Quick up date at Day 19 :
Last two weeks have been torturous - trouble sleeping, trouble concentrating, feelings of worthlessness...wondering (once again) if tobacco withdraw can really screw with my brain so much that I can barely function at all. I have a history of short periods of depression (4-6 weeks) that have been triggered by either guilt of hiding my tobacco use (lying to my wife), withdraw symptoms from stopping dip/tobacco use, or maybe some other mental illness that I don't like to admit as a possibility. So I get so low that I have trouble taking steps that I know are healthy for me - eating correctly, exercising, expressing my emotions to friends. :(  This time it hasn't helped that I got placed on a new project at work that really tests my patience and skillsets (especially in my funk).
But good news, I'm committed to my QUIT and I am starting to feel better. This makes me excited that I'm coming out of my haze but it is also scary. I have very quickly, in the past, felt that I've gotten tobacco whipped once I get feeling back to "normal" and have then let my guard down and started again within 6 months. Then each next "final quit" defeats me as a person even more. Both during the quitting, and of course, about 1 month in to reusing when the guilt starts again.
By the way, I can't stand KTC - posting each day, texting, blogging, or even reading KTC stuff online (any technology outside of work pisses me off - rather be doing other stuff). But, you know what, what I can't stand even more is that I can't quit on my own and I've always failed to go to Celebrate Recovery or another addiction recovering group because it's "only tobacco".  I've tried plenty of my own ways to quit and have failed - with all you solid quitters at KTC - I'm STAYING QUIT one day at a time forever.
Thanks to my May brothers in my texting group for putting up with my inability to continue group texts (have to sent individually for some reason - anyone know how to continue a group text with an HTC sensation 4G) and others at KTC who have reached out to me and taken my phone calls. Thanks to many others who have posted so many good articles that I've read here. Many of you have gone through same struggles that I have through my 20 some years of ninja dipping...like being bummed that the public toilet you chose to sit on and dip into was not oversized, therefore, brown juice on your wiener.
Stay strong. We've all been there, in the suck, hating life and just wishing it would all go away. Stay with us here on the KTC. Not only are you healthier, you're wealthier, and you'll find in the end you will gain more patience and resilience. The addiction is forever, but that doesnt mean you have to suffer forever, you're winning. keep it that way.
Keep fighting today. I was luggage at work for about 30 days. I was totally focused on quitting. Keep your quit at the top of your "to do" list. Let nothing interfere with it.
You can do this. In time it will get better, but for now... embrace the suck stay quit!
Fuck the job. Who cares if your work suffers for a few months. Everything else is bullshit. This is your life Rali. You are reclaiming it. You're here and this IS your FINAL quit. Keep the focus and keep the quit.
This is what I've had to come to grips with. I just can't focus, I've got to focus on my quit. The moment I start letting my intensity on quitting slip, the quicker I'll be at the convenience store across the street from my office buying another can. I've got to let my years of good work ethic pay off for a little while now. This is for me, the roads will get designed a little slower.
Rali -- I think it's safe to assume that we'd much rather have a temporarily embittered brother in Mayhem that grinds through the technological hassles required of KTC, than a guy who pounds his chest proclaiming victory on day 1 and is never heard from again. Like it or not, you've invested time and shared personal info with us, and we with you. Not gonna let you suffer in solitude when you've made this much progress. Stay strong, quit on.
I appreciate it Krusty, and I'm definately in this for the long term. I'm Quiting hard.
Being here for the long term is good but never forget you are an addict. The addicted mind will trick you into thinking you can't do this forever. Sometime you will think, "Somewhere, someday, I will be too weak to beat this."
KTC teaches you how to trick your mind back.
Fact: Nicotine is a poison and not intended for our body. Our body never needed it and should never crave it. You can live without it.
The trick - You never quit long term. Only today. Yesterday is over and cannot be changed. Tomorrow, you don't know what lies ahead. But Today: You can make a promise to not use for 24hrs.
If you win today, and wake to another "Today" you post roll and keep your word.
Never think you are quit forever. Just worry about Today's quit.
Wow, great Intro page! Keep going, man, it gets easier and exponentially better. What can you do to strengthen your quit today? Add a layer of accountability to your quit by telling someone new about KTC, what day you're on, what the HOF is, etc. Is the Contract to Cave in your wallet? It's in mine.
I give up my quit. Quitting is impossible and I cannot do it. I love dipping more than I love myself. I care about dipping more than I care about my personal health. I love dipping more than I love my family. I know this addiction will kill me, and I ACCEPT that fact. I enjoy spending time alone with my can more than I enjoy spending time with anyone else on the planet. I look forward to losing my jaw, my tongue, my throat, my life – it’s worth it. When I am lying in my hospital bed fighting a losing battle against cancer I will feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that this is the path I CHOSE. My only regret will be that I didn’t start dipping earlier in life. I will feel sorrow for my family’s heartbreak and suffer untold pain, but I know you must sacrifice for the things you truly love.
I know ALL the consequences of my actions and I accept them fully and without regret. I hereby choose to give my life to this addiction – I do so with a smile on face.
Signature: ____________________
Date: ____________________