Author Topic: Proud to say I will be a quitter  (Read 36125 times)

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Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #218 on: November 20, 2013, 09:04:00 PM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 507 -

time to get the old armor out and polish it up again.

As I get the dents out a little, and put a little spit shine on it, I always wonder what it would have been like growing up with a Brother (or Sister). See I was an only child so did not experience it, but now with 2 sons I see the good that they can do together, but I also see the knockdown fights that they can have, the teasing that they can do to one another.

There is  great similarity to my 2 sons to what I see happening here at KTC, and yes it goes in great cycles. There are days upon days where the support flies around both within the groups and across the site as a whole. Then, and will just say wow, we get the knock down drag out fights where it looks like two or more are going to rip each other new ones.

So as an outsider looking it, I can just say take a look at yourselves and see what truly is going on. Arguing is a part of life and a part of the diversity that brings us all side by side to fight in this life long battle to kick nicotine out of our lives, as Brothers and Sisters.

There that armor has a nice shine....who needs the extra support in their fight...join me and quit on.
Well put! That metal Polish looks much better than a spit shine too!
I'm ready to storm any castle with ya.
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Offline Wt57

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #217 on: November 20, 2013, 09:01:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 507 -

time to get the old armor out and polish it up again.

As I get the dents out a little, and put a little spit shine on it, I always wonder what it would have been like growing up with a Brother (or Sister). See I was an only child so did not experience it, but now with 2 sons I see the good that they can do together, but I also see the knockdown fights that they can have, the teasing that they can do to one another.

There is great similarity to my 2 sons to what I see happening here at KTC, and yes it goes in great cycles. There are days upon days where the support flies around both within the groups and across the site as a whole. Then, and will just say wow, we get the knock down drag out fights where it looks like two or more are going to rip each other new ones.

So as an outsider looking it, I can just say take a look at yourselves and see what truly is going on. Arguing is a part of life and a part of the diversity that brings us all side by side to fight in this life long battle to kick nicotine out of our lives, as Brothers and Sisters.

There that armor has a nice shine....who needs the extra support in their fight...join me and quit on.
Well put! That metal Polish looks much better than a spit shine too!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
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Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #216 on: November 20, 2013, 08:44:00 PM »
Day 507 -

time to get the old armor out and polish it up again.

As I get the dents out a little, and put a little spit shine on it, I always wonder what it would have been like growing up with a Brother (or Sister). See I was an only child so did not experience it, but now with 2 sons I see the good that they can do together, but I also see the knockdown fights that they can have, the teasing that they can do to one another.

There is great similarity to my 2 sons to what I see happening here at KTC, and yes it goes in great cycles. There are days upon days where the support flies around both within the groups and across the site as a whole. Then, and will just say wow, we get the knock down drag out fights where it looks like two or more are going to rip each other new ones.

So as an outsider looking it, I can just say take a look at yourselves and see what truly is going on. Arguing is a part of life and a part of the diversity that brings us all side by side to fight in this life long battle to kick nicotine out of our lives, as Brothers and Sisters.

There that armor has a nice shine....who needs the extra support in their fight...join me and quit on.

Offline Ace121x

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #215 on: November 13, 2013, 05:39:00 PM »
Well Played Sir. You are on FIRE!!

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Offline Derk40

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #214 on: November 13, 2013, 05:28:00 PM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: SirDerek
500 – 13 Nov 2013

A number to me that more related to having a winning sports team, or watching at Indianapolis or Daytona. Well now the number 500 has a higher additional meaning. You see I have an addiction to a drug that comes in a small, round, plastic, little tin, and on July 2, 2012 I dumped my last and have not had any come across my lip. Yes I used to dip tobacco and I quit. I owe tons to my wife Kim, and sons Alex and Nolan for their support and understanding, but I also owe a great deal to my new family that I found on . There are brothers and sisters who have gone through the same thing as I have and we have come out so much the better. There are too many to name but everyone from Drew, Eric, Cindy, Ben, Wes, Brett, Scott, Kristen, Bob, Jay, Mitchell in our monthly group to Jack, Greg, Chris, Rich, Matt, Tim, Dave, Benji, Phil, Corey, Ed, Bill, Tiffany Â…..well hope you all get the idea as to the size of the support that we get and give. So 500 days clean, and so many more planned ahead.

Thank you all.
Well done Sir. 'oh yeah'
Awesome 1/2 comma SD!!!
Love you Man!!
Congrats are deserved but I knew you would get to the 5th, 6th etc. :wub:
Congrats brother! Nice quit you got going there!
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Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #213 on: November 13, 2013, 03:52:00 PM »
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: SirDerek
500 – 13 Nov 2013

A number to me that more related to having a winning sports team, or watching at Indianapolis or Daytona. Well now the number 500 has a higher additional meaning. You see I have an addiction to a drug that comes in a small, round, plastic, little tin, and on July 2, 2012 I dumped my last and have not had any come across my lip. Yes I used to dip tobacco and I quit. I owe tons to my wife Kim, and sons Alex and Nolan for their support and understanding, but I also owe a great deal to my new family that I found on . There are brothers and sisters who have gone through the same thing as I have and we have come out so much the better. There are too many to name but everyone from Drew, Eric, Cindy, Ben, Wes, Brett, Scott, Kristen, Bob, Jay, Mitchell in our monthly group to Jack, Greg, Chris, Rich, Matt, Tim, Dave, Benji, Phil, Corey, Ed, Bill, Tiffany Â…..well hope you all get the idea as to the size of the support that we get and give. So 500 days clean, and so many more planned ahead.

Thank you all.
Well done Sir. 'oh yeah'
Awesome 1/2 comma SD!!!
Love you Man!!
Congrats are deserved but I knew you would get to the 5th, 6th etc. :wub:
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Offline 30isEnuff

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #212 on: November 13, 2013, 03:35:00 PM »
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: SirDerek
500 – 13 Nov 2013

A number to me that more related to having a winning sports team, or watching at Indianapolis or Daytona. Well now the number 500 has a higher additional meaning. You see I have an addiction to a drug that comes in a small, round, plastic, little tin, and on July 2, 2012 I dumped my last and have not had any come across my lip. Yes I used to dip tobacco and I quit. I owe tons to my wife Kim, and sons Alex and Nolan for their support and understanding, but I also owe a great deal to my new family that I found on . There are brothers and sisters who have gone through the same thing as I have and we have come out so much the better. There are too many to name but everyone from Drew, Eric, Cindy, Ben, Wes, Brett, Scott, Kristen, Bob, Jay, Mitchell in our monthly group to Jack, Greg, Chris, Rich, Matt, Tim, Dave, Benji, Phil, Corey, Ed, Bill, Tiffany Â…..well hope you all get the idea as to the size of the support that we get and give. So 500 days clean, and so many more planned ahead.

Thank you all.
Well done Sir. 'oh yeah'
Awesome 1/2 comma SD!!!
Love you Man!!
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

Offline Coach Steve

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #211 on: November 13, 2013, 03:34:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
500 – 13 Nov 2013

A number to me that more related to having a winning sports team, or watching at Indianapolis or Daytona. Well now the number 500 has a higher additional meaning. You see I have an addiction to a drug that comes in a small, round, plastic, little tin, and on July 2, 2012 I dumped my last and have not had any come across my lip. Yes I used to dip tobacco and I quit. I owe tons to my wife Kim, and sons Alex and Nolan for their support and understanding, but I also owe a great deal to my new family that I found on . There are brothers and sisters who have gone through the same thing as I have and we have come out so much the better. There are too many to name but everyone from Drew, Eric, Cindy, Ben, Wes, Brett, Scott, Kristen, Bob, Jay, Mitchell in our monthly group to Jack, Greg, Chris, Rich, Matt, Tim, Dave, Benji, Phil, Corey, Ed, Bill, Tiffany Â…..well hope you all get the idea as to the size of the support that we get and give. So 500 days clean, and so many more planned ahead.

Thank you all.
Well done Sir. 'oh yeah'
Make Your Decision

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #210 on: November 13, 2013, 07:04:00 AM »
500 – 13 Nov 2013

A number to me that more related to having a winning sports team, or watching at Indianapolis or Daytona. Well now the number 500 has a higher additional meaning. You see I have an addiction to a drug that comes in a small, round, plastic, little tin, and on July 2, 2012 I dumped my last and have not had any come across my lip. Yes I used to dip tobacco and I quit. I owe tons to my wife Kim, and sons Alex and Nolan for their support and understanding, but I also owe a great deal to my new family that I found on . There are brothers and sisters who have gone through the same thing as I have and we have come out so much the better. There are too many to name but everyone from Drew, Eric, Cindy, Ben, Wes, Brett, Scott, Kristen, Bob, Jay, Mitchell in our monthly group to Jack, Greg, Chris, Rich, Matt, Tim, Dave, Benji, Phil, Corey, Ed, Bill, Tiffany Â…..well hope you all get the idea as to the size of the support that we get and give. So 500 days clean, and so many more planned ahead.

Thank you all.

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #209 on: September 11, 2013, 10:02:00 PM »
Congrats Derek on 437 days!!

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #208 on: September 11, 2013, 09:25:00 AM »
Sept 11 (day 437)
Well on a day of remembrance I thought I would look back upon my quit and like I have seen, some have thought of a ‘theme song’ for theirs, but for me I think the pieces throughout are different so I have different songs as I tell my story (ok a little corny but that is me)

So July 2nd 2012 was the date that I finally decided to begin my quit and said Goodbye to nicotine for the first and last time. I had been reading on the site but had no idea as to what I was getting into so I took that big Gamble and threw caution to the wind. In all the reading and following the KTC creed I posted each and every day that I would not use any nicotine for that day, and then I honored and Stood beside and behind that word that I gave to these strangers. When I told others that I quit, they looked at me with crossed eyes as they had seen it all before, but as I finally understood I can change .Hence my journey was off and running with all of the Ups and Downs and fighting through the Funks that occurred along the way. Then one day it happened and I got to the first milestone that we shoot for, Day 100 the hall of fame, and like most it was a day of Celebration for me and my family here. It was during this time and right after my day 100 where it finally felt like my family was growing with my new brothers and sisters here on the site, and when I went to the PA Get Together 2012 and met some in person. With that meeting and the growing support and family feeling that I get with the others on here, it makes me feel great and strong about my quit. And for what was done for me, I look to those who have just quit to Walk along side them.

ok this is part of the story as there will be so much more to add as I continue through this life long journey, feeling better and better and putting my past behind me. And all links are safe.

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #207 on: August 28, 2013, 11:38:00 AM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 422

And the recollection of attending my 2nd large KTC get together here in PA.

ok I have before spoke of Brotherhood and the Accountability that is the basis of this site. And they both lead into how I feel after this past weekend.

Close to a year ago, I was invited to the first large get together (their 5th annual in PA). At first I thought, I was going a little nuts. Yes we all chat in the chat room here, we reply to PM's and post in the roll and on threads for the interaction, heck some of us are over on facebook so we also have the pictures to see what we all look like. But I never thought before of actually getting together with any one from here.

Am I glad I did. I cannot say how meeting the guys here in PA (and those that come from all around), has affected my quit, but when I now have even the slightest of craving, not only do I see myself starting back at me in a mirror, but I see those in my Oct12 group, I see the quitters I have met in person AND now I also see their families there all standing behind me.

Emotional, yes, and this is where that Brotherhood is taken to its extreme. I mean who would ever think that a semi-couch potato like myself (is changing), could sit around with a couple of endurance athletes and have anything to say to one another. Or someone highly afraid of heights could be around a sky diver. Or a 'northerner' with a Texan or Tennessean (great accents by the way ya'all... :D ). But there we sat, like long time close friends telling stories, reliving the past, laughing and laughing.

I was thinking back to when we start, and I see that we list out all those things that we think we cannot do without that crap in our lip. Well I have to say that after this weekend without that crap in my lip I had one of the best weekends that I can ever remember in my life.

So again I say thank you to KTC, and I think Chewie summed it up in the one picture of our group from the weekend. It states the number of days quit that we had in the picture but goes on to say

"Friendships Made At KTC... Priceless" And trust me, they are.
Knight of the KTC Castle :wub:
Quit And Be Free

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Offline Mike from AB

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #206 on: August 27, 2013, 09:36:00 PM »
I'm finding that in only just a few days on this site Derek. That brotherhood accountability to each other is what gives real meaning to the daily roll call commitment  forces you to be a real man  follow through on it. That to me is the real success of this site for the short time I've been on it.

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #205 on: August 27, 2013, 02:19:00 PM »
Day 422

And the recollection of attending my 2nd large KTC get together here in PA.

ok I have before spoke of Brotherhood and the Accountability that is the basis of this site. And they both lead into how I feel after this past weekend.

Close to a year ago, I was invited to the first large get together (their 5th annual in PA). At first I thought, I was going a little nuts. Yes we all chat in the chat room here, we reply to PM's and post in the roll and on threads for the interaction, heck some of us are over on facebook so we also have the pictures to see what we all look like. But I never thought before of actually getting together with any one from here.

Am I glad I did. I cannot say how meeting the guys here in PA (and those that come from all around), has affected my quit, but when I now have even the slightest of craving, not only do I see myself starting back at me in a mirror, but I see those in my Oct12 group, I see the quitters I have met in person AND now I also see their families there all standing behind me.

Emotional, yes, and this is where that Brotherhood is taken to its extreme. I mean who would ever think that a semi-couch potato like myself (is changing), could sit around with a couple of endurance athletes and have anything to say to one another. Or someone highly afraid of heights could be around a sky diver. Or a 'northerner' with a Texan or Tennessean (great accents by the way ya'all... :D ). But there we sat, like long time close friends telling stories, reliving the past, laughing and laughing.

I was thinking back to when we start, and I see that we list out all those things that we think we cannot do without that crap in our lip. Well I have to say that after this weekend without that crap in my lip I had one of the best weekends that I can ever remember in my life.

So again I say thank you to KTC, and I think Chewie summed it up in the one picture of our group from the weekend. It states the number of days quit that we had in the picture but goes on to say

"Friendships Made At KTC... Priceless" And trust me, they are.

Offline iizphilister

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #204 on: August 06, 2013, 08:56:00 PM »
!--QuoteBegin-+----/divtable border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'trtdQUOTE ( @ --)/td/trtrtd id='QUOTE'!--QuoteEBegin--
Quote from: worktowin,Aug
Quote from: Erussell,Aug
Quote from: kana,Aug
Quote from: Mthomas3824,Aug
Quote from: Dougie,Aug
Quote from: Grizzly25,Aug
Quote from: SirDerek,Aug
self bump, and hope to become evident for new guys who can read this and compare

Day 4 0 0

Ok well got a trip around the sun completed and have climbed up to the 4th floor. This all at the completion of the weekend where as you can read was a nightmare just a year ago.
Quote from: SirDerek,Aug
Day 36 -

ok I do not know what was tougher, the first weeked (days 6/7) or this past one.

for those not familiar with summer team competitive swimming, this weekend was championships. Waking saturday morning at 5:30 am, pack and drive for 1 hour for sons to warm up in the pool, then wait 1 hour for the meet to start, session lasts 4 hours where sons may swim for a total of 4 minutes on 2 occassions. Then we get a break of 3 hours to start a new warm up, wait again an hour, then again for the final swims. Well then the 1 hour drive to get home at 10 pm unpack then sleep to repeat the above for Sunday.

Of course doing all this in 90+ heat, and 90%+ humidity, with having stomach issues to keeping liquids in my body..horrifying.

Now alot of down time, waiting ,where in the past would sit back with a dip in, and boy was that nic bitch calling sweetly, with the mini mart just down the block. Would be a 20 minute walk, very simple and would not have missed anything. BUT Saturday I thought to myself "no you gave your word".
Now Sunday I had overslept and wife had to drag me out of bed to get in the car. Had the same thoughts though as the grim reapess was singing loudly. This time I could just think of needing to get my word on that list.

Well I made it through, I am still QUIT, I am still strong and there are gonna be no chinks in that armor I am forging. I am not going to let any of my brothers and sisters of October done, and especially I am not going to let myself down.
What a complete difference a year makes:

Guess this year got lucky as temps were in the 80-85 degrees. Did not have any stomach or system issues.
The mini-mart did call, but this time was for a nice 24 ounce mug of coffee. Was so nice to make that walk (to which I never would have last year), laughing the entire time about how well I was feeling.

I had posted each morning, was in the chat room Saturday night for a little bit, I wore the KTC wristband and had more than enough phone numbers on hand, but I have to say the nic bitch was no where in sight. Did not rear here head or whisper once all weekend long.

the armor is f*cking strong and you all at KTC have helped to make it so.

So all, forge your own armor as you put the days behind you one at a time, and I promise (as seen here), that things do get so much better.

Now where it the roll in the morning so I can put another +1 on my way to that half-comma.
Nice job brother, thats the way to kick nic's ass one day at a time!

'clap' 'clap' 'clap'
proud to quit with you sir!
Thanks for taking the time and sharing that again.
It is amazing to go back and read the first and the last post of some of you that are at the year + mark. Also amazing is what we let nicotine and tobacco do to us for years and years. Total bullshit. You were one of the first to reach out to many of us when we first joined. Our posts seem to all convey a weak hope that we can pull off the seeming impossible, while still sending a message that nicotine is our friend and we had a lot of fun with or because of it. Again - total bullshit.

Life is so much sweeter being free. I'm glad you are enjoying your freedom, and I like many others thank you
Damn good stuff here!!
Quit date: 1/1/2013
H.O.F. April 10, 2013
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8th Floor Mar 11, 2015
9th Floor June 16, 2015
Comma Town - 9/27/2015

"If I am not myself...... Who will be me?"

"It's your choice to cave....I'd rather be shot!"