Author Topic: It's easier the first time  (Read 3246 times)

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Offline Xzacto

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Re: It's easier the first time
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2011, 11:30:00 PM »
Hey Capt,
I tried but didn't have the privileges to do so. Thanks for the love.
I remember when it was cool as a kid to chew and smoke and then after 20 years I realized the only cool thing to do was to quit and livestrong! I would rather be broke and healthy than rich and sick!

Offline Capt Kylos

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Re: It's easier the first time
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2011, 11:10:00 PM »
You should be taking your sorry caving ass to your May group and posting your CHOICE to use nicotine.....and then get your sorry ass to August and explain why your a sorry dumb fuck for licking the nic bitch's ass and get serious about your quit and start posting ROLL every day douschebag.
Chew is for the weak, the ignorant, the stupid.....don't be stupid. Not stupid as of 11/28/10
Before you cave read this
Acting with almost as much speed as cyanide, nicotine is well
established as one of the most toxic drugs known. In humans,
60mg (a drop) is a lethal dose, and death follows intake within a few minutes. Dr. Charles Ksir

Mouth cancer kills
one American every hour.

Stay's life or death.....
Don't Cave

Offline Xzacto

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Re: It's easier the first time
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2011, 10:54:00 PM »
After 40 plus days of quit with my May brothers somehow I talked myself into having a cigar. It wasn't like I woke up one morning and said hey, how about a cigar today. It was a process of about 4 days leading up to the worst decision I ever made in recent memory. I posted roll late in the afternoon the first few days thinking that this addiction was under control. And that I would post roll after work since I had this thing whipped.

Then after the next day or so I made my way to the cigar shop and stood their looking around and standing in the humidor but I ended up leaving and coming home and posting roll late that night. Then the next day I woke up and the only thing I could think of was getting my ass off of work buying a 6 pack and lighting a cigar. In fact I actually justified it to myself since my father chewed cope for 20 some years and now he smokes fine cigars and he's "ok" so I figured I should do the same so that I could "enjoy" the time with him every now and then and smoke a cigar too. LMFAO

Long story short......I was smoking those cigarillos like cigarettes right out the chute and I've been ingesting nicotine in every way shape and form since and kicking myself in the ass every day for it.

KILL THE CAN WORKS! Its the only thing that has ever given me the confidence and strength in knowing I wasn't alone each day I posted roll. I was such a dick for letting myself down, my sons down and all of my KTC brothers and sisters down.
Here I am now knowing that this support system is truly a life saving resource that requires daily accountability to oneself and to each other. I'm ready to make that final decision and quit. Congratulations to all the May HOF for their truly incredible accomplishment and I look forward to the day that I too make it to the 100 day mark. For those of you who have continued to reach out to me even though I was off killing myself,

Thank you.
I remember when it was cool as a kid to chew and smoke and then after 20 years I realized the only cool thing to do was to quit and livestrong! I would rather be broke and healthy than rich and sick!

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Re: It's easier the first time
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2011, 08:06:00 AM »
Quote from: Xzacto
In case you didn't realize......I love to chew,
You USED to love to chew. Now, you hate it with every fiber of your being from the depths of your soul. You fucking hate it!

Offline G

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Re: It's easier the first time
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2011, 06:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Xzacto
First and foremost, is the shizzzniz!!

It's crazy how when I was a kid I would break my moms cigs and spit in the many brass spittoons that were throughout the house at an early age. It wasn't long until I was smoking and chewing daily before I was old enough to drive a car.... legally anyway. I fell in love with Copenhagen long before I stole a pinch from my Dad, and when my brother and I were in full swing which started my Freshman year of H.S. and my mom would wake us up yelling, " get that shit out of your mouth!" Apparently we liked it so much we just fell asleep with it.....LOL.....Hell, I was chewing from sun up to sun down then and have been for the past 20 years. I've taken a few years off here and there and smoked or basically switched from one to the other. And before long I was doing both at the same time daily.

I quit all tobacco 3 years ago from taking Chantix and it lasted for about 8 months I guess before I started up smoking and chewing. Chantix works and it works well but for me personally it effected my brain chemistry in a way that was unpleasing.

So, the past 4 days of no nicotine have been a first for me in my lifetime because I actually just quit. Hmmm, go figure.

But it's important to note that I gave up the cigarettes 5 months ago first and intentionally knew that the best and only way for me not to smoke was to just chew and so it was and here 5 months later I knew that I had the smoking whipped and have for some time but the thought of not having my best friend Copenhagen with me was the most terrifying thought I've contended with in my life time. Well, other than having my face cut off and ultimately dying and leaving my sons bastards.

But they go hand in hand and I think most of us would agree. The dilema..... knowing what was at risk, I would live my life in fear and allow my fear to drive my addiction and repeat the cycle each morning and all day into the night. All the while knowing i was killing myself and being selfish.

So, how did I outsmart myself........well
I've had a supply of Smoky Mountain wintergreen chew but I wish I had some of the Hooch Spitfire dip. Nothing better than feeling that burn of a fresh dip and the Spitfire gives it to you like that first chew did. In case you didn't realize......I love to chew, I remember chewing licorice in round cans in the early 80's ( like 4 years old) and also chewing Jerky snuff until I started chewing the real stuff. So I've been filling my lip up my whole life and... I don't want to stop spitting, I enjoy it damn it....8-)

So for the past 4 days I wake up as normal and put a dip of "tobacco and nicotine" free snuff in. I've had one in all day, as usual for the most part.
And waking up each morning posting roll call and proud that I have quit and holding myself accountable to you, my brothers and sister :). It hasn't been as bad as having a hangover, not as bad as getting a tattoo, And other than the fog for the first couple of days, I'm kicking the shit out of the biiiiiiatch!!

Pride cometh before the fall and I know that I'm only seconds away from losing my quit but this is one fight that isn't worth losing knowing that I can still chew fake life and set a positive example for my peers and my family....I think this time I've outsmarted myself! But, I thank for being here because without the support of those who reached out to me initially and the overall site, I'm not sure if I would have 4 days under my belt. In fact, I doubt it.
'Remshot' 'crackup'
Let's kick the shit out of the bitch tomorrow, too. See you at roll call.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: It's easier the first time
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2011, 06:37:00 PM »
Quote from: Xzacto
First and foremost, is the shizzzniz!!

It's crazy how when I was a kid I would break my moms cigs and spit in the many brass spittoons that were throughout the house at an early age. It wasn't long until I was smoking and chewing daily before I was old enough to drive a car.... legally anyway. I fell in love with Copenhagen long before I stole a pinch from my Dad, and when my brother and I were in full swing which started my Freshman year of H.S. and my mom would wake us up yelling, " get that shit out of your mouth!" Apparently we liked it so much we just fell asleep with it.....LOL.....Hell, I was chewing from sun up to sun down then and have been for the past 20 years. I've taken a few years off here and there and smoked or basically switched from one to the other. And before long I was doing both at the same time daily.

I quit all tobacco 3 years ago from taking Chantix and it lasted for about 8 months I guess before I started up smoking and chewing. Chantix works and it works well but for me personally it effected my brain chemistry in a way that was unpleasing.

So, the past 4 days of no nicotine have been a first for me in my lifetime because I actually just quit. Hmmm, go figure.

But it's important to note that I gave up the cigarettes 5 months ago first and intentionally knew that the best and only way for me not to smoke was to just chew and so it was and here 5 months later I knew that I had the smoking whipped and have for some time but the thought of not having my best friend Copenhagen with me was the most terrifying thought I've contended with in my life time. Well, other than having my face cut off and ultimately dying and leaving my sons bastards.

But they go hand in hand and I think most of us would agree. The dilema..... knowing what was at risk, I would live my life in fear and allow my fear to drive my addiction and repeat the cycle each morning and all day into the night. All the while knowing i was killing myself and being selfish.

So, how did I outsmart myself........well
I've had a supply of Smoky Mountain wintergreen chew but I wish I had some of the Hooch Spitfire dip. Nothing better than feeling that burn of a fresh dip and the Spitfire gives it to you like that first chew did. In case you didn't realize......I love to chew, I remember chewing licorice in round cans in the early 80's ( like 4 years old) and also chewing Jerky snuff until I started chewing the real stuff. So I've been filling my lip up my whole life and... I don't want to stop spitting, I enjoy it damn it....8-)

So for the past 4 days I wake up as normal and put a dip of "tobacco and nicotine" free snuff in. I've had one in all day, as usual for the most part.
And waking up each morning posting roll call and proud that I have quit and holding myself accountable to you, my brothers and sister :). It hasn't been as bad as having a hangover, not as bad as getting a tattoo, And other than the fog for the first couple of days, I'm kicking the shit out of the biiiiiiatch!!

Pride cometh before the fall and I know that I'm only seconds away from losing my quit but this is one fight that isn't worth losing knowing that I can still chew fake life and set a positive example for my peers and my family....I think this time I've outsmarted myself! But, I thank for being here because without the support of those who reached out to me initially and the overall site, I'm not sure if I would have 4 days under my belt. In fact, I doubt it.
'Remshot' 'crackup'
Welcome to the suck

Offline Xzacto

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Re: It's easier the first time
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2011, 06:30:00 PM »
First and foremost, is the shizzzniz!!

It's crazy how when I was a kid I would break my moms cigs and spit in the many brass spittoons that were throughout the house at an early age. It wasn't long until I was smoking and chewing daily before I was old enough to drive a car.... legally anyway. I fell in love with Copenhagen long before I stole a pinch from my Dad, and when my brother and I were in full swing which started my Freshman year of H.S. and my mom would wake us up yelling, " get that shit out of your mouth!" Apparently we liked it so much we just fell asleep with it.....LOL.....Hell, I was chewing from sun up to sun down then and have been for the past 20 years. I've taken a few years off here and there and smoked or basically switched from one to the other. And before long I was doing both at the same time daily.

I quit all tobacco 3 years ago from taking Chantix and it lasted for about 8 months I guess before I started up smoking and chewing. Chantix works and it works well but for me personally it effected my brain chemistry in a way that was unpleasing.

So, the past 4 days of no nicotine have been a first for me in my lifetime because I actually just quit. Hmmm, go figure.

But it's important to note that I gave up the cigarettes 5 months ago first and intentionally knew that the best and only way for me not to smoke was to just chew and so it was and here 5 months later I knew that I had the smoking whipped and have for some time but the thought of not having my best friend Copenhagen with me was the most terrifying thought I've contended with in my life time. Well, other than having my face cut off and ultimately dying and leaving my sons bastards.

But they go hand in hand and I think most of us would agree. The dilema..... knowing what was at risk, I would live my life in fear and allow my fear to drive my addiction and repeat the cycle each morning and all day into the night. All the while knowing i was killing myself and being selfish.

So, how did I outsmart myself........well
I've had a supply of Smoky Mountain wintergreen chew but I wish I had some of the Hooch Spitfire dip. Nothing better than feeling that burn of a fresh dip and the Spitfire gives it to you like that first chew did. In case you didn't realize......I love to chew, I remember chewing licorice in round cans in the early 80's ( like 4 years old) and also chewing Jerky snuff until I started chewing the real stuff. So I've been filling my lip up my whole life and... I don't want to stop spitting, I enjoy it damn it....8-)

So for the past 4 days I wake up as normal and put a dip of "tobacco and nicotine" free snuff in. I've had one in all day, as usual for the most part.
And waking up each morning posting roll call and proud that I have quit and holding myself accountable to you, my brothers and sister :). It hasn't been as bad as having a hangover, not as bad as getting a tattoo, And other than the fog for the first couple of days, I'm kicking the shit out of the biiiiiiatch!!

Pride cometh before the fall and I know that I'm only seconds away from losing my quit but this is one fight that isn't worth losing knowing that I can still chew fake life and set a positive example for my peers and my family....I think this time I've outsmarted myself! But, I thank for being here because without the support of those who reached out to me initially and the overall site, I'm not sure if I would have 4 days under my belt. In fact, I doubt it.
'Remshot' 'crackup'
I remember when it was cool as a kid to chew and smoke and then after 20 years I realized the only cool thing to do was to quit and livestrong! I would rather be broke and healthy than rich and sick!

Offline Bean

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Re: It's easier the first time
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2011, 08:08:00 PM »
Congrats on a great choice. Take it one day at a time, and you will be around a long time. The first three days is huge. You're doing it. Keep it up, brother.

Offline irishjohnson

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Re: It's easier the first time
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2011, 01:37:00 PM »
Great decision, keep it up and go. Those little boys eyes will give you any extra courage you need to continue as I have drawn incredible strength from a 9 and 5 year old girl.
Keep up the awesome work

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Re: It's easier the first time
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2011, 11:35:00 AM »
Great decision and welcome! Happy to quit with you today.
Freedom - 8 January 2011
HOF Date - 17 April 2011, 2nd Floor - 26 July 2011, 3rd Floor - 3 November 2011, 4th Floor - 11 February 2012

How bad do you want to quit? - posted by NOLAQ
"I'm an F-18 nic bitch, and I'll destroy you in the air." - The Sheen

"The truth, when you finally chase it down, is almost always far worse than your darkest visions and fears." - Hunter S. Thompson

Offline jaygib

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Re: It's easier the first time
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2011, 11:28:00 AM »
Glad to be making the trip along with you. Stay focused!
Quit January 19, 2011

Everything is permissible for me but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible for me but I will not be mastered by anything. 1 Cor 6:12

Offline G

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Re: It's easier the first time
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2011, 11:01:00 AM »
Quote from: Xzacto
Well after a 20 year love affair with Copenhagen, it's a memory 3 days in the making and KTC has provided me with the necessary additional courage to make it through. I just wanted to say thanks to the few people who have reached out to me and I hope I can be there for a fellow brother or sister in need at any time needed. From now on the only worm dirt I'll be chewing is straight from the garden and as I look into my sons eyes I'll be prepared to educated them on the dangers one day, If the good Lord gives me the opportunity to be around. 'archer'
Welcome. Proud to be quit with you.

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Re: It's easier the first time
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2011, 10:41:00 AM »
Quote from: Xzacto
Well after a 20 year love affair with Copenhagen, it's a memory 3 days in the making and KTC has provided me with the necessary additional courage to make it through. I just wanted to say thanks to the few people who have reached out to me and I hope I can be there for a fellow brother or sister in need at any time needed. From now on the only worm dirt I'll be chewing is straight from the garden and as I look into my sons eyes I'll be prepared to educated them on the dangers one day, If the good Lord gives me the opportunity to be around. 'archer'
Welcome aboard!!

Stay focused, stay committed, stay Quit!!


Offline Xzacto

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It's easier the first time
« on: January 24, 2011, 10:38:00 AM »
Well after a 20 year love affair with Copenhagen, it's a memory 3 days in the making and KTC has provided me with the necessary additional courage to make it through. I just wanted to say thanks to the few people who have reached out to me and I hope I can be there for a fellow brother or sister in need at any time needed. From now on the only worm dirt I'll be chewing is straight from the garden and as I look into my sons eyes I'll be prepared to educated them on the dangers one day, If the good Lord gives me the opportunity to be around. 'archer'
I remember when it was cool as a kid to chew and smoke and then after 20 years I realized the only cool thing to do was to quit and livestrong! I would rather be broke and healthy than rich and sick!