Author Topic: Jbob's intro  (Read 2693 times)

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Offline wmcatty

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Re: Jbob's intro
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2013, 06:12:00 PM »
Welcome aboard Jbob. After you left chat I sent you my number in a PM. Check on the upper right hand of your screen and you will see your message (inbox) center. Give me a call and lets shoot the bull. This is going to be an interesting time for you but you will make it. Stay focused and I will quit with you all day long.
"Life's tough......It's even tougher if you're stupid."
-John Wayne

Offline Jbob

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Jbob's intro
« on: June 15, 2013, 05:54:00 PM »
Mjollnir suggested I do this; so here it is; grew up in Kansas - lived in a little town but worked for farmers during the summer; started chewing leaf tobacco when I was 14 or so - then cigarettes; and smoked cigs for at least 25 years; then quit cigs with dip and I've been dipping since - another 20 years; today is my 59th birthday - so starting nicotine at 14 and june 8, 2013 my quit date puts me at 45 years of nicotine - by the time you get as old as I am, you start developing a minimal degree of self honesty - and I have known that all good things come to an end - and dip needed to come to an end - I felt shitty even when i'm in the best physical condition of my life - ran 3 1/2 marathons in the last 18 months - and still feel shitty - I was having to remind myself at night to get up and spit out the wad in my mouth otherwise I would go to sleep with it and wake up choking on it - happened more than once; pissed me off that I had to spit it out - sick sick addiction - but i'm done - made the decision at high noon june 8 2013 and been dip free since - had snooped around this site several times in the last couple years - and glad its here and im using it - doing the quit with the support of others that have faced the beast before me - makes it a whole lot more doable for this sick puppy - thanks for all the bad ass quitters out there who are owning their quit and being there to help us newbies - hopefully I will pay it forward sometime soon - My name is jeff and I live in Raleigh, NC - I've got several quitters numbers and hope to keep building the list.
Quit date: Friday November 22, 2013