Author Topic: Proud to say I will be a quitter  (Read 33342 times)

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Offline Ginet

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #308 on: June 27, 2014, 09:00:00 AM »
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: wastepanel
that is not quite the suit of armor that I have been looking for. I think I need to fire the metalworker at the forge.
love the blue SD!!
Hi SD....Congrats on the Blue. I like the red on you but the blue really brings out your eyes. Well remain a stellar quitter!
The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it. ~ Chinese Proverb
Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. ~ Stephen R. Covey

QD 12/29/13
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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #307 on: June 27, 2014, 08:42:00 AM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: wastepanel
that is not quite the suit of armor that I have been looking for. I think I need to fire the metalworker at the forge.
love the blue SD!!
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Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #306 on: June 27, 2014, 08:16:00 AM »
Quote from: wastepanel
that is not quite the suit of armor that I have been looking for. I think I need to fire the metalworker at the forge.

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #305 on: June 27, 2014, 02:20:00 AM »
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #304 on: June 25, 2014, 12:34:00 PM »
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 723 ....

Think too much dust has settled on this so going to shake it off. And must say just wow. Not rehashing anything as to what is happening in other places, just want to state and look forward on a few observations for myself.

Before KTC, I wasted time in my life (running our to get my next fix, finding ways to do so) and was a person who lied to myself (I would quit after X, or would stop when X happened). It was KTC that showed me that by coming here and making that pledge/promise each day, that not only was it helping me to take control of this addiction, but it led me to becoming a better person. I have also gained that time back in my daily life that I have put to use in exercising and spending it with my family, and that includes time in the chat room with my family here at KTC.

So when we look, this is definitely something not to dismiss.

Now there have been times, and you will hear, that periods are needed to take a deep breath, to live your life and 'post and go'. Hell just like in real life there are times we need the alone time from our spouse, from our kids. But it is that time where we need to use it to grow, to mature our quit to the next level. To find a little something to re-energize us. Sometimes it may be picking up on something similar with a newly quit person, or some drama that may occur. Because last I looked, families do generate drama within their walls. So when these things occur, it is normal and will happen. Those of us not involved need to learn from it. Those involved need to think deep down and also learn from it.

And again with these periods of time, they are not to be dismissed easily.

During one of the times that I was 'just posting roll', I found this gem for myself. Yes I am a true fan of the Medieval Knights, (that goes back to before college and is the reason for my handle) and this prayer that I found that was spoken before entering battle against an enemy, I can see using multiple times:

A Knight's Prayer

Almighty God, Eternal Father, Lord of Lords, have mercy upon me, a humble knight in Thy Divine Service. Oh Lord, I pray for Thy indulgence and blessings. Forget not Thine servant in his trials, nor his Order of Knighthood. I pray, that Thy Will be done in all things, both great and small.

Let me always be worthy of Thee, let me not forget Thee in good times nor bad. Armor me with the armor of Thy Righteousness, give me the sword of Truth that I shall confound Thine enemies and be unto Thee a true knight.

O Lord, in my hour of need, be with me. Let me never forget my sacred and holy vows unto Thee, that I should not be prey unto demons and devils nor the dark things of this world.

Let me always be a beacon unto those in distress, never allow me to forget my obligation unto the homeless nor the poor: let me serve Thee and Thine Eternal Throne all the days of my life. Let me always remember the obligations that I have taken upon me. Lord, if it is Thine Will, let me serve Thee forever!

If ever, oh Lord, I turn from Thee and this Order, let my name forever be cursed, may my spurs be broken and my body given unto demons to dwell with them forever in that Lake of Fire which Thou hast: prepared for the ungodly.

Power beyond Power, Pillar of Strength, Refuge of the Homeless, let me serve Thee for all the days of my life! Amen.

But whatever you may find, use it to help keep you on the path that others have laid before you because Accountability + Brotherhood do equal Success in so much more ways that you can think
Amen SirD. The voice of reason. Thank you sir. All families suffer some dysfunction, why should KTC be any different. This too shall pass. I just hope that no young quits are harmed.

Quit on friend.

Honest gratitude and admiration for what you consistently bring Sir D.
Werd. Thanks for what you do here.
Nice reflection Derek
This American Welshman loves the Knight. Good post Sir Derek. :wub:
Quit And Be Free

HOF Speech

Offline Dagranger

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #303 on: June 25, 2014, 11:32:00 AM »
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 723 ....

Think too much dust has settled on this so going to shake it off. And must say just wow. Not rehashing anything as to what is happening in other places, just want to state and look forward on a few observations for myself.

Before KTC, I wasted time in my life (running our to get my next fix, finding ways to do so) and was a person who lied to myself (I would quit after X, or would stop when X happened). It was KTC that showed me that by coming here and making that pledge/promise each day, that not only was it helping me to take control of this addiction, but it led me to becoming a better person. I have also gained that time back in my daily life that I have put to use in exercising and spending it with my family, and that includes time in the chat room with my family here at KTC.

So when we look, this is definitely something not to dismiss.

Now there have been times, and you will hear, that periods are needed to take a deep breath, to live your life and 'post and go'. Hell just like in real life there are times we need the alone time from our spouse, from our kids. But it is that time where we need to use it to grow, to mature our quit to the next level. To find a little something to re-energize us. Sometimes it may be picking up on something similar with a newly quit person, or some drama that may occur. Because last I looked, families do generate drama within their walls. So when these things occur, it is normal and will happen. Those of us not involved need to learn from it. Those involved need to think deep down and also learn from it.

And again with these periods of time, they are not to be dismissed easily.

During one of the times that I was 'just posting roll', I found this gem for myself. Yes I am a true fan of the Medieval Knights, (that goes back to before college and is the reason for my handle) and this prayer that I found that was spoken before entering battle against an enemy, I can see using multiple times:

A Knight's Prayer

Almighty God, Eternal Father, Lord of Lords, have mercy upon me, a humble knight in Thy Divine Service. Oh Lord, I pray for Thy indulgence and blessings. Forget not Thine servant in his trials, nor his Order of Knighthood. I pray, that Thy Will be done in all things, both great and small.

Let me always be worthy of Thee, let me not forget Thee in good times nor bad. Armor me with the armor of Thy Righteousness, give me the sword of Truth that I shall confound Thine enemies and be unto Thee a true knight.

O Lord, in my hour of need, be with me. Let me never forget my sacred and holy vows unto Thee, that I should not be prey unto demons and devils nor the dark things of this world.

Let me always be a beacon unto those in distress, never allow me to forget my obligation unto the homeless nor the poor: let me serve Thee and Thine Eternal Throne all the days of my life. Let me always remember the obligations that I have taken upon me. Lord, if it is Thine Will, let me serve Thee forever!

If ever, oh Lord, I turn from Thee and this Order, let my name forever be cursed, may my spurs be broken and my body given unto demons to dwell with them forever in that Lake of Fire which Thou hast: prepared for the ungodly.

Power beyond Power, Pillar of Strength, Refuge of the Homeless, let me serve Thee for all the days of my life! Amen.

But whatever you may find, use it to help keep you on the path that others have laid before you because Accountability + Brotherhood do equal Success in so much more ways that you can think
Amen SirD. The voice of reason. Thank you sir. All families suffer some dysfunction, why should KTC be any different. This too shall pass. I just hope that no young quits are harmed.

Quit on friend.

Honest gratitude and admiration for what you consistently bring Sir D.
Werd. Thanks for what you do here.
Nice reflection Derek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #302 on: June 25, 2014, 10:26:00 AM »
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 723 ....

Think too much dust has settled on this so going to shake it off. And must say just wow. Not rehashing anything as to what is happening in other places, just want to state and look forward on a few observations for myself.

Before KTC, I wasted time in my life (running our to get my next fix, finding ways to do so) and was a person who lied to myself (I would quit after X, or would stop when X happened). It was KTC that showed me that by coming here and making that pledge/promise each day, that not only was it helping me to take control of this addiction, but it led me to becoming a better person. I have also gained that time back in my daily life that I have put to use in exercising and spending it with my family, and that includes time in the chat room with my family here at KTC.

So when we look, this is definitely something not to dismiss.

Now there have been times, and you will hear, that periods are needed to take a deep breath, to live your life and 'post and go'. Hell just like in real life there are times we need the alone time from our spouse, from our kids. But it is that time where we need to use it to grow, to mature our quit to the next level. To find a little something to re-energize us. Sometimes it may be picking up on something similar with a newly quit person, or some drama that may occur. Because last I looked, families do generate drama within their walls. So when these things occur, it is normal and will happen. Those of us not involved need to learn from it. Those involved need to think deep down and also learn from it.

And again with these periods of time, they are not to be dismissed easily.

During one of the times that I was 'just posting roll', I found this gem for myself. Yes I am a true fan of the Medieval Knights, (that goes back to before college and is the reason for my handle) and this prayer that I found that was spoken before entering battle against an enemy, I can see using multiple times:

A Knight's Prayer

Almighty God, Eternal Father, Lord of Lords, have mercy upon me, a humble knight in Thy Divine Service. Oh Lord, I pray for Thy indulgence and blessings. Forget not Thine servant in his trials, nor his Order of Knighthood. I pray, that Thy Will be done in all things, both great and small.

Let me always be worthy of Thee, let me not forget Thee in good times nor bad. Armor me with the armor of Thy Righteousness, give me the sword of Truth that I shall confound Thine enemies and be unto Thee a true knight.

O Lord, in my hour of need, be with me. Let me never forget my sacred and holy vows unto Thee, that I should not be prey unto demons and devils nor the dark things of this world.

Let me always be a beacon unto those in distress, never allow me to forget my obligation unto the homeless nor the poor: let me serve Thee and Thine Eternal Throne all the days of my life. Let me always remember the obligations that I have taken upon me. Lord, if it is Thine Will, let me serve Thee forever!

If ever, oh Lord, I turn from Thee and this Order, let my name forever be cursed, may my spurs be broken and my body given unto demons to dwell with them forever in that Lake of Fire which Thou hast: prepared for the ungodly.

Power beyond Power, Pillar of Strength, Refuge of the Homeless, let me serve Thee for all the days of my life! Amen.

But whatever you may find, use it to help keep you on the path that others have laid before you because Accountability + Brotherhood do equal Success in so much more ways that you can think
Amen SirD. The voice of reason. Thank you sir. All families suffer some dysfunction, why should KTC be any different. This too shall pass. I just hope that no young quits are harmed.

Quit on friend.

Honest gratitude and admiration for what you consistently bring Sir D.
Werd. Thanks for what you do here.

Offline brettlees

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #301 on: June 25, 2014, 01:02:00 AM »
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 723 ....

Think too much dust has settled on this so going to shake it off. And must say just wow. Not rehashing anything as to what is happening in other places, just want to state and look forward on a few observations for myself.

Before KTC, I wasted time in my life (running our to get my next fix, finding ways to do so) and was a person who lied to myself (I would quit after X, or would stop when X happened). It was KTC that showed me that by coming here and making that pledge/promise each day, that not only was it helping me to take control of this addiction, but it led me to becoming a better person. I have also gained that time back in my daily life that I have put to use in exercising and spending it with my family, and that includes time in the chat room with my family here at KTC.

So when we look, this is definitely something not to dismiss.

Now there have been times, and you will hear, that periods are needed to take a deep breath, to live your life and 'post and go'. Hell just like in real life there are times we need the alone time from our spouse, from our kids. But it is that time where we need to use it to grow, to mature our quit to the next level. To find a little something to re-energize us. Sometimes it may be picking up on something similar with a newly quit person, or some drama that may occur. Because last I looked, families do generate drama within their walls. So when these things occur, it is normal and will happen. Those of us not involved need to learn from it. Those involved need to think deep down and also learn from it.

And again with these periods of time, they are not to be dismissed easily.

During one of the times that I was 'just posting roll', I found this gem for myself. Yes I am a true fan of the Medieval Knights, (that goes back to before college and is the reason for my handle) and this prayer that I found that was spoken before entering battle against an enemy, I can see using multiple times:

A Knight's Prayer

Almighty God, Eternal Father, Lord of Lords, have mercy upon me, a humble knight in Thy Divine Service. Oh Lord, I pray for Thy indulgence and blessings. Forget not Thine servant in his trials, nor his Order of Knighthood. I pray, that Thy Will be done in all things, both great and small.

Let me always be worthy of Thee, let me not forget Thee in good times nor bad. Armor me with the armor of Thy Righteousness, give me the sword of Truth that I shall confound Thine enemies and be unto Thee a true knight.

O Lord, in my hour of need, be with me. Let me never forget my sacred and holy vows unto Thee, that I should not be prey unto demons and devils nor the dark things of this world.

Let me always be a beacon unto those in distress, never allow me to forget my obligation unto the homeless nor the poor: let me serve Thee and Thine Eternal Throne all the days of my life. Let me always remember the obligations that I have taken upon me. Lord, if it is Thine Will, let me serve Thee forever!

If ever, oh Lord, I turn from Thee and this Order, let my name forever be cursed, may my spurs be broken and my body given unto demons to dwell with them forever in that Lake of Fire which Thou hast: prepared for the ungodly.

Power beyond Power, Pillar of Strength, Refuge of the Homeless, let me serve Thee for all the days of my life! Amen.

But whatever you may find, use it to help keep you on the path that others have laid before you because Accountability + Brotherhood do equal Success in so much more ways that you can think
Amen SirD. The voice of reason. Thank you sir. All families suffer some dysfunction, why should KTC be any different. This too shall pass. I just hope that no young quits are harmed.

Quit on friend.

Honest gratitude and admiration for what you consistently bring Sir D.
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #300 on: June 24, 2014, 08:41:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 723 ....

Think too much dust has settled on this so going to shake it off. And must say just wow. Not rehashing anything as to what is happening in other places, just want to state and look forward on a few observations for myself.

Before KTC, I wasted time in my life (running our to get my next fix, finding ways to do so) and was a person who lied to myself (I would quit after X, or would stop when X happened). It was KTC that showed me that by coming here and making that pledge/promise each day, that not only was it helping me to take control of this addiction, but it led me to becoming a better person. I have also gained that time back in my daily life that I have put to use in exercising and spending it with my family, and that includes time in the chat room with my family here at KTC.

So when we look, this is definitely something not to dismiss.

Now there have been times, and you will hear, that periods are needed to take a deep breath, to live your life and 'post and go'. Hell just like in real life there are times we need the alone time from our spouse, from our kids. But it is that time where we need to use it to grow, to mature our quit to the next level. To find a little something to re-energize us. Sometimes it may be picking up on something similar with a newly quit person, or some drama that may occur. Because last I looked, families do generate drama within their walls. So when these things occur, it is normal and will happen. Those of us not involved need to learn from it. Those involved need to think deep down and also learn from it.

And again with these periods of time, they are not to be dismissed easily.

During one of the times that I was 'just posting roll', I found this gem for myself. Yes I am a true fan of the Medieval Knights, (that goes back to before college and is the reason for my handle) and this prayer that I found that was spoken before entering battle against an enemy, I can see using multiple times:

A Knight's Prayer

Almighty God, Eternal Father, Lord of Lords, have mercy upon me, a humble knight in Thy Divine Service. Oh Lord, I pray for Thy indulgence and blessings. Forget not Thine servant in his trials, nor his Order of Knighthood. I pray, that Thy Will be done in all things, both great and small.

Let me always be worthy of Thee, let me not forget Thee in good times nor bad. Armor me with the armor of Thy Righteousness, give me the sword of Truth that I shall confound Thine enemies and be unto Thee a true knight.

O Lord, in my hour of need, be with me. Let me never forget my sacred and holy vows unto Thee, that I should not be prey unto demons and devils nor the dark things of this world.

Let me always be a beacon unto those in distress, never allow me to forget my obligation unto the homeless nor the poor: let me serve Thee and Thine Eternal Throne all the days of my life. Let me always remember the obligations that I have taken upon me. Lord, if it is Thine Will, let me serve Thee forever!

If ever, oh Lord, I turn from Thee and this Order, let my name forever be cursed, may my spurs be broken and my body given unto demons to dwell with them forever in that Lake of Fire which Thou hast: prepared for the ungodly.

Power beyond Power, Pillar of Strength, Refuge of the Homeless, let me serve Thee for all the days of my life! Amen.

But whatever you may find, use it to help keep you on the path that others have laid before you because Accountability + Brotherhood do equal Success in so much more ways that you can think
Amen SirD. The voice of reason. Thank you sir. All families suffer some dysfunction, why should KTC be any different. This too shall pass. I just hope that no young quits are harmed.

Quit on friend.


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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #299 on: June 24, 2014, 08:22:00 PM »
Day 723 ....

Think too much dust has settled on this so going to shake it off. And must say just wow. Not rehashing anything as to what is happening in other places, just want to state and look forward on a few observations for myself.

Before KTC, I wasted time in my life (running our to get my next fix, finding ways to do so) and was a person who lied to myself (I would quit after X, or would stop when X happened). It was KTC that showed me that by coming here and making that pledge/promise each day, that not only was it helping me to take control of this addiction, but it led me to becoming a better person. I have also gained that time back in my daily life that I have put to use in exercising and spending it with my family, and that includes time in the chat room with my family here at KTC.

So when we look, this is definitely something not to dismiss.

Now there have been times, and you will hear, that periods are needed to take a deep breath, to live your life and 'post and go'. Hell just like in real life there are times we need the alone time from our spouse, from our kids. But it is that time where we need to use it to grow, to mature our quit to the next level. To find a little something to re-energize us. Sometimes it may be picking up on something similar with a newly quit person, or some drama that may occur. Because last I looked, families do generate drama within their walls. So when these things occur, it is normal and will happen. Those of us not involved need to learn from it. Those involved need to think deep down and also learn from it.

And again with these periods of time, they are not to be dismissed easily.

During one of the times that I was 'just posting roll', I found this gem for myself. Yes I am a true fan of the Medieval Knights, (that goes back to before college and is the reason for my handle) and this prayer that I found that was spoken before entering battle against an enemy, I can see using multiple times:

A Knight's Prayer

Almighty God, Eternal Father, Lord of Lords, have mercy upon me, a humble knight in Thy Divine Service. Oh Lord, I pray for Thy indulgence and blessings. Forget not Thine servant in his trials, nor his Order of Knighthood. I pray, that Thy Will be done in all things, both great and small.

Let me always be worthy of Thee, let me not forget Thee in good times nor bad. Armor me with the armor of Thy Righteousness, give me the sword of Truth that I shall confound Thine enemies and be unto Thee a true knight.

O Lord, in my hour of need, be with me. Let me never forget my sacred and holy vows unto Thee, that I should not be prey unto demons and devils nor the dark things of this world.

Let me always be a beacon unto those in distress, never allow me to forget my obligation unto the homeless nor the poor: let me serve Thee and Thine Eternal Throne all the days of my life. Let me always remember the obligations that I have taken upon me. Lord, if it is Thine Will, let me serve Thee forever!

If ever, oh Lord, I turn from Thee and this Order, let my name forever be cursed, may my spurs be broken and my body given unto demons to dwell with them forever in that Lake of Fire which Thou hast: prepared for the ungodly.

Power beyond Power, Pillar of Strength, Refuge of the Homeless, let me serve Thee for all the days of my life! Amen.

But whatever you may find, use it to help keep you on the path that others have laid before you because Accountability + Brotherhood do equal Success in so much more ways that you can think

Offline Doc Chewfree

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #298 on: June 02, 2014, 11:21:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Erussell
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: Doc
There is obviously a reason that thou hast been knighted. And I with mine own two eyes hath witnessed it.
How anyone can be so compassionate, level-headed and nice to bignasty blows my mind. You sir should be in line for sainthood.
Ty Doc -

I think people can see how strong he seems to be, and in such a fight we can use someone like him on our side, but it is in his mind that he needs to be open to accepting the help. He needs to let go of the anger real or imagined and say to himself that yes the way it is here not only will help him with quitting nicotine but can help him with other areas in his life.

When I first joined I would never have thought that additional part was possible, but through the connections on the site here I have started an exercise program that has me in the best shape of my life, have taken a weekend trip to a new city and have met some of the best character people that I now consider family. I can also go almost anywhere in the USA and have an invite for a meal and/or drink, and that to me is beyond my wildest thoughts.

And I would not trade any of this for the world.
True inspiration. I am proud to follow in your footsteps, Mother Theresa.
I believe that Big Nasty feels that asking for help is a sign of weakness. Something that given his profession is a big no-no. Yes he is arrogant, conceited, and just simply, an ass but he is quit and that's what counts. I too wish he would just give up on the tough guy attitude and just get along and accept the advice offered.

I agree this site has done more for me than I ever imagined. I knew I had a dipping problem but since being on here I have taken a different look at other areas in my life as well. Trying to lose weight and slowing way down on the alcohol. These are two areas that definitely need work.

I was looking through your early intros SD and noticed you were involved in Scout leadership. I am an Assistant Cubmaster and feel the same way about the oath and how dip was not good representation of the scouting way of life.

Proud to be quit with you. Happy QLF Friday!!!!
I quit with SD any day that ends with a "y"
One serious quitter and mentor.
Hey SD i was struck by your BN post too. Thanks. That was rich.
Derek = true friend :wub:
D, you are a quitter that exemplifies grace under pressure. Thanks for all your inspiration and positivity!
Thank you. You do more than you will likely ever realize for this site. Thank you so very much.
Great job Derek. Keep doing what you do.
Too bad big nasty wiped his big nasty ass with that olive branch.
Brave men are honored, rich men are envied, powerful men are feared, but only a man with character is trusted
Quit on Feb. 6, 2014

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #297 on: June 02, 2014, 06:06:00 PM »
Quote from: Erussell
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: Doc
There is obviously a reason that thou hast been knighted. And I with mine own two eyes hath witnessed it.
How anyone can be so compassionate, level-headed and nice to bignasty blows my mind. You sir should be in line for sainthood.
Ty Doc -

I think people can see how strong he seems to be, and in such a fight we can use someone like him on our side, but it is in his mind that he needs to be open to accepting the help. He needs to let go of the anger real or imagined and say to himself that yes the way it is here not only will help him with quitting nicotine but can help him with other areas in his life.

When I first joined I would never have thought that additional part was possible, but through the connections on the site here I have started an exercise program that has me in the best shape of my life, have taken a weekend trip to a new city and have met some of the best character people that I now consider family. I can also go almost anywhere in the USA and have an invite for a meal and/or drink, and that to me is beyond my wildest thoughts.

And I would not trade any of this for the world.
True inspiration. I am proud to follow in your footsteps, Mother Theresa.
I believe that Big Nasty feels that asking for help is a sign of weakness. Something that given his profession is a big no-no. Yes he is arrogant, conceited, and just simply, an ass but he is quit and that's what counts. I too wish he would just give up on the tough guy attitude and just get along and accept the advice offered.

I agree this site has done more for me than I ever imagined. I knew I had a dipping problem but since being on here I have taken a different look at other areas in my life as well. Trying to lose weight and slowing way down on the alcohol. These are two areas that definitely need work.

I was looking through your early intros SD and noticed you were involved in Scout leadership. I am an Assistant Cubmaster and feel the same way about the oath and how dip was not good representation of the scouting way of life.

Proud to be quit with you. Happy QLF Friday!!!!
I quit with SD any day that ends with a "y"
One serious quitter and mentor.
Hey SD i was struck by your BN post too. Thanks. That was rich.
Derek = true friend :wub:
D, you are a quitter that exemplifies grace under pressure. Thanks for all your inspiration and positivity!
Thank you. You do more than you will likely ever realize for this site. Thank you so very much.
Great job Derek. Keep doing what you do.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

Offline Erussell

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #296 on: June 02, 2014, 05:04:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: Doc
There is obviously a reason that thou hast been knighted. And I with mine own two eyes hath witnessed it.
How anyone can be so compassionate, level-headed and nice to bignasty blows my mind. You sir should be in line for sainthood.
Ty Doc -

I think people can see how strong he seems to be, and in such a fight we can use someone like him on our side, but it is in his mind that he needs to be open to accepting the help. He needs to let go of the anger real or imagined and say to himself that yes the way it is here not only will help him with quitting nicotine but can help him with other areas in his life.

When I first joined I would never have thought that additional part was possible, but through the connections on the site here I have started an exercise program that has me in the best shape of my life, have taken a weekend trip to a new city and have met some of the best character people that I now consider family. I can also go almost anywhere in the USA and have an invite for a meal and/or drink, and that to me is beyond my wildest thoughts.

And I would not trade any of this for the world.
True inspiration. I am proud to follow in your footsteps, Mother Theresa.
I believe that Big Nasty feels that asking for help is a sign of weakness. Something that given his profession is a big no-no. Yes he is arrogant, conceited, and just simply, an ass but he is quit and that's what counts. I too wish he would just give up on the tough guy attitude and just get along and accept the advice offered.

I agree this site has done more for me than I ever imagined. I knew I had a dipping problem but since being on here I have taken a different look at other areas in my life as well. Trying to lose weight and slowing way down on the alcohol. These are two areas that definitely need work.

I was looking through your early intros SD and noticed you were involved in Scout leadership. I am an Assistant Cubmaster and feel the same way about the oath and how dip was not good representation of the scouting way of life.

Proud to be quit with you. Happy QLF Friday!!!!
I quit with SD any day that ends with a "y"
One serious quitter and mentor.
Hey SD i was struck by your BN post too. Thanks. That was rich.
Derek = true friend :wub:
D, you are a quitter that exemplifies grace under pressure. Thanks for all your inspiration and positivity!
Thank you. You do more than you will likely ever realize for this site. Thank you so very much.
I would rather lose to a cheater than win as a cheater.

Offline rdad

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #295 on: June 01, 2014, 11:25:00 PM »
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: Doc
There is obviously a reason that thou hast been knighted. And I with mine own two eyes hath witnessed it.
How anyone can be so compassionate, level-headed and nice to bignasty blows my mind. You sir should be in line for sainthood.
Ty Doc -

I think people can see how strong he seems to be, and in such a fight we can use someone like him on our side, but it is in his mind that he needs to be open to accepting the help. He needs to let go of the anger real or imagined and say to himself that yes the way it is here not only will help him with quitting nicotine but can help him with other areas in his life.

When I first joined I would never have thought that additional part was possible, but through the connections on the site here I have started an exercise program that has me in the best shape of my life, have taken a weekend trip to a new city and have met some of the best character people that I now consider family. I can also go almost anywhere in the USA and have an invite for a meal and/or drink, and that to me is beyond my wildest thoughts.

And I would not trade any of this for the world.
True inspiration. I am proud to follow in your footsteps, Mother Theresa.
I believe that Big Nasty feels that asking for help is a sign of weakness. Something that given his profession is a big no-no. Yes he is arrogant, conceited, and just simply, an ass but he is quit and that's what counts. I too wish he would just give up on the tough guy attitude and just get along and accept the advice offered.

I agree this site has done more for me than I ever imagined. I knew I had a dipping problem but since being on here I have taken a different look at other areas in my life as well. Trying to lose weight and slowing way down on the alcohol. These are two areas that definitely need work.

I was looking through your early intros SD and noticed you were involved in Scout leadership. I am an Assistant Cubmaster and feel the same way about the oath and how dip was not good representation of the scouting way of life.

Proud to be quit with you. Happy QLF Friday!!!!
I quit with SD any day that ends with a "y"
One serious quitter and mentor.
Hey SD i was struck by your BN post too. Thanks. That was rich.
Derek = true friend :wub:
D, you are a quitter that exemplifies grace under pressure. Thanks for all your inspiration and positivity!

Offline rdad

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #294 on: June 01, 2014, 11:25:00 PM »
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: Doc
There is obviously a reason that thou hast been knighted. And I with mine own two eyes hath witnessed it.
How anyone can be so compassionate, level-headed and nice to bignasty blows my mind. You sir should be in line for sainthood.
Ty Doc -

I think people can see how strong he seems to be, and in such a fight we can use someone like him on our side, but it is in his mind that he needs to be open to accepting the help. He needs to let go of the anger real or imagined and say to himself that yes the way it is here not only will help him with quitting nicotine but can help him with other areas in his life.

When I first joined I would never have thought that additional part was possible, but through the connections on the site here I have started an exercise program that has me in the best shape of my life, have taken a weekend trip to a new city and have met some of the best character people that I now consider family. I can also go almost anywhere in the USA and have an invite for a meal and/or drink, and that to me is beyond my wildest thoughts.

And I would not trade any of this for the world.
True inspiration. I am proud to follow in your footsteps, Mother Theresa.
I believe that Big Nasty feels that asking for help is a sign of weakness. Something that given his profession is a big no-no. Yes he is arrogant, conceited, and just simply, an ass but he is quit and that's what counts. I too wish he would just give up on the tough guy attitude and just get along and accept the advice offered.

I agree this site has done more for me than I ever imagined. I knew I had a dipping problem but since being on here I have taken a different look at other areas in my life as well. Trying to lose weight and slowing way down on the alcohol. These are two areas that definitely need work.

I was looking through your early intros SD and noticed you were involved in Scout leadership. I am an Assistant Cubmaster and feel the same way about the oath and how dip was not good representation of the scouting way of life.

Proud to be quit with you. Happy QLF Friday!!!!
I quit with SD any day that ends with a "y"
One serious quitter and mentor.
Hey SD i was struck by your BN post too. Thanks. That was rich.
Derek = true friend :wub:
D, you are a quitter that exemplifies grace under pressure. Thanks for all your inspiration and positivity!