Author Topic: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..  (Read 4117 times)

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Offline dippshit

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #24 on: November 05, 2011, 12:04:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: dippshit
Day 11. If it wasn't for this island of misfits, the chat room and the accountability, I would be dipping right now. But now that im thru the fog, I feel like I almost get it. I feel good today. Finally. My wife went out with the girls tonight, before last week, I would have been in dippin hog heaven. But I don't dip anymore. I miss her. Wow. I know there's a long road ahead, and I've managed to get most of you guys to hate me by now, but I want to thank every single member of this site, especially those whom I have interacted with. because without this site, I would still be dipping. I long to be a shaman of quit, a seasoned vet. But I understand that it takes a whole lot more work to get there. I will try to never forget, but if I do, I want to say it now, thank you fuckers, thank you.
Dippy who are you saying you miss?
I meant that as a double entandre. So both, my wife and the nic bitch. It was a weak moment. I have to be honest.

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #23 on: November 05, 2011, 07:26:00 AM »
Quote from: dippshit
Day 11. If it wasn't for this island of misfits, the chat room and the accountability, I would be dipping right now. But now that im thru the fog, I feel like I almost get it. I feel good today. Finally. My wife went out with the girls tonight, before last week, I would have been in dippin hog heaven. But I don't dip anymore. I miss her. Wow. I know there's a long road ahead, and I've managed to get most of you guys to hate me by now, but I want to thank every single member of this site, especially those whom I have interacted with. because without this site, I would still be dipping. I long to be a shaman of quit, a seasoned vet. But I understand that it takes a whole lot more work to get there. I will try to never forget, but if I do, I want to say it now, thank you fuckers, thank you.
Dippy who are you saying you miss?

Offline dippshit

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #22 on: November 05, 2011, 12:50:00 AM »
Day 11. If it wasn't for this island of misfits, the chat room and the accountability, I would be dipping right now. But now that im thru the fog, I feel like I almost get it. I feel good today. Finally. My wife went out with the girls tonight, before last week, I would have been in dippin hog heaven. But I don't dip anymore. I miss her. Wow. I know there's a long road ahead, and I've managed to get most of you guys to hate me by now, but I want to thank every single member of this site, especially those whom I have interacted with. because without this site, I would still be dipping. I long to be a shaman of quit, a seasoned vet. But I understand that it takes a whole lot more work to get there. I will try to never forget, but if I do, I want to say it now, thank you fuckers, thank you.

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

Offline dippshit

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2011, 09:36:00 AM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Aglawyer
Quote from: dippshit
Rough night... Still quit tho... Every decision and desire a have ever had or made is and has been strictly logic based. Every one except for this one. I know it is killing me, poisenous, and pointless. But some part of me, deep down, coming from a place I can't touch, visceral,  is telling me to have one more, just one more.

It took 3 days cold turkey and my first 6 beers quit to show me that I really am an addict. A junkie. Im a junkie, this is why I stay quit tonight.

I recommend you hop into the Live Chat in the evenings, during those "rough nights". Posting roll is the basic fundamental thing we do here but ENGAGING will strengthen that promise and your QUIT. I'm no quit expert, only having quit now for 91 days, but I can tell you that in my first month or more I practically lived in the chat room. I'll still go in there every day but in the beginning it is important to engage and build your motivation.

And remember, you WILL NOT have just "one more". Do something else. Put something else in your mouth. Just don't do it - keep that promise.

Shout if you need anything.
Admitting you are an addict is the foundation to quitting. It does not make quitting easy, it just means you call the shots. Great job!

Thank you. Calling the shots, I am. Every time my quit gets tested, I work that bitch out. I try to make the suck more painful, make it hurt more, so that the next time I feel the suck, its a little easier to handle. Whatever the trigger is, I do more of it, and commence working my quit out. Ive got my quit doing pushups on my desk right now as I type this, working that bitch out, making it easier for the next time.

Or I have finally cracked...

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

Offline Scowick65

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2011, 08:58:00 AM »
Quote from: Aglawyer
Quote from: dippshit
Rough night... Still quit tho... Every decision and desire a have ever had or made is and has been strictly logic based. Every one except for this one. I know it is killing me, poisenous, and pointless. But some part of me, deep down, coming from a place I can't touch, visceral,  is telling me to have one more, just one more.

It took 3 days cold turkey and my first 6 beers quit to show me that I really am an addict. A junkie. Im a junkie, this is why I stay quit tonight.

I recommend you hop into the Live Chat in the evenings, during those "rough nights". Posting roll is the basic fundamental thing we do here but ENGAGING will strengthen that promise and your QUIT. I'm no quit expert, only having quit now for 91 days, but I can tell you that in my first month or more I practically lived in the chat room. I'll still go in there every day but in the beginning it is important to engage and build your motivation.

And remember, you WILL NOT have just "one more". Do something else. Put something else in your mouth. Just don't do it - keep that promise.

Shout if you need anything.
Admitting you are an addict is the foundation to quitting. It does not make quitting easy, it just means you call the shots. Great job!

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2011, 12:12:00 AM »
Quote from: dippshit
Rough night... Still quit tho... Every decision and desire a have ever had or made is and has been strictly logic based. Every one except for this one. I know it is killing me, poisenous, and pointless. But some part of me, deep down, coming from a place I can't touch, visceral, is telling me to have one more, just one more.

It took 3 days cold turkey and my first 6 beers quit to show me that I really am an addict. A junkie. Im a junkie, this is why I stay quit tonight.

I recommend you hop into the Live Chat in the evenings, during those "rough nights". Posting roll is the basic fundamental thing we do here but ENGAGING will strengthen that promise and your QUIT. I'm no quit expert, only having quit now for 91 days, but I can tell you that in my first month or more I practically lived in the chat room. I'll still go in there every day but in the beginning it is important to engage and build your motivation.

And remember, you WILL NOT have just "one more". Do something else. Put something else in your mouth. Just don't do it - keep that promise.

Shout if you need anything.

Offline dippshit

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #18 on: October 26, 2011, 11:21:00 PM »
Rough night... Still quit tho... Every decision and desire a have ever had or made is and has been strictly logic based. Every one except for this one. I know it is killing me, poisenous, and pointless. But some part of me, deep down, coming from a place I can't touch, visceral, is telling me to have one more, just one more.

It took 3 days cold turkey and my first 6 beers quit to show me that I really am an addict. A junkie. Im a junkie, this is why I stay quit tonight.


"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

Offline Radman

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #17 on: October 26, 2011, 03:24:00 PM »
Quote from: dippshit
Quote from: Radman
Quote from: Steve1357
Quote from: dippshit
Walked into the gas station for the first time in almost a week just now. The gal behind the counter must of thought I was hold up in the hospital or something... I used to buy 2 cans a day from her for as long as I can remember. I threw my cup of coffee down and she threw the Cope down on the counter...  I politely said "you can put that back on the rack, I quit." She was floored, she couldn't believe it... either could I to tell you the truth.

For as long as I can remember, I would have to have a dip right after my morning cup of coffee, coffee is my biggest trigger, if I didint have that dip, I would rage untill I had it.

Today was the first day in 12 years that I could have my morning cup of coffee without going down on the nic bitch afterward, and even though everything feels foggy and like its a dream right now, I still feel halfway normal.

I have realized that I can feel good without nicotine. Today, this is why I am quit.
Great Victory!! Freedom is a wonderful feeling.
Document and remember every one of these personal victories. You own this shit. Well done!

Did the gal at the store give you that "You know I got what you want. That's what they all say. Bullshit, you'll be back." look and flash you a smartass smile? I got that a couple times when I first quit. Proving those nic bitch personifications wrong is the most awesome feeling I can think of right now.
She didnt give me that look.... but she has some huge 'boob'
Well, there you go. I'd just stare at those puppies instead of making eye contact with the cancer cans behind the counter. Again, well done bro.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2011, 03:00:00 PM »
Quote from: bigsky406
Nice work DS. I had a similar experience last night at the store. I was thrilled to tell my dealer Jay that I didn't need a can and wouldn't be needing any more cans from here on out. I told him he was lucky, too, because he wouldn't have to hear me bitch about how they didn't carry the right brand.

You and I are on just about the exact same track. Glad to be quit with you bro.

Offline Notdeadyet

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2011, 01:43:00 PM »
Quote from: dippshit
Quote from: bigsky406
Nice work DS. I had a similar experience last night at the store. I was thrilled to tell my dealer Jay that I didn't need a can and wouldn't be needing any more cans from here on out. I told him he was lucky, too, because he wouldn't have to hear me bitch about how they didn't carry the right brand.

You and I are on just about the exact same track. Glad to be quit with you bro.
Right back at ya buddy. We got this shit.
Did you two swap phone #'s yet? Sounds like Bigsky might need a little help posting roll this weekend.
38 yr slave
Dumbass No More 8/31/2011

Anyone can stop, but can you quit? A "Stopper" versus a "Quitter"

Dumbass No More - A Quitter's Tale Of Ending Stupid Behavior

Offline dippshit

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2011, 01:33:00 PM »
Quote from: bigsky406
Nice work DS. I had a similar experience last night at the store. I was thrilled to tell my dealer Jay that I didn't need a can and wouldn't be needing any more cans from here on out. I told him he was lucky, too, because he wouldn't have to hear me bitch about how they didn't carry the right brand.

You and I are on just about the exact same track. Glad to be quit with you bro.
Right back at ya buddy. We got this shit.

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2011, 01:28:00 PM »
Nice work DS. I had a similar experience last night at the store. I was thrilled to tell my dealer Jay that I didn't need a can and wouldn't be needing any more cans from here on out. I told him he was lucky, too, because he wouldn't have to hear me bitch about how they didn't carry the right brand.

You and I are on just about the exact same track. Glad to be quit with you bro.

Offline dippshit

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2011, 01:26:00 PM »
Quote from: Radman
Quote from: Steve1357
Quote from: dippshit
Walked into the gas station for the first time in almost a week just now. The gal behind the counter must of thought I was hold up in the hospital or something... I used to buy 2 cans a day from her for as long as I can remember. I threw my cup of coffee down and she threw the Cope down on the counter...  I politely said "you can put that back on the rack, I quit." She was floored, she couldn't believe it... either could I to tell you the truth.

For as long as I can remember, I would have to have a dip right after my morning cup of coffee, coffee is my biggest trigger, if I didint have that dip, I would rage untill I had it.

Today was the first day in 12 years that I could have my morning cup of coffee without going down on the nic bitch afterward, and even though everything feels foggy and like its a dream right now, I still feel halfway normal.

I have realized that I can feel good without nicotine. Today, this is why I am quit.
Great Victory!! Freedom is a wonderful feeling.
Document and remember every one of these personal victories. You own this shit. Well done!

Did the gal at the store give you that "You know I got what you want. That's what they all say. Bullshit, you'll be back." look and flash you a smartass smile? I got that a couple times when I first quit. Proving those nic bitch personifications wrong is the most awesome feeling I can think of right now.
She didnt give me that look.... but she has some huge 'boob'

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

Offline Radman

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2011, 12:51:00 PM »
Quote from: Steve1357
Quote from: dippshit
Walked into the gas station for the first time in almost a week just now. The gal behind the counter must of thought I was hold up in the hospital or something... I used to buy 2 cans a day from her for as long as I can remember. I threw my cup of coffee down and she threw the Cope down on the counter...  I politely said "you can put that back on the rack, I quit." She was floored, she couldn't believe it... either could I to tell you the truth.

For as long as I can remember, I would have to have a dip right after my morning cup of coffee, coffee is my biggest trigger, if I didint have that dip, I would rage untill I had it.

Today was the first day in 12 years that I could have my morning cup of coffee without going down on the nic bitch afterward, and even though everything feels foggy and like its a dream right now, I still feel halfway normal.

I have realized that I can feel good without nicotine. Today, this is why I am quit.
Great Victory!! Freedom is a wonderful feeling.
Document and remember every one of these personal victories. You own this shit. Well done!

Did the gal at the store give you that "You know I got what you want. That's what they all say. Bullshit, you'll be back." look and flash you a smartass smile? I got that a couple times when I first quit. Proving those nic bitch personifications wrong is the most awesome feeling I can think of right now.

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2011, 12:50:00 PM »
Quote from: Steve1357
Quote from: dippshit
Walked into the gas station for the first time in almost a week just now. The gal behind the counter must of thought I was hold up in the hospital or something... I used to buy 2 cans a day from her for as long as I can remember. I threw my cup of coffee down and she threw the Cope down on the counter...  I politely said "you can put that back on the rack, I quit." She was floored, she couldn't believe it... either could I to tell you the truth.

For as long as I can remember, I would have to have a dip right after my morning cup of coffee, coffee is my biggest trigger, if I didint have that dip, I would rage untill I had it.

Today was the first day in 12 years that I could have my morning cup of coffee without going down on the nic bitch afterward, and even though everything feels foggy and like its a dream right now, I still feel halfway normal.

I have realized that I can feel good without nicotine. Today, this is why I am quit.
Great Victory!! Freedom is a wonderful feeling.

That is just a small taste of freedom. Each day that you are quit creates waves of freedom that keep coming until one day you are immersed in it. Keep that attitude--be PROUD and have HOPE today. One rule--Quit Today!

"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can do without" HD Thoreau