Author Topic: Proud to say I will be a quitter  (Read 33178 times)

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Offline 916quit

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #68 on: October 08, 2012, 08:56:00 PM »
Quote from: Tstahr
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: Keddy
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: per034
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 99

wanted to do one last posting before the century mark. Been feeling real good in the last week or so. Not alot of cravings, if any that stand out in my mind though I know I still need to be on guard.

It's been enjoyable seeing the train start to load up with my brothers and sisters in Oct 12. So maybe that adds to the good feeling.

Its nice to be able to let the wife kiss me when ever she wants to now (instead of having to wait for me to take that crap out of my lip).

Its nice to be able to talk in front of my sons, and their scout troop without having that crap in my lip, so now upholding the word Clean in their oath.

Its nice to not be breaking the rules/law when at the local ball fields when I am coaching, and not have that crap in my lip.

And this is only a small portion of what I have regained in my life when I QUIT 99 days ago, and have done it one day at a time.

Hell if I can do it, anyone can, so I hope that whoever reads my intro will join me in the state of QUIT for today, and then lets talk tomorrow.

thanks for listening........
It's nice to see you here every day SD. You put the Rock in Rocktober - keep doing what you're doing. I for one am proud of you and honored to call you my brother. Stay quit.
Proud of you Derek and our group. It has been a journey in self re-discovery for those of us who have stuck to our word and commitment on a daily basis. I am anxious to see what the next days have in store for us.

'clap' 'clap' 'clap'

Very awesome quit and I am proud to be quit with you as well!
Proud to be quit with you and all of October!!! I trust you will stay around after the Century mark and pay it forward by helping the newbies. Wish I could be there to meet you in person at the meet this weekend....
Great, great job!
Congrats on 99.
Great job- right behind you!

Offline TStahr

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #67 on: October 08, 2012, 01:57:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: Keddy
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: per034
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 99

wanted to do one last posting before the century mark. Been feeling real good in the last week or so. Not alot of cravings, if any that stand out in my mind though I know I still need to be on guard.

It's been enjoyable seeing the train start to load up with my brothers and sisters in Oct 12. So maybe that adds to the good feeling.

Its nice to be able to let the wife kiss me when ever she wants to now (instead of having to wait for me to take that crap out of my lip).

Its nice to be able to talk in front of my sons, and their scout troop without having that crap in my lip, so now upholding the word Clean in their oath.

Its nice to not be breaking the rules/law when at the local ball fields when I am coaching, and not have that crap in my lip.

And this is only a small portion of what I have regained in my life when I QUIT 99 days ago, and have done it one day at a time.

Hell if I can do it, anyone can, so I hope that whoever reads my intro will join me in the state of QUIT for today, and then lets talk tomorrow.

thanks for listening........
It's nice to see you here every day SD. You put the Rock in Rocktober - keep doing what you're doing. I for one am proud of you and honored to call you my brother. Stay quit.
Proud of you Derek and our group. It has been a journey in self re-discovery for those of us who have stuck to our word and commitment on a daily basis. I am anxious to see what the next days have in store for us.

'clap' 'clap' 'clap'

Very awesome quit and I am proud to be quit with you as well!
Proud to be quit with you and all of October!!! I trust you will stay around after the Century mark and pay it forward by helping the newbies. Wish I could be there to meet you in person at the meet this weekend....
Great, great job!
Congrats on 99.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #66 on: October 08, 2012, 11:35:00 AM »
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: Keddy
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: per034
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 99

wanted to do one last posting before the century mark. Been feeling real good in the last week or so. Not alot of cravings, if any that stand out in my mind though I know I still need to be on guard.

It's been enjoyable seeing the train start to load up with my brothers and sisters in Oct 12. So maybe that adds to the good feeling.

Its nice to be able to let the wife kiss me when ever she wants to now (instead of having to wait for me to take that crap out of my lip).

Its nice to be able to talk in front of my sons, and their scout troop without having that crap in my lip, so now upholding the word Clean in their oath.

Its nice to not be breaking the rules/law when at the local ball fields when I am coaching, and not have that crap in my lip.

And this is only a small portion of what I have regained in my life when I QUIT 99 days ago, and have done it one day at a time.

Hell if I can do it, anyone can, so I hope that whoever reads my intro will join me in the state of QUIT for today, and then lets talk tomorrow.

thanks for listening........
It's nice to see you here every day SD. You put the Rock in Rocktober - keep doing what you're doing. I for one am proud of you and honored to call you my brother. Stay quit.
Proud of you Derek and our group. It has been a journey in self re-discovery for those of us who have stuck to our word and commitment on a daily basis. I am anxious to see what the next days have in store for us.

'clap' 'clap' 'clap'

Very awesome quit and I am proud to be quit with you as well!
Proud to be quit with you and all of October!!! I trust you will stay around after the Century mark and pay it forward by helping the newbies. Wish I could be there to meet you in person at the meet this weekend....
Great, great job!

Offline Kdip

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #65 on: October 08, 2012, 10:45:00 AM »
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: Keddy
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: per034
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 99

wanted to do one last posting before the century mark. Been feeling real good in the last week or so. Not alot of cravings, if any that stand out in my mind though I know I still need to be on guard.

It's been enjoyable seeing the train start to load up with my brothers and sisters in Oct 12. So maybe that adds to the good feeling.

Its nice to be able to let the wife kiss me when ever she wants to now (instead of having to wait for me to take that crap out of my lip).

Its nice to be able to talk in front of my sons, and their scout troop without having that crap in my lip, so now upholding the word Clean in their oath.

Its nice to not be breaking the rules/law when at the local ball fields when I am coaching, and not have that crap in my lip.

And this is only a small portion of what I have regained in my life when I QUIT 99 days ago, and have done it one day at a time.

Hell if I can do it, anyone can, so I hope that whoever reads my intro will join me in the state of QUIT for today, and then lets talk tomorrow.

thanks for listening........
It's nice to see you here every day SD. You put the Rock in Rocktober - keep doing what you're doing. I for one am proud of you and honored to call you my brother. Stay quit.
Proud of you Derek and our group. It has been a journey in self re-discovery for those of us who have stuck to our word and commitment on a daily basis. I am anxious to see what the next days have in store for us.

'clap' 'clap' 'clap'

Very awesome quit and I am proud to be quit with you as well!
Proud to be quit with you and all of October!!! I trust you will stay around after the Century mark and pay it forward by helping the newbies. Wish I could be there to meet you in person at the meet this weekend....

Offline Grizzly25

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #64 on: October 08, 2012, 10:40:00 AM »
Quote from: Keddy
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: per034
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 99

wanted to do one last posting before the century mark. Been feeling real good in the last week or so. Not alot of cravings, if any that stand out in my mind though I know I still need to be on guard.

It's been enjoyable seeing the train start to load up with my brothers and sisters in Oct 12. So maybe that adds to the good feeling.

Its nice to be able to let the wife kiss me when ever she wants to now (instead of having to wait for me to take that crap out of my lip).

Its nice to be able to talk in front of my sons, and their scout troop without having that crap in my lip, so now upholding the word Clean in their oath.

Its nice to not be breaking the rules/law when at the local ball fields when I am coaching, and not have that crap in my lip.

And this is only a small portion of what I have regained in my life when I QUIT 99 days ago, and have done it one day at a time.

Hell if I can do it, anyone can, so I hope that whoever reads my intro will join me in the state of QUIT for today, and then lets talk tomorrow.

thanks for listening........
It's nice to see you here every day SD. You put the Rock in Rocktober - keep doing what you're doing. I for one am proud of you and honored to call you my brother. Stay quit.
Proud of you Derek and our group. It has been a journey in self re-discovery for those of us who have stuck to our word and commitment on a daily basis. I am anxious to see what the next days have in store for us.

'clap' 'clap' 'clap'

Very awesome quit and I am proud to be quit with you as well!
"Remember you are either getting better or getting worse, nobody stays the same!" Woody Hayes

"Winning! That's all we do around here brotha! Failure is not an option, remove it as an option and the possibilities are endless...." Bruce317 5-18-2012

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Offline Keddy

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #63 on: October 08, 2012, 10:12:00 AM »
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: per034
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 99

wanted to do one last posting before the century mark. Been feeling real good in the last week or so. Not alot of cravings, if any that stand out in my mind though I know I still need to be on guard.

It's been enjoyable seeing the train start to load up with my brothers and sisters in Oct 12. So maybe that adds to the good feeling.

Its nice to be able to let the wife kiss me when ever she wants to now (instead of having to wait for me to take that crap out of my lip).

Its nice to be able to talk in front of my sons, and their scout troop without having that crap in my lip, so now upholding the word Clean in their oath.

Its nice to not be breaking the rules/law when at the local ball fields when I am coaching, and not have that crap in my lip.

And this is only a small portion of what I have regained in my life when I QUIT 99 days ago, and have done it one day at a time.

Hell if I can do it, anyone can, so I hope that whoever reads my intro will join me in the state of QUIT for today, and then lets talk tomorrow.

thanks for listening........
It's nice to see you here every day SD. You put the Rock in Rocktober - keep doing what you're doing. I for one am proud of you and honored to call you my brother. Stay quit.
Proud of you Derek and our group. It has been a journey in self re-discovery for those of us who have stuck to our word and commitment on a daily basis. I am anxious to see what the next days have in store for us.


Offline eric71

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #62 on: October 08, 2012, 09:32:00 AM »
Quote from: per034
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 99

wanted to do one last posting before the century mark. Been feeling real good in the last week or so. Not alot of cravings, if any that stand out in my mind though I know I still need to be on guard.

It's been enjoyable seeing the train start to load up with my brothers and sisters in Oct 12. So maybe that adds to the good feeling.

Its nice to be able to let the wife kiss me when ever she wants to now (instead of having to wait for me to take that crap out of my lip).

Its nice to be able to talk in front of my sons, and their scout troop without having that crap in my lip, so now upholding the word Clean in their oath.

Its nice to not be breaking the rules/law when at the local ball fields when I am coaching, and not have that crap in my lip.

And this is only a small portion of what I have regained in my life when I QUIT 99 days ago, and have done it one day at a time.

Hell if I can do it, anyone can, so I hope that whoever reads my intro will join me in the state of QUIT for today, and then lets talk tomorrow.

thanks for listening........
It's nice to see you here every day SD. You put the Rock in Rocktober - keep doing what you're doing. I for one am proud of you and honored to call you my brother. Stay quit.
Proud of you Derek and our group. It has been a journey in self re-discovery for those of us who have stuck to our word and commitment on a daily basis. I am anxious to see what the next days have in store for us.


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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #61 on: October 08, 2012, 09:24:00 AM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 99

wanted to do one last posting before the century mark. Been feeling real good in the last week or so. Not alot of cravings, if any that stand out in my mind though I know I still need to be on guard.

It's been enjoyable seeing the train start to load up with my brothers and sisters in Oct 12. So maybe that adds to the good feeling.

Its nice to be able to let the wife kiss me when ever she wants to now (instead of having to wait for me to take that crap out of my lip).

Its nice to be able to talk in front of my sons, and their scout troop without having that crap in my lip, so now upholding the word Clean in their oath.

Its nice to not be breaking the rules/law when at the local ball fields when I am coaching, and not have that crap in my lip.

And this is only a small portion of what I have regained in my life when I QUIT 99 days ago, and have done it one day at a time.

Hell if I can do it, anyone can, so I hope that whoever reads my intro will join me in the state of QUIT for today, and then lets talk tomorrow.

thanks for listening........
It's nice to see you here every day SD. You put the Rock in Rocktober - keep doing what you're doing. I for one am proud of you and honored to call you my brother. Stay quit.
The love you get here is conditional. The condition is that you are quit.

"Every time you bump someone and dont fix it, a kitten dies" - Jost2Brown

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #60 on: October 08, 2012, 08:44:00 AM »
Day 99

wanted to do one last posting before the century mark. Been feeling real good in the last week or so. Not alot of cravings, if any that stand out in my mind though I know I still need to be on guard.

It's been enjoyable seeing the train start to load up with my brothers and sisters in Oct 12. So maybe that adds to the good feeling.

Its nice to be able to let the wife kiss me when ever she wants to now (instead of having to wait for me to take that crap out of my lip).

Its nice to be able to talk in front of my sons, and their scout troop without having that crap in my lip, so now upholding the word Clean in their oath.

Its nice to not be breaking the rules/law when at the local ball fields when I am coaching, and not have that crap in my lip.

And this is only a small portion of what I have regained in my life when I QUIT 99 days ago, and have done it one day at a time.

Hell if I can do it, anyone can, so I hope that whoever reads my intro will join me in the state of QUIT for today, and then lets talk tomorrow.

thanks for listening........

Offline eric71

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #59 on: September 28, 2012, 05:17:00 AM »
Quote from: tsmith17
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 88 -

Feeling a re-invigorated today. Just spent 2-3 days feeling like a deflated balloon. Actually was praying for rain so I could stay home and not coach baseball (that is about as bad as I can think of).

So not sure if it was the quit, but when there was no motivation, no energy, and just about no care in the world......

On the other hand, am inching each day closer to that day 100 and the first milestone in a long line of good days to come. I realize this is just a waypoint in a longer journey, but I am so looking forward to it and then what the future may hold.

Well unless something major happens this should be my last post before the 'big' day. I have so enjoyed the journey so far and will be fighting each day as I move forward.....

thanks again for listening....
Sounds like a funk brother. You will feel better. It just takes time to get over these obstacles. They will become less and less frequent. Nic had ahold of us for a very long time. Each day you resist though, you become stronger. Every different thing you do without nic makes that activity that much easier to deal with next time. I am still finding things that I had not done for 10 years without a dip in. Each time it happens I am reminded of how I am in control of my own life now.

Keep on kickin' ass derek. I look forward to see you post that 1-0-0 and beyond!
Just like we talked about in chat yesterday Derek, little funk prior to the first milestone we'll walk through together. I've never doubted your quit and resolve and am proud to have you as a quit brother.


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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #58 on: September 27, 2012, 07:36:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 88 -

Feeling a re-invigorated today. Just spent 2-3 days feeling like a deflated balloon. Actually was praying for rain so I could stay home and not coach baseball (that is about as bad as I can think of).

So not sure if it was the quit, but when there was no motivation, no energy, and just about no care in the world......

On the other hand, am inching each day closer to that day 100 and the first milestone in a long line of good days to come. I realize this is just a waypoint in a longer journey, but I am so looking forward to it and then what the future may hold.

Well unless something major happens this should be my last post before the 'big' day. I have so enjoyed the journey so far and will be fighting each day as I move forward.....

thanks again for listening....
Sounds like a funk brother. You will feel better. It just takes time to get over these obstacles. They will become less and less frequent. Nic had ahold of us for a very long time. Each day you resist though, you become stronger. Every different thing you do without nic makes that activity that much easier to deal with next time. I am still finding things that I had not done for 10 years without a dip in. Each time it happens I am reminded of how I am in control of my own life now.

Keep on kickin' ass derek. I look forward to see you post that 1-0-0 and beyond!

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #57 on: September 27, 2012, 06:57:00 PM »
Day 88 -

Feeling a re-invigorated today. Just spent 2-3 days feeling like a deflated balloon. Actually was praying for rain so I could stay home and not coach baseball (that is about as bad as I can think of).

So not sure if it was the quit, but when there was no motivation, no energy, and just about no care in the world......

On the other hand, am inching each day closer to that day 100 and the first milestone in a long line of good days to come. I realize this is just a waypoint in a longer journey, but I am so looking forward to it and then what the future may hold.

Well unless something major happens this should be my last post before the 'big' day. I have so enjoyed the journey so far and will be fighting each day as I move forward.....

thanks again for listening....

Offline eric71

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #56 on: September 19, 2012, 05:08:00 AM »
Quote from: kstampfly
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 79 -

Ok  see that Eric slightly beat me to one side of a thought comming out of the weekend, however as I went to sleep last night a Shining Ah-Ha moment hit me a little about this site and how it should be considered. I sum it up with the words of:

Welcome to the Neighborhood

For instance when we move in real life, we move into a house, townhome, apartment, we get settled in and then we go out and meet the neighbors (who initially are strangers) and we talk, become friends, and exchange the personal information like phone numbers for the times that we need them to watch our house while we are on vacation or the like. Then once all settled in we look to the vacancies and treat those who move in with the same friendship that we had been shown.

Well when I signed up here at KTC on my day 2, it was like moving. I was being surrounded by a bunch of strangers that I was to 'live' with for the next 100 days and beyond. Now here a little before settling in the numbers came flying into us from those on the site offering not only their support but their friendship. And then once we are settled we start to apply that same philosophy and look to help those who have moved in next to us.

Cause really, I do not believe that any one of use would move somewhere and build a wall to shut us off from the neighbors, so why join the site here and do the same.

So I say to all Welcome to the Neighborhood

thanks for listening
Completely agree with you Derek and well said.
Agreed and a well linked analogy. In my neighborhood are badass quitters who will support each other till the end of time. We have an ordinance that allows for the extermination of nicotine in any form, by any means necessary. I am proud to offer listings in my neighborhood that include the following perks:

1. Freedom of speech
2. Freedom of religion
3. The right and encouragement to bear arms
4. Freedom from nicotine

These perks are strictly enforced by our civil man unit and legislated by the people, for the benefit of the people.

The best part, there is no excise or property tax in my neighborhood. There also is no limit to the number of occupants. The only prerequisite is that you post your word daily.

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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #55 on: September 18, 2012, 06:42:00 AM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Day 79 -

Ok see that Eric slightly beat me to one side of a thought comming out of the weekend, however as I went to sleep last night a Shining Ah-Ha moment hit me a little about this site and how it should be considered. I sum it up with the words of:

Welcome to the Neighborhood

For instance when we move in real life, we move into a house, townhome, apartment, we get settled in and then we go out and meet the neighbors (who initially are strangers) and we talk, become friends, and exchange the personal information like phone numbers for the times that we need them to watch our house while we are on vacation or the like. Then once all settled in we look to the vacancies and treat those who move in with the same friendship that we had been shown.

Well when I signed up here at KTC on my day 2, it was like moving. I was being surrounded by a bunch of strangers that I was to 'live' with for the next 100 days and beyond. Now here a little before settling in the numbers came flying into us from those on the site offering not only their support but their friendship. And then once we are settled we start to apply that same philosophy and look to help those who have moved in next to us.

Cause really, I do not believe that any one of use would move somewhere and build a wall to shut us off from the neighbors, so why join the site here and do the same.

So I say to all Welcome to the Neighborhood

thanks for listening
Completely agree with you Derek and well said.
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Re: Proud to say I will be a quitter
« Reply #54 on: September 18, 2012, 06:33:00 AM »
Day 79 -

Ok see that Eric slightly beat me to one side of a thought comming out of the weekend, however as I went to sleep last night a Shining Ah-Ha moment hit me a little about this site and how it should be considered. I sum it up with the words of:

Welcome to the Neighborhood

For instance when we move in real life, we move into a house, townhome, apartment, we get settled in and then we go out and meet the neighbors (who initially are strangers) and we talk, become friends, and exchange the personal information like phone numbers for the times that we need them to watch our house while we are on vacation or the like. Then once all settled in we look to the vacancies and treat those who move in with the same friendship that we had been shown.

Well when I signed up here at KTC on my day 2, it was like moving. I was being surrounded by a bunch of strangers that I was to 'live' with for the next 100 days and beyond. Now here a little before settling in the numbers came flying into us from those on the site offering not only their support but their friendship. And then once we are settled we start to apply that same philosophy and look to help those who have moved in next to us.

Cause really, I do not believe that any one of use would move somewhere and build a wall to shut us off from the neighbors, so why join the site here and do the same.

So I say to all Welcome to the Neighborhood

thanks for listening