The True Enemy-
Well this one was a difficult one to post as this really had me look deep inside as I have reflected on my last two years of quit.
I still remember late June 2012 coming out of the doctorÂ’s office, scripts for high blood pressure and cholesterol meds, with another appointment scheduled in 3months, and looking in the car mirror. I think that was the tipping point and when I through a dip in before driving away, the look again in the mirror I believe I saw that enemy.
So I had a few days of online searching as well as really looking at myself. And truly did not like what I was. At that time I finally decided to quit. The date was July 2, 2012 and I called my wife and sons into the bathroom while I flushed the last tin I had. It felt good. And again I felt that enemy that I was going to have to fight.
The next day I joined KTC as a member, and posted roll. I learned the tools that brought me the accountability that I needed each day, it brought me the brotherhood that has stood all around me throughout my days, and it has brought me success for over 2 years now. And yes from time to time I still felt that enemy hanging around me and even saw his reflection at times, but life was truly becoming good as a free man.
But I can see now that the True Enemy will never go away, that it will never be defeated. It can roar its head at any time and from any direction. I just need to be ready, be prepared with my armor and my tools for when he appears, because when he does, I will follow my quit plan and make the right decision at that time.
I hope that this can help others, as the reflection helps me. See you at the round table.