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Re: Please Help
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2015, 02:16:00 PM »
38 year addict here,but because of ktc and myself wanting to do this every day I'm 245 days nic free. If I can do this, so can you. Grab your sac, man up and everytime a craving hits you,remember why you're here! Post roll and let's get you some badass quit going! Got a great start going, bunch of badass supporters already on your ban wagon , remember once your here and continue posting roll, you're never alone! I quit with you today my friend!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

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Re: Please Help
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2015, 11:52:00 AM »
Nicotine withdrawals never killed anyone, nicotine has killed thousands. Listen to these bad ass quitters that have already graced your intro with their presence. This isn't easy, but it's not impossible. Hard work will get you and keep you quit.
"Fuck nicotine dude. You don't need it. And you don't want it. It didn't do a thing for you and you know it." - worktowin
"today you dissided that shit wont control your life. and it wont. unless you let it." - drome
"Not thinking about nicotine is for people who've never used nicotine. We threw that option away with the first dip or drag on a cigarette. We are addicts, and cannot become un-addicted." - wildirish317
"You need to decide how much you really want to be quit." - pky1520
We are always at risk. And probably always will be. That is why I will never get "too quit" to post my +1. Every. Damn. Day. - geis2597

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Re: Please Help
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2015, 11:41:00 AM »
I feel you, bro.

I chewed for 25 years. 2 cans a day easy. There wasn't a time of day I didn't have one in or... was planning when to get away long enough for the next one. I was an absolute junkie. Took dips so big they made me sick sometimes. Man, I was completely poisoning myself and, here's the sick part, PAYING some evil company for the "privilege" to do it. Unreal.

865 days ago... I said, "done". Never looked back. As has been said... it won't be easy and, yep, it'll suck ass some days. It's the price to pay for real freedom.

It's worth it.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

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Re: Please Help
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2015, 10:18:00 AM »
Stay close to these boards, drink a ton of water and quit like a beast today!
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Please Help
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2015, 07:28:00 AM »
Quote from: Stat
Quote from: MacP74
I know that's gonna be a hard thing (the exercising, because it seems like from the minute my feet hit the floor 'til my eyes slammed shut i had some in) just gotta reprogram this thick head of mine. And try not to think about it and try to think about something else when i do.
It's going to be a beast. Get on your group page. Post often. Read everything on this site. Read the article in my signature about what nicotine does to us (reading it made me angry). Use every tool you need: gum; seeds; fake dip (I found smokey mountain at local Walmarts). Your body will heal itself, but it takes time.

At the end of the road: freedom! You won't believe how great it is. For example, at about 3 weeks food started tasting better; even mint gum tasted better.
Oh yea...about the best way to feel normal during the early weeks is exercise. During my early quit I the gym hard, and I hit bench press numbers that I had not seen in over a decade!

And diet can be difficult...I ate easy-to-digest food (lots of oatmeal and fruit).

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Re: Please Help
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2015, 07:24:00 AM »
Quote from: MacP74
I know that's gonna be a hard thing (the exercising, because it seems like from the minute my feet hit the floor 'til my eyes slammed shut i had some in) just gotta reprogram this thick head of mine. And try not to think about it and try to think about something else when i do.
It's going to be a beast. Get on your group page. Post often. Read everything on this site. Read the article in my signature about what nicotine does to us (reading it made me angry). Use every tool you need: gum; seeds; fake dip (I found smokey mountain at local Walmarts). Your body will heal itself, but it takes time.

At the end of the road: freedom! You won't believe how great it is. For example, at about 3 weeks food started tasting better; even mint gum tasted better.

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Re: Please Help
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2015, 07:18:00 AM »
Quote from: worktowin
Good morning sir!

Nicotine is a wicked monster dude. As addictive as heroin. But you don't need it to survive, though for about the first 3 days your brain thinks it does. It doesn't.

You've gotten some great advice. One day at a time you pledge that you'll be nicotine free. And you can do anything for a day. I can't stress enough how important posting roll is. Yeah, it seems lame and complicated and confusing all at the same time. Every single one of us thought that. And yes you will fuck it up at first. Someone will fix it and you'll get better at it. But that is the very foundation of how this plan works. You sound a lot like me. Almost every day I threw a partially full can out at night with the intent of quitting the next day. Until 979 days ago.

Welcome aboard. One day at a time. Exercise like a madman. Sit-ups push-ups weights running jerking off (whoa where did that come from?) just anything to get your heart rate up ang your sweat on. This will change your life. For the better, on ways you can't even imagine...
All those have preceded my post have hit the nail on the head. GA was spot on about quitting one minute at a time. I remember counting the hours I was quit...moving further and further from that first hour when I flushed my supply of dip. I would say to myself "in 10 minutes you'll be 36 hours away from 0." Those hours then added up to days and on day 6, I found KTC.

I think you need to accept that "craves" are part of quitting, and in the beginning, craves are more frequent and intense. As your body rids itself of nicotine and as you rewire it from thinking it needs nicotine, other side effects will layer on. This is known as "the suck". You may be in a foggy haze during "the suck"...and rather than fight it, you should embrace it. The more it sucks, the better...your attitude is "bring it on". Because at one point the suck won't suck any more and the fog will lift, somewhat of a quit euphoria and I tell you - it never goes away (the euphoria of quit), but only if you nurture it.

How? Start by posting roll. Promise to yourself and your quit brothers that you will not use nicotine for that day. Read. Get involved in your quit group. Chat. Respond to intros. Get numbers. Build a quit castle. Eventually cravings will have nothing on you. I still get whispers from time to time, but my quit is so huge their like bugs hitting a windshield. And remember, cravings only last about 3 minutes (they get shorter in time). Can you be strong for 3 minutes? If you post roll, you won't have a choice but to be.
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Re: Please Help
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2015, 07:14:00 AM »
I know that's gonna be a hard thing (the exercising, because it seems like from the minute my feet hit the floor 'til my eyes slammed shut i had some in) just gotta reprogram this thick head of mine. And try not to think about it and try to think about something else when i do.

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Re: Please Help
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2015, 06:42:00 AM »
Good morning sir!

Nicotine is a wicked monster dude. As addictive as heroin. But you don't need it to survive, though for about the first 3 days your brain thinks it does. It doesn't.

You've gotten some great advice. One day at a time you pledge that you'll be nicotine free. And you can do anything for a day. I can't stress enough how important posting roll is. Yeah, it seems lame and complicated and confusing all at the same time. Every single one of us thought that. And yes you will fuck it up at first. Someone will fix it and you'll get better at it. But that is the very foundation of how this plan works. You sound a lot like me. Almost every day I threw a partially full can out at night with the intent of quitting the next day. Until 979 days ago.

Welcome aboard. One day at a time. Exercise like a madman. Sit-ups push-ups weights running jerking off (whoa where did that come from?) just anything to get your heart rate up ang your sweat on. This will change your life. For the better, on ways you can't even imagine...

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Re: Please Help
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2015, 03:20:00 AM »
Quote from: DWEIRICK
Quote from: Drewdrew
Quote from: MacP74
I know that is hoing to be a hard thing for me to do (the training myself to not buy it) but i am going to try my best to stay away from places that sell it, my goal for right now is for three days, then a week, then i will go from there. Another fear i have is when i am around friends/coworkers i dont want to avoid them, but i just don't trust myself right now and i dont know what to do there? I have already purchased gum, candy, beef jerky etc. to help with the oral fixation.
There ain't trying here, we do or don't. Look, we pledge to quit each day, 24 hours at a time. Go look through the welcome center and learn how to post roll, and then find December 2015 group, this will be your group. You can do this! You need to want it though. It is easier if you know you can do it, and use the help this place brings.

Drink a ton of water, avoid alcohol for a bit, and do anything to keep off the poison.
Best advice I can give you is get to December take that first step post roll and use all these tools here they will work if you let them! I used for 17 years clean for 82 days now and it was one of the best choices I made!! We are never free, but together we can stay quit...
Gotta learn how to use the site and post roll.
my goal for right now is for three days
Your goal right now should be the next minute. Don't use for the next minute. Then the next hour. Then maybe starting thinking about whole days.

I'm quit 237 days today--and I don't think beyond today.

All you can do is quit NOW.

Yes, it is going to suck. You've got an addiction many years in the making. But if could do it, you can to. I remember being in your shoes.


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Re: Please Help
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2015, 01:13:00 AM »
Quote from: Drewdrew
Quote from: MacP74
I know that is hoing to be a hard thing for me to do (the training myself to not buy it) but i am going to try my best to stay away from places that sell it, my goal for right now is for three days, then a week, then i will go from there. Another fear i have is when i am around friends/coworkers i dont want to avoid them, but i just don't trust myself right now and i dont know what to do there? I have already purchased gum, candy, beef jerky etc. to help with the oral fixation.
There ain't trying here, we do or don't. Look, we pledge to quit each day, 24 hours at a time. Go look through the welcome center and learn how to post roll, and then find December 2015 group, this will be your group. You can do this! You need to want it though. It is easier if you know you can do it, and use the help this place brings.

Drink a ton of water, avoid alcohol for a bit, and do anything to keep off the poison.
Best advice I can give you is get to December take that first step post roll and use all these tools here they will work if you let them! I used for 17 years clean for 82 days now and it was one of the best choices I made!! We are never free, but together we can stay quit...

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Re: Please Help
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2015, 12:54:00 AM »
Quote from: MacP74
I know that is hoing to be a hard thing for me to do (the training myself to not buy it) but i am going to try my best to stay away from places that sell it, my goal for right now is for three days, then a week, then i will go from there. Another fear i have is when i am around friends/coworkers i dont want to avoid them, but i just don't trust myself right now and i dont know what to do there? I have already purchased gum, candy, beef jerky etc. to help with the oral fixation.
There ain't trying here, we do or don't. Look, we pledge to quit each day, 24 hours at a time. Go look through the welcome center and learn how to post roll, and then find December 2015 group, this will be your group. You can do this! You need to want it though. It is easier if you know you can do it, and use the help this place brings.

Drink a ton of water, avoid alcohol for a bit, and do anything to keep off the poison.
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Offline MacP74

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Re: Please Help
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2015, 12:49:00 AM »
I know that is hoing to be a hard thing for me to do (the training myself to not buy it) but i am going to try my best to stay away from places that sell it, my goal for right now is for three days, then a week, then i will go from there. Another fear i have is when i am around friends/coworkers i dont want to avoid them, but i just don't trust myself right now and i dont know what to do there? I have already purchased gum, candy, beef jerky etc. to help with the oral fixation.

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Re: Please Help
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2015, 12:41:00 AM »
Quote from: MacP74
I am free of it right now, i dumped it sll into a fire. My biggest fear is i will give into the cravings when it gets to a point where it feels unbearable. I am trying to change my whole routine so i can try my best to stay away from the temptations.
If you are free, there are spaces between you and the poison now. During the driving to the store, walking in, talking to he clerk, buying it, you have plenty of times to stop. There is no wonder drug to help this, more of a reach down and grab some guts kind of thing. Seeds, gum, fake dip and toothpicks really helped me. Set small goals and tell yourself, sometimes each minute, "I WILL NOT." Then dont.
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Re: Please Help
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2015, 12:37:00 AM »
I am free of it right now, i dumped it sll into a fire. My biggest fear is i will give into the cravings when it gets to a point where it feels unbearable. I am trying to change my whole routine so i can try my best to stay away from the temptations.