This is something I read about 800 days ago...At the time I thought, "not me".
Guess what..."Not me, because I posted roll when My feet hit the floor this a.m. No excuses, no b.s. reasoning, just pure KTC quit. read below and remember how you got quit and stayed quit brothers.
This is about the time when we lost a bunch of quitters in July. Got passed the fog and early funk, feeling good, craves are starting to dim start to post roll later and later. No one says anything, so you don't really notice. Bah, its 8pm, too tired after dinner to go post roll. Its just one day, no big deal.
Week goes by, you are still posting late, missed another day or two. You don't bother to scroll down and see if there has been any discussion. You don't notice that a couple of people have just quit coming in to post and 2 people have caved over the last couple of weeks. You don't even take the time to read everyones roll posting. Its the end of the day, you are the last one to post, if you do at all, so you would have a birds eyeview. You miss a quit brother who's struggling with a divorce, another one who lost a job, maybe one who's having massive craves. You could have just sent a quick note letting them know you are thinking about them and that you know they can stay strong and you are quit with them.
Another week goes by, you have posted roll once. You don't even think about it. No one notices that you are gone because you didn't bother to get to know anyone or exchange phone numbers. An email pops up after a day. Someone from the site...saw the spreadsheet, just wanted to make sure all is well. Well that was nice, I will send him a pm tomorrow. Let him know that I'm strong and quit. So strong I don't even think about dipping. Tomorrow comes, as does 3 more days after, and you forgot to send that pm. Oh well. Its been a month since you have logged into the site.
At some point down the line, something is going to happen. Could be day 20, could be day 200. You might have a couple of beers with friends, and one of them dips. Maybe something devestating happens like a death in the family or you lose your job. Could be something as minor as your child having a fender bender and you are a nervous wreck. Mad that they were doing something stupid that caused it to boot. Maybe you failed a mid term. Whatever it are going to stop for gas one day soon after. Or you will run into Walmart to grab milk and toothpaste. The tobacco aisle will have the shortest line. Man, I have had a rough week. Only one small dip won't hurt me. I could use the stress relief. Just one to help me study for my all nighter tonight. Can will be dumped in the toilet after the first one, not gonna get me hooked....
Guess what? After that, you have two choices. 1. You can come back here after 6 months of shoving that poison into your body at a can a day, join the current quit group, get blasted by me and everyone else, answer 3 questions.....and TRY to save your life again. 2. can just ride off into the sunset, lip packed to the max living with the knowledge that you could still be quit.
If you would have just posted roll first thing in the morning...