Good morning sir!
Nicotine is a wicked monster dude. As addictive as heroin. But you don't need it to survive, though for about the first 3 days your brain thinks it does. It doesn't.
You've gotten some great advice. One day at a time you pledge that you'll be nicotine free. And you can do anything for a day. I can't stress enough how important posting roll is. Yeah, it seems lame and complicated and confusing all at the same time. Every single one of us thought that. And yes you will fuck it up at first. Someone will fix it and you'll get better at it. But that is the very foundation of how this plan works. You sound a lot like me. Almost every day I threw a partially full can out at night with the intent of quitting the next day. Until 979 days ago.
Welcome aboard. One day at a time. Exercise like a madman. Sit-ups push-ups weights running jerking off (whoa where did that come from?) just anything to get your heart rate up ang your sweat on. This will change your life. For the better, on ways you can't even imagine...
All those have preceded my post have hit the nail on the head. GA was spot on about quitting one minute at a time. I remember counting the hours I was quit...moving further and further from that first hour when I flushed my supply of dip. I would say to myself "in 10 minutes you'll be 36 hours away from 0." Those hours then added up to days and on day 6, I found KTC.
I think you need to accept that "craves" are part of quitting, and in the beginning, craves are more frequent and intense. As your body rids itself of nicotine and as you rewire it from thinking it needs nicotine, other side effects will layer on. This is known as "the suck". You may be in a foggy haze during "the suck"...and rather than fight it, you should embrace it. The more it sucks, the better...your attitude is "bring it on". Because at one point the suck won't suck any more and the fog will lift, somewhat of a quit euphoria and I tell you - it never goes away (the euphoria of quit), but only if you nurture it.
How? Start by posting roll. Promise to yourself and your quit brothers that you will not use nicotine for that day. Read. Get involved in your quit group. Chat. Respond to intros. Get numbers. Build a quit castle. Eventually cravings will have nothing on you. I still get whispers from time to time, but my quit is so huge their like bugs hitting a windshield. And remember, cravings only last about 3 minutes (they get shorter in time). Can you be strong for 3 minutes? If you post roll, you won't have a choice but to be.