Day 723 ....
Think too much dust has settled on this so going to shake it off. And must say just wow. Not rehashing anything as to what is happening in other places, just want to state and look forward on a few observations for myself.
Before KTC, I wasted time in my life (running our to get my next fix, finding ways to do so) and was a person who lied to myself (I would quit after X, or would stop when X happened). It was KTC that showed me that by coming here and making that pledge/promise each day, that not only was it helping me to take control of this addiction, but it led me to becoming a better person. I have also gained that time back in my daily life that I have put to use in exercising and spending it with my family, and that includes time in the chat room with my family here at KTC.
So when we look, this is definitely something not to dismiss.
Now there have been times, and you will hear, that periods are needed to take a deep breath, to live your life and 'post and go'. Hell just like in real life there are times we need the alone time from our spouse, from our kids. But it is that time where we need to use it to grow, to mature our quit to the next level. To find a little something to re-energize us. Sometimes it may be picking up on something similar with a newly quit person, or some drama that may occur. Because last I looked, families do generate drama within their walls. So when these things occur, it is normal and will happen. Those of us not involved need to learn from it. Those involved need to think deep down and also learn from it.
And again with these periods of time, they are not to be dismissed easily.
During one of the times that I was 'just posting roll', I found this gem for myself. Yes I am a true fan of the Medieval Knights, (that goes back to before college and is the reason for my handle) and this prayer that I found that was spoken before entering battle against an enemy, I can see using multiple times:
A Knight's Prayer
Almighty God, Eternal Father, Lord of Lords, have mercy upon me, a humble knight in Thy Divine Service. Oh Lord, I pray for Thy indulgence and blessings. Forget not Thine servant in his trials, nor his Order of Knighthood. I pray, that Thy Will be done in all things, both great and small.
Let me always be worthy of Thee, let me not forget Thee in good times nor bad. Armor me with the armor of Thy Righteousness, give me the sword of Truth that I shall confound Thine enemies and be unto Thee a true knight.
O Lord, in my hour of need, be with me. Let me never forget my sacred and holy vows unto Thee, that I should not be prey unto demons and devils nor the dark things of this world.
Let me always be a beacon unto those in distress, never allow me to forget my obligation unto the homeless nor the poor: let me serve Thee and Thine Eternal Throne all the days of my life. Let me always remember the obligations that I have taken upon me. Lord, if it is Thine Will, let me serve Thee forever!
If ever, oh Lord, I turn from Thee and this Order, let my name forever be cursed, may my spurs be broken and my body given unto demons to dwell with them forever in that Lake of Fire which Thou hast: prepared for the ungodly.
Power beyond Power, Pillar of Strength, Refuge of the Homeless, let me serve Thee for all the days of my life! Amen.
But whatever you may find, use it to help keep you on the path that others have laid before you because Accountability + Brotherhood do equal Success in so much more ways that you can think