It has been the best year of my life! The men/quitters here helped me find this person suffocating underneath a greasy smelly nicotine laden shell of a human. Yeah me.
Everyday I discover something new about myself or the world I am in, that I didn't even notice while I was full of poison.
I see a lot of things more clearly for the first time. Life is good.
I post roll every damn day because I am quit and I love life more than death.
The poison called nicotine is nothing more than a life robber and slow suicide drug. It will make you someone you are not. It is a narcotic. It is pure poison. Do you drink Liquid Drano for breakfast? Of course not.
If you're thinking of quitting, do it now. Flush it all! Find a mirror, meet the addict. Scream I am Quit! Post roll, make it to bed. Wake and repeat.
One never knows which bit of poison is the one that starts the cancer.
If you're quit, protect your quit with all your might. There is nothing more important than your quit.
There is no good reason to 'not' post roll. If you can't post roll, then you're not serious enuff!
You gotta really want to 'be quit' to be quit for today. You can quit for a day...right?
Posting roll is the conerstone of being quit. Just do it and do it early in the a.m. and your days will stack up quickly. Your life will have more meaning and make more sense. You'll find more happiness than you ever knew.
Come on in, the water is fine and the koolaid is sweet.
It is friday. Stay sober and quit! Need a reason to protect your quit?
As posted by CoachDoc. 01.08.13 and shared by Loot...
So, no real reason to post it anywhere else, but thought I would place it here simply because it is in my head...and ears...
Right now I am sitting at my desk in my office typing this. Although I have seen all sorts of stuff after spending 15 years as a combat medic and ER nurse, I've spent the past 2 years running a surgical program. I've gotten away from the "action," so to speak. That's why I think it hit me pretty hard about an hour ago when, while sitting at my desk, I began hearing loud moaning and near sobbing coming from a patient room a little down and across the hall from my office. It continued beginning to sound almost like a hound dog continuing to whimper and howl. I opened my door and looked out to see none of the staff nurses so I headed down to see if there was anything I could do.
Entering the room, it was dark, but I could still see the very thin figure of a man, slowly writhing from side to side and continuing to moan in anguish, his brow furrowed in what I assumed to be pain. Before I could ask him if I could do anything for him, his nurse came in. She asked me if I needed any help and I said I had come down to check on him since I heard him. She told me that he is rather unaware of his surrounding due to dementia related to his cancer. She went on to tell me how his cancer had started in his tongue and jaw and had quickly spread to his brain and at this point he was only receiving comfort care to try to make his final days more comfortable. He continued to moan loudly as she began administering dilaudid (10x more potent than morphine) through his IV. On my way back to my office I couldn't help but wonder if his tongue cancer began from chewing or smoking. I couldn't help but wonder if that could have been me one day.
I couldn't help but to be thankful that I found KTC and the support of all my brothers here.
As I get ready to post this, he is now quiet. I assume the medications are working for now. I hope he finds some comfort and peace. I wish he would have found KTC like we did.
Day 508. I am quit the KTC way.
Post roll, keep your word, wake and repeat!
Any other way and you're asking for trouble.
Never, ever forget Day 1 and the reason(s) you CHOSE to join this band of quitters and their way of quitting!
Any other way and you're asking for trouble.
If it ain't broken, don't try to fix it!
If you can't post roll and keep your word for Today then maybe you could go some where else.
Any other way and you're asking for trouble.
I was a hard core dipper for 30 years. I think of my addiction every damn day. It is the most important activity of my day (posting roll) and I am a very busy person. I work a lot.
When I can, I share with perfect strangers about my daily victory over my addiction and how we do it at KTC. This happened yesterday at Sports Authority. The dude was very receptive. ( I live in a small town, people still talk to strangers). Seed planted. Website and digits given.
Any other way and you're asking for trouble.
One foot in front of the other, take it off the table just for Today, Never again for any reason, ODAAT, Post roll, keep your word, wake and repeat and before you know it your daze will stack up nicely and your life will transform into what YOUR life is SUPPOSE to be instead of the nic soaked dumbass we were.
Don't think you know all, don't tempt the nic bitch by NOT posting ROLL!
Post roll, keep your word, wake and repeat!
Any other way and you're asking for trouble.
I'm 508 days quit -vs- 131,400 days being a dumbass. I Love my 508 and so do those who know and love me. I don't do the past, the future isn't real yet, Today is a Gift that's why it's called the Present!
Do it the KTC way brothers, change your attitude change your life!