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Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #38 on: August 08, 2012, 09:14:00 AM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 36 -

ok I do not know what was tougher, the first weeked (days 6/7) or this past one.

for those not familiar with summer team competitive swimming, this weekend was championships. Waking saturday morning at 5:30 am, pack and drive for 1 hour for sons to warm up in the pool, then wait 1 hour for the meet to start, session lasts 4 hours where sons may swim for a total of 4 minutes on 2 occassions. Then we get a break of 3 hours to start a new warm up, wait again an hour, then again for the final swims. Well then the 1 hour drive to get home at 10 pm unpack then sleep to repeat the above for Sunday.

Of course doing all this in 90+ heat, and 90%+ humidity, with having stomach issues to keeping liquids in my body..horrifying.

Now alot of down time, waiting ,where in the past would sit back with a dip in, and boy was that nic bitch calling sweetly, with the mini mart just down the block. Would be a 20 minute walk, very simple and would not have missed anything. BUT Saturday I thought to myself "no you gave your word".
Now Sunday I had overslept and wife had to drag me out of bed to get in the car. Had the same thoughts though as the grim reapess was singing loudly. This time I could just think of needing to get my word on that list.

Well I made it through, I am still QUIT, I am still strong and there are gonna be no chinks in that armor I am forging. I am not going to let any of my brothers and sisters of October done, and especially I am not going to let myself down.
ok now that I am back to my 'normal' there was one more observation that I needed to write in here from this past weekend.

Had been introduced to another swim parent from a boy on another team. This gentleman not only could I barely understand when he spoke, and think it was due to the golf ball size dip he had in his lip. I think this was the very first time that when looking at another dipper that I was actually grossed out by it.

Now when I dipped I was never that bad, most from sight never knew I had it in, but I take this time to apologize as I never realized how gross it looked.

WOW I am so glad I made this decision.

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #37 on: August 06, 2012, 09:06:00 AM »
Day 36 -

ok I do not know what was tougher, the first weeked (days 6/7) or this past one.

for those not familiar with summer team competitive swimming, this weekend was championships. Waking saturday morning at 5:30 am, pack and drive for 1 hour for sons to warm up in the pool, then wait 1 hour for the meet to start, session lasts 4 hours where sons may swim for a total of 4 minutes on 2 occassions. Then we get a break of 3 hours to start a new warm up, wait again an hour, then again for the final swims. Well then the 1 hour drive to get home at 10 pm unpack then sleep to repeat the above for Sunday.

Of course doing all this in 90+ heat, and 90%+ humidity, with having stomach issues to keeping liquids in my body..horrifying.

Now alot of down time, waiting ,where in the past would sit back with a dip in, and boy was that nic bitch calling sweetly, with the mini mart just down the block. Would be a 20 minute walk, very simple and would not have missed anything. BUT Saturday I thought to myself "no you gave your word".
Now Sunday I had overslept and wife had to drag me out of bed to get in the car. Had the same thoughts though as the grim reapess was singing loudly. This time I could just think of needing to get my word on that list.

Well I made it through, I am still QUIT, I am still strong and there are gonna be no chinks in that armor I am forging. I am not going to let any of my brothers and sisters of October done, and especially I am not going to let myself down.

Offline eric71

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #36 on: August 04, 2012, 09:05:00 AM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: lbj
Quote from: SirDerek
Alright all, hitting the mid 30's (today Friday is 33 with the weekend being 34 and 35). And I think this weekend is the longest in the year. It is the son's county swim championships where we will be gone each day from 6-6:30 in the morning until after 8:00 at night, all outside in what they are calling for 90+ degree heat.

Now in the past this used to be a 3 can weekend where would enjoy sitting around getting up to go watch them swim then right back into the chair. Now am gathering the stuff I will need to keep my mind off it.

Been having the cravings every once and a while, they almost it me like a wave. Some are strong, some weak, but facing each one as they hit, and staying quit. Of course after 23 years of having something constantly in my mouth I still look for things (maybe I should buy stock in some candy company with the amount I am going through, sugarless of course). Actually am surprising myself being this far in and how strong I have been able to remain. Am so glad I made this decision over a month ago.

Well am off to pack up, all the food, drinks, chairs, activities.....and off to remain QUIT for the weekend.
Feeling the same way brother,hang in there  keep doing what got you to today.
Screw three days thinking. You aren't out of the woods. Trick your addicted mind back. Remember the basics...only quit, promise, and fight today. There is no tomorrow. When tomorrow becomes today...repeat.

If you think long term, your addicted mind has power and you will have chinks in your armor!

Stay strong today! Who cares about tomorrow? It never comes. It's always today and tomorrow never comes. Just repeat today.

Later, oh undefeated! Always fun to look back! 143 to 0 because I always focused my match on today.
This will be a post you're going to look back on Derek as an early defining moment in your quit. Heed MThomas' advice, think about today and today only. Craves mean nothing since you've posted roll. You are a man of your word. Integrity slays insolence everytime.

Proud to QLAFM w/you today

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #35 on: August 03, 2012, 10:02:00 PM »
Quote from: lbj
Quote from: SirDerek
Alright all, hitting the mid 30's (today Friday is 33 with the weekend being 34 and 35). And I think this weekend is the longest in the year. It is the son's county swim championships where we will be gone each day from 6-6:30 in the morning until after 8:00 at night, all outside in what they are calling for 90+ degree heat.

Now in the past this used to be a 3 can weekend where would enjoy sitting around getting up to go watch them swim then right back into the chair. Now am gathering the stuff I will need to keep my mind off it.

Been having the cravings every once and a while, they almost it me like a wave. Some are strong, some weak, but facing each one as they hit, and staying quit. Of course after 23 years of having something constantly in my mouth I still look for things (maybe I should buy stock in some candy company with the amount I am going through, sugarless of course). Actually am surprising myself being this far in and how strong I have been able to remain. Am so glad I made this decision over a month ago.

Well am off to pack up, all the food, drinks, chairs, activities.....and off to remain QUIT for the weekend.
Feeling the same way brother,hang in there  keep doing what got you to today.
Screw three days thinking. You aren't out of the woods. Trick your addicted mind back. Remember the basics...only quit, promise, and fight today. There is no tomorrow. When tomorrow becomes today...repeat.

If you think long term, your addicted mind has power and you will have chinks in your armor!

Stay strong today! Who cares about tomorrow? It never comes. It's always today and tomorrow never comes. Just repeat today.

Later, oh undefeated! Always fun to look back! 143 to 0 because I always focused my match on today.
Quit And Be Free

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Offline lbj

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #34 on: August 03, 2012, 08:37:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Alright all, hitting the mid 30's (today Friday is 33 with the weekend being 34 and 35). And I think this weekend is the longest in the year. It is the son's county swim championships where we will be gone each day from 6-6:30 in the morning until after 8:00 at night, all outside in what they are calling for 90+ degree heat.

Now in the past this used to be a 3 can weekend where would enjoy sitting around getting up to go watch them swim then right back into the chair. Now am gathering the stuff I will need to keep my mind off it.

Been having the cravings every once and a while, they almost it me like a wave. Some are strong, some weak, but facing each one as they hit, and staying quit. Of course after 23 years of having something constantly in my mouth I still look for things (maybe I should buy stock in some candy company with the amount I am going through, sugarless of course). Actually am surprising myself being this far in and how strong I have been able to remain. Am so glad I made this decision over a month ago.

Well am off to pack up, all the food, drinks, chairs, activities.....and off to remain QUIT for the weekend.
Feeling the same way brother,hang in there  keep doing what got you to today.
Take away,take away... take away this ball and chain

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #33 on: August 03, 2012, 08:10:00 PM »
Alright all, hitting the mid 30's (today Friday is 33 with the weekend being 34 and 35). And I think this weekend is the longest in the year. It is the son's county swim championships where we will be gone each day from 6-6:30 in the morning until after 8:00 at night, all outside in what they are calling for 90+ degree heat.

Now in the past this used to be a 3 can weekend where would enjoy sitting around getting up to go watch them swim then right back into the chair. Now am gathering the stuff I will need to keep my mind off it.

Been having the cravings every once and a while, they almost it me like a wave. Some are strong, some weak, but facing each one as they hit, and staying quit. Of course after 23 years of having something constantly in my mouth I still look for things (maybe I should buy stock in some candy company with the amount I am going through, sugarless of course). Actually am surprising myself being this far in and how strong I have been able to remain. Am so glad I made this decision over a month ago.

Well am off to pack up, all the food, drinks, chairs, activities.....and off to remain QUIT for the weekend.

Offline eric71

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #32 on: July 28, 2012, 07:42:00 AM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: jaginvest
Quote from: SirDerek
alright - comming up on the Weekend pushing the 4 week/1 month Quit. Finally got a great night sleep so today am feeling great and hope from that standpoint it continues. cravings are lessening and growing more and more apart, Now just to try and even use the 'other stuff' less and less as the 23 year habit of just having something in my mouth is the hardest to break ok ok insert your jokes here

getting great help from wife (has picked me up more candy, seeds and shredded beef jerky)

also great support from the rest of you all here, the vets and my Oct bros and sis.

so I keep fighting each and every day, my armor is in place. Keeping my word to you all with sword at the ready to kill the bitch each day.

Madman to the core here QLAFM
Fuck yea Bro! That is what it's about right there. I stand with you today, and everyday! We will not fail, to the CORE!
These days will become more frequent and eventually be the way your life is. Freedom is an amazing thing.. fight for it.

Fighting with you every step of the way brother. October foxholes are full of some badasses. We've just got to keep on quittin' on, everyday, one at a time.

Full on QLAFM!

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #31 on: July 27, 2012, 11:16:00 PM »
Quote from: jaginvest
Quote from: SirDerek
alright - comming up on the Weekend pushing the 4 week/1 month Quit. Finally got a great night sleep so today am feeling great and hope from that standpoint it continues. cravings are lessening and growing more and more apart, Now just to try and even use the 'other stuff' less and less as the 23 year habit of just having something in my mouth is the hardest to break ok ok insert your jokes here

getting great help from wife (has picked me up more candy, seeds and shredded beef jerky)

also great support from the rest of you all here, the vets and my Oct bros and sis.

so I keep fighting each and every day, my armor is in place. Keeping my word to you all with sword at the ready to kill the bitch each day.

Madman to the core here QLAFM
Fuck yea Bro! That is what it's about right there. I stand with you today, and everyday! We will not fail, to the CORE!
These days will become more frequent and eventually be the way your life is. Freedom is an amazing thing.. fight for it.


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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #30 on: July 27, 2012, 05:28:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
alright - comming up on the Weekend pushing the 4 week/1 month Quit. Finally got a great night sleep so today am feeling great and hope from that standpoint it continues. cravings are lessening and growing more and more apart, Now just to try and even use the 'other stuff' less and less as the 23 year habit of just having something in my mouth is the hardest to break ok ok insert your jokes here

getting great help from wife (has picked me up more candy, seeds and shredded beef jerky)

also great support from the rest of you all here, the vets and my Oct bros and sis.

so I keep fighting each and every day, my armor is in place. Keeping my word to you all with sword at the ready to kill the bitch each day.

Madman to the core here QLAFM
Fuck yea Bro! That is what it's about right there. I stand with you today, and everyday! We will not fail, to the CORE!
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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #29 on: July 27, 2012, 02:55:00 PM »
We are addicts gentlemen. We will always have craves and we will always try to justify having a chew. There is no "only one" or "just this one". So stick to your plan. Seeds, gum, chat, fap, text your bro, whatever it takes. You will find it easier to beat the craves and move on.

I have used tobacco for close to 30 years. Almost my whole adult life. Everything is new without dip. You can smell and taste food.

Have a great weekend guys

Offline Charles Stubbs

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #28 on: July 27, 2012, 11:44:00 AM »
Keep it Up Derek,

I'm on day 29. Our WD is following about the same - I'm starting to consistently get better sleep, my appetite is back and it's hard to keep from snacking all day.

I'm feeling a lot better and I'm starting to enjoy the things that I don't miss about snuff. It's nice to not have dragon breath. My tongue and gums don't light on fire when I eat acidic foods. I don't have spit cups laying around my house and in my car. I look people in the eyes when I talk to them b/c I don't have that shit in my mouth.

But - it's far from over. Every now and then a full blow crave will hit me. The other night I went to chill on the couch and my brain went that direction. But I haven't felt overwhelmed by any of my craves because I'm very determined. I have noticed that the crave's are a lot more short lived.

See you in October.
Charles Stubbs
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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #27 on: July 27, 2012, 11:31:00 AM »
Quote from: SirDerek
alright - comming up on the Weekend pushing the 4 week/1 month Quit. Finally got a great night sleep so today am feeling great and hope from that standpoint it continues. cravings are lessening and growing more and more apart, Now just to try and even use the 'other stuff' less and less as the 23 year habit of just having something in my mouth is the hardest to break ok ok insert your jokes here

getting great help from wife (has picked me up more candy, seeds and shredded beef jerky)

also great support from the rest of you all here, the vets and my Oct bros and sis.

so I keep fighting each and every day, my armor is in place. Keeping my word to you all with sword at the ready to kill the bitch each day.

Madman to the core here QLAFM
Good stuff SD, remember man reach out if you have too, sounds like you got a real good idea of how to beat this crap though..... Proud to quit with you today
Buddy Mac

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #26 on: July 27, 2012, 11:12:00 AM »
Quote from: SirDerek
alright - comming up on the Weekend pushing the 4 week/1 month Quit. Finally got a great night sleep so today am feeling great and hope from that standpoint it continues. cravings are lessening and growing more and more apart, Now just to try and even use the 'other stuff' less and less as the 23 year habit of just having something in my mouth is the hardest to break ok ok insert your jokes here

getting great help from wife (has picked me up more candy, seeds and shredded beef jerky)

also great support from the rest of you all here, the vets and my Oct bros and sis.

so I keep fighting each and every day, my armor is in place. Keeping my word to you all with sword at the ready to kill the bitch each day.

Madman to the core here QLAFM
Good stuff, Great plan!

Keep the focus and enjoy the freedom brother!

The nic-bitch is a very sneaky Whore she will wait til you have your guard down and start to whisper in your ear!!!!

Stay focused,stay Strong and most of all stay QUIT!!!

You are on the right track and everything will be better but dont let your guard down!
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Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #25 on: July 27, 2012, 10:58:00 AM »
alright - comming up on the Weekend pushing the 4 week/1 month Quit. Finally got a great night sleep so today am feeling great and hope from that standpoint it continues. cravings are lessening and growing more and more apart, Now just to try and even use the 'other stuff' less and less as the 23 year habit of just having something in my mouth is the hardest to break ok ok insert your jokes here

getting great help from wife (has picked me up more candy, seeds and shredded beef jerky)

also great support from the rest of you all here, the vets and my Oct bros and sis.

so I keep fighting each and every day, my armor is in place. Keeping my word to you all with sword at the ready to kill the bitch each day.

Madman to the core here QLAFM

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #24 on: July 20, 2012, 09:56:00 AM »
Quote from: Tstahr
Quote from: billybill3934
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: SirDerek
well onto day 17. Things are going well. Picked up my MIA car with a newly rebuilt transmission. Good Thing. Payment to shop,,,, Bad Thing. And forgot....smell of spilled dip within the car that had not been cleaned since I QUIT, VERY BAD THING.

Well made it that 90 minutes on the drive home...reminder to myself - VACCUUM.

Got 1 more big hurdle that I have not yet faced and that will be the camping/hiking weekend with the boy scouts. I will get to that in another 3 weeks or so.

But until then I will take one day at a time and fight my quit with my brothers and sisters of Rockober
FUCKING YES. You're going to have a hard time on those hikes carrying gigantic balls of steel.

Nice work.
Agreed, get some moleskin. With those balls, you don't want chafing.
Good stuff brother I always enjoy reading about daily victories!

Keep on keeping on!
Hunting, Fishing, Hiking, and anything outdoors will be hard for sure but I am not giving in under any circumstance and neither are you! I don't give a fuck if I have a warm barreled .45 pointed to my temple, You will not break me!!!!!!
This is my first summer in 29 years without nic. It has been amazing so far. I've saved over $800 so far, haven't spilled my spit can in the boat or camper and haven't run out of chew in a town with all the stores closed for the night.

I love being nic free. I still get craves everyday but I have learned to deal with the craves thanks to this site.

All you got to do is quit today. Don't worry about tomorrow. Keep it going brother.
Sir I also had that boy scout camp out last week felt good to come out the other end nic free! Was worried about posting but I did get limited cell coverage and posted! Quit on!!!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
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