I've got a question for all you vets. This is day 26 for me and I've been substituting coffee since around day 4 or 5. It's been in my lip pretty much constantly but last night I went a couple hours without it and had some pretty intense lip burn and snapped at my wife for the first time in a couple of days. Do I need to drop the coffee now or is it ok to continue and will it be easy to quit later?
Dude, let me tell you... if you are able to suffer thru coffee grounds in your lip for extended periods, and are now finding yourself irritable... well, the writing is on the wall.
No sense getting all wired out on caffeine... though in terms of trading "addictions", I don't see it that way.
I just know that caffeine overload gets someone hyper and irritable... now tack on the nic withdrawals, and you may be compounding your symptoms.
Thats my $.02 worth... try decaf, and see if your temper subsides a bit.
If you think you are ready to ween off the oral fixation, maybe its time to slide into seeds or gum or something less "dip" like.
Getting things out of your lip is the next logical step, and oh by the way... just think how much better you will sleep without caffeine coursing thru your veins. Your heart-rate will go down to something normal... and your brain will finally relax.
Oh the pleasant slumber it will be too... try it.
26 days is awesome brother! Awesome!
The caffeine from the coffee probably isn't very good for you but it's better than nicotine. Whatever it takes to keep nicotine out of your system.
A little further down the road I would start worrying about the oral fixation but th emost important thing for you right now is staying quit.
26 days is freaking awesome, but don't move too quickly for yourself. The oral fixation will fade with time. I used fake snuff until the 130s, and still keep a bag of seeds in my office for work time cravings.
Do whatever you have to do to stay quit today.
There is also a fuck in the 20s that is quite nasty. It peaked on day 29 for me and I raged against everything and everyone.
The 20s funk is a result of your adreneline running out on your quit. For these past few weeks, you've drank, ate, and slept quit. The nic bitch is a patient whore though. She doesn't think you're serious, so she's bided her time. Now that you are 3 weeks (almost 4) in, she's getting impatient and shaking her titties at you. She wants back into your life hardcore, and she'll do anything to get back there.
You just have to remember that she is disease ridden, and probably running train with half of Pittsburgh. She might look good from afar, but there's a strong smell of semen, sweat, and Twinkies on her that you notice. The bitch is batshit insane, and she'll lock onto you and drain your bank accounts.
Bunker down and get through the day. It was your choice to let her into your life to begin with. Try not to take it out on your wife. That's what we're here for. We're big boys and we can dish it out and take it. Check your pm's for my number.