Author Topic: Mogul Intro  (Read 19481 times)

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Re: Mogul Intro
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2013, 11:15:00 AM »
Quote from: mogul
You know, I guess that was a pretty fucked up way to do it, but I hate that stuff now. I need to hate it. I was already hating what it cost me, the morning breath, the shit all over my truck but I needed to hate the addiction. Now I do and I quit. Never again.

Today I quit, just like yesterday. For any people here going thru your first week, I'm going to give you my run down of what I went thru. Keep in mind that I was very determined to quit and my mind was made up.

Day 1, probably too emotional and irritable. Wife noticed but supported me.
Day 2, Gas and a lot of it. wasn't able to squeeze enough out and fog started to set in
Day 3, Still lots of gas and heavy fog. This was the hardest day yet. I kinda liked the fog at times. My sleep was weird during the heavy fog. I didn't sleep much but when I did I went into deep sleep immediately and my muscles felt very relaxed. Also, I was pretty nauseated during this time.

Day 4, Tried to catch up on sleep. Again, heavy fog and gas. Slept in 30 minute intervals. (best I could do) once again the sleep felt deep just not long. Toilet at least 5 times that day.

Day 5, Sleep better, cravings drawing down but sore tongue and gums. really sore gums and the fog was still pretty thick.

Day 6 and 7 (today), Slept great last night but only for 5 hours or so. Feel rested and the fog is lifting. I have a sense of accomplishment but know that a long battle is still before me. the BM's still haven't returned to normal but I'm free of nicotine and that I love.

After that quit method I'm not surprised you have been feeling what you have. That being said, it looks like your troubles are very typical. The fog will lift, the bathroom stuff will change with a lot of water and good food. I love farts though. Bring 'em on! The best thing for that is eat lots of chili and beans. The more the merrier!! I am proud of you man. You are doing this and I'm with you all of the way. And don't worry about the sore gums and tongue. That will go way once you get less dependent on salty items and the fake chew. As usual if these sensations don't away after 3-4 weeks go see somebody about it. Quit on!
Real Quit Day 9/18/2013 8th Floor 11/26/15
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Re: Mogul Intro
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2013, 11:00:00 AM »
You are not the first to use hate as the fulcrum for quitting, but you may be the first to employ the extreme, shot/gag yourself with smokeless/ puke/ repeat/ ingest leftovers/ puke/ shot/ snack method of rapidly acquired revulsion... srans is my hate the poison guru, and I had to build up my hate for the poison. Check out srans intro thread for a reinforcement of your hate for the poison. I used the rage and hate to beat my craves for the poison. You are a badass!

Offline brettlees

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Re: Mogul Intro
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2013, 10:53:00 AM »
Hey Mogul keep it up you are on a strong roll, and that story sure is memorable! You have the warrior attitude for sure. I'll be glad to be quit with you each day from now on, and glad to have your back if you need a push or support. I read that logging what you go through helps later, when we might get complacent. I'm finding it helps me stay hopeful too, as I slug through a string of psychological withdrawals I never imagined. Your post helped me this morning by reminding me of the sheer pain of the gas I got early on on other stoppages. Seriously had me wishing to pass out. What kind of poison is in that stuff, causing so much disturbance when it's held back just a little?

Anyway, hang in there, it'll get tough i'm sure but there are a lot of us with you. I'm proud to quit the nic bitch with you today bro.
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline Mogul

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Re: Mogul Intro
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2013, 10:07:00 AM »
You know, I guess that was a pretty fucked up way to do it, but I hate that stuff now. I need to hate it. I was already hating what it cost me, the morning breath, the shit all over my truck but I needed to hate the addiction. Now I do and I quit. Never again.

Today I quit, just like yesterday. For any people here going thru your first week, I'm going to give you my run down of what I went thru. Keep in mind that I was very determined to quit and my mind was made up.

Day 1, probably too emotional and irritable. Wife noticed but supported me.
Day 2, Gas and a lot of it. wasn't able to squeeze enough out and fog started to set in
Day 3, Still lots of gas and heavy fog. This was the hardest day yet. I kinda liked the fog at times. My sleep was weird during the heavy fog. I didn't sleep much but when I did I went into deep sleep immediately and my muscles felt very relaxed. Also, I was pretty nauseated during this time.

Day 4, Tried to catch up on sleep. Again, heavy fog and gas. Slept in 30 minute intervals. (best I could do) once again the sleep felt deep just not long. Toilet at least 5 times that day.

Day 5, Sleep better, cravings drawing down but sore tongue and gums. really sore gums and the fog was still pretty thick.

Day 6 and 7 (today), Slept great last night but only for 5 hours or so. Feel rested and the fog is lifting. I have a sense of accomplishment but know that a long battle is still before me. the BM's still haven't returned to normal but I'm free of nicotine and that I love.


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Re: Mogul Intro
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2013, 10:03:00 AM »

Whatever it takes to get you quit! I want to echo the crowd here and let you know that this is a marathon run, a 12 round bout, a journey. You have a great attitude, and may have taken round one, but you didn't KO the nic bitch. She is a crafty veteran and will punch back. Your best defense will be this site. Post roll, read intros, Read HOF speeches, read the tragic stories as well,
and always rely on your brothers and sisters on this site. We are KTC, and we support you.

Quit Date - 8/15/2013

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Re: Mogul Intro
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2013, 10:02:00 AM »
I have a feeling I am going to like this guy.

Please tell me you live in Texas.

Hell, I will quit with you.
Oh little are so scary...F' OFF...!!!

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Re: Mogul Intro
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2013, 09:58:00 AM »
Quote from: Syndrome
Quote from: mogul
Moguls don't quit quitting either.

On my way to South Padre Island, spring break 1991.  Buddy of mine chewing some mint snuff.  don't remember which one.  I asked for a bang and I bummed off of him for the rest of the trip.  I remember times of Kodiak, Copenhagen, and most recently Husky Fine cut natural.  22 years now.  Wow where has the time gone???  Like all of us, I wish I could go back 20 years and be smart, strong, and overall have ultimate control over my body and my life. 

But, and it is a big but, here we are and I have quit and it isn't changing.  My mind was made up on Halloween night and the next day I made it so.  I'm done, the only thing that can conquer me now is death and my savior will take care of that part.  I had to get to the point where I hated Husky.  I hated it so bad that I would rather die than smell that shit again.  I put 4 shots of tequila before me and 2 cans of Husky (opened but full).  I took a shot of tequila, gently took the lid off the Husky, sniffed it and then buried my tongue in it.  swished it around in my mouth until I gagged.  rinsed with water.  another shot of tequila.  another face and tongue bury into the tin of Husky.  Puked all over the sink.  cussed at it, fought it, made the smell disgusting to my senses.  So wild because I just two days ago relished in the sweet smell of it.  did the other two shots of tequila and ate the remaining can of Husky.  Puked for at least an hour. 

I hurt, it hurt me bad.  but it pissed me off that this shit has taken 22 years of my life and at least 30,000 dollars of my kids college education away from us.  Never again.  Never.  I will die first. 

man that's one fucked up way to quit, but if it works for you... well it's still fucked up. i hope you were also trying to quit tequila at the same time. whether or not you were, you just might have.
Dude, that is the most twisted, while at the same time possibly the most beautiful quit story I've read. One thing is for sure, you're badass. With a plan like you followed, you'll fit in well here.

I dig the determination. Quit on.....

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Re: Mogul Intro
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2013, 09:49:00 AM »
WOW, that is one fucked up way to make yourself quit. That is like Quitting Extreme meets anorexia. Shit dude if it works for you then you bet your ass I will support you.

I have never been a fan of taking the easy way out and rarely do I get impressed, your sick and sadistic way of quitting actually impresses me.

Now I hope that you can use that same bravado and edginess into your quit daily I have no doubt that you can prevail. I do ask that you make sure you quit each day, never ever plan for tomorrow or any days ahead. Focus on today only.

Your first few weeks are going to suck and you will need the support from others. We are here for that. There are not many of us that are motivational speakers but I am fairly certain a few people on here live in vans down by the river.

Hit me up if you need someone to talk to or vent at, I am always down,

"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

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Re: Mogul Intro
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2013, 06:55:00 AM »
Quote from: mogul
Moguls don't quit quitting either.

On my way to South Padre Island, spring break 1991. Buddy of mine chewing some mint snuff. don't remember which one. I asked for a bang and I bummed off of him for the rest of the trip. I remember times of Kodiak, Copenhagen, and most recently Husky Fine cut natural. 22 years now. Wow where has the time gone??? Like all of us, I wish I could go back 20 years and be smart, strong, and overall have ultimate control over my body and my life.

But, and it is a big but, here we are and I have quit and it isn't changing. My mind was made up on Halloween night and the next day I made it so. I'm done, the only thing that can conquer me now is death and my savior will take care of that part. I had to get to the point where I hated Husky. I hated it so bad that I would rather die than smell that shit again. I put 4 shots of tequila before me and 2 cans of Husky (opened but full). I took a shot of tequila, gently took the lid off the Husky, sniffed it and then buried my tongue in it. swished it around in my mouth until I gagged. rinsed with water. another shot of tequila. another face and tongue bury into the tin of Husky. Puked all over the sink. cussed at it, fought it, made the smell disgusting to my senses. So wild because I just two days ago relished in the sweet smell of it. did the other two shots of tequila and ate the remaining can of Husky. Puked for at least an hour.

I hurt, it hurt me bad. but it pissed me off that this shit has taken 22 years of my life and at least 30,000 dollars of my kids college education away from us. Never again. Never. I will die first.

man that's one fucked up way to quit, but if it works for you... well it's still fucked up. i hope you were also trying to quit tequila at the same time. whether or not you were, you just might have.

Offline Mogul

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Re: Mogul Intro
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2013, 11:36:00 PM »
KC, you are funny. I ate the last two cans I ever bought. I'm not caving, that was my quit night. I'm not eating it again after puking it all over my kitchen. LOL, but you sure made me laugh with that picture in my head.

Dabeen, I couldn't agree more with you. the next few days, weeks, months and possibly years could be/ will be rough. However, I made up my mind and when I do that it's over. Just ask my Ex wife. (OK, that is stretching it, I agree.=).

I here, I'm calm, I'm pissed that I let myself do this for 22 years, but I'm also over it and know that life moves on.

I appreciate this site and you men who care about this fight. It means something and I want to be a part of it. Thats why I'm here, to be a part, to quit with you and that other guy who will be here next November.

Yep Dabean, I'm an addict of the worse kind. I let that shit rule me for too long and that is what it did. But now I rule it, it is there because I am an addict. It barks at me constantly, and especially when I'm weak. but I will never be too weak again. I won over the Nic habit. You will never convince me otherwise. If I am wrong, I will man up. Otherwise I will be here with you next year helping others..


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Re: Mogul Intro
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2013, 11:06:00 PM »
Quote from: mogul
Moguls don't quit quitting either.

On my way to South Padre Island, spring break 1991. Buddy of mine chewing some mint snuff. don't remember which one. I asked for a bang and I bummed off of him for the rest of the trip. I remember times of Kodiak, Copenhagen, and most recently Husky Fine cut natural. 22 years now. Wow where has the time gone??? Like all of us, I wish I could go back 20 years and be smart, strong, and overall have ultimate control over my body and my life.

But, and it is a big but, here we are and I have quit and it isn't changing. My mind was made up on Halloween night and the next day I made it so. I'm done, the only thing that can conquer me now is death and my savior will take care of that part. I had to get to the point where I hated Husky. I hated it so bad that I would rather die than smell that shit again. I put 4 shots of tequila before me and 2 cans of Husky (opened but full). I took a shot of tequila, gently took the lid off the Husky, sniffed it and then buried my tongue in it. swished it around in my mouth until I gagged. rinsed with water. another shot of tequila. another face and tongue bury into the tin of Husky. Puked all over the sink. cussed at it, fought it, made the smell disgusting to my senses. So wild because I just two days ago relished in the sweet smell of it. did the other two shots of tequila and ate the remaining can of Husky. Puked for at least an hour.

I hurt, it hurt me bad. but it pissed me off that this shit has taken 22 years of my life and at least 30,000 dollars of my kids college education away from us. Never again. Never. I will die first.

Wow. Welcome to freedom. Just so you know going forward. Eating tobacco is not the best idea and will be considered caving. Learn why and how to post roll. There is a welcome link at the top of this page. Click on it and read everything on it. Roll with us one day at a time.
Quit Date 05/20/2013

HOF 08/27/13
2nd Floor 12/5/13
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Re: Mogul Intro
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2013, 11:06:00 PM »
I admire your attitude brother. Great to have you here. I just want to prepare you a bit. There is a way of viewing your quit that works better than any other view and there are about to be a few guys to follow me that will likely start showing you the way. Don't fight it. Roll with it. These people know how to do it. Follow their lead. I'll start by putting my .02 in.

You used a severe tactic to start your quit but you have to know that it is a short term solution. You may have the right attitude but I want to hear it from you. You have to know that you are a nicotine addict. You are an addict just like a heroin addict or an alcoholic. It is nicotine that your body is going to crave for as long as you live. The next few days, weeks  months it will be worse than any time after but you have to know that 20 years from now, you will still be addicted to nicotine. If you have a tiny touch of it, from a dip, cigarette, cigar, patch or any other form you can think of, it will start the cycle of addiction all over again.

I want to hear more about your frame of mind. Really spell it out. If you have any misconceptions, now is the time for the people here to help you correct them. Welcome to the group. Post roll EVERY day. Don't gloss over that part. To get yourself into the right attitude to fight the addiction, you need to post roll as early in the day as you possibly can EVERY day. Don't miss a single day especially in the first 100 days. Do that and be a man of your word and the rest will take care of it's self. Proud to quit with you brother.
Quit 8/04/13
HOF 11/11/13
Thanks mostly to LHG. That girl rocks the world. I love you Sis.
Someone, somewhere out there is suffering through a more intense crave than me and that person is staying quit. As will I. -JoeMellow
SkyDiver - The first step is a bitch but that's when the fun starts.

Offline Mogul

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Mogul Intro
« on: November 06, 2013, 10:46:00 PM »
Moguls don't quit quitting either.

On my way to South Padre Island, spring break 1991. Buddy of mine chewing some mint snuff. don't remember which one. I asked for a bang and I bummed off of him for the rest of the trip. I remember times of Kodiak, Copenhagen, and most recently Husky Fine cut natural. 22 years now. Wow where has the time gone??? Like all of us, I wish I could go back 20 years and be smart, strong, and overall have ultimate control over my body and my life.

But, and it is a big but, here we are and I have quit and it isn't changing. My mind was made up on Halloween night and the next day I made it so. I'm done, the only thing that can conquer me now is death and my savior will take care of that part. I had to get to the point where I hated Husky. I hated it so bad that I would rather die than smell that shit again. I put 4 shots of tequila before me and 2 cans of Husky (opened but full). I took a shot of tequila, gently took the lid off the Husky, sniffed it and then buried my tongue in it. swished it around in my mouth until I gagged. rinsed with water. another shot of tequila. another face and tongue bury into the tin of Husky. Puked all over the sink. cussed at it, fought it, made the smell disgusting to my senses. So wild because I just two days ago relished in the sweet smell of it. did the other two shots of tequila and ate the remaining can of Husky. Puked for at least an hour.

I hurt, it hurt me bad. but it pissed me off that this shit has taken 22 years of my life and at least 30,000 dollars of my kids college education away from us. Never again. Never. I will die first.
