Welcome to the Nut House. It has been crazy in here the past few days. You did not find us by mistake, you were led here just as I was led here and so many others.
We are 100% nicotine free. No patches, gum, smokes, etc. That's the very basic rule. The most important rule is Posting Roll daily which I noticed you have already done. Nice. Now just keep your word and use no nic for today. Don't worry about tomorrow. We take it one day at a time.
You are going to get a bunch of advice and I suggest you listen to it wisely. Look at people's intro pages, check out the other quit groups, read, read, and read some more. Be active in your quit.
It's gonna suck and then it won't. Your body will be screaming at you for a bit but hang on. It's a bumpy ride but SO worth it. I had headaches for the first 2 weeks but I remained strong and now after 21 days I feel great. Drinking a TON of water helps.
Glad to be quit with you.