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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #338 on: July 01, 2014, 08:00:00 AM »
Quote from: Frazzled
Quote from: SirDerek
Wow not even the first to get in here for my 730.

W2W thank you my friend.

To all of those who are here there and everywhere today, to those with more days than myself, and those with less days than myself, I thank you from the bottom of my heart as I would not be here today without you all.

And to those who have drifted away who were also instrumental in my quit, specifically in my early days, I wish you all would still be here to celebrate this with me as you are missed.

But in all, just another day quit for us all, with another one to come
Awesome job on your second single digit, Sir. This is a huge accomplishment, and I comment you for your activity on this site and commitment to make it the great place it is.

Quit on.


Congrats sirD! Proud to walk this path with you.

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #337 on: July 01, 2014, 07:33:00 AM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Wow not even the first to get in here for my 730.

W2W thank you my friend.

To all of those who are here there and everywhere today, to those with more days than myself, and those with less days than myself, I thank you from the bottom of my heart as I would not be here today without you all.

And to those who have drifted away who were also instrumental in my quit, specifically in my early days, I wish you all would still be here to celebrate this with me as you are missed.

But in all, just another day quit for us all, with another one to come
Awesome job on your second single digit, Sir. This is a huge accomplishment, and I comment you for your activity on this site and commitment to make it the great place it is.

Quit on.

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Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #336 on: July 01, 2014, 07:00:00 AM »
Wow not even the first to get in here for my 730.

W2W thank you my friend.

To all of those who are here there and everywhere today, to those with more days than myself, and those with less days than myself, I thank you from the bottom of my heart as I would not be here today without you all.

And to those who have drifted away who were also instrumental in my quit, specifically in my early days, I wish you all would still be here to celebrate this with me as you are missed.

But in all, just another day quit for us all, with another one to come

Offline worktowin

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #335 on: June 30, 2014, 11:57:00 PM »
Happy anniversary! You have led many of us to freedom, Derek. Thank you. - and enjoy your day!

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #334 on: June 30, 2014, 10:01:00 AM »
"Remember you are either getting better or getting worse, nobody stays the same!" Woody Hayes

"Winning! That's all we do around here brotha! Failure is not an option, remove it as an option and the possibilities are endless...." Bruce317 5-18-2012

"...We'll be heroes or ghosts...But we won't be turned around." Wastepanel 6-15-2012




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Offline Nolaq

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #333 on: June 30, 2014, 09:29:00 AM »
Women get weary, they don't get 'Wooly'! God I hate it when people get the lyrics wrong!
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #332 on: June 30, 2014, 09:14:00 AM »
Why do you keep calling me Meat?
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Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #331 on: June 30, 2014, 08:05:00 AM »
ok now I am starting to feel a bit like Crash Davis talking to Ebby Calvin 'Nuke' Laloosh

"God, I can't keep giving you these free lessons so quit screwin' around and help me up. "

yes I am nuts but will keep it short and sweet.

But remember all, when you quit to have a plan. write it down. we do this in other aspects of our lives so why not apply it here to quitting.

So in the words of Benjamin Franklin - “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!”

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #330 on: June 29, 2014, 09:28:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
I know you are saying another post from this guy....

well yes, I guess coming up on another milestone is making me a little reflective. And this one I have to say I had totally forgotten a promise that I had made to myself, and one where I have not carried through.

You see, with all that I have spoken of brotherhood I have dropped the ball. I made myself a promise when I had hit the 1 year mark, that I would do more. And that more was not just to post in my thread, was not to just interact in the live chat room, and was not to just send the typed message (text) to those who I had their numbers. No my promise was to actually pick up that phone and listen to the spoken words of those who I considered friends.

Now I have done this in part, and have done it in person (what with the PA and GA get togethers), but I have failed myself when it came to doing it constantly.

Therefore, in keeping with the person that this place has shown me who I can be, I make this pledge moving forward that I will be more 'vocal' in getting in touch with everyone that I can. As I find out that the spoken word can be so much better, and so much more helpful than just the written one.

So to those new quitters, and to those not-so-new quitters, I am going to suggest to you, to incorporate this within your quit. For me I cannot say how much it has helped, especially at those lowest points when a kind word hits home when heard than it is when seen.

Thank you to those who I have spoken to and thank you to those who I will be speaking to soon.
Yes. Thank you sir. If I can be of assistance to anyone it is my pleasure. If I can be half as helpful as Mr. Derek it would delight. Speaking for us both, your quit is important.

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #329 on: June 29, 2014, 06:27:00 PM »
I know you are saying another post from this guy....

well yes, I guess coming up on another milestone is making me a little reflective. And this one I have to say I had totally forgotten a promise that I had made to myself, and one where I have not carried through.

You see, with all that I have spoken of brotherhood I have dropped the ball. I made myself a promise when I had hit the 1 year mark, that I would do more. And that more was not just to post in my thread, was not to just interact in the live chat room, and was not to just send the typed message (text) to those who I had their numbers. No my promise was to actually pick up that phone and listen to the spoken words of those who I considered friends.

Now I have done this in part, and have done it in person (what with the PA and GA get togethers), but I have failed myself when it came to doing it constantly.

Therefore, in keeping with the person that this place has shown me who I can be, I make this pledge moving forward that I will be more 'vocal' in getting in touch with everyone that I can. As I find out that the spoken word can be so much better, and so much more helpful than just the written one.

So to those new quitters, and to those not-so-new quitters, I am going to suggest to you, to incorporate this within your quit. For me I cannot say how much it has helped, especially at those lowest points when a kind word hits home when heard than it is when seen.

Thank you to those who I have spoken to and thank you to those who I will be speaking to soon.

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #328 on: June 29, 2014, 03:12:00 PM »
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Ginet
Quote from: SirDerek
Wasn't planning to be back in here so soon but I needed to get this off my chest (nothing horrible):

For those that have come to know me here I am a regular guy just like the most of you. I have also been called the level headed one. For that take a look through my intro and decide for

Now one of the words that I would say is probably a quality that I have, and people may call
me and that is Naive. When I look up the Websters definition I see "marked by unaffected
simplicity", and with this I would tend to agree. I like to keep it simple. I like to look at
a person and extend them the trust up front. You know the wear your heart out on your sleeve.
Well I had never thought about it before in being a good or bad quality to have, but after
recent events, I feel that this has become a little chink in my armor.

So on these days where I should be happy as my group hits and myself nears the 2 year peak, I lay in a sleepless state in bed with the feeling (whether real or imagined, and it may just be in my head) of many wounds in between my shoulder blades.

But you know what. I picked my head from the pillow and gave my word today to not use any nicotine. That would make 724 days out of 725 that I have posted my word and have honored it (I joined on my day 2, and the missed day was out on the Appalacian Trail leading the boy scouts on the overnight hiking trip). I will also be looking through the intros and plan to spend my usual 4+ hours, in the live chat room doing what I can for those who need help, or a distraction, or just a friendly hello. I try to be that friend, that mentor, that brother.

What will sting and take time, is the healing of the wounds. And with time they will go away and this will pass. But that which has not killed me can only make me stronger.

So my armor is back in the forge, being tailored to be stronger than ever in this fight against the poison that brought us here.

So who needs a quit partner today, Lets honor our word
I'll quit with you SD. Any day. You have my word today.
Proud to quit with you, brother.
You know my loyalty is with you my brother! I quit with you today and everyday!
I am in Derek. I see you up ahead there, closing in on 2 years. You have been grooming that trail for the guys behind you. You even have a little knack for reaching forward and "leading up" a little if you know what I mean. Keep up the great work brother.

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #327 on: June 29, 2014, 08:37:00 AM »
Quote from: 2mch2lv4
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 727

Well it amazes me what a little sleep can do, was not much but it was needed. Again I thank those who sent their support. I also had realized something in a comment I had made somewhere last night, about something or somebody being out of character.

That led me today to search back through my intro, and I cold not locate where I may have referenced one of my favorite quotes:

"To Thine Own Self Be True."

I think about it and believe this may have been one of my issues over the last days. See I am someone who has had all of the training on how to write the business e-mails and that about the written word (being in corporate), and I have also had the training (through Scouts) to recognize when youth change their behavior which may mean that something is wrong.

Well this past week I ignored both of these parts of me. I jumped into knee jerk reactions that led me to a very wrong interpretation. There were things being written and going back and forth that for some were in character but others were out of (when I go back and look now), and my mind just combined these all into the 'out of' category. And this is something that is totally not me. This was totally out of my character.

So after taking the deep breath, after multiple messages and some great phone calls, the mind is becoming more at ease; the body is feeling that the strength is returning.

"To Thine Own Self Be True".

One thing that I plan to focus on myself as I serve this house.

One concept that I plan to use when I look around to support you in your quit.

One thing that I ask that you point out to me if you see any change in me (as you did when I posted last that I was hurting)

I think that armor may be ready, who wants to win this battle together.
I thoroughly enjoyed our chat, as always. I am so glad you are doing better now. So many things have happened the last few days that have affected a lot of good people. I too stepped back, away from everything relating to any quit site other than my promise (never step away from that) and did some thinking. I have shared texts and calls with those that have been my greatest supporters and it was very healing. I love that quote, "To Thine Own Self Be True". Definitely words to live by. To often people jump to conclusions or read into things and that only creates issues for everyone. Regardless, be who you are and do what you do. You are an amazing quitter and a great friend. I am proud to have you in my corner.

Can't wait to hang out with you and have you as my personal tour guide in Philly this summer. It will be great!

Love you, my brother. Quit with you every damn day!
This is some good shit right here.

Good times, bad times... This crew of quitters sticks together!

I'm proud to quit with you today, Derek. Don't let Cindy eat too many cheesesteaks. Those things are addictive too.

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #326 on: June 28, 2014, 06:31:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 727

Well it amazes me what a little sleep can do, was not much but it was needed. Again I thank those who sent their support. I also had realized something in a comment I had made somewhere last night, about something or somebody being out of character.

That led me today to search back through my intro, and I cold not locate where I may have referenced one of my favorite quotes:

"To Thine Own Self Be True."

I think about it and believe this may have been one of my issues over the last days. See I am someone who has had all of the training on how to write the business e-mails and that about the written word (being in corporate), and I have also had the training (through Scouts) to recognize when youth change their behavior which may mean that something is wrong.

Well this past week I ignored both of these parts of me. I jumped into knee jerk reactions that led me to a very wrong interpretation. There were things being written and going back and forth that for some were in character but others were out of (when I go back and look now), and my mind just combined these all into the 'out of' category. And this is something that is totally not me. This was totally out of my character.

So after taking the deep breath, after multiple messages and some great phone calls, the mind is becoming more at ease; the body is feeling that the strength is returning.

"To Thine Own Self Be True".

One thing that I plan to focus on myself as I serve this house.

One concept that I plan to use when I look around to support you in your quit.

One thing that I ask that you point out to me if you see any change in me (as you did when I posted last that I was hurting)

I think that armor may be ready, who wants to win this battle together.
I thoroughly enjoyed our chat, as always. I am so glad you are doing better now. So many things have happened the last few days that have affected a lot of good people. I too stepped back, away from everything relating to any quit site other than my promise (never step away from that) and did some thinking. I have shared texts and calls with those that have been my greatest supporters and it was very healing. I love that quote, "To Thine Own Self Be True". Definitely words to live by. To often people jump to conclusions or read into things and that only creates issues for everyone. Regardless, be who you are and do what you do. You are an amazing quitter and a great friend. I am proud to have you in my corner.

Can't wait to hang out with you and have you as my personal tour guide in Philly this summer. It will be great!

Love you, my brother. Quit with you every damn day!

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #325 on: June 28, 2014, 05:44:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 727

Well it amazes me what a little sleep can do, was not much but it was needed. Again I thank those who sent their support. I also had realized something in a comment I had made somewhere last night, about something or somebody being out of character.

That led me today to search back through my intro, and I cold not locate where I may have referenced one of my favorite quotes:

"To Thine Own Self Be True."

I think about it and believe this may have been one of my issues over the last days. See I am someone who has had all of the training on how to write the business e-mails and that about the written word (being in corporate), and I have also had the training (through Scouts) to recognize when youth change their behavior which may mean that something is wrong.

Well this past week I ignored both of these parts of me. I jumped into knee jerk reactions that led me to a very wrong interpretation. There were things being written and going back and forth that for some were in character but others were out of (when I go back and look now), and my mind just combined these all into the 'out of' category. And this is something that is totally not me. This was totally out of my character.

So after taking the deep breath, after multiple messages and some great phone calls, the mind is becoming more at ease; the body is feeling that the strength is returning.

"To Thine Own Self Be True".

One thing that I plan to focus on myself as I serve this house.

One concept that I plan to use when I look around to support you in your quit.

One thing that I ask that you point out to me if you see any change in me (as you did when I posted last that I was hurting)

I think that armor may be ready, who wants to win this battle together.
I'll strap on the armor and shield with you every damn day
Believe Me

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #324 on: June 28, 2014, 05:30:00 PM »
Day 727

Well it amazes me what a little sleep can do, was not much but it was needed. Again I thank those who sent their support. I also had realized something in a comment I had made somewhere last night, about something or somebody being out of character.

That led me today to search back through my intro, and I cold not locate where I may have referenced one of my favorite quotes:

"To Thine Own Self Be True."

I think about it and believe this may have been one of my issues over the last days. See I am someone who has had all of the training on how to write the business e-mails and that about the written word (being in corporate), and I have also had the training (through Scouts) to recognize when youth change their behavior which may mean that something is wrong.

Well this past week I ignored both of these parts of me. I jumped into knee jerk reactions that led me to a very wrong interpretation. There were things being written and going back and forth that for some were in character but others were out of (when I go back and look now), and my mind just combined these all into the 'out of' category. And this is something that is totally not me. This was totally out of my character.

So after taking the deep breath, after multiple messages and some great phone calls, the mind is becoming more at ease; the body is feeling that the strength is returning.

"To Thine Own Self Be True".

One thing that I plan to focus on myself as I serve this house.

One concept that I plan to use when I look around to support you in your quit.

One thing that I ask that you point out to me if you see any change in me (as you did when I posted last that I was hurting)

I think that armor may be ready, who wants to win this battle together.