Author Topic: Proud to say I will be a quitter  (Read 33177 times)

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Offline eric71

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #53 on: September 15, 2012, 08:30:00 AM »
Quote from: bis-cut
Quote from: jaginvest
Quote from: kstampfly
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 67 -

Well 2/3 way to the hall. Been sort of cruising the last 2 weeks and doing alot of thinking with what I wanted to note down in here to remember when I look back at it.

- Realization, made since I help keep the spreadsheet, is that those that post on a regular basis (80% participation) are the ones that stay quit longer, as in our quit group those are the brothers and sisters that are still around.

- A huge believe realized to take what I can from any/everything, and any/everybody on the site. There are those things that have gotten to my inner self which have boiled my blood, but need to hold the course, without too much emotion getting in the way of the main focus: my QUIT.

For those from the 'older' quit groups, thank you not only for what you have done with the site but for your support

For those from the 'younger' quit groups, I hope that I have been and continue to show you the type of support that you deserve.

- Here is the realization of the hidden part of the site and that is the pay it forward mentality where I hope that I can provide and give to those 'newbies' a helping hand to get them started along the path to a better clean life.

So I guess the thinking over the past 2 weeks + has been an awakening of sorts that will give me the strength to make it to the 100 day HOF and beyond, one day at a time.
Sir D,

Just wanted to let you know that you have definitely been an inspiration to me ever since I came to this site. I am glad to be part of the Rocktober madmen of quit group with you and look forward to seeing us all through the HOF. You are kicking ass on a daily basis and thats all anyone can ask of you. Stay strong stay quit and see you at the HOF brother!!!

He is an inspiration to all of us Fly. He is the cool, calm and collected one of the original 3 Madmen. I treasure his attitude and his accountability....
SD I am proud to call you a quit brother
The reason and logic of the madmen has spoken, all heed the words of Sir D. Well thought out my friend, good find. Proud of you and your quit, glad you are with us.

Offline bis-cut

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #52 on: September 14, 2012, 07:56:00 PM »
Quote from: jaginvest
Quote from: kstampfly
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 67 -

Well 2/3 way to the hall. Been sort of cruising the last 2 weeks and doing alot of thinking with what I wanted to note down in here to remember when I look back at it.

- Realization, made since I help keep the spreadsheet, is that those that post on a regular basis (80% participation) are the ones that stay quit longer, as in our quit group those are the brothers and sisters that are still around.

- A huge believe realized to take what I can from any/everything, and any/everybody on the site. There are those things that have gotten to my inner self which have boiled my blood, but need to hold the course, without too much emotion getting in the way of the main focus: my QUIT.

For those from the 'older' quit groups, thank you not only for what you have done with the site but for your support

For those from the 'younger' quit groups, I hope that I have been and continue to show you the type of support that you deserve.

- Here is the realization of the hidden part of the site and that is the pay it forward mentality where I hope that I can provide and give to those 'newbies' a helping hand to get them started along the path to a better clean life.

So I guess the thinking over the past 2 weeks + has been an awakening of sorts that will give me the strength to make it to the 100 day HOF and beyond, one day at a time.
Sir D,

Just wanted to let you know that you have definitely been an inspiration to me ever since I came to this site. I am glad to be part of the Rocktober madmen of quit group with you and look forward to seeing us all through the HOF. You are kicking ass on a daily basis and thats all anyone can ask of you. Stay strong stay quit and see you at the HOF brother!!!

He is an inspiration to all of us Fly. He is the cool, calm and collected one of the original 3 Madmen. I treasure his attitude and his accountability....
SD I am proud to call you a quit brother
"Today I will behave like the person I want to become." - said by My Wife

Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. Philippians 4:13

Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is. Outlaw Josey Wales

The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain. - Dolly Parton

A man sooner or later discovers that he is the master-gardener of his soul, the director of his life.
James Allen

Offline jaginvest

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #51 on: September 14, 2012, 06:49:00 PM »
Quote from: kstampfly
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 67 -

Well 2/3 way to the hall. Been sort of cruising the last 2 weeks and doing alot of thinking with what I wanted to note down in here to remember when I look back at it.

- Realization, made since I help keep the spreadsheet, is that those that post on a regular basis (80% participation) are the ones that stay quit longer, as in our quit group those are the brothers and sisters that are still around.

- A huge believe realized to take what I can from any/everything, and any/everybody on the site. There are those things that have gotten to my inner self which have boiled my blood, but need to hold the course, without too much emotion getting in the way of the main focus: my QUIT.

For those from the 'older' quit groups, thank you not only for what you have done with the site but for your support

For those from the 'younger' quit groups, I hope that I have been and continue to show you the type of support that you deserve.

- Here is the realization of the hidden part of the site and that is the pay it forward mentality where I hope that I can provide and give to those 'newbies' a helping hand to get them started along the path to a better clean life.

So I guess the thinking over the past 2 weeks + has been an awakening of sorts that will give me the strength to make it to the 100 day HOF and beyond, one day at a time.
Sir D,

Just wanted to let you know that you have definitely been an inspiration to me ever since I came to this site. I am glad to be part of the Rocktober madmen of quit group with you and look forward to seeing us all through the HOF. You are kicking ass on a daily basis and thats all anyone can ask of you. Stay strong stay quit and see you at the HOF brother!!!

He is an inspiration to all of us Fly. He is the cool, calm and collected one of the original 3 Madmen. I treasure his attitude and his accountability....
Quit Date: 06/26/2012 3rd Floor: 04/21/2013
HOF Date: 10/03/2012 4th Floor: 07/30/2013
2nd Floor: 01/11/2013 5th Floor: 11/07/2013
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Offline jaginvest

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #50 on: September 14, 2012, 06:46:00 PM »
Quote from: Arfy
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 75 -

Got a real good feeling today when I woke. Now most people that know me would describe me as a safe, nice, calm, get the picture.

Well had a nice little experience yesterday that had been unlike myself of the past.

Try this scenario - An e-mail that started with 'Hello Derek' was sent to a shared e-mail address for my son's swim team. Now we have a fundraising meet/event comming up where I am the 'volunteer' meet director, so the e-mail being addressed to me was no surprise. What was a surprise is that someone else with access to that shared mail goes "I'll reply".

My thoughts when I saw this was "Are you Derek?" to which answer is no. My second though with this person who has history of steppng on peoples toes was "Then do you want to take over this volunteer position that I have been doing successfully for 4 years?"

Well I don't know whether its the QUIT talking and the personal strength I am gaining from it, or whether it was the timing with Brother Jag speaking up or what, but the nice guy had enough and spoke his mind.

And yes I am still the director, and I replied to the e-mail. And am feeling stronger than ever.

thanks for listening
I wouldn't expect anything less from you my brotha!
Happy to have helped you through it. LOL. Sometimes, mother fuckers have to be put in their place. My philosophy, I want you to like me, but if you don't, I dont give a FUCK. Rock on MADMAN!!!
Quit Date: 06/26/2012 3rd Floor: 04/21/2013
HOF Date: 10/03/2012 4th Floor: 07/30/2013
2nd Floor: 01/11/2013 5th Floor: 11/07/2013
6th Floor: 02/15/2014 7th Floor: 05/26/2014
8th Floor: 09/03/2014 9th Floor: 12/12/2014
10th Floor: 03/22/2015

Offline Arfy

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #49 on: September 14, 2012, 06:10:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 75 -

Got a real good feeling today when I woke. Now most people that know me would describe me as a safe, nice, calm, get the picture.

Well had a nice little experience yesterday that had been unlike myself of the past.

Try this scenario - An e-mail that started with 'Hello Derek' was sent to a shared e-mail address for my son's swim team. Now we have a fundraising meet/event comming up where I am the 'volunteer' meet director, so the e-mail being addressed to me was no surprise. What was a surprise is that someone else with access to that shared mail goes "I'll reply".

My thoughts when I saw this was "Are you Derek?" to which answer is no. My second though with this person who has history of steppng on peoples toes was "Then do you want to take over this volunteer position that I have been doing successfully for 4 years?"

Well I don't know whether its the QUIT talking and the personal strength I am gaining from it, or whether it was the timing with Brother Jag speaking up or what, but the nice guy had enough and spoke his mind.

And yes I am still the director, and I replied to the e-mail. And am feeling stronger than ever.

thanks for listening
I wouldn't expect anything less from you my brotha!
Caving is NOT an option!

?The only thing nicotine use does is relieve withdrawal symptoms that come from not using. That's it.? #brilliance #truth

"The day you forget Day lose."~Loot

Quit Date: 8/17/12

HOF Date 11/24/12

Offline eric71

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #48 on: September 14, 2012, 02:54:00 PM »
Quote from: 30isEnuff
yes, yes, yes SirD, I thought I was the only one!!!!!! I too when I was a dipper was mr. congenial, everything is okay, mr. smiles...

Nowadays, it is ON all the time. Especially when it is suppose to be ON!!!! In other words, NOW WE CAN speak what is really going on in our heads because we have OXYGEN getting to the BRAIN!!!!!!!!
Enjoy the REAL YOU brother SirD. I am enjoying it too. Wife says that I am "home" now.
Have a super duper weekend SirD. 'bang head'
Not so cool hand Luke anymore there Derek? What, Jag and I rubbing off on you a little too much? It's good once in a while to let people know that you are a nice guy and will do nearly anything for someone, but, just don't try to take advantage of that fact and exploit it.

BTW, nice bit of research work in posting Nodiak's bit about irregular posters, it hit the nail on the head.

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #47 on: September 14, 2012, 08:49:00 AM »
yes, yes, yes SirD, I thought I was the only one!!!!!! I too when I was a dipper was mr. congenial, everything is okay, mr. smiles...

Nowadays, it is ON all the time. Especially when it is suppose to be ON!!!! In other words, NOW WE CAN speak what is really going on in our heads because we have OXYGEN getting to the BRAIN!!!!!!!!
Enjoy the REAL YOU brother SirD. I am enjoying it too. Wife says that I am "home" now.
Have a super duper weekend SirD. 'bang head'
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #46 on: September 14, 2012, 08:39:00 AM »
Day 75 -

Got a real good feeling today when I woke. Now most people that know me would describe me as a safe, nice, calm, get the picture.

Well had a nice little experience yesterday that had been unlike myself of the past.

Try this scenario - An e-mail that started with 'Hello Derek' was sent to a shared e-mail address for my son's swim team. Now we have a fundraising meet/event comming up where I am the 'volunteer' meet director, so the e-mail being addressed to me was no surprise. What was a surprise is that someone else with access to that shared mail goes "I'll reply".

My thoughts when I saw this was "Are you Derek?" to which answer is no. My second though with this person who has history of steppng on peoples toes was "Then do you want to take over this volunteer position that I have been doing successfully for 4 years?"

Well I don't know whether its the QUIT talking and the personal strength I am gaining from it, or whether it was the timing with Brother Jag speaking up or what, but the nice guy had enough and spoke his mind.

And yes I am still the director, and I replied to the e-mail. And am feeling stronger than ever.

thanks for listening

Offline kstampfly

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #45 on: September 06, 2012, 09:07:00 AM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 67 -

Well 2/3 way to the hall. Been sort of cruising the last 2 weeks and doing alot of thinking with what I wanted to note down in here to remember when I look back at it.

- Realization, made since I help keep the spreadsheet, is that those that post on a regular basis (80% participation) are the ones that stay quit longer, as in our quit group those are the brothers and sisters that are still around.

- A huge believe realized to take what I can from any/everything, and any/everybody on the site. There are those things that have gotten to my inner self which have boiled my blood, but need to hold the course, without too much emotion getting in the way of the main focus: my QUIT.

For those from the 'older' quit groups, thank you not only for what you have done with the site but for your support

For those from the 'younger' quit groups, I hope that I have been and continue to show you the type of support that you deserve.

- Here is the realization of the hidden part of the site and that is the pay it forward mentality where I hope that I can provide and give to those 'newbies' a helping hand to get them started along the path to a better clean life.

So I guess the thinking over the past 2 weeks + has been an awakening of sorts that will give me the strength to make it to the 100 day HOF and beyond, one day at a time.
Sir D,

Just wanted to let you know that you have definitely been an inspiration to me ever since I came to this site. I am glad to be part of the Rocktober madmen of quit group with you and look forward to seeing us all through the HOF. You are kicking ass on a daily basis and thats all anyone can ask of you. Stay strong stay quit and see you at the HOF brother!!!

Quit Group:
June 2022 No Lip Turd Herd

Quit Date:  13 March 2022
HOF Date:  20 June 2022

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #44 on: September 06, 2012, 09:02:00 AM »
Day 67 -

Well 2/3 way to the hall. Been sort of cruising the last 2 weeks and doing alot of thinking with what I wanted to note down in here to remember when I look back at it.

- Realization, made since I help keep the spreadsheet, is that those that post on a regular basis (80% participation) are the ones that stay quit longer, as in our quit group those are the brothers and sisters that are still around.

- A huge believe realized to take what I can from any/everything, and any/everybody on the site. There are those things that have gotten to my inner self which have boiled my blood, but need to hold the course, without too much emotion getting in the way of the main focus: my QUIT.

For those from the 'older' quit groups, thank you not only for what you have done with the site but for your support

For those from the 'younger' quit groups, I hope that I have been and continue to show you the type of support that you deserve.

- Here is the realization of the hidden part of the site and that is the pay it forward mentality where I hope that I can provide and give to those 'newbies' a helping hand to get them started along the path to a better clean life.

So I guess the thinking over the past 2 weeks + has been an awakening of sorts that will give me the strength to make it to the 100 day HOF and beyond, one day at a time.

Oh and here is one from the medical side, as blood pressure is down to 132/84 (lowest in years). So quitting was not such a bad idea for that...

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #43 on: August 21, 2012, 01:31:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 51 -

actually after a decent night sleep.

What the hell was that yesterday, now I have been told of the funks and the ups and downs with the enery level, as had hit a couple of low levels since the last post, but crikey, where was it written that on Day 50 I would have almost an all day crave that rivaled the first few a day 4 or 5?

But anyway thanks to those in chat you helped more than you know for just being in there.

I made it through that and now its on the backside, one day at a time, as I keep my armor on and fight this to freedom.
congrats on over 1/2 way to hof sirD, glad to be a madman with you. Thank you for all you do for our group and for being a role model even when you don't know that you are being one to many of us.
my intro
QD 07-19-2012
Group - Roctober Madmen Post with some Madmen (and women)
HOF 10-27-12 HOF Speech
2nd Floor 2-4-13, 3rd Floor 5-15-13
1 year of freedom - 7-19-2013. Thank you KTC
4th Floor 8-23-13, 5th Floor 12-1-13, 6th Floor 3-11-14, 7th Floor 6-19-14, 8th Floor 9-27-14, 9th Floor 1-5-15

Offline Leahy16

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #42 on: August 21, 2012, 09:07:00 AM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 51 -

actually after a decent night sleep.

What the hell was that yesterday, now I have been told of the funks and the ups and downs with the enery level, as had hit a couple of low levels since the last post, but crikey, where was it written that on Day 50 I would have almost an all day crave that rivaled the first few a day 4 or 5?

But anyway thanks to those in chat you helped more than you know for just being in there.

I made it through that and now its on the backside, one day at a time, as I keep my armor on and fight this to freedom.
It's days like yesterday that give your quit great worth and value. Hold on to it.

Good work and way to use the tools. You earned the 1/2 HOF Merit Badge.
Quit Date Jun 5, 2011; HOF Sep 12, 2011; 1,000 days Feb 28, 2014

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #41 on: August 21, 2012, 09:03:00 AM »
Day 51 -

actually after a decent night sleep.

What the hell was that yesterday, now I have been told of the funks and the ups and downs with the enery level, as had hit a couple of low levels since the last post, but crikey, where was it written that on Day 50 I would have almost an all day crave that rivaled the first few a day 4 or 5?

But anyway thanks to those in chat you helped more than you know for just being in there.

I made it through that and now its on the backside, one day at a time, as I keep my armor on and fight this to freedom.

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #40 on: August 12, 2012, 05:59:00 PM »
Day 42 -

What I learned this weekend- Well that's it, speding the weekend with the boy scouts, out camping, both mornings the first one up at 6:00. Alone and sitting there. Boy it is so beautiful from the morning dew, to the little stream next to where we camped, the morning sky, and oh yeah....NOT a speck of crap in my lip.

This was my last major hurdle that I can imaging for my schedule. All of my MAJOR activities that I had always linked to dipping (coaching baseball, watching swimming, scout camping), along with going back to the stores where I had always purchased, have been successfully faced and I have not caved.

Now with the major obstacles done, I need to keep my guard, my shield and sword on the ready for the minor advances from the lady nic. You are not getting to me anymore. Bring on each day, tommorrow first and then those after that a day at a time.

I am both shocked and proud of myself to say that after 7 weeks I am still a Quitter.

Offline kstampfly

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #39 on: August 08, 2012, 11:13:00 AM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 36 -

ok I do not know what was tougher, the first weeked (days 6/7) or this past one.

for those not familiar with summer team competitive swimming, this weekend was championships. Waking saturday morning at 5:30 am, pack and drive for 1 hour for sons to warm up in the pool, then wait 1 hour for the meet to start, session lasts 4 hours where sons may swim for a total of 4 minutes on 2 occassions. Then we get a break of 3 hours to start a new warm up, wait again an hour, then again for the final swims. Well then the 1 hour drive to get home at 10 pm unpack then sleep to repeat the above for Sunday.

Of course doing all this in 90+ heat, and 90%+ humidity, with having stomach issues to keeping liquids in my body..horrifying.

Now alot of down time, waiting ,where in the past would sit back with a dip in, and boy was that nic bitch calling sweetly, with the mini mart just down the block. Would be a 20 minute walk, very simple and would not have missed anything. BUT Saturday I thought to myself "no you gave your word".
Now Sunday I had overslept and wife had to drag me out of bed to get in the car. Had the same thoughts though as the grim reapess was singing loudly. This time I could just think of needing to get my word on that list.

Well I made it through, I am still QUIT, I am still strong and there are gonna be no chinks in that armor I am forging. I am not going to let any of my brothers and sisters of October done, and especially I am not going to let myself down.
ok now that I am back to my 'normal' there was one more observation that I needed to write in here from this past weekend.

Had been introduced to another swim parent from a boy on another team. This gentleman not only could I barely understand when he spoke, and think it was due to the golf ball size dip he had in his lip. I think this was the very first time that when looking at another dipper that I was actually grossed out by it.

Now when I dipped I was never that bad, most from sight never knew I had it in, but I take this time to apologize as I never realized how gross it looked.

WOW I am so glad I made this decision.
Way to go Sir!!!

You kicked the nic bitches ass yet again even after being taunted by her and gave her an extra inch of quit dick to gag on. I find my self getting grossed out when other people have cat turds in their mouth. I just can't believe how fucking disgusting it was to sit around spitting in a bottle and watch it fill up with cancer juice. 'bang head' Keep up the quit you BAD ASS QUITTER!!
Quit Group:
June 2022 No Lip Turd Herd

Quit Date:  13 March 2022
HOF Date:  20 June 2022