Wasn't planning to be back in here so soon but I needed to get this off my chest (nothing horrible):
For those that have come to know me here I am a regular guy just like the most of you. I have also been called the level headed one. For that take a look through my intro and decide for
Now one of the words that I would say is probably a quality that I have, and people may call
me and that is Naive. When I look up the Websters definition I see "marked by unaffected
simplicity", and with this I would tend to agree. I like to keep it simple. I like to look at
a person and extend them the trust up front. You know the wear your heart out on your sleeve.
Well I had never thought about it before in being a good or bad quality to have, but after
recent events, I feel that this has become a little chink in my armor.
So on these days where I should be happy as my group hits and myself nears the 2 year peak, I lay in a sleepless state in bed with the feeling (whether real or imagined, and it may just be in my head) of many wounds in between my shoulder blades.
But you know what. I picked my head from the pillow and gave my word today to not use any nicotine. That would make 724 days out of 725 that I have posted my word and have honored it (I joined on my day 2, and the missed day was out on the Appalacian Trail leading the boy scouts on the overnight hiking trip). I will also be looking through the intros and plan to spend my usual 4+ hours, in the live chat room doing what I can for those who need help, or a distraction, or just a friendly hello. I try to be that friend, that mentor, that brother.
What will sting and take time, is the healing of the wounds. And with time they will go away and this will pass. But that which has not killed me can only make me stronger.
So my armor is back in the forge, being tailored to be stronger than ever in this fight against the poison that brought us here.
So who needs a quit partner today, Lets honor our word