Author Topic: Wow, Ive really been doing this 30 years?  (Read 2367 times)

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Offline Souliman

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Re: Wow, Ive really been doing this 30 years?
« Reply #19 on: May 23, 2012, 01:19:00 PM »
Quote from: Notdeadyet
Quote from: jsasports
Ok folks, here is a quick update.

The bad news is I haven't been able to learn how to post roll effectively from my iPhone. When I get back to work on Monday imma going to figure out how to do it correctly. My daughter is graduating this weekend and with open houses, out of town guests and services it's been difficult to find the time to dedicate.

The GREAT news is that even with alll this going on, my quit is still in tact!! I'm pass the 72 hours  (close to 85 now) and although I don't feel great, I do feel better.

To those that supported me many thanks I couldn't have done this much without you. To those on the fence, you can do it I know u can, I was one of the guys that dipped 18 hours a day. If i can anyone can. To the haters and doubters, shame, shame, shame.
Sorry Sports, I don't see you on roll call, you been getting bumped or something? Or has your addict mind planned a cave or already caved? From your last note I'd bet you're already dipping again because you are not committed.

FYI, as Syndrome says, this ain't Facebook or Twatter.
I'm stunned Drome knows what Facebook and Twitter even are.

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Re: Wow, Ive really been doing this 30 years?
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2012, 11:13:00 AM »
Quote from: jsasports
Ok folks, here is a quick update.

The bad news is I haven't been able to learn how to post roll effectively from my iPhone. When I get back to work on Monday imma going to figure out how to do it correctly. My daughter is graduating this weekend and with open houses, out of town guests and services it's been difficult to find the time to dedicate.

The GREAT news is that even with alll this going on, my quit is still in tact!! I'm pass the 72 hours  (close to 85 now) and although I don't feel great, I do feel better.

To those that supported me many thanks I couldn't have done this much without you. To those on the fence, you can do it I know u can, I was one of the guys that dipped 18 hours a day. If i can anyone can. To the haters and doubters, shame, shame, shame.
Sorry Sports, I don't see you on roll call, you been getting bumped or something? Or has your addict mind planned a cave or already caved? From your last note I'd bet you're already dipping again because you are not committed.

FYI, as Syndrome says, this ain't Facebook or Twatter.
38 yr slave
Dumbass No More 8/31/2011

Anyone can stop, but can you quit? A "Stopper" versus a "Quitter"

Dumbass No More - A Quitter's Tale Of Ending Stupid Behavior

Offline jsasports

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Re: Wow, Ive really been doing this 30 years?
« Reply #17 on: May 19, 2012, 06:51:00 PM »
Ok folks, here is a quick update.

The bad news is I haven't been able to learn how to post roll effectively from my iPhone. When I get back to work on Monday imma going to figure out how to do it correctly. My daughter is graduating this weekend and with open houses, out of town guests and services it's been difficult to find the time to dedicate.

The GREAT news is that even with alll this going on, my quit is still in tact!! I'm pass the 72 hours (close to 85 now) and although I don't feel great, I do feel better.

To those that supported me many thanks I couldn't have done this much without you. To those on the fence, you can do it I know u can, I was one of the guys that dipped 18 hours a day. If i can anyone can. To the haters and doubters, shame, shame, shame.

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Re: Wow, Ive really been doing this 30 years?
« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2012, 09:23:00 AM »
Quote from: jsasports
Been reading all the symptoms and stories. Man am I glad I quit today. After dinner I had a huge crave and started getting snappy with my wife. Rather than hurt her I apologized and went to the boat dock and screamed and cussed aloud and alone while standing in a downpour rain!!
Time to sac up here Sporto -

you've been lurking on the site for a couple of days with one attempted (failed) to post roll

We "Post Roll Call" daily ( our promise to ourselves and to our brothers not to use nicotine today)- We DO THIS DAILY

How to post roll

Make posting roll the first step of your daily proactive quit.

Where to post roll call: PRE AUGUST HOF 2012

oh yeah - WE QLF in here!! Read the two linked articles on my signature line - it explains everything
Believe Me

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Offline ntartick

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Re: Wow, Ive really been doing this 30 years?
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2012, 02:18:00 PM »
Quote from: jsasports
Been reading all the symptoms and stories. Man am I glad I quit today. After dinner I had a huge crave and started getting snappy with my wife. Rather than hurt her I apologized and went to the boat dock and screamed and cussed aloud and alone while standing in a downpour rain!!
Raging is what this site is for, next time hit us up. We can take the rage. Make sure you keep reading the stories here. Success and failure, learn from both.

The day you lose your focus is the day you lose your quit.
Never forget the past or you will be doomed to relive your mistakes.

Offline Buddy Mac

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Re: Wow, Ive really been doing this 30 years?
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2012, 08:08:00 AM »
Quote from: jsasports
Ok Folks,

I'm 47 years old and I am a can and a half day addict. If I am awake, my lip is fullof copenhagen silver top. Ashamed and emabarrassed, Ive decided today is the day, and for fo first time since I can remember, I was able to not open the can since 8:00 am this morning.

I know most fols think I will fail, and maybe I will, but It wont be without a fight. I am tired of lying to friends and family, freaked out about he health consequences now that I am in my mid forties, and asahmed that I have ever gotten in this shape.

Wish me luck and pisitive vibes, if you believed in prayer put in a good word for me.
If everyone thinks you will fail then screw em. If they are friends, get new friends, if they are family, just avoid them for now. I know it sounds harsh but beating this bitch is a lifestyle change. I have had to really watch the amount of time I spend with friends I have had for years. It sucks but it beats the alternative. PM me if you want. I am here to help in any way.
Buddy Mac

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Re: Wow, Ive really been doing this 30 years?
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2012, 07:37:00 AM »
Quote from: jsasports
Been reading all the symptoms and stories. Man am I glad I quit today. After dinner I had a huge crave and started getting snappy with my wife. Rather than hurt her I apologized and went to the boat dock and screamed and cussed aloud and alone while standing in a downpour rain!!
Good stuff and great start!

I would recomend contacting as many of these guys as possible and grow your support accountability network brother!!!

When rage hits you will need a system to help yourself the live chat is one and texting/phone calling is most definetly another!

Keep on Keeping on!
"Remember you are either getting better or getting worse, nobody stays the same!" Woody Hayes

"Winning! That's all we do around here brotha! Failure is not an option, remove it as an option and the possibilities are endless...." Bruce317 5-18-2012

"...We'll be heroes or ghosts...But we won't be turned around." Wastepanel 6-15-2012




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Re: Wow, Ive really been doing this 30 years?
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2012, 10:04:00 PM »
Quote from: Suck-It
Wow - you are getting advice from the all-stars of quit advice. Get phone numbers and use them. I had a rough day 76 or something close to that and out of the blue I got a call from Mthomas - saved my quit. You will start feeling great and think you have this whipped and then out of nowhere you will have a shitty day...get numbers and use them on that shitty day. My shitty day 76 I texted everyone and got texts of support back instantly - this is what this site is for. If you use it and take it to the extreme you will win one day at a time.



Luck can kiss my quit ass - no such thing as luck. Chose to quit each morning, one day at a time, then fight your ass off and do everything you can to stay quit. For me, early, I read all the cancer stories I could - it is real and could happen to anyone of us...NOT ME, I QUIT!!!!


Good Luck
Ha - Fuck you Luck
Copenshit 'Finger'

That's good Minnesota!

suck-it taught me about embracing the suck. He is quit tested and blazing trails.
Quit And Be Free

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Offline jsasports

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Re: Wow, Ive really been doing this 30 years?
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2012, 09:45:00 PM »
Been reading all the symptoms and stories. Man am I glad I quit today. After dinner I had a huge crave and started getting snappy with my wife. Rather than hurt her I apologized and went to the boat dock and screamed and cussed aloud and alone while standing in a downpour rain!!

Offline Suck-It

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Re: Wow, Ive really been doing this 30 years?
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2012, 08:04:00 PM »
Wow - you are getting advice from the all-stars of quit advice. Get phone numbers and use them. I had a rough day 76 or something close to that and out of the blue I got a call from Mthomas - saved my quit. You will start feeling great and think you have this whipped and then out of nowhere you will have a shitty day...get numbers and use them on that shitty day. My shitty day 76 I texted everyone and got texts of support back instantly - this is what this site is for. If you use it and take it to the extreme you will win one day at a time.



Luck can kiss my quit ass - no such thing as luck. Chose to quit each morning, one day at a time, then fight your ass off and do everything you can to stay quit. For me, early, I read all the cancer stories I could - it is real and could happen to anyone of us...NOT ME, I QUIT!!!!


Good Luck
Ha - Fuck you Luck

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: Wow, Ive really been doing this 30 years?
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2012, 04:31:00 PM »
Quote from: jsasports
Thanks for the confidence in me, I need it right now.

This really sucks, it's only been 8 hours!, I had no idea that I was that physically addicted.

I have quit, and I will succeeed.

I know its gonna really suck, but how long is this physical craving going to last?
A couple things.

You feared that you might cave. Good! I feared that I might cave. Still have my moments. DON'T let that fear paralyze your determination and desire to quit. Use it as a motivator. Fear motivates me to be on my guard and stay protected in my quit.

I never wish luck. If you want luck buy a lottery ticket and see where that gets you.

I wish you determination and hate! Hate this shit so much that you are determined to kick its ass anytime it shows its evil face. PERIOD. I don't care had bad it hurts or how hard is seems. State of mind. If you keep swinging and punching, you wont feel it as much when you get punched. Go on the offense and knock the nic bitch out of your life.


Just Win this. It is SWEET being free from Nicotine!!!!!

I am a chicken shit and I am 64 days quit. Anyone who desires and is determined to quit following KTC exactly can quit. NO LUCK required. You only have choice now...Quit or Cave.
Quit And Be Free

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Offline Grizzly25

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Re: Wow, Ive really been doing this 30 years?
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2012, 04:23:00 PM »
Quote from: jsasports
Thanks for the confidence in me, I need it right now.

This really sucks, it's only been 8 hours!, I had no idea that I was that physically addicted.

I have quit, and I will succeeed.

I know its gonna really suck, but how long is this physical craving going to last?
You must embrace the suck and remember this shit! Remember how bad it sucks!!! It is great motivation!!
"Remember you are either getting better or getting worse, nobody stays the same!" Woody Hayes

"Winning! That's all we do around here brotha! Failure is not an option, remove it as an option and the possibilities are endless...." Bruce317 5-18-2012

"...We'll be heroes or ghosts...But we won't be turned around." Wastepanel 6-15-2012




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Offline jsasports

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Re: Wow, Ive really been doing this 30 years?
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2012, 04:11:00 PM »
Thanks for the confidence in me, I need it right now.

This really sucks, it's only been 8 hours!, I had no idea that I was that physically addicted.

I have quit, and I will succeeed.

I know its gonna really suck, but how long is this physical craving going to last?

Offline ntartick

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Re: Wow, Ive really been doing this 30 years?
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2012, 03:30:00 PM »
I have to agree with everyone else here. We don't do luck, we quit period. As for what other people think, screw them all.

Read, post, keep your word because if you don't we will hold you accountable.

Congrats on day 1.
Never forget the past or you will be doomed to relive your mistakes.

Offline CMH17

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Re: Wow, Ive really been doing this 30 years?
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2012, 02:51:00 PM »
Quote from: Notdeadyet
Quote from: jsasports
Ok Folks,

I'm 47 years old and I am a can and a half day addict. If I am awake, my lip is fullof copenhagen silver top. Ashamed and emabarrassed, Ive decided today is the day, and for fo first time since I can remember, I was able to not open the can since 8:00 am this morning.

I know most fols think I will fail, and maybe I will, but It wont be without a fight. I am tired of lying to friends and family, freaked out about he health consequences now that I am in my mid  forties, and asahmed that I have ever gotten in this shape.

Wish me luck and pisitive vibes, if you believed in prayer put in a good word for me.
I too am a 47 yr old Cope addict whose been dipping for over 38 yrs. until 260 days ago when my 45 yr old dipping buddy told me he has stomach cancer. He thinks he'll live through the end of this year.

Good to hear you know you're an addict. Just to make sure you understand what that means - you must never put nicotine in your body again. Not once. Never. Dump all your shit.

Luck is required for a random event outside of your control. Quitting is the exact opposite of luck - you absolutely control whether you stay quit or not. It is YOUR CHOICE.

Burn the boats. Shut the door. Ban the nic from ever entering you body again. Make quitting the number one priority in your life. Post roll call. Keep your promise. Repeat. Quit.
I am 46 and had a 26 year habit with the can. I reached 100 days today. If you utilize what this sight and the people on here have to offer you too will have a successful quit. Remember 1 day at a time, post that promise daily!!
Commit to the Quit.....Not to the shit!!!!

Quit Date 2/7/12 - 12:41 pm
HOF Date 5/16/12
2nd Floor 8/28/12