Author Topic: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..  (Read 4100 times)

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2011, 12:37:00 PM »
Quote from: dippshit
Walked into the gas station for the first time in almost a week just now. The gal behind the counter must of thought I was hold up in the hospital or something... I used to buy 2 cans a day from her for as long as I can remember. I threw my cup of coffee down and she threw the Cope down on the counter... I politely said "you can put that back on the rack, I quit." She was floored, she couldn't believe it... either could I to tell you the truth.

For as long as I can remember, I would have to have a dip right after my morning cup of coffee, coffee is my biggest trigger, if I didint have that dip, I would rage untill I had it.

Today was the first day in 12 years that I could have my morning cup of coffee without going down on the nic bitch afterward, and even though everything feels foggy and like its a dream right now, I still feel halfway normal.

I have realized that I can feel good without nicotine. Today, this is why I am quit.
Great Victory!! Freedom is a wonderful feeling.

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2011, 12:29:00 PM »
Walked into the gas station for the first time in almost a week just now. The gal behind the counter must of thought I was hold up in the hospital or something... I used to buy 2 cans a day from her for as long as I can remember. I threw my cup of coffee down and she threw the Cope down on the counter... I politely said "you can put that back on the rack, I quit." She was floored, she couldn't believe it... either could I to tell you the truth.

For as long as I can remember, I would have to have a dip right after my morning cup of coffee, coffee is my biggest trigger, if I didint have that dip, I would rage untill I had it.

Today was the first day in 12 years that I could have my morning cup of coffee without going down on the nic bitch afterward, and even though everything feels foggy and like its a dream right now, I still feel halfway normal.

I have realized that I can feel good without nicotine. Today, this is why I am quit.

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

Offline Scowick65

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2011, 09:48:00 AM »
Quote from: Radman
Quote from: dippshit
I want complete control over myself. Today, this is why I am quit.
Well said, sir. Now, on with the quitting....
We create freedom 1 day at a time. Welcome.

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2011, 09:45:00 AM »
Quote from: dippshit
I want complete control over myself. Today, this is why I am quit.
Well said, sir. Now, on with the quitting....

Offline Parputt

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2011, 11:11:00 AM »
Don't take it out on the wife and kids, come scream at us. This is why we are here, support.

And no they do not understand. My wife has this unique ability to sense when I am in a bad mood and commence to nag the shit out of me. Seems they feed off of our bad vibe or something.

Just stay cool bro and you will even out in a few months.
QD:  1-13-11
HOF: 4-22-11
Sobriety date: 3-4-07

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You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose ~ Dr. Seuss

Offline dippshit

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2011, 10:16:00 AM »
Thanks for the help guys... Posted Roll 2 days in a row. haven't had a dip in 3. I thought it was goin good. I had about an hour and a half last night where I actually felt "OK", I wasn't draggin ass so I did some shit around the house... Then the wife asked me how long her walk was. Very nicely, I told her I didn't know, I wasn't paying attention. She asked me again, I told her to bring a damn stop watch next time so she knows exactly how long her walk was. She wouldn't let it go. She is worse than I am... If I can keep my cool, we don't fight. But if I lose it, the whole place comes down. Women and children have the luxury of being careless and not in control, we don't. That is why I hate this disease so much, I have a lack of control over myself when I want it. I want complete control over myself. Today, this is why I am quit.

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

Offline Scowick65

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2011, 07:42:00 PM »
Quote from: Notdeadyet
Quote from: dippshit
I've been dipping since I was 16, I am only 28, and I know I haven't been dipping as long as some of the old timers on here, but some of you guys have to relate when it comes to not remembering a time when you didn't dip, before you quit that is. Towards the end last week, I was dipping 2 cans a day...

I haven't had a dip in 2 days, but was using the patch. It helped a lot with the crave and irritability, but after lurking for those 2 days, I was inspired to go cold turkey... I just pulled that patch off and I am both scared and excited, looking forward to getting this shit over with, and knowing that each minute that passes is a minute I will never have to go through again...

I made a list of reasons to quit, and like some others on here, one of my biggest reason is because I lie to my wife, and cant spend an entire day with her without wanting to rip someones head off because I am jonseing for a dip. We have our 1 year anniversary coming up friday, its a 12 hour road trip, and I want it to be special, I don't want to be withdrawing and picking fights the whole time. I would be withdrawing anyways, so might as well get it kicked off now.

Don't get me wrong, I am not quitting for her, or anyone else, she plays a big part in it, but I am quitting for my sanity, my marriage, and my pursuit to be a better man and husband... She caught me saturday, I left a can sitting right on the passenger seat. I didn't see it till I was jumping in and she was about to open the door of my truck. I thought she would flip, she didn't. She was disappointed in me. What kind of a man am I? Lying to my wife? I need to be a better man.

Long winded I know, I cant think strait and it is all just flowing out of me. But as I type, some sort of fog is sliding over me... and here we go...

Tomorrow will be my official quit day. I need some help on how and where I go to post roll... Ive read you guys talking about it, and it looks like I should.

Thanks for reading.

The dippshit.
Spit your shit out right now and flush all your cans and you can squeeze into the January 2012 pre-HOF quit group, but you need to post roll now. Get rid of ALL nicotine.

If you stop now you will actually be feeling better by the time you make your 12 hr drive on Friday.

Click on the pink salmon Welcome Center above/left and read how to post roll call in your quit group. This is your promise to not dip for 24 hours, then post roll again tomorrow and so on.

Congrats on a life changing decision. Might even get lucky on your anniversary when she finds out you quit for good!
Whether nicotine dependency was established and/or maintained by being chewed, smoked, drank, snuffed, sprayed, swallowed, sucked, licked or patched, in the end there is only one way out - no nicotine today.

Post up and get this over with. You post up and you will have all the support you need. Go tell your wife you are done with this shit. This is it. This is the last withdrawal. Ever.

You can do this. We create freedom here. 1 day at a time.

Here is why we post roll: index.php?showtopic=120

Here is how you post roll: index.php?showtopic=50

Here is where you post roll: index.php?showtopic=5270

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2011, 05:45:00 PM »
Quote from: dippshit
I've been dipping since I was 16, I am only 28, and I know I haven't been dipping as long as some of the old timers on here, but some of you guys have to relate when it comes to not remembering a time when you didn't dip, before you quit that is. Towards the end last week, I was dipping 2 cans a day...

I haven't had a dip in 2 days, but was using the patch. It helped a lot with the crave and irritability, but after lurking for those 2 days, I was inspired to go cold turkey... I just pulled that patch off and I am both scared and excited, looking forward to getting this shit over with, and knowing that each minute that passes is a minute I will never have to go through again...

I made a list of reasons to quit, and like some others on here, one of my biggest reason is because I lie to my wife, and cant spend an entire day with her without wanting to rip someones head off because I am jonseing for a dip. We have our 1 year anniversary coming up friday, its a 12 hour road trip, and I want it to be special, I don't want to be withdrawing and picking fights the whole time. I would be withdrawing anyways, so might as well get it kicked off now.

Don't get me wrong, I am not quitting for her, or anyone else, she plays a big part in it, but I am quitting for my sanity, my marriage, and my pursuit to be a better man and husband... She caught me saturday, I left a can sitting right on the passenger seat. I didn't see it till I was jumping in and she was about to open the door of my truck. I thought she would flip, she didn't. She was disappointed in me. What kind of a man am I? Lying to my wife? I need to be a better man.

Long winded I know, I cant think strait and it is all just flowing out of me. But as I type, some sort of fog is sliding over me... and here we go...

Tomorrow will be my official quit day. I need some help on how and where I go to post roll... Ive read you guys talking about it, and it looks like I should.

Thanks for reading.

The dippshit.
Spit your shit out right now and flush all your cans and you can squeeze into the January 2012 pre-HOF quit group, but you need to post roll now. Get rid of ALL nicotine.

If you stop now you will actually be feeling better by the time you make your 12 hr drive on Friday.

Click on the pink salmon Welcome Center above/left and read how to post roll call in your quit group. This is your promise to not dip for 24 hours, then post roll again tomorrow and so on.

Congrats on a life changing decision. Might even get lucky on your anniversary when she finds out you quit for good!
38 yr slave
Dumbass No More 8/31/2011

Anyone can stop, but can you quit? A "Stopper" versus a "Quitter"

Dumbass No More - A Quitter's Tale Of Ending Stupid Behavior

Offline dippshit

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My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« on: October 24, 2011, 05:12:00 PM »
I've been dipping since I was 16, I am only 28, and I know I haven't been dipping as long as some of the old timers on here, but some of you guys have to relate when it comes to not remembering a time when you didn't dip, before you quit that is. Towards the end last week, I was dipping 2 cans a day...

I haven't had a dip in 2 days, but was using the patch. It helped a lot with the crave and irritability, but after lurking for those 2 days, I was inspired to go cold turkey... I just pulled that patch off and I am both scared and excited, looking forward to getting this shit over with, and knowing that each minute that passes is a minute I will never have to go through again...

I made a list of reasons to quit, and like some others on here, one of my biggest reason is because I lie to my wife, and cant spend an entire day with her without wanting to rip someones head off because I am jonseing for a dip. We have our 1 year anniversary coming up friday, its a 12 hour road trip, and I want it to be special, I don't want to be withdrawing and picking fights the whole time. I would be withdrawing anyways, so might as well get it kicked off now.

Don't get me wrong, I am not quitting for her, or anyone else, she plays a big part in it, but I am quitting for my sanity, my marriage, and my pursuit to be a better man and husband... She caught me saturday, I left a can sitting right on the passenger seat. I didn't see it till I was jumping in and she was about to open the door of my truck. I thought she would flip, she didn't. She was disappointed in me. What kind of a man am I? Lying to my wife? I need to be a better man.

Long winded I know, I cant think strait and it is all just flowing out of me. But as I type, some sort of fog is sliding over me... and here we go...

Tomorrow will be my official quit day. I need some help on how and where I go to post roll... Ive read you guys talking about it, and it looks like I should.

Thanks for reading.

The dippshit.

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown