Author Topic: This is Day 1  (Read 3248 times)

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Re: This is Day 1
« Reply #34 on: June 20, 2011, 09:31:00 PM »

"Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you." - Thomas Jefferson (arguably, or some Polish fuck from the early 20th century)

Offline Ready

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Re: This is Day 1
« Reply #33 on: June 20, 2011, 09:29:00 PM »
You people have no idea how PROUD I am of each and every one of you...

Skoal Monster

Yes, and even you MedStudent.

There was some great wisdom and helping going on in this thread. Fine quitters from all walks of life offering some of the finest advise I have seen on this site. All of it culminating in a confused and scared quitter changing his attitude, listening to others, keeping an open mind and eventually making the decision to quit this horrid addiction.

Pride. That's the best way I can describe it. This entire site boiled down into this thread.

Keep your word Men.

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Re: This is Day 1
« Reply #32 on: June 20, 2011, 09:21:00 PM »
I've been creepin on your posts. Glad to be quit with you today! I was hoping you would post roll and join in with the best decision of your life!

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Re: This is Day 1
« Reply #31 on: June 20, 2011, 09:12:00 PM »
Glad to see you manned up and posted roll. Don't talk about about it. Own it. Get involved. Accountability is key.

I look forward to your day 2 tomorrow friend.
I quit with with you all!

Offline Jtricher

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Re: This is Day 1
« Reply #30 on: June 20, 2011, 08:52:00 PM »
Quit with you today MedStudent. Keep your word to me not to use nicotine today and I'll do the same for you. Embrace the suck. Welcome it. Eat it. Taste it. Feel it. Love it. It is your body waging a violent, brutal war against the most addictive substance known to man. It is your soul embracing freedom for the first time in years. Take it day by day. Listen to those who have come before you because they know. Congrats on Day 1, the first day of the rest of your life.
I chose Freedom on May 26, 2011, at 9:16 PM CST. My Introduction
I entered the HOF on September 2, 2011, at 7:08 AM CST. My HOF Speech

Offline dante

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Re: This is Day 1
« Reply #29 on: June 20, 2011, 08:27:00 PM »
Quote from: MedStudent
I'm quit for today.
Awesome! Post roll early every morning, honor your promise, worry about tomorrow when it gets here.

If you need anything, PM me. Glad to be QUIT with you today!
Quit Date: May 10, 2011

Offline Smokeyg

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Re: This is Day 1
« Reply #28 on: June 20, 2011, 08:17:00 PM »
i no longer want you to die. congrats.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: This is Day 1
« Reply #27 on: June 20, 2011, 08:15:00 PM »
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: MedStudent
No doubt that I am a nicotine addict.  It's true, waiting around for the fake stuff to get here delays the inevitable as it is not what is going to get me through the physical nicotine withdrawal.  Thank you for continuing to point out that "Tomorrow" is the addiction talking and not what is best for me.  I flushed the last of my stuff, am not chewing now nor will I for the remainder of the night.  Consider this my posting roll for day 0.  I'll post day 1 tomorrow morning.
NO reason to wait. If you've flushed all nicotine, this is day 1. Go post your day 1 in September and keep your word tonight. Then get up in the morning and post your day 2 first thing. It doesn't have to be a full 24 hour day. If TODAY is the day you QUIT, then today is your DAY 1, it doesn't matter how many hours are left in the day.

POSTING DAY 1 TOMORROW = NO PROMISE TODAY = I'd only be lying to myself addict rationalization = drive to store for shit I just flushed = one more can and I'm done and posting tomorrow = many more years of slavery. I assume you've lied to yourself before when it comes to your addiction, right? So post that promise NOW and stop thinking about it. Let the healing begin.

If you post DAY 1 today, it will be your statement that you want accountability and will no longer let the can dictate your decisions. Look at all these folks lined up to support you. Carpe Diem, MS, Carpe Diem.
PS: Count me among those who will support you. I might sue you for malpractice one day, but I'll do anything I can to help your quit.
I see your DAY 1 post in September. Nice work. Welcome. Good to be quit with you today.
Today. 1 day at a time.

Offline G

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Re: This is Day 1
« Reply #26 on: June 20, 2011, 08:13:00 PM »
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: MedStudent
No doubt that I am a nicotine addict.  It's true, waiting around for the fake stuff to get here delays the inevitable as it is not what is going to get me through the physical nicotine withdrawal.  Thank you for continuing to point out that "Tomorrow" is the addiction talking and not what is best for me.  I flushed the last of my stuff, am not chewing now nor will I for the remainder of the night.  Consider this my posting roll for day 0.  I'll post day 1 tomorrow morning.
NO reason to wait. If you've flushed all nicotine, this is day 1. Go post your day 1 in September and keep your word tonight. Then get up in the morning and post your day 2 first thing. It doesn't have to be a full 24 hour day. If TODAY is the day you QUIT, then today is your DAY 1, it doesn't matter how many hours are left in the day.

POSTING DAY 1 TOMORROW = NO PROMISE TODAY = I'd only be lying to myself addict rationalization = drive to store for shit I just flushed = one more can and I'm done and posting tomorrow = many more years of slavery. I assume you've lied to yourself before when it comes to your addiction, right? So post that promise NOW and stop thinking about it. Let the healing begin.

If you post DAY 1 today, it will be your statement that you want accountability and will no longer let the can dictate your decisions. Look at all these folks lined up to support you. Carpe Diem, MS, Carpe Diem.
PS: Count me among those who will support you. I might sue you for malpractice one day, but I'll do anything I can to help your quit.
I see your DAY 1 post in September. Nice work. Welcome. Good to be quit with you today.

Offline G

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Re: This is Day 1
« Reply #25 on: June 20, 2011, 08:08:00 PM »
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: MedStudent
No doubt that I am a nicotine addict.  It's true, waiting around for the fake stuff to get here delays the inevitable as it is not what is going to get me through the physical nicotine withdrawal.  Thank you for continuing to point out that "Tomorrow" is the addiction talking and not what is best for me.  I flushed the last of my stuff, am not chewing now nor will I for the remainder of the night.  Consider this my posting roll for day 0.  I'll post day 1 tomorrow morning.
NO reason to wait. If you've flushed all nicotine, this is day 1. Go post your day 1 in September and keep your word tonight. Then get up in the morning and post your day 2 first thing. It doesn't have to be a full 24 hour day. If TODAY is the day you QUIT, then today is your DAY 1, it doesn't matter how many hours are left in the day.

POSTING DAY 1 TOMORROW = NO PROMISE TODAY = I'd only be lying to myself addict rationalization = drive to store for shit I just flushed = one more can and I'm done and posting tomorrow = many more years of slavery. I assume you've lied to yourself before when it comes to your addiction, right? So post that promise NOW and stop thinking about it. Let the healing begin.

If you post DAY 1 today, it will be your statement that you want accountability and will no longer let the can dictate your decisions. Look at all these folks lined up to support you. Carpe Diem, MS, Carpe Diem.
PS: Count me among those who will support you. I might sue you for malpractice one day, but I'll do anything I can to help your quit.

Offline Nolaq

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Re: This is Day 1
« Reply #24 on: June 20, 2011, 08:08:00 PM »
Quote from: Leahy16
Quote from: MedStudent
This is actually bsim posting under my old alias. Thanks to Ready for getting the ball rolling and thanks to LOOT for finding it for me. I guess noonelikesaquitter isn't the first to call "bullshit," but as far as the alias is concerned, is the first to be proven wrong. In terms of the quit, the rest of you will see.

As far as not wasting your guys' time, according to the site guidelines, it seems O.K. for me to post in the "Intro" section prior to posting roll for the first time. This was posted by Remsot in the "If you are planning to quit, read this section first" section:

"That doesnÂ’t mean you have to leave. Please feel free to post in the Cafe`. Ask questions, start making contacts. Learn. Post in the Introductions area. Many quitters will respond to you in both of these areas. We have a chat room. You can also go into there for some live chat. When you are ready, and want to post day 1, find your quit group and post up. It will be a day you never forget."

The below quote posted by Russter helps me to get an idea where all this animosity is coming from.

"What got my attention here versus other sites was they said to put the can down NOW! Every other site I had looked at said to plan your quit. Well I don't know about you...but I know plans can change, because I changed my quit plans plenty of times! NOW sounded pretty interesting. NOW sounded immediate, and I desperately NEEDED that!"

I see that QUIT NOW! is a major theme of this site and a strongly held belief among those among those of you who choose to criticize my approach to this. And I guess I use the word "criticize" lightly, because some of the comments sound borderline psychotic to me. As far as I'm concerned, those of you with nothing decent to say are just childish bullies with issues that span beyond nicotine. I've got nothing more to say about that.

I've also been called a hypocrite. Why? Because I've fallen off the wagon just like 90% of the people here? Every single one of us is here because we aren't perfect, yet some of you dance around and discredit my previous quits because I failed...JUST LIKE YOU HAVE. I'd even be willing to bet that some of you, prior to making it to the HOF (strong work, by the way) have actually failed more times than I have. Someone said that I think I am above all of this, but that's about the most hypocritical thing I've read, coming from a guy who was once in my shoes yet refuses to offer any kind of wisdom or support based on his own real experience. It's a discredit to himself and a total waste.

I honestly appreciate the help of supportive individuals as I continue to struggle with this addiction. I know that many disagree with my having a plan to approach this quit, but that's how I am going to do this for myself. I guess that makes it sound as if am ignoring the advice of people who have made an effort to be supportive and suggest that I quit now. I am sorry for giving that impression. Let's just remember that quitting, above all else, is a personal struggle that should be addressed in a personal way. If there was a cookie-cutter approach to quitting that worked for everyone, there would be no need for this site. These exact thoughts are echoed in the mission statement posted by iuchewie:

"We realize that there are a variety of ways to be successful quitting chew. We will NOT tell you that one way is better than another, but we will tell you our experience and what has worked for us. We will also tell you when you are doing something counterproductive to your quit. This quit is for you and about you. We are simply here to aid you along your journey. If you need "tough love" we will give that. If you need encouragement we will give that. If you need to be scared into quitting we will do that."

I am going to re-post my intro under the correct alias which I am using now and delete the bsim account which I started yesterday. If some of you want to go on and continue with unproductive rants, that is fine. Just know that you are making the choice to waste your own time, and don't accuse me of wasting it for you. And finally, I wouldn't have taken the time to write this if I weren't serious about quitting and sincere in the fact that I really do need support from all of you throughout the process. Thanks in advance.
Is the "plan" that you've come up with any different from the one you came up with in 2007 when you first signed on to this site? My guess is that it's pretty far that hasn't worked so well. Maybe you should try the way that is advocated on this site.

BTW, I disagree with you about there not being a "cookie-cutter" approach to quitting. There IS one and it DOES work. Flush the dip, post roll, keep your word today, repeat tomorrow. Simple, but it does work.

Maybe what you don't understand is that you have committed the virtual equivalent of walking into an AA meeting with a six-pack and told us you will give up drinking when you're done with your beers. I'm sure you can see that's not too cool and why you have received the "welcome" that you have.

Go back home, finish your six-pack, come back when you're ready...all these same A-holes will be willing to help you when you need it. By my calculation that will be about 12-15 hours after your last dip, when you're thinking that re-taking the M-CAT's would be more fun than climbing out of the shit-hole you dug for yourself.

One last piece of unsolicited advice...try re-reading these comments after you've convinced yourself that you've known all of these people for many, many years. That they care. And that you're essentially the dude everyone is focused on in the show "Intervention"...the addict, Doctor. The addict!
Damn Leahy...


I got nothing else on that one...
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline MedStudent

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Re: This is Day 1
« Reply #23 on: June 20, 2011, 08:06:00 PM »
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: MedStudent
No doubt that I am a nicotine addict.  It's true, waiting around for the fake stuff to get here delays the inevitable as it is not what is going to get me through the physical nicotine withdrawal.  Thank you for continuing to point out that "Tomorrow" is the addiction talking and not what is best for me.  I flushed the last of my stuff, am not chewing now nor will I for the remainder of the night.  Consider this my posting roll for day 0.  I'll post day 1 tomorrow morning.
NO reason to wait. If you've flushed all nicotine, this is day 1. Go post your day 1 in September and keep your word tonight. Then get up in the morning and post your day 2 first thing. It doesn't have to be a full 24 hour day. If TODAY is the day you QUIT, then today is your DAY 1, it doesn't matter how many hours are left in the day.

POSTING DAY 1 TOMORROW = NO PROMISE TODAY = I'd only be lying to myself addict rationalization = drive to store for shit I just flushed = one more can and I'm done and posting tomorrow = many more years of slavery. I assume you've lied to yourself before when it comes to your addiction, right? So post that promise NOW and stop thinking about it. Let the healing begin.

If you post DAY 1 today, it will be your statement that you want accountability and will no longer let the can dictate your decisions. Look at all these folks lined up to support you. Carpe Diem, MS, Carpe Diem.
I'm posted for Day 1.
Quit Day: 6/20/2011
1st Floor: 9/27/2011


Offline G

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Re: This is Day 1
« Reply #22 on: June 20, 2011, 08:04:00 PM »
Quote from: MedStudent
No doubt that I am a nicotine addict. It's true, waiting around for the fake stuff to get here delays the inevitable as it is not what is going to get me through the physical nicotine withdrawal. Thank you for continuing to point out that "Tomorrow" is the addiction talking and not what is best for me. I flushed the last of my stuff, am not chewing now nor will I for the remainder of the night. Consider this my posting roll for day 0. I'll post day 1 tomorrow morning.
NO reason to wait. If you've flushed all nicotine, this is day 1. Go post your day 1 in September and keep your word tonight. Then get up in the morning and post your day 2 first thing. It doesn't have to be a full 24 hour day. If TODAY is the day you QUIT, then today is your DAY 1, it doesn't matter how many hours are left in the day.

POSTING DAY 1 TOMORROW = NO PROMISE TODAY = I'd only be lying to myself addict rationalization = drive to store for shit I just flushed = one more can and I'm done and posting tomorrow = many more years of slavery. I assume you've lied to yourself before when it comes to your addiction, right? So post that promise NOW and stop thinking about it. Let the healing begin.

If you post DAY 1 today, it will be your statement that you want accountability and will no longer let the can dictate your decisions. Look at all these folks lined up to support you. Carpe Diem, MS, Carpe Diem.

Offline MedStudent

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Re: This is Day 1
« Reply #21 on: June 20, 2011, 07:55:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: MedStudent
No doubt that I am a nicotine addict.  It's true, waiting around for the fake stuff to get here delays the inevitable as it is not what is going to get me through the physical nicotine withdrawal.  Thank you for continuing to point out that "Tomorrow" is the addiction talking and not what is best for me.  I flushed the last of my stuff, am not chewing now nor will I for the remainder of the night.  Consider this my posting roll for day 0.  I'll post day 1 tomorrow morning.
There is no day zero , go to rollcall . Post your day one. Welcome to the ring.
If you utter the word tomorrow again i am going to stroke out. Today, today, today got it?
I'm quit for today.
Quit Day: 6/20/2011
1st Floor: 9/27/2011


Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: This is Day 1
« Reply #20 on: June 20, 2011, 07:49:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: MedStudent
No doubt that I am a nicotine addict.  It's true, waiting around for the fake stuff to get here delays the inevitable as it is not what is going to get me through the physical nicotine withdrawal.  Thank you for continuing to point out that "Tomorrow" is the addiction talking and not what is best for me.  I flushed the last of my stuff, am not chewing now nor will I for the remainder of the night.  Consider this my posting roll for day 0.  I'll post day 1 tomorrow morning.
There is no day zero , go to rollcall . Post your day one. Welcome to the ring.
If you utter the word tomorrow again i am going to stroke out. Today, today, today got it?
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."