Hello quitters, I am Erussell and I am an august quitter as well. I am on day 395 today, proof this site works. I am looking for someone to hold me accountable and likewise I them. Let's call it an "accountability friendship".
Couple of conditions
Must post roll everyday
Must post with me and I with them every day.
Must text me for permission and I them before a cave.
Must be willing to pay it forward after HOF.
Must understand I am the type to show up at your house if you f me and your brothers over. Do not latch onto me unless your of your word and salt.
PM if your interested.
We recently had a couple young gents join the VFD where I'm LT. At 19ish, they've got tons of energy and enthusiasm, but about zero knowledge about how we fight fire, or the bajillion other things we have to know. One of the upcoming components of our training is teaching them what a PAR is, what to do when it is called, and what happens if something is wrong. If you are not from a FF background, you're probably wondering what this mysterious acrynom means - PAR is a personnel accountability report. When called, each person reports up the chain of command their status; at each step of that process, the officer/supervisor makes sure everyone is accounted for. Missing a PAR is a REALLY big deal.
On this rainy/stormy/super-humid Sunday afternoon, I was resting after eating some amazing peach cobbler (Yeah, I know I've been eating pretty much anything that didn't run off first, but hey, I joined a gym last week. All is well). I hopped on here, because that's what I do with a lot of my new, dip-free time, and found a running discussion about posting roll. Eureka.
Roll = PAR.
Sure, it's different, but look at it like this: Every morning a PAR is called when you wake up. In essence you are a) responding to your group's PAR, and b) stating your promise not to use. If you don't post roll, then it means one of 3 things. 1. You're down and in trouble. 2. You jumped off the wagon. 3. You are an idiot and "forgot" to post. 4. You are dead.
There is no acceptable reason to miss PAR...err, Roll. I'll let you slide if #4 applies, but your quit bros should, at the very least, know what is going on with your quit. I understand that there are still guys out there who may not have a cell/home internet/whathaveyou, or may have some extraordinarily rare circumstance - guess what though? You can plan around each of those issues, so there is just no reason to miss roll. A brother should NEVER fall through the cracks. Post Roll, honor roll, stay quit... or don't post roll and become the hunted. Pretty simple.
Anyway, philosopher moment over. Move along folks, nothing to see here
PS - might be wondering why the quote is up there. Simple - adding layers to the accountability net increases the ease of staying quit, for me at least. Also I might be planning to steal that list from Erussell after HOF to use on a newbie, and quoting it here makes it easier to find... 'ninja'