Author Topic: Quit Day 4/25/2014  (Read 6097 times)

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Offline Bombero

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #39 on: September 23, 2014, 03:06:00 PM »
Fuck the NicBitch and her evil claws. Might not be a tin, but she's still hooking people and molesting children.
I was a ninja dipper, but I will have a berserker quit - Here's some encouragement

NEVER Ring the Bell! Watch this. It will change your life.

When a crave hits watch this.

"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be Kind Always."

?Gentlemen, we are going to relentlessly chase perfection, knowing full well we will not catch it, because nothing is perfect. But we are going to relentlessly chase it, because in the process we will catch excellence. I am not remotely interested in just being good. ? ~ Vince Lombardi

"We all have our own demons that we face on a day to day basis. Some we can talk to others about. Some that we have to work through on our own. ...the nic bitch continues to knock on the doors my friends. Stay strong, stay vigilant." - Fireheeler; 6/11/14 in AUG14

Never cured, but quitting like this

What cost is too high?

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #38 on: August 03, 2014, 04:22:00 AM »
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: razd611
Well Done Sir!!!
Fandamntastic! Do it Again!
get some more bomber
Congrats on 100. Proud to be quit with ya
Good shit!! 100 strong!

Offline Raider

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #37 on: August 03, 2014, 12:08:00 AM »
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: razd611
Well Done Sir!!!
Fandamntastic! Do it Again!
get some more bomber
Congrats on 100. Proud to be quit with ya

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #36 on: August 02, 2014, 10:07:00 PM »
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: razd611
Well Done Sir!!!
Fandamntastic! Do it Again!
get some more bomber
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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #35 on: August 02, 2014, 09:32:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Well Done Sir!!!
Fandamntastic! Do it Again!
Quit since 1/23/14

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #34 on: August 02, 2014, 09:32:00 PM »
Nice job Bombero!!!! Celebrate the day and get back on here for 101!
Obsessed with the ghey

QD 01/10/14

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #33 on: August 02, 2014, 09:30:00 PM »
Well Done Sir!!!
Never Again For Any Reason

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Offline Erussell

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #32 on: August 02, 2014, 09:29:00 PM »
Well..... 100 bad ass wins. Many 1000nds to come. Yet you've celebrated this milestone today and for damn good reason...100days is awesome, but it's only the beginning. I urge you to continue to post roll every day and never miss. Your welcome to continue to post roll with me, but it's no longer a requirement. In fact if your time is limited I would rather you post with a newbie the same way as I have done with you and see him to HOF, holding one another accountable.
Words can't speak how proud I am of you Kevin.
Thank you for mentioning me in your HOF, fact is you helped me as much as I helped you. I quit with you..... you bad ass!!!!!
I would rather lose to a cheater than win as a cheater.

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #31 on: July 11, 2014, 11:37:00 AM »
Quote from: Bombero
I posted this in my quit group, but here it is again:
Ok quitters, I wanted to give you all another heads up - I will NOT be on roll from Sunday, July 13 until Saturday, July 19. Here is why:

I will be somewhere in Honduras building polebarn houses and conducting mission work with local missionaries. I do apologize for dropping out like this, but I will have no way to communicate with anyone stateside or elsewhere. I will be a 5 hour bus ride, 2 hour 4x4 ride, and a 4-6 hour hike away from the airport. I do welcome texts/pms/voicemails - I just won't get them until I get back.

Here is my "wilderness quit plan"
  • The day I leave I'll post a "special" roll - basically it will be my promise for the entire trip and I will update via roll when I return. Whether you choose to post it each day or not is up to you, but I'll be +7 days quit when I get back either way. We leave at 0330 on saturday, so I'll post before we head to the airport. We are scheduled to get back late the following saturday.
  • One of the guys going on the trip is a former dipper who quit cold. We talk regularly, and he knows I am quit.
  • My brother is also going and knows I am quit; we have also talked extensively about my quit.
  • Ditto for my sister, though she will be with a separate group not hiking in the mountains
  • I'm going with my church group, who will all nail my feet to the fire and keep me accountable
  • Just for sake of throwing it in - I don't know Spanish. I also don't think there's gonna be the opportunity to buy dip in a place they can't even afford to keep the pigs out of the kitchen.
So, all that to say that I'll be off roll next week. I do ask for you prayers for my entire group, and I'll rejoin you on the quitters' roll.[/list]
I've been a staunch proponent of posting roll every day no matter the circumstance. As a general rule, this is my position. I respect this post by Bombero very much. It's proactive, and describes an extenuating situation where posting roll will, in fact, be a challenge. None-the-less what we have is a promise and we have a plan. Thank you Bombero
Certified Grade A Badass

Offline Bombero

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #30 on: July 10, 2014, 10:05:00 PM »
I posted this in my quit group, but here it is again:
Ok quitters, I wanted to give you all another heads up - I will NOT be on roll from Sunday, July 13 until Saturday, July 19. Here is why:

I will be somewhere in Honduras building polebarn houses and conducting mission work with local missionaries. I do apologize for dropping out like this, but I will have no way to communicate with anyone stateside or elsewhere. I will be a 5 hour bus ride, 2 hour 4x4 ride, and a 4-6 hour hike away from the airport. I do welcome texts/pms/voicemails - I just won't get them until I get back.

Here is my "wilderness quit plan"
  • The day I leave I'll post a "special" roll - basically it will be my promise for the entire trip and I will update via roll when I return. Whether you choose to post it each day or not is up to you, but I'll be +7 days quit when I get back either way. We leave at 0330 on saturday, so I'll post before we head to the airport. We are scheduled to get back late the following saturday.
  • One of the guys going on the trip is a former dipper who quit cold. We talk regularly, and he knows I am quit.
  • My brother is also going and knows I am quit; we have also talked extensively about my quit.
  • Ditto for my sister, though she will be with a separate group not hiking in the mountains
  • I'm going with my church group, who will all nail my feet to the fire and keep me accountable
  • Just for sake of throwing it in - I don't know Spanish. I also don't think there's gonna be the opportunity to buy dip in a place they can't even afford to keep the pigs out of the kitchen.
So, all that to say that I'll be off roll next week. I do ask for you prayers for my entire group, and I'll rejoin you on the quitters' roll.[/list]
I was a ninja dipper, but I will have a berserker quit - Here's some encouragement

NEVER Ring the Bell! Watch this. It will change your life.

When a crave hits watch this.

"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be Kind Always."

?Gentlemen, we are going to relentlessly chase perfection, knowing full well we will not catch it, because nothing is perfect. But we are going to relentlessly chase it, because in the process we will catch excellence. I am not remotely interested in just being good. ? ~ Vince Lombardi

"We all have our own demons that we face on a day to day basis. Some we can talk to others about. Some that we have to work through on our own. ...the nic bitch continues to knock on the doors my friends. Stay strong, stay vigilant." - Fireheeler; 6/11/14 in AUG14

Never cured, but quitting like this

What cost is too high?

Addict Life

Offline Bombero

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #29 on: June 01, 2014, 06:57:00 PM »
Quote from: Erussell
Hello quitters, I am Erussell and I am an august quitter as well. I am on day 395 today, proof this site works. I am looking for someone to hold me accountable and likewise I them. Let's call it an "accountability friendship".
Couple of conditions
Must post roll everyday
Must post with me and I with them every day.
Must text me for permission and I them before a cave.
Must be willing to pay it forward after HOF.
Must understand I am the type to show up at your house if you f me and your brothers over. Do not latch onto me unless your of your word and salt.
PM if your interested.
We recently had a couple young gents join the VFD where I'm LT. At 19ish, they've got tons of energy and enthusiasm, but about zero knowledge about how we fight fire, or the bajillion other things we have to know. One of the upcoming components of our training is teaching them what a PAR is, what to do when it is called, and what happens if something is wrong. If you are not from a FF background, you're probably wondering what this mysterious acrynom means - PAR is a personnel accountability report. When called, each person reports up the chain of command their status; at each step of that process, the officer/supervisor makes sure everyone is accounted for. Missing a PAR is a REALLY big deal.

On this rainy/stormy/super-humid Sunday afternoon, I was resting after eating some amazing peach cobbler (Yeah, I know I've been eating pretty much anything that didn't run off first, but hey, I joined a gym last week. All is well). I hopped on here, because that's what I do with a lot of my new, dip-free time, and found a running discussion about posting roll. Eureka.

Roll = PAR.

Sure, it's different, but look at it like this: Every morning a PAR is called when you wake up. In essence you are a) responding to your group's PAR, and b) stating your promise not to use. If you don't post roll, then it means one of 3 things. 1. You're down and in trouble. 2. You jumped off the wagon. 3. You are an idiot and "forgot" to post. 4. You are dead.

There is no acceptable reason to miss PAR...err, Roll. I'll let you slide if #4 applies, but your quit bros should, at the very least, know what is going on with your quit. I understand that there are still guys out there who may not have a cell/home internet/whathaveyou, or may have some extraordinarily rare circumstance - guess what though? You can plan around each of those issues, so there is just no reason to miss roll. A brother should NEVER fall through the cracks. Post Roll, honor roll, stay quit... or don't post roll and become the hunted. Pretty simple.

Anyway, philosopher moment over. Move along folks, nothing to see here

PS - might be wondering why the quote is up there. Simple - adding layers to the accountability net increases the ease of staying quit, for me at least. Also I might be planning to steal that list from Erussell after HOF to use on a newbie, and quoting it here makes it easier to find... 'ninja'
I was a ninja dipper, but I will have a berserker quit - Here's some encouragement

NEVER Ring the Bell! Watch this. It will change your life.

When a crave hits watch this.

"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be Kind Always."

?Gentlemen, we are going to relentlessly chase perfection, knowing full well we will not catch it, because nothing is perfect. But we are going to relentlessly chase it, because in the process we will catch excellence. I am not remotely interested in just being good. ? ~ Vince Lombardi

"We all have our own demons that we face on a day to day basis. Some we can talk to others about. Some that we have to work through on our own. ...the nic bitch continues to knock on the doors my friends. Stay strong, stay vigilant." - Fireheeler; 6/11/14 in AUG14

Never cured, but quitting like this

What cost is too high?

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Offline Erussell

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #28 on: May 31, 2014, 09:10:00 PM »
Quote from: humbledteacher
Quote from: Bombero
Well, made it through one of my trial terms and today I am in the lull before the next term. I've been poking around, reading and staying as active as I can on the site - it helps me keep the mind games pushed away, the stress manageable, and my quit well supplied and equipped against the addiction lies. While posting roll this morning, I remembered that my day count was screwy and wasn't lining up with the quit date on my profile.

I doubt anyone has noticed, but I am not hiding anything. Here are my "confessions" and report:

1. My quit date listed on my profile was inaccurate.
As initially listed, it said I quit on 4/24/14. I did not. That was my baby sister's bday, and I had not pulled the trigger yet. I stopped using around midday on 4/25/14, and that night I quit. I had driven up to visit my gf and do some research for an upcoming trial that morning, and had stopped using once she came by the library (yea, I was a secret dipper. She hated the stuff from day 1). That night she cooked some italian chicken thing and we celebrated her last day of classes with a bottle of wine. She goes to bed insanely early, so by 9 she was asleep. I stayed up, watched tv and drank some more to relax the week away. By now I'd been about 10-12 hours without a dip, and the urge hit me out of the blue. I wasn't about to drive anywhere, and there was nowhere within easy walking distance to get one. The longer I sat there the stronger the crave, and it really pissed me off. I had been lurking for a while, and I came back and started reading the quit info. I decided that I was tired of being consumed, tired of not being in control of my facilities, and after reading some of the stories, I felt ashamed that I had told my sister happy bday, I love you, ate some cake, and walked outside to sneak a dip. Half the reason I was sitting in the living room right then was because I started hanging back on my visit to get in that last dip. I was infuriated with myself. I hated that can, I hated the crave, I hated the anger (now ID as 'nic rage'), and I posted my intro. It wasn't a sober moment, but by god I've stuck to it. Even now I'm getting pissed off just thinking about how I felt then.

2. I have been clean everyday I have posted.
When I'm not lawyering or working odd jobs to pay for life and keep it all going, I volunteer with my local FD, where I'm a volly Lt. I usually stop by the station a couple times a week, as my office is about .2 mi from our station. (under AL law, we're volunteer, even though the chief and asst are paid and man the station 7-1400). Out of the 22 members, I am now one of 2 guys who doesn't use. Posting roll keeps this real for me, helps force my senses to full alert every day. Reading the stories, the intros, the relapses remind me that I'll never be cured, that it is a DAILY choice and quit, and has really lead me to feel bad for my enslaved brothers. I am clean, and I intend to stay this way even if I have to post roll until the day I die.

3. I have posted every day since my intro.
As trained, and because I wouldn't trust the (quit) addict I see in the mirror, here is the proof. You will have to look at the time stamp though, as I had some difficulties getting the date right and my day count may be off (see #1 for explanation of the confusion)

My quit began on April 25, 2014. I don't remember putting in a quit date, but I must have somehow screwed it up because the quit date initially appeared as 4/24 on my profile. Thus, my day count kept getting off, and today I figured out that that was the problem - I've corrected the profile date now. Here's my April postings to back it up: Apr 26 post (with date error); Apr 26 post (corrected); Sunday, April 27, 2014 Roll; Monday, April 28 2014 Roll posting; Tues. Apr. 29 Roll; Wed. Apr. 30 Roll. For May, you can verify by skimming if you want, but here's the the Spreadsheet.

I have been quit for 14 days as of today, May 8, 2014, as reported this morning.
4. You decided to take your quit accountability to another level by stepping up to help with the spreadsheet. Great decision and one that will help your quit. You are a leader of August 14 now...the question is, who else will step up from your group to help you?
5. This bad ass added another layer of accountability by agreeing to post roll with me everyday as well as in his own group. He has also agreed that he will contact me no matter what before he can cave. I quit with you!
I would rather lose to a cheater than win as a cheater.

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #27 on: May 30, 2014, 07:14:00 PM »
Good job hanging in there through that storm. Keep it up. You gotta do this!

While it may be a little out of the comfort zone to reach out other than for extreme emergencies, i'm convinced a full range of connections, from close to more distant, is a better way to build it out. Remember that part of what the addiction itself did was make you think nicotine or chew was your little friend-- it actually hijacks the "feels good to make friends" circuitry in the brain. F-ing evil weed! Build out that network for accountabily AND support. I went through a shitstorm or two in my earlier quit, and i think the network here got me through it in general, not just got me though without chewing.

Read this to learn more about the addiction.... Nicotine Addiction 101 and KTC Welcome Center
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline Raider

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #26 on: May 30, 2014, 06:57:00 PM »
Great reading your intro. Keep up the great work. You are killing it.

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #25 on: May 30, 2014, 03:22:00 PM »
Quote from: CBird65
Damn this boy can write... must be a lawyer thing
Wait until you get the bill from him for writing it 'winker' 'winker'