20 year veteran of dipping, I just hit the 72-hour mark. It has been an extremely rough road, I was inspired by my brother to do this but I have been looking for a 'reason' to do this for years. That may sound stupid, but at least the reason I chose isn't a dire one, like a cancer prognosis, etc.
Been using Smoky Mountain wintergreen, it seems to help take the edge off. However, I went back to work today and damn near caved in with the old stuff (Red Seal Wintergreen fine cut). Somehow, I won a mental battle and I'm still quit. Does this get easier? I appreciate the talk from veterans and some of the quitters in this group about the mental 'fog' -- I thought it was just me. Does this abate, does this ever get easier? Do you ever reach a state where you're not thinking about who/what/when/where/how to get a damned dip in your mouth during every waking hour of your life?