Day 600
Well a day that has been two fold.
For one, the great celebration for myself getting this far, and for all of the accolades from my family here that touches me deep. I thank you.
For two, all of the happenings on this site in the past week, which just gets me to scratch my head. How can those who have gone through this program think they can just disregard the proven success that is seen on a daily basis here.
It is to this point that I hope the following can help as if used properly it will help those that are newly quit, and those who are returning to also be newly quit (again). And that is one thing that we mention whether it be for the first weekend, just developing one or for those in re-run the dreaded ‘3rd question’. For this education we set forth to ask; What will you do differently this time?
I will say I did not have anything written in stone for over my first 80 days….And if I dare say it did make my quit tougher for that initial period. I was lucky and made it through, but I realized that for my own education I needed to write down my plan for when the worst of times was hitting me. So I wanted to share my plan as it stands today so that you all can see what goes into it when we ask “what is yours, or what do you plan to do differently’
Quit Plan1 – Wake up and when I am conscious enough do the following:
A.Look in the mirror and say aloud that “I am quit today”.
B.Look at a picture of my wife and sons and utter the same words
C.Log on line and post roll in my group.
there at this point I have given my word for the day to myself, my family and my KTC brothers/sisters
2 – If and when that urge hits that seems to be greater than I can handle I:
A.Log online and read the roll post for the day
B.Read through my introduction thread looking at the names of those who have helped me
C.Post a note into my intro thread
D.Jump into the live chat room
ok hope by now that I have shaken the feeling but if not will continue
E.Call 3 of my brothers/sisters from the Oct12 MadmenÂ….2mch2lv4, Mich 34, Eric71, JAGINVEST, Sporticus, Bobertd, and SUDS (must talk live to 3 of these), more if necessary. After chatting need their permission.
these are those who I stood side by side with from the beginning
F.Call 3 other brother/sisters from who I have met in person again asking for permission
these are those who I have looked in the eye, have shook hands and embraced
G.Call 3 additional brothers/sisters from the rest of my family again as before asking for permission.
these are those who have helped in the chat room or personal messages or texts
H.Print out and sign the
Contract to give upI.Tell my wife what I have done and am about to do.
J.Drive to storeÂ…..
Well I hope that by laying this out there that quitters can see not only how serious I have taken my quit, but hope they can apply this to their own. I am certain if I had written this in my first month I would have been much better off.
One last thing that I believe I have done, and that is not just use Quitting as a verb, but use it as a noun, as for me Quitting is a Lifestyle.