometimes was simply doing things just to justify dipping afterwards. Dip does not make things better and any thought that it does is just a junkies mind convincing you that you need it or that it serves a purpose.

Fact is everything you do is better without a cancer causing addiction and you do not need that shit.....period
Congrats on the first day fellas. One day at a time, one step at a time, no more than that.

Everyone here has your back. PM anyone for their phone number, always good to have if you need to talk.

After 3 days the nic is out of your system, then it is just mind games. I know you said you were not going to do the fake dip, but you might want to have one in the ready...better than the alternative.

Breathing was my biggest trigger, but in reality it was just the nic bitch needing a fix, now I am starving her fucking ass. 'Finger'

Offline MikeA

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #26 on: February 04, 2010, 03:12:00 PM »
Quote from: Smokeyg
Quote from: judetree
Day 1 is in the books...I know one day is no big deal but it's something and it feels great.
Day 1 is an incredibly big deal.

Congratulations! That is HUGE!
All of us here are just 1 day quitters so 1 day is huge.
Nice job on 1 day smokeyg, judetree, rawaldem, nmc, skoalmonster, fthekodiak.
I will see ya all tomorrow

Offline Smokeyg

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #25 on: February 04, 2010, 02:00:00 PM »
Quote from: judetree
Day 1 is in the books...I know one day is no big deal but it's something and it feels great.
Day 1 is an incredibly big deal.

Congratulations! That is HUGE!

Offline Rawaldem

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #24 on: February 04, 2010, 01:21:00 PM »
Quote from: judetree
Quote from: FtheKodiak
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: judetree
Quote from: nmc
Quote from: Skoal
this habit has become such a love of mine that it's almost impossible to imagine life without it. But i'm trying.
You love it? are you sure? why?

seriously this will actually help you.

Tell me why you think you love it and I bet I can show you how your lying to yourself. This will be interesting, pretty arrogant on my part I agree but I just wanna see if you can come up with something new. I bet you can't.

Skoal Monster- slaps judetree silly with glove and issues the challenge

Give me three reasons why you think you love it.

Give me any reason why you struggle to see yourself living without it.

The stakes

If you can stump the Skoal Monster, I'll buy you your Hof coin .....when you hit the Hof. Rules are I will prove without a doubt why your thinking is false on both topics. If I win you have to change your Avatar to a Skoal Monster and stay quit.

a bet?
You can't let that go unchallenged, judetree! You never know, you just might get a free coin out of the deal. Do it....DO IT!!
Day 1 is in the books...I was trying to remember the last time I went 1 single day without chewing and I think it's been 8 years. Didn't sleep much but all in all it wasn't too bad making it through one day/night. I have to say all of the words of encouragement from everyone on here were a huge help in getting me through the first day. So, thanks for that. Not sure what the consensus is on using replacement products (hooch, mint snuff, etc.) but I decided that I was going to just kick without replacing the fixation with anything else (other than Altoids and gum, which work okay for me). I know one day is no big deal but it's something and it feels great. A little worried about Sunday's big game cause watching FB is my biggest trigger but the more I think about it as I write this the more I know it's not going to get in my way. Thanks again all - will drop in w/ updates and to hear from others.
Nice job judetree. How can watching football be a trigger. Is that one of the only times during the week you dipped?
Problem with dippers is, we dipped during everything from eating, sleeping and for some, even sex. So if we dipped during everything then everything is a trigger, and if everything is a trigger then nothing is a trigger..make sense.

You make it thorouh this game and it will prove that you can watch FB without dipping. Imagine you thought it could not happen.
True that, Mike. I can think of 100 or so other triggers for me, and judetree weird ones will pop up all the time at the beginning. They have these new anti-smoking commercials on here, I think they are NY state...and they are hilarious cause one shows this guy going outside for a cigarrette and he steals a car, and the caption is something like,"you don't have to drive everytime you smoke, so why do you smoke everytime you drive?" and then there's another one where this chick is in her office getting ready for a cig break and she whips up like some fancy drink in a blender, "you don't drink everytime you smoke, so why do you smoke everytime you drink?'

Something like that.

Point is you don't have to spit watching football. Or anything else.
Believe me I have a trigger for every letter in the alphabet. Sports, after dinner, watching a movie, working in the yard, after a workout, before a workout, when I get home to "relax", on and on and on. Football is just the worst. I'd guess between your average College Saturday and NFL Sunday I've had by Sunday night close to 20-25 chews, maybe more. The best thing I'm finding here on my 2nd day is how helpful it is being at work at a job where I cannot easily chew (and never have) as I work in an professional office environment. Going 8 hours without a chew when you are trying to quit is a blessing. I'm also finding that planning my evenings once I get home is helpful. Last night it was a ridiculously long walk, wife made an amazing dinner, chick flick (!) and early attempt to go to sleep (which failed). Tonight, it's tennis for an hour and a half and then early night sleep to make up for last night. Basically, skipping altogether the opportunity to even think about chewing. Anyway...for the record, I like the Colts (to cover as well...).
Someone wiser than me once told me that he used to think things were made better by dip...aka fishing, hunting, movies, an after meal treat and so on. But the truth is he realized he sometimes was simply doing things just to justify dipping afterwards. Dip does not make things better and any thought that it does is just a junkies mind convincing you that you need it or that it serves a purpose.

Fact is everything you do is better without a cancer causing addiction and you do not need that shit.....period
"Be not the slave of your own past.
Plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep and swim far,
so you shall come back with self-respect, with new power,
with an advanced experience that shall explain
and overlook the old."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Before you even ask, let me say:
1. Yes, it will suck very bad
2. No, there will never be a "good time"
3. No, there is not an easier way
4. Yes, you can do it
So with that being said:
Any questions?

Quit Date-8/31/09

Offline judetree

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #23 on: February 04, 2010, 01:10:00 PM »
Quote from: FtheKodiak
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: judetree
Quote from: nmc
Quote from: Skoal
this habit has become such a love of mine that it's almost impossible to imagine life without it. But i'm trying.
You love it? are you sure? why?

seriously this will actually help you.

Tell me why you think you love it and I bet I can show you how your lying to yourself. This will be interesting, pretty arrogant on my part I agree but I just wanna see if you can come up with something new. I bet you can't.

Skoal Monster- slaps judetree silly with glove and issues the challenge

Give me three reasons why you think you love it.

Give me any reason why you struggle to see yourself living without it.

The stakes

If you can stump the Skoal Monster, I'll buy you your Hof coin .....when you hit the Hof. Rules are I will prove without a doubt why your thinking is false on both topics. If I win you have to change your Avatar to a Skoal Monster and stay quit.

a bet?
You can't let that go unchallenged, judetree! You never know, you just might get a free coin out of the deal. Do it....DO IT!!
Day 1 is in the books...I was trying to remember the last time I went 1 single day without chewing and I think it's been 8 years. Didn't sleep much but all in all it wasn't too bad making it through one day/night. I have to say all of the words of encouragement from everyone on here were a huge help in getting me through the first day. So, thanks for that. Not sure what the consensus is on using replacement products (hooch, mint snuff, etc.) but I decided that I was going to just kick without replacing the fixation with anything else (other than Altoids and gum, which work okay for me). I know one day is no big deal but it's something and it feels great. A little worried about Sunday's big game cause watching FB is my biggest trigger but the more I think about it as I write this the more I know it's not going to get in my way. Thanks again all - will drop in w/ updates and to hear from others.
Nice job judetree. How can watching football be a trigger. Is that one of the only times during the week you dipped?
Problem with dippers is, we dipped during everything from eating, sleeping and for some, even sex. So if we dipped during everything then everything is a trigger, and if everything is a trigger then nothing is a trigger..make sense.

You make it thorouh this game and it will prove that you can watch FB without dipping. Imagine you thought it could not happen.
True that, Mike. I can think of 100 or so other triggers for me, and judetree weird ones will pop up all the time at the beginning. They have these new anti-smoking commercials on here, I think they are NY state...and they are hilarious cause one shows this guy going outside for a cigarrette and he steals a car, and the caption is something like,"you don't have to drive everytime you smoke, so why do you smoke everytime you drive?" and then there's another one where this chick is in her office getting ready for a cig break and she whips up like some fancy drink in a blender, "you don't drink everytime you smoke, so why do you smoke everytime you drink?'

Something like that.

Point is you don't have to spit watching football. Or anything else.
Believe me I have a trigger for every letter in the alphabet. Sports, after dinner, watching a movie, working in the yard, after a workout, before a workout, when I get home to "relax", on and on and on. Football is just the worst. I'd guess between your average College Saturday and NFL Sunday I've had by Sunday night close to 20-25 chews, maybe more. The best thing I'm finding here on my 2nd day is how helpful it is being at work at a job where I cannot easily chew (and never have) as I work in an professional office environment. Going 8 hours without a chew when you are trying to quit is a blessing. I'm also finding that planning my evenings once I get home is helpful. Last night it was a ridiculously long walk, wife made an amazing dinner, chick flick (!) and early attempt to go to sleep (which failed). Tonight, it's tennis for an hour and a half and then early night sleep to make up for last night. Basically, skipping altogether the opportunity to even think about chewing. Anyway...for the record, I like the Colts (to cover as well...).

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #22 on: February 04, 2010, 12:53:00 PM »
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: judetree
Quote from: nmc
Quote from: Skoal
this habit has become such a love of mine that it's almost impossible to imagine life without it. But i'm trying.
You love it? are you sure? why?

seriously this will actually help you.

Tell me why you think you love it and I bet I can show you how your lying to yourself. This will be interesting, pretty arrogant on my part I agree but I just wanna see if you can come up with something new. I bet you can't.

Skoal Monster- slaps judetree silly with glove and issues the challenge

Give me three reasons why you think you love it.

Give me any reason why you struggle to see yourself living without it.

The stakes

If you can stump the Skoal Monster, I'll buy you your Hof coin .....when you hit the Hof. Rules are I will prove without a doubt why your thinking is false on both topics. If I win you have to change your Avatar to a Skoal Monster and stay quit.

a bet?
You can't let that go unchallenged, judetree! You never know, you just might get a free coin out of the deal. Do it....DO IT!!
Day 1 is in the books...I was trying to remember the last time I went 1 single day without chewing and I think it's been 8 years. Didn't sleep much but all in all it wasn't too bad making it through one day/night. I have to say all of the words of encouragement from everyone on here were a huge help in getting me through the first day. So, thanks for that. Not sure what the consensus is on using replacement products (hooch, mint snuff, etc.) but I decided that I was going to just kick without replacing the fixation with anything else (other than Altoids and gum, which work okay for me). I know one day is no big deal but it's something and it feels great. A little worried about Sunday's big game cause watching FB is my biggest trigger but the more I think about it as I write this the more I know it's not going to get in my way. Thanks again all - will drop in w/ updates and to hear from others.
Nice job judetree. How can watching football be a trigger. Is that one of the only times during the week you dipped?
Problem with dippers is, we dipped during everything from eating, sleeping and for some, even sex. So if we dipped during everything then everything is a trigger, and if everything is a trigger then nothing is a trigger..make sense.

You make it thorouh this game and it will prove that you can watch FB without dipping. Imagine you thought it could not happen.
True that, Mike. I can think of 100 or so other triggers for me, and judetree weird ones will pop up all the time at the beginning. They have these new anti-smoking commercials on here, I think they are NY state...and they are hilarious cause one shows this guy going outside for a cigarrette and he steals a car, and the caption is something like,"you don't have to drive everytime you smoke, so why do you smoke everytime you drive?" and then there's another one where this chick is in her office getting ready for a cig break and she whips up like some fancy drink in a blender, "you don't drink everytime you smoke, so why do you smoke everytime you drink?'

Something like that.

Point is you don't have to spit watching football. Or anything else.
football rules, soccer drools

HOF: July 7th, 2009

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #21 on: February 04, 2010, 12:33:00 PM »
Quote from: judetree
Quote from: nmc
Quote from: Skoal
this habit has become such a love of mine that it's almost impossible to imagine life without it. But i'm trying.
You love it? are you sure? why?

seriously this will actually help you.

Tell me why you think you love it and I bet I can show you how your lying to yourself. This will be interesting, pretty arrogant on my part I agree but I just wanna see if you can come up with something new. I bet you can't.

Skoal Monster- slaps judetree silly with glove and issues the challenge

Give me three reasons why you think you love it.

Give me any reason why you struggle to see yourself living without it.

The stakes

If you can stump the Skoal Monster, I'll buy you your Hof coin .....when you hit the Hof. Rules are I will prove without a doubt why your thinking is false on both topics. If I win you have to change your Avatar to a Skoal Monster and stay quit.

a bet?
You can't let that go unchallenged, judetree! You never know, you just might get a free coin out of the deal. Do it....DO IT!!
Day 1 is in the books...I was trying to remember the last time I went 1 single day without chewing and I think it's been 8 years. Didn't sleep much but all in all it wasn't too bad making it through one day/night. I have to say all of the words of encouragement from everyone on here were a huge help in getting me through the first day. So, thanks for that. Not sure what the consensus is on using replacement products (hooch, mint snuff, etc.) but I decided that I was going to just kick without replacing the fixation with anything else (other than Altoids and gum, which work okay for me). I know one day is no big deal but it's something and it feels great. A little worried about Sunday's big game cause watching FB is my biggest trigger but the more I think about it as I write this the more I know it's not going to get in my way. Thanks again all - will drop in w/ updates and to hear from others.
Nice job judetree. How can watching football be a trigger. Is that one of the only times during the week you dipped?
Problem with dippers is, we dipped during everything from eating, sleeping and for some, even sex. So if we dipped during everything then everything is a trigger, and if everything is a trigger then nothing is a trigger..make sense.

You make it thorouh this game and it will prove that you can watch FB without dipping. Imagine you thought it could not happen.

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #20 on: February 04, 2010, 12:04:00 PM »
Quote from: nmc
Quote from: Skoal
this habit has become such a love of mine that it's almost impossible to imagine life without it. But i'm trying.
You love it? are you sure? why?

seriously this will actually help you.

Tell me why you think you love it and I bet I can show you how your lying to yourself. This will be interesting, pretty arrogant on my part I agree but I just wanna see if you can come up with something new. I bet you can't.

Skoal Monster- slaps judetree silly with glove and issues the challenge

Give me three reasons why you think you love it.

Give me any reason why you struggle to see yourself living without it.

The stakes

If you can stump the Skoal Monster, I'll buy you your Hof coin .....when you hit the Hof. Rules are I will prove without a doubt why your thinking is false on both topics. If I win you have to change your Avatar to a Skoal Monster and stay quit.

a bet?
You can't let that go unchallenged, judetree! You never know, you just might get a free coin out of the deal. Do it....DO IT!!
Day 1 is in the books...I was trying to remember the last time I went 1 single day without chewing and I think it's been 8 years. Didn't sleep much but all in all it wasn't too bad making it through one day/night. I have to say all of the words of encouragement from everyone on here were a huge help in getting me through the first day. So, thanks for that. Not sure what the consensus is on using replacement products (hooch, mint snuff, etc.) but I decided that I was going to just kick without replacing the fixation with anything else (other than Altoids and gum, which work okay for me). I know one day is no big deal but it's something and it feels great. A little worried about Sunday's big game cause watching FB is my biggest trigger but the more I think about it as I write this the more I know it's not going to get in my way. Thanks again all - will drop in w/ updates and to hear from others.

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2010, 08:27:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
this habit has become such a love of mine that it's almost impossible to imagine life without it. But i'm trying.
You love it? are you sure? why?

seriously this will actually help you.

Tell me why you think you love it and I bet I can show you how your lying to yourself. This will be interesting, pretty arrogant on my part I agree but I just wanna see if you can come up with something new. I bet you can't.

Skoal Monster- slaps judetree silly with glove and issues the challenge

Give me three reasons why you think you love it.

Give me any reason why you struggle to see yourself living without it.

The stakes

If you can stump the Skoal Monster, I'll buy you your Hof coin .....when you hit the Hof. Rules are I will prove without a doubt why your thinking is false on both topics. If I win you have to change your Avatar to a Skoal Monster and stay quit.

a bet?
You can't let that go unchallenged, judetree! You never know, you just might get a free coin out of the deal. Do it....DO IT!!

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2010, 08:07:00 PM »
this habit has become such a love of mine that it's almost impossible to imagine life without it. But i'm trying.
You love it? are you sure? why?

seriously this will actually help you.

Tell me why you think you love it and I bet I can show you how your lying to yourself. This will be interesting, pretty arrogant on my part I agree but I just wanna see if you can come up with something new. I bet you can't.

Skoal Monster- slaps judetree silly with glove and issues the challenge

Give me three reasons why you think you love it.

Give me any reason why you struggle to see yourself living without it.

The stakes

If you can stump the Skoal Monster, I'll buy you your Hof coin .....when you hit the Hof. Rules are I will prove without a doubt why your thinking is false on both topics. If I win you have to change your Avatar to a Skoal Monster and stay quit.

a bet?
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2010, 04:49:00 PM »
Quote from: Smokeyg
Quote from: Steelers
Quote from: judetree
First time posting about dipping and now seems as good a time as any. I've been dipping off and on for about 17 years. I'm 37 now. Otherwise a healthy person, the dipping is starting to take its toll. I go through a can about every 2 or 3 days and have wanted to quit for a while but can't even get through 1 day! My wife has always been cool as in she doesn't hound me but in a sense she has become a bit of an enabler (not to blame). My day always begins the same: wake up, decide today's the day, shower, kiss my wife, go work, put in my time and on my 20 mile drive home from work I begin to look forward to my chew when I get home. The second I walk in the door I go right for my can (of chew!) and have the first of probably 4-5 chews between the hours of say 5:00-11:00. Almost 1 per hour. This morning, I threw my 8 year old chew cup in the trash for the first time along with the 2 tins laying around the house. We'll see. I really want to quit. I do. I've tried Chantix but it didn't really work for me. It helped me cut down my intake some but ultimately just gave me the blues. So for anyone else out there that a) has quit or B) is in the process of quitting you have a friend in me and I will take your stories of struggle or success to heart. I know that I can use all of the help in the world cause this habit has become such a love of mine that it's almost impossible to imagine life without it. But i'm trying.
You can do it Jude,

Post and use the site. 8 year old chew can though????????

What does an 8 year old spitter look like? I had a friend in college who used one of those massive wine bottles as a spitter in his room. It was almost to the spilling point when he graduated.
Wha? You mean he never cleaned it out?! 'yak'
No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
- 1 Corinthians 10:13

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2010, 04:39:00 PM »
Quote from: judetree
First time posting about dipping and now seems as good a time as any. I've been dipping off and on for about 17 years. I'm 37 now. Otherwise a healthy person, the dipping is starting to take its toll. I go through a can about every 2 or 3 days and have wanted to quit for a while but can't even get through 1 day! My wife has always been cool as in she doesn't hound me but in a sense she has become a bit of an enabler (not to blame). My day always begins the same: wake up, decide today's the day, shower, kiss my wife, go work, put in my time and on my 20 mile drive home from work I begin to look forward to my chew when I get home. The second I walk in the door I go right for my can (of chew!) and have the first of probably 4-5 chews between the hours of say 5:00-11:00. Almost 1 per hour. This morning, I threw my 8 year old chew cup in the trash for the first time along with the 2 tins laying around the house. We'll see. I really want to quit. I do. I've tried Chantix but it didn't really work for me. It helped me cut down my intake some but ultimately just gave me the blues. So for anyone else out there that a) has quit or B) is in the process of quitting you have a friend in me and I will take your stories of struggle or success to heart. I know that I can use all of the help in the world cause this habit has become such a love of mine that it's almost impossible to imagine life without it. But i'm trying.
Trust Me I, and everyone else, knows exactly what you are talking about. I chewed for 26 or 27 years. I ate with it in, I slept with it in, hell at times i would even have sex with it in. Every morning I woke up I threw a chew in. I wouldn't spit it out very often...I would just keep adding a little to it all day. I tried Chantex also, I tried every drug the dr would give to quit. What I finally came to the conclusion was that the reason I kept going back was simply because I was quitting without feeling the pain on those drugs. When you take away the true pain and struggle in a quit, I truly believe you don't appriciate the quit and fall off the wagon way easier. Hell if I can do it you can too. Just get your mind wrapped around the idea that the pain and struggle is like the pain of starting to lift weights. At first it sucks big time, but then after a little while that burn starts to feel good and you embrace it. Trying to quit is like trying to make money. Only you can put the work in to get the reward, and only you can determine how much effort will go into your quit. Just remember we are here ready to help you anyway we can.
I quit dying on July 25, 2010. When will you??