Author Topic: New here  (Read 9846 times)

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Offline Doc2quit4good

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Re: New here
« Reply #70 on: October 23, 2014, 07:13:00 AM »
Quote from: AppleJack
You wanna learn something?... Read this!
What AJ says...
Real Quit Day 9/18/2013 8th Floor 11/26/15
HOF day: 12/26/2013. 9th Floor 3/5/16
2nd Floor: 4/5/14 Comma Day 6/13/16!!!
3rd Floor 7/14/2014. 3 Years 9/18/6!!!
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4th Floor 10/22/14. 12th Floor 12/30/16
Half Comma 1/30/15. 13th Floor 4/8/17
6th Floor 5/10/15 4 Years 9/18/17!!!
7th Floor 8/18/15. 15th Floor 10/26/17
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Offline AppleJack

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Re: New here
« Reply #69 on: October 22, 2014, 08:47:00 PM »
You wanna learn something?... Read this!
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline schaef418

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Re: New here
« Reply #68 on: October 10, 2014, 01:16:00 PM »
Quote from: 30isEnuff
First I would like to say that I am not a guy with a PHD or a Masters in anything.
I wanted to share this as I think it might help someone.
When I was a dumbass dipper my brain was shot, slow, drunk, purely poisoned. I dipped wide open, 24/7, was not hiding it from anyone anywhere anytime. I couldn't think or focus on much after say 2 pm as by then my body was soaked with the poison. My memory was shot. I couldn't recall who was in a movie that I watched 1 day ago. I couldn't recall birthdays either.
After finding this site and becoming quit, my brain went into overdrive. For me this was a great thing...It was overloading my senses and I had a very difficult time handling it for the first 500 days. I talked to my wife (addicted to nothing but life) and that's when I began to understand that this is okay. I am still surprising myself Today with my new found cognitive abilities. I can recall now. I can focus now. I can think and solve problems now. I am still harnessing what my brain is capable of accomplishing Today.
But, those 1st 500 days for me were pure hell. I became irate at the smallest inconviences, I lost a few customers in those early days. I also tended to really over-think things. I believe today that it was just part of my re-wiring process. I also believe that many of us quitters are/will go through this. The fight is well worth every battle. KTC helped me find my freedom ODAAT. Quitting isn't easy at first, but it does get easy and fun. I mean who could ask for a better quit group than ours (the entire site)!! Damn, I'm over thinking it again! LOL
No matter what the voices in your head are saying... own Your quit Today!!
Post Roll
Honor your word for Today
Wake and Repeat
Damn good post. Quit with you EDD!

Offline 30isEnuff

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Re: New here
« Reply #67 on: October 10, 2014, 01:02:00 PM »
First I would like to say that I am not a guy with a PHD or a Masters in anything.
I wanted to share this as I think it might help someone.
When I was a dumbass dipper my brain was shot, slow, drunk, purely poisoned. I dipped wide open, 24/7, was not hiding it from anyone anywhere anytime. I couldn't think or focus on much after say 2 pm as by then my body was soaked with the poison. My memory was shot. I couldn't recall who was in a movie that I watched 1 day ago. I couldn't recall birthdays either.
After finding this site and becoming quit, my brain went into overdrive. For me this was a great thing...It was overloading my senses and I had a very difficult time handling it for the first 500 days. I talked to my wife (addicted to nothing but life) and that's when I began to understand that this is okay. I am still surprising myself Today with my new found cognitive abilities. I can recall now. I can focus now. I can think and solve problems now. I am still harnessing what my brain is capable of accomplishing Today.
But, those 1st 500 days for me were pure hell. I became irate at the smallest inconviences, I lost a few customers in those early days. I also tended to really over-think things. I believe today that it was just part of my re-wiring process. I also believe that many of us quitters are/will go through this. The fight is well worth every battle. KTC helped me find my freedom ODAAT. Quitting isn't easy at first, but it does get easy and fun. I mean who could ask for a better quit group than ours (the entire site)!! Damn, I'm over thinking it again! LOL
No matter what the voices in your head are saying... own Your quit Today!!
Post Roll
Honor your word for Today
Wake and Repeat
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

Offline Dagranger

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Re: New here
« Reply #66 on: September 24, 2014, 12:31:00 PM »
Quote from: 30isEnuff
This is something I read about 800 days ago...At the time I thought, "not me".
Guess what..."Not me, because I posted roll when My feet hit the floor this a.m. No excuses, no b.s. reasoning, just pure KTC quit. read below and remember how you got quit and stayed quit brothers.

This is about the time when we lost a bunch of quitters in July. Got passed the fog and early funk, feeling good, craves are starting to dim start to post roll later and later. No one says anything, so you don't really notice. Bah, its 8pm, too tired after dinner to go post roll. Its just one day, no big deal.

Week goes by, you are still posting late, missed another day or two. You don't bother to scroll down and see if there has been any discussion. You don't notice that a couple of people have just quit coming in to post and 2 people have caved over the last couple of weeks. You don't even take the time to read everyones roll posting. Its the end of the day, you are the last one to post, if you do at all, so you would have a birds eyeview. You miss a quit brother who's struggling with a divorce, another one who lost a job, maybe one who's having massive craves. You could have just sent a quick note letting them know you are thinking about them and that you know they can stay strong and you are quit with them.

Another week goes by, you have posted roll once. You don't even think about it. No one notices that you are gone because you didn't bother to get to know anyone or exchange phone numbers. An email pops up after a day. Someone from the site...saw the spreadsheet, just wanted to make sure all is well. Well that was nice, I will send him a pm tomorrow. Let him know that I'm strong and quit. So strong I don't even think about dipping. Tomorrow comes, as does 3 more days after, and you forgot to send that pm. Oh well. Its been a month since you have logged into the site.

At some point down the line, something is going to happen. Could be day 20, could be day 200. You might have a couple of beers with friends, and one of them dips. Maybe something devestating happens like a death in the family or you lose your job. Could be something as minor as your child having a fender bender and you are a nervous wreck. Mad that they were doing something stupid that caused it to boot. Maybe you failed a mid term. Whatever it are going to stop for gas one day soon after. Or you will run into Walmart to grab milk and toothpaste. The tobacco aisle will have the shortest line. Man, I have had a rough week. Only one small dip won't hurt me. I could use the stress relief. Just one to help me study for my all nighter tonight. Can will be dumped in the toilet after the first one, not gonna get me hooked....

Guess what? After that, you have two choices. 1. You can come back here after 6 months of shoving that poison into your body at a can a day, join the current quit group, get blasted by me and everyone else, answer 3 questions.....and TRY to save your life again. 2. can just ride off into the sunset, lip packed to the max living with the knowledge that you could still be quit.

If you would have just posted roll first thing in the morning...
I love this post. Wish a lot of members in my month saw it earlier....I know it's not possible but I would love to chart the track record of those posting everyday with those who fade away.

Offline 30isEnuff

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Re: New here
« Reply #65 on: September 23, 2014, 03:11:00 PM »
This is something I read about 800 days ago...At the time I thought, "not me".
Guess what..."Not me, because I posted roll when My feet hit the floor this a.m. No excuses, no b.s. reasoning, just pure KTC quit. read below and remember how you got quit and stayed quit brothers.

This is about the time when we lost a bunch of quitters in July. Got passed the fog and early funk, feeling good, craves are starting to dim start to post roll later and later. No one says anything, so you don't really notice. Bah, its 8pm, too tired after dinner to go post roll. Its just one day, no big deal.

Week goes by, you are still posting late, missed another day or two. You don't bother to scroll down and see if there has been any discussion. You don't notice that a couple of people have just quit coming in to post and 2 people have caved over the last couple of weeks. You don't even take the time to read everyones roll posting. Its the end of the day, you are the last one to post, if you do at all, so you would have a birds eyeview. You miss a quit brother who's struggling with a divorce, another one who lost a job, maybe one who's having massive craves. You could have just sent a quick note letting them know you are thinking about them and that you know they can stay strong and you are quit with them.

Another week goes by, you have posted roll once. You don't even think about it. No one notices that you are gone because you didn't bother to get to know anyone or exchange phone numbers. An email pops up after a day. Someone from the site...saw the spreadsheet, just wanted to make sure all is well. Well that was nice, I will send him a pm tomorrow. Let him know that I'm strong and quit. So strong I don't even think about dipping. Tomorrow comes, as does 3 more days after, and you forgot to send that pm. Oh well. Its been a month since you have logged into the site.

At some point down the line, something is going to happen. Could be day 20, could be day 200. You might have a couple of beers with friends, and one of them dips. Maybe something devestating happens like a death in the family or you lose your job. Could be something as minor as your child having a fender bender and you are a nervous wreck. Mad that they were doing something stupid that caused it to boot. Maybe you failed a mid term. Whatever it are going to stop for gas one day soon after. Or you will run into Walmart to grab milk and toothpaste. The tobacco aisle will have the shortest line. Man, I have had a rough week. Only one small dip won't hurt me. I could use the stress relief. Just one to help me study for my all nighter tonight. Can will be dumped in the toilet after the first one, not gonna get me hooked....

Guess what? After that, you have two choices. 1. You can come back here after 6 months of shoving that poison into your body at a can a day, join the current quit group, get blasted by me and everyone else, answer 3 questions.....and TRY to save your life again. 2. can just ride off into the sunset, lip packed to the max living with the knowledge that you could still be quit.

If you would have just posted roll first thing in the morning...
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: New here
« Reply #64 on: September 08, 2014, 06:09:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Grandaddy used to say "keep it simple stupid".

Today is quit day 837 and saying "fuck you Asshole poison making Corporations"!
This site "keeps it simple". The KTC way works for me. I have posted roll every single day of my quit. Missing a day is not an option. Caving is not an option. Placing "just one" in my lip is "not" an option...because I kept it simple by Posting Roll. I am still re-wiring...that's right. 10950 days of abuse is not undone by 837 days of quit. I welcome the re-wire because I now truly care about myself. I want the healing to continue physically, spiritually and mentally. Life is truly "good". So glad to be here, so glad to be quit. If I can do this, so can You! Keep it simple...
Post roll
honor your word
wake and repeat

Leadership by example....You Show, and don't just tell. Nice 30! and thanks for staying here after so long.
Quit And Be Free

HOF Speech

Offline rdad

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Re: New here
« Reply #63 on: September 08, 2014, 03:13:00 PM »
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Grandaddy used to say "keep it simple stupid".

Today is quit day 837 and saying "fuck you Asshole poison making Corporations"!
This site "keeps it simple". The KTC way works for me. I have posted roll every single day of my quit. Missing a day is not an option. Caving is not an option. Placing "just one" in my lip is "not" an option...because I kept it simple by Posting Roll. I am still re-wiring...that's right. 10950 days of abuse is not undone by 837 days of quit. I welcome the re-wire because I now truly care about myself. I want the healing to continue physically, spiritually and mentally. Life is truly "good". So glad to be here, so glad to be quit. If I can do this, so can You! Keep it simple...
Post roll
honor your word
wake and repeat

Leadership by example....You Show, and don't just tell. Nice 30! and thanks for staying here after so long.

Offline 30isEnuff

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Re: New here
« Reply #62 on: September 08, 2014, 02:41:00 PM »
Grandaddy used to say "keep it simple stupid".

Today is quit day 837 and saying "fuck you Asshole poison making Corporations"!
This site "keeps it simple". The KTC way works for me. I have posted roll every single day of my quit. Missing a day is not an option. Caving is not an option. Placing "just one" in my lip is "not" an option...because I kept it simple by Posting Roll. I am still re-wiring...that's right. 10950 days of abuse is not undone by 837 days of quit. I welcome the re-wire because I now truly care about myself. I want the healing to continue physically, spiritually and mentally. Life is truly "good". So glad to be here, so glad to be quit. If I can do this, so can You! Keep it simple...
Post roll
honor your word
wake and repeat

Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

Offline B-loMatt

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Re: New here
« Reply #61 on: August 03, 2014, 09:46:00 AM »
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: 30isEnuff,Dec
Something I read early in my quit that helps.

Welcome to the jungle.

Post Roll - Simple and effective. Make it your goal to never miss the honor and opportunity to do this every day you are wake. Be a 100% poster in your group.

Be a man of your word when you post roll, it is your promise that you are quit for that day. You are in a brotherhood so keep your promise and support your group in making sure they keep their word to you.

Get Numbers PM your number to people you want to be quit with. I will PM you my number. When it is a bad crave or tough day, you must text or call your support to get permission to cave. Never, ever cave without asking permission first.

Keep a journal The human mind cannot remember pain. Use this intro to document victories and agonies. You can go back and recall experiences. It also helps your brothers get to know and understand you as well.

Never think long term for your quit The addicted mind cannot think of being quit forever. When you think about being quit long term, you will feel that it is impossible and weaken your resolve. Just worry about staying quit today. If tomorrow comes, post roll. Until then, put 100% of your quit energy into today.

You will have nic rages Overdo it on love and kindness to your wife and loved ones. Fake it if you must. They didn't make you an addict and they shouldn't suffer the wrath of the detox. Come here and vent. We have done it and we can handle it. We suffer and win together. Write down what pisses you off and vent here. You need to vent and this is the place to do it.

Laugh often Best therapy for me and my craves was laughing. Stay close to the site. If you read enough and chat will start to laugh. Many brothers said the most off the wall things and I would laugh. When I laughed I totally forgot about how hard it was to go through this.

This will be what if feels like at the start 'bangin' then you will see the lies of tobacco and then you will be doing this 'tough' to your addiction

I wish you resolve, determination and a relentless desire to quit. If you want luck, buy a lottery ticket and see where that gets you. You don't need luck. Just do this and get your real life back.
Well said brother; I would only add to learn to forgive as well.

I quit with you every blessed day!
Damn. This things dusty.

Congrats on 8 HUNDO!!!

Truly a bad ass quitter!!!!
Thanks D.
In 9 daze you're stepping up into Your 8th floor. The view is really neat up here. Life is much gooder. Freedom is sweeter.
The elevator to Good gets better with each floor.
For our group this week and the next is a time of quittage milestones. Big stones are reqired to get to the 8th floor. Looking at our rollsheet shows that.
Post roll
keep your word
wake and repeat.
If you're a new quitter or thinking about quitting know this:
Quitting is a process not an event. Which is why the KTC way really works.
We soaked our brain with poison for ___ yrs. Realize that by quitting EDD you can allow your brain to heal and re-wire. There will be ups and downs, highs and lows, you will become mad and glad at times within this process. Do celebrate your great days and learn from your down days.
Time and re-wiring the brain can/does heal us. Just let go and let it happen. Purposely fill your days thoughts with productive thoughts to shout down the addict voice. Keep your KTC tools close at all times. Help others, let others help you. Stay humble and learn. When times are tough, keep plowing right through to the other side. There is a chat room here..use the fuck out of it. SD, Fran, Bird and others are usually there...for YOU! Remember, You are not alone, many, many quitters have gone before us to light the way. Bring it, bring your slavery and trade up for freedom, Today.
'oh yeah' 'oh yeah' You rock!
Congrates on 800 days of freedom, and thank you for all you do here! QLF all day with you 30.

Offline 30isEnuff

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Re: New here
« Reply #60 on: August 03, 2014, 09:07:00 AM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: 30isEnuff,Dec
Something I read early in my quit that helps.

Welcome to the jungle.

Post Roll - Simple and effective. Make it your goal to never miss the honor and opportunity to do this every day you are wake. Be a 100% poster in your group.

Be a man of your word when you post roll, it is your promise that you are quit for that day. You are in a brotherhood so keep your promise and support your group in making sure they keep their word to you.

Get Numbers PM your number to people you want to be quit with. I will PM you my number. When it is a bad crave or tough day, you must text or call your support to get permission to cave. Never, ever cave without asking permission first.

Keep a journal The human mind cannot remember pain. Use this intro to document victories and agonies. You can go back and recall experiences. It also helps your brothers get to know and understand you as well.

Never think long term for your quit The addicted mind cannot think of being quit forever. When you think about being quit long term, you will feel that it is impossible and weaken your resolve. Just worry about staying quit today. If tomorrow comes, post roll. Until then, put 100% of your quit energy into today.

You will have nic rages Overdo it on love and kindness to your wife and loved ones. Fake it if you must. They didn't make you an addict and they shouldn't suffer the wrath of the detox. Come here and vent. We have done it and we can handle it. We suffer and win together. Write down what pisses you off and vent here. You need to vent and this is the place to do it.

Laugh often Best therapy for me and my craves was laughing. Stay close to the site. If you read enough and chat will start to laugh. Many brothers said the most off the wall things and I would laugh. When I laughed I totally forgot about how hard it was to go through this.

This will be what if feels like at the start 'bangin' then you will see the lies of tobacco and then you will be doing this 'tough' to your addiction

I wish you resolve, determination and a relentless desire to quit. If you want luck, buy a lottery ticket and see where that gets you. You don't need luck. Just do this and get your real life back.
Well said brother; I would only add to learn to forgive as well.

I quit with you every blessed day!
Damn. This things dusty.

Congrats on 8 HUNDO!!!

Truly a bad ass quitter!!!!
Thanks D.
In 9 daze you're stepping up into Your 8th floor. The view is really neat up here. Life is much gooder. Freedom is sweeter.
The elevator to Good gets better with each floor.
For our group this week and the next is a time of quittage milestones. Big stones are reqired to get to the 8th floor. Looking at our rollsheet shows that.
Post roll
keep your word
wake and repeat.
If you're a new quitter or thinking about quitting know this:
Quitting is a process not an event. Which is why the KTC way really works.
We soaked our brain with poison for ___ yrs. Realize that by quitting EDD you can allow your brain to heal and re-wire. There will be ups and downs, highs and lows, you will become mad and glad at times within this process. Do celebrate your great days and learn from your down days.
Time and re-wiring the brain can/does heal us. Just let go and let it happen. Purposely fill your days thoughts with productive thoughts to shout down the addict voice. Keep your KTC tools close at all times. Help others, let others help you. Stay humble and learn. When times are tough, keep plowing right through to the other side. There is a chat room here..use the fuck out of it. SD, Fran, Bird and others are usually there...for YOU! Remember, You are not alone, many, many quitters have gone before us to light the way. Bring it, bring your slavery and trade up for freedom, Today.
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: New here
« Reply #59 on: August 03, 2014, 12:00:00 AM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: 30isEnuff,Dec
Something I read early in my quit that helps.

Welcome to the jungle.

Post Roll - Simple and effective. Make it your goal to never miss the honor and opportunity to do this every day you are wake. Be a 100% poster in your group.

Be a man of your word when you post roll, it is your promise that you are quit for that day. You are in a brotherhood so keep your promise and support your group in making sure they keep their word to you.

Get Numbers PM your number to people you want to be quit with. I will PM you my number. When it is a bad crave or tough day, you must text or call your support to get permission to cave. Never, ever cave without asking permission first.

Keep a journal The human mind cannot remember pain. Use this intro to document victories and agonies. You can go back and recall experiences. It also helps your brothers get to know and understand you as well.

Never think long term for your quit The addicted mind cannot think of being quit forever. When you think about being quit long term, you will feel that it is impossible and weaken your resolve. Just worry about staying quit today. If tomorrow comes, post roll. Until then, put 100% of your quit energy into today.

You will have nic rages Overdo it on love and kindness to your wife and loved ones. Fake it if you must. They didn't make you an addict and they shouldn't suffer the wrath of the detox. Come here and vent. We have done it and we can handle it. We suffer and win together. Write down what pisses you off and vent here. You need to vent and this is the place to do it.

Laugh often Best therapy for me and my craves was laughing. Stay close to the site. If you read enough and chat will start to laugh. Many brothers said the most off the wall things and I would laugh. When I laughed I totally forgot about how hard it was to go through this.

This will be what if feels like at the start 'bangin' then you will see the lies of tobacco and then you will be doing this 'tough' to your addiction

I wish you resolve, determination and a relentless desire to quit. If you want luck, buy a lottery ticket and see where that gets you. You don't need luck. Just do this and get your real life back.
Well said brother; I would only add to learn to forgive as well.

I quit with you every blessed day!
Damn. This things dusty.

Congrats on 8 HUNDO!!!

Truly a bad ass quitter!!!!
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
9th floor 10/20/14
Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Pinched

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Re: New here
« Reply #58 on: December 04, 2013, 10:40:00 AM »
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Something I read early in my quit that helps.

Welcome to the jungle.

Post Roll - Simple and effective. Make it your goal to never miss the honor and opportunity to do this every day you are wake. Be a 100% poster in your group.

Be a man of your word when you post roll, it is your promise that you are quit for that day. You are in a brotherhood so keep your promise and support your group in making sure they keep their word to you.

Get Numbers PM your number to people you want to be quit with. I will PM you my number. When it is a bad crave or tough day, you must text or call your support to get permission to cave. Never, ever cave without asking permission first.

Keep a journal The human mind cannot remember pain. Use this intro to document victories and agonies. You can go back and recall experiences. It also helps your brothers get to know and understand you as well.

Never think long term for your quit The addicted mind cannot think of being quit forever. When you think about being quit long term, you will feel that it is impossible and weaken your resolve. Just worry about staying quit today. If tomorrow comes, post roll. Until then, put 100% of your quit energy into today.

You will have nic rages Overdo it on love and kindness to your wife and loved ones. Fake it if you must. They didn't make you an addict and they shouldn't suffer the wrath of the detox. Come here and vent. We have done it and we can handle it. We suffer and win together. Write down what pisses you off and vent here. You need to vent and this is the place to do it.

Laugh often Best therapy for me and my craves was laughing. Stay close to the site. If you read enough and chat will start to laugh. Many brothers said the most off the wall things and I would laugh. When I laughed I totally forgot about how hard it was to go through this.

This will be what if feels like at the start 'bangin' then you will see the lies of tobacco and then you will be doing this 'tough' to your addiction

I wish you resolve, determination and a relentless desire to quit. If you want luck, buy a lottery ticket and see where that gets you. You don't need luck. Just do this and get your real life back.
Well said brother; I would only add to learn to forgive as well.

I quit with you every blessed day!
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline 30isEnuff

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  • Interests: "Being Quit" Today, just Today.Moving on to more of life before the light is gone.
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Re: New here
« Reply #57 on: December 04, 2013, 10:00:00 AM »
Something I read early in my quit that helps.

Welcome to the jungle.

Post Roll - Simple and effective. Make it your goal to never miss the honor and opportunity to do this every day you are wake. Be a 100% poster in your group.

Be a man of your word when you post roll, it is your promise that you are quit for that day. You are in a brotherhood so keep your promise and support your group in making sure they keep their word to you.

Get Numbers PM your number to people you want to be quit with. I will PM you my number. When it is a bad crave or tough day, you must text or call your support to get permission to cave. Never, ever cave without asking permission first.

Keep a journal The human mind cannot remember pain. Use this intro to document victories and agonies. You can go back and recall experiences. It also helps your brothers get to know and understand you as well.

Never think long term for your quit The addicted mind cannot think of being quit forever. When you think about being quit long term, you will feel that it is impossible and weaken your resolve. Just worry about staying quit today. If tomorrow comes, post roll. Until then, put 100% of your quit energy into today.

You will have nic rages Overdo it on love and kindness to your wife and loved ones. Fake it if you must. They didn't make you an addict and they shouldn't suffer the wrath of the detox. Come here and vent. We have done it and we can handle it. We suffer and win together. Write down what pisses you off and vent here. You need to vent and this is the place to do it.

Laugh often Best therapy for me and my craves was laughing. Stay close to the site. If you read enough and chat will start to laugh. Many brothers said the most off the wall things and I would laugh. When I laughed I totally forgot about how hard it was to go through this.

This will be what if feels like at the start 'bangin' then you will see the lies of tobacco and then you will be doing this 'tough' to your addiction

I wish you resolve, determination and a relentless desire to quit. If you want luck, buy a lottery ticket and see where that gets you. You don't need luck. Just do this and get your real life back.
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

Offline Coach Steve

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  • Interests: Being quit. Staying quit. Pretty much just quitting like fuck.
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Re: New here
« Reply #56 on: November 22, 2013, 05:36:00 PM »
Quote from: Dave1903
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: 30isEnuff
I am an addict of poison. For a long time I purposely ingested poison and am lucky to be alive.
Since the start of my Quit journey I have seen good people die that ingested the poison.
I am not perfect, but I am perfectly human. Which is why I need the brotherhood and tools of KTC everyday this I wake.
I allowed the poison to steal from my life and those around me. I choose not to focus on the theft, but on what my new life consists of.
The fight in the beginning is pure torture (was for me). I mean there were valleys like a motherfucker. Doubt, temptation and always the KTC way to set my mind to being strong again. Thanks brothers!
My first year I used sugarless products. That stuff messed with my stomach something fierce. Sorbitol, malitol and the other tol's. Bad stuff for me anyway. I have finally gotten down to just a toothpick or 4 per day. As long as I ain't putting no poison in my mouth...I am happy. Getting off the gum and the candies is nice too.
I love the brothers and sisters of KTC. To me, You are all angels of healing.
Post roll
Keep your word
wake and repeat and you will see more clearly, stand taller, think better and be able to accept what your life really is suppose to be.
Cheers Brothers!
Exactly right, nice job!
Speaking of toothpicks. I plow through a 35 count pack of Preserve mint tea tree about every 3 days. The floorboard of my car looks like someone has been playing pick up sticks. I'd eat the damn things if it kept me quit.
Use whatever you have to quit this nic bitch just don't use any of that poison shit keep on quiting.
And the teacher becomes the student. Not bad advice from a newb...
Make Your Decision