Just wanted to add this to your intro for future reflection. Congrats you've earned your spot on the train.
Our train heads over to pick up a quitter from Enid, Oklahoma that recently married a smoking hot blond and it took no time to get a mini me in the oven. Turnbow82 started dipping at the old age of 12 and dipped Redman, Copenhagen, husky all natural fine cut in flavors.
"I'm bringing "BIGS" brand bacon flavored sunflower seeds! Because if you haven't had these things then "fuck you!" ok so maybe I went overboard there but you get it, come on, its bacon flavored sunflower seeds man!" I say fuck you Turnbow why are you just now telling us about these??? Lmao. When asked Who should we contact? He replied "Contact my pops because my wife would wonder what the hell I was doing on a train without her". He clams to have no inappropriate behaviors, I call BS bro! Especially since his craziest thing ever done is too crazy to post, lets just say he is naked, there are a lot of people (including his mom) and he is on a boat. And to celebrate he just wants a lot of meat, ribeye, or filet. And when asked about signing up for 200 days he replied "You damn right!" He enjoyed the avatars with tits and for his hobbies he enjoys in order Hunting, golf, fishing, sporting events, and remodeling jobs.
Turnbow82 is a car salesman that swears he can save you money, don't buy another car without PM-ing him, any make or model. He ships them everywhere.
His words of wisdoms are;
"The first 3 days or so suck ass! I don't think I did one productive thing at work. Actually I dont' think I did anything at work. I sat here. Sat here in the deepest fog ever! It will pass though. So future quitters don't worry it will get better. Use the crutches of seeds, fake dip, gum, candy, etc. Also, WORKOUT!!! I stopped working out because the quit made me really tired and lazy. Don't get into this rut!!! I got in it and gained 20lbs. I also was almost falling asleep during the afternoons. Stay active and exercise."
Turmbow82 says he is intimidated by Callaway, cause he text him love me not text all the time, that is weird. He finds SudsMcCracken most inspiring on KTC. Folks that have helped strengthen his quit are, BillQuack, Callaway, Cbird65, Derk40, Flynniej15 slut, SudsMcCracken, "All exchanged numbers with me and kept tabs on my quit. Thanks guys!"
Well done Turnbow, Jake and I welcome your ass onboard this train. Erussell 151.