Author Topic: Quit Day 4/25/2014  (Read 6095 times)

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Offline Bombero

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #24 on: May 30, 2014, 02:25:00 PM »
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: Done4Me
Bomb - Good to see you made it to the other side without nic. Stay strong. I was cruising along pretty well until the last few days. Strongest craves I've had since the first week. You handled a lot of stuff this past week and are stronger because of it. Stay quit.
Damn this boy can write... must be a lawyer thing

You will find the initial crave/panic/jonesing of nicotine that comes right after we encounter a 'stressful situation' will shorten after every successful beat down. Keep documenting and leaving a trail and have no doubts I will be hunting for your ass
'ninja'.... might I suggest you lose that 'if' word out of your vocabulary
Good catch. I didn't see that before posting. "If" implies that the door is still open - it's not. There's no "try" or "if" here, only quit.
I was a ninja dipper, but I will have a berserker quit - Here's some encouragement

NEVER Ring the Bell! Watch this. It will change your life.

When a crave hits watch this.

"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be Kind Always."

?Gentlemen, we are going to relentlessly chase perfection, knowing full well we will not catch it, because nothing is perfect. But we are going to relentlessly chase it, because in the process we will catch excellence. I am not remotely interested in just being good. ? ~ Vince Lombardi

"We all have our own demons that we face on a day to day basis. Some we can talk to others about. Some that we have to work through on our own. ...the nic bitch continues to knock on the doors my friends. Stay strong, stay vigilant." - Fireheeler; 6/11/14 in AUG14

Never cured, but quitting like this

What cost is too high?

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #23 on: May 30, 2014, 07:42:00 AM »
Quote from: Done4Me
Bomb - Good to see you made it to the other side without nic. Stay strong. I was cruising along pretty well until the last few days. Strongest craves I've had since the first week. You handled a lot of stuff this past week and are stronger because of it. Stay quit.
Damn this boy can write... must be a lawyer thing

You will find the initial crave/panic/jonesing of nicotine that comes right after we encounter a 'stressful situation' will shorten after every successful beat down. Keep documenting and leaving a trail and have no doubts I will be hunting for your ass
'ninja'.... might I suggest you lose that 'if' word out of your vocabulary
Believe Me

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #22 on: May 30, 2014, 07:32:00 AM »
Bomb - Good to see you made it to the other side without nic. Stay strong. I was cruising along pretty well until the last few days. Strongest craves I've had since the first week. You handled a lot of stuff this past week and are stronger because of it. Stay quit.

Offline Bombero

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #21 on: May 30, 2014, 04:02:00 AM »
This post contains my musings about the last couple days and how very well KTC handles the mud life throws at quitters.

Holidays are relaxing, right? Not this one. No fewer than 4 mini-geddons since Saturday, and the confluence of all the stress and doing the most urgent things basically overwhelmed me. Yeah, I'm still quit. No contrary to common addict-belief, Nic wouldn't have helped at all - in fact, I would still be wound tight if the NB was still here. It is really sad that it took me this long to quit. I am thinking so much clearer and faster it amazes me. I have a lot more time than I did as a user. Heck, I've been telling myself that I could have been one of those top-of-the-class peeps had I quit sounds good in my head anyway.
From personal reflection, I tend to be fairly straightforward guy, tending more toward painfully short bluntness and away from filtered thoughts as my stress/fatigue increase. It's something I'm working on, but it still a problem. I also tend to be an outlet for people to offload stress - normally isn't a problem, I just go about my business and never notice. Keep that in mind as you read the background; Que sob story. Apparently moving is one of the top 3 most stressful things in life, and from my friends say, conducting home repairs/fixeruper/plumbing leaks are pretty bad too. Having a severely stressed spouse, problems at work - all these are on the top stressor list too. My Fiancee moved from big city to my little city. We're poor by american standards, but found a pretty solid little house for 300 a month. Well, at 300 a month I know that there's some stuff that we will need to handle - washer-dryer hookups, some fit-n-finish stuff, maybe change some lights, etc - nothing huge, absolutely nothign gave me pause. Granted, I grew up a tractor riding, blue collar tobacco using (idiot) farm boy who can fix a lot of stuff, so "no big deal, I'll get it fixed eventually" clashed with her more refined expectations. She's not from my background, to say the least. She would be stressed about the house not being clean and everything working like Southern Homes and Gardens thinks it should. (think fancy city girl marries country boy and you pretty much have the picture). Plus she is studying for the bar - I cannot think of any more stressful thing to do. You could not pay me enough to go through that again. Her family comes down and find problems that literally did not exist before they showed up. (If I EVER find murphy...). Naturally her parents have some misgivings (her bro is with me though - house is legit) and all that impress-the-inlaws stress builds. They leave, but now she's having major issues with the house and minor stress attacks because she's worrying herself to death over it (it really is a good house), the bar, money worries, being in a small town and only knowing my family, moving stress, all that jazz. I'm dealing with personnel and politic issues at the VFD, and preparing for a really busy trial term. And then funk hits.

I used to be a "really sweet guy" back in highschool. After some experiences rocked how I perceived my world, Innocent Bombero changed a lot, especially after becoming an addict, starting drinking, and all but leaving church for a long time. I changed; instead of being patient, now my fuse gets short and I can be quite the jerk. I was there last August after I finished the bar. Went to visit fiancee (then gf) the day after (bad mistake) up in DC - she had a sweet summer job and had almost a week left there, so instant vaca. Planned it all summer, but I got there and acted basically the opposite of how she envisioned it all summer. She HATES tobacco and can smell it from across the room, so I'd stopped using when I got off the plane, brushed my teeth, and continued along my way. By the time the 3 day trip was over I was in full-blown angry addict mode, and by the end of the week I had badly hurt her feelings. Took a long time to get past that. There is a lot of stuff like that that I'm pretty ashamed of, but that ultimately brought me back around. I'm back in church, have almost given up drinking all together, we are making big progress in our relationship, and I'm quit.

As we all know, nicotine changes you. As an addict I followed the typical pattern, but I hung out with some asshole addicts, and picked up a lot of their other bad habits. I ran away from the church, paid only lip service to God, and pretty much lived my life like everybody else. About a year ago I started coming around. Started sporadically going to church with some new friends, being more responsible, cleaning up my act, and failing to kick the NB. I found this site in February and lurked until April. I got mad one night that I was being controlled by some insidious thing, and I rage quit. I got through the first week of quit by avoiding everybody I could, or at least minimizing time around people. that's the introvert I guess. Made it through, hit a couple little bumps and skirmished wit hthe fog until almost 20 days. Hit an amazing clear patch, and I thought I'd broken through. Nope - NB only retreated to counter attack.

Boom, day 29. NB unleashed the archers. sent in the infantry on 30. By 32 the heavy knights routed my amazing quit back into the castle of WTF IS GOING ON... and then came the siege guns and battering rams. (Sorry. I was liberal arts and hung out with the history guys. At least it'd make a cool movie battle scene). By 35 I was beginning to crack. Nothing was going right - concentration was shot, I was a being a dick again, everything was gettign fouled up. Last night was bad - basically we were both at our breaking points and it spiraled from there. That is when I posted this:
Bombero -35- fighting the funk, trying to hold personal life together. FUCK NICOTINE AND ALL THE SHIT SHE DUMPED ON ME
Over the next 24ish hours, Aug14 and several other quitters PM, texted, and Rollcalled (yup. New word) me, even some who I haven't had much interaction with so far. I've plugged in, but I tried not to bother people with my problems until it is at the do-or-die stage, opting instead to keep the quit raucous and upbeat. I am the quitter who is far more likely to call and say something like "I can't make it through the next 5 minutes and I need backup now" than most other scenarios. Not to say that I don't take my quit seriously - it's dead serious - I'm just stubborn and fiercely independent like that I guess. So while it doesn't seem like much, those minor actions helped me make it through last night and today. I've added some more numbers to my list, yet another layer of accountability. My goal is that if I ever caved, that every last person on this site would hunt me down and rain fiery anger on my head. I know that the more accountability I have, the easier my quit will be, and hopefully the easier I can make somebody else's quit.

This novella written for you tonight so that you know 1. Last couple days were too much for me 2. the KTC system got me through it, 3. AUG14 and the "old guys" who encouraged me are awesome, and 4. way more than you ever wanted to know about me.

Stay Quit.

'tanks' NICOTINE 'biggun'
I was a ninja dipper, but I will have a berserker quit - Here's some encouragement

NEVER Ring the Bell! Watch this. It will change your life.

When a crave hits watch this.

"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be Kind Always."

?Gentlemen, we are going to relentlessly chase perfection, knowing full well we will not catch it, because nothing is perfect. But we are going to relentlessly chase it, because in the process we will catch excellence. I am not remotely interested in just being good. ? ~ Vince Lombardi

"We all have our own demons that we face on a day to day basis. Some we can talk to others about. Some that we have to work through on our own. ...the nic bitch continues to knock on the doors my friends. Stay strong, stay vigilant." - Fireheeler; 6/11/14 in AUG14

Never cured, but quitting like this

What cost is too high?

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Offline brettlees

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #20 on: May 19, 2014, 08:18:00 PM »
Quote from: Bombero
This is a combo rage/whine/something, so be warned.

Really, I shouldn't be on here, I should be working. Unfortunately, the state's websites apparently also quit working at 5, so I'm sitting here waiting on the stupid thing to load. Yeah, today sucked. A lot. Fiancee has been inordinately difficult and spiteful, work was (is) pegging the stress-o-meter and climbing. Oh BTW, the moving company wants about 3 times as much as I anticipated to move her to her new house. Lets not forget that a huge reason I'm up against these deadlines, stressed, and apparently 'don't understand' is because I dropped all non-essential stuff to get her new renter ready to move in before her parents came down for graduation. That was interesting as well, but I digress. Sad thing is that it is absolutely just a miscommunication blown way the eff out of proportion by stress of everything going on with both of us, and it's really not a big deal... just happened to be the tiny ember landing in the tinderbox. Which just happened to be beside the powderkeg. 'blowup' She's really pretty amazing, great family, smart, sexy as hell, girl of my dreams and all that - stress and uncertainity just aren't her strong suite. Of course, to compensate, I'm super sensitive, supportive, helpful and understanding right now, so this supercharged stress moving/graduation/bar exam period is a piece of cake. Sarcasm

Whoops. Stupid work site crashed again. GOtta fix that... 'bang head'

anyway, I haven't had strong craves for over a week now, but I have these awful nagging, gnawing craves that just eat away at me. Exercise and water help, but they are still there. The NicBitch has some f-ing annoying comeons, and I want to punch her in the dipper. Repeatedly. Today's events pushed all my buttons - ok, punched, repeatedly - and overcame my ability to absorb the BS. I really just wish I still lived down the road from the boxing gym, I could really use a heavy bag. or the time, I'd settle for the time right now.

I am certain of one thing though - had I not plugged into this site, gotten on some text lists, and basically drank the koolaide - I would have thrown away the last 25 days about 6-8 hours ago. So a shoutout to Aug14 for helping me stay quit, Nate and Stig for texting me early today before things really turned south, and for the other 6 quitters I was about to start calling (no guarantees you're off the hook though, I've still got several hours of work to do tonight).

There is something about Rollcall and having redundant accountability that just makes it easier - If I wasn't a believer in KTC before now, I'm sold now.

Anyway, sorry for smoking up the forum. I haven't made it back to ole happy yet, apparently still dealing with a raging nicbitch.

Stay quit guys.
- Bombero
25  counting
Nice post Bombero! It's amazing how the nicbitch has so many different approaches. Just keep getting through them one by one. Each crave conquered is a victory- one less successful attempt to trick you into using again. You win by smacking each one down in turn. It's that simple, and you're doing it well.

Keep smoking up the boards here it feeds others' fires and earns you respect and support!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline Bombero

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #19 on: May 19, 2014, 07:46:00 PM »
This is a combo rage/whine/something, so be warned.

Really, I shouldn't be on here, I should be working. Unfortunately, the state's websites apparently also quit working at 5, so I'm sitting here waiting on the stupid thing to load. Yeah, today sucked. A lot. Fiancee has been inordinately difficult and spiteful, work was (is) pegging the stress-o-meter and climbing. Oh BTW, the moving company wants about 3 times as much as I anticipated to move her to her new house. Lets not forget that a huge reason I'm up against these deadlines, stressed, and apparently 'don't understand' is because I dropped all non-essential stuff to get her new renter ready to move in before her parents came down for graduation. That was interesting as well, but I digress. Sad thing is that it is absolutely just a miscommunication blown way the eff out of proportion by stress of everything going on with both of us, and it's really not a big deal... just happened to be the tiny ember landing in the tinderbox. Which just happened to be beside the powderkeg. 'blowup' She's really pretty amazing, great family, smart, sexy as hell, girl of my dreams and all that - stress and uncertainity just aren't her strong suite. Of course, to compensate, I'm super sensitive, supportive, helpful and understanding right now, so this supercharged stress moving/graduation/bar exam period is a piece of cake. Sarcasm

Whoops. Stupid work site crashed again. GOtta fix that... 'bang head'

anyway, I haven't had strong craves for over a week now, but I have these awful nagging, gnawing craves that just eat away at me. Exercise and water help, but they are still there. The NicBitch has some f-ing annoying comeons, and I want to punch her in the dipper. Repeatedly. Today's events pushed all my buttons - ok, punched, repeatedly - and overcame my ability to absorb the BS. I really just wish I still lived down the road from the boxing gym, I could really use a heavy bag. or the time, I'd settle for the time right now.

I am certain of one thing though - had I not plugged into this site, gotten on some text lists, and basically drank the koolaide - I would have thrown away the last 25 days about 6-8 hours ago. So a shoutout to Aug14 for helping me stay quit, Nate and Stig for texting me early today before things really turned south, and for the other 6 quitters I was about to start calling (no guarantees you're off the hook though, I've still got several hours of work to do tonight).

There is something about Rollcall and having redundant accountability that just makes it easier - If I wasn't a believer in KTC before now, I'm sold now.

Anyway, sorry for smoking up the forum. I haven't made it back to ole happy yet, apparently still dealing with a raging nicbitch.

Stay quit guys.
- Bombero
25  counting
I was a ninja dipper, but I will have a berserker quit - Here's some encouragement

NEVER Ring the Bell! Watch this. It will change your life.

When a crave hits watch this.

"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be Kind Always."

?Gentlemen, we are going to relentlessly chase perfection, knowing full well we will not catch it, because nothing is perfect. But we are going to relentlessly chase it, because in the process we will catch excellence. I am not remotely interested in just being good. ? ~ Vince Lombardi

"We all have our own demons that we face on a day to day basis. Some we can talk to others about. Some that we have to work through on our own. ...the nic bitch continues to knock on the doors my friends. Stay strong, stay vigilant." - Fireheeler; 6/11/14 in AUG14

Never cured, but quitting like this

What cost is too high?

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Offline brettlees

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #18 on: May 16, 2014, 10:23:00 AM »
Quote from: Bronc
Quote from: Bombero
Well, I think I messed up today. No, no cave, secondhand smoke, or anything of the sort - not really even any notable craves today either.

Last night (wed) was a late night, paperwork and brief writing kept me up until late. I was exhausted and considered posting roll before heading to bed, but decided that I'd just wake up a couple mins early and post roll this morning (thurs). That decision is where I screwed up first - I shoulda just posted roll then, cuz I knew how hard it would be to get up in time to post this morning. Well, I woke up 30 minutes later than I had planned this morning, and very nearly did not make it to my first appointment for the day - as it was, I was 7 minutes late. Granted, in my line of work there is sometimes a little leeway, but not always. Luckily, today was a leeway day. From then until almost 6, I was absolutely wide open (which was awesome). One little problem - I had forgotten/neglected/failed to post roll. Well, I checked my phone and had 4 calls, 2 texts, and, found out later, 3 PMs on KTC wondering what happened and if I were still alive. So I did what I should have done hours earlier

I posted roll

I continued on with all the crap I had to do.

I messed up a couple ways. First, I lost my schedule. That's really more of a personal problem I suppose, but we expect to see certain people post in the same general lineup each day, and jacking up your schedule kinda screws with posting too. What I need to do is to build in check valves or spare time so that I'm not forced to screw my schedule just to get everything done - a big part of this is gonna be cutting some activities and just doing work, church, and maybe 1-2 others. Second, I didn't follow through on my duty to post early. Regardless of all the good, valid, and necessary reasons I have, you and I both know that I could have found 30-60 seconds to text a brother or grouptext the lot of them (which reminds me, I need to set that up). What I need to do is set up a deal so I can shoot sos texts out in a hurry, or find a number to call in very short order, be it for a bad crave, chatting, or something like today. Third, I haven't let them all know what happened - yet.

What I do know is that I've got some amazing quitters keeping my head in the game, and I need that. This is both a shortsighted goal and an incredibly longsighted goal at the same time; some days I have to focus on the next minute, others I have to calibrate and think about the tobacco freedom for the future.

What I also know, and what I didn't realize until reading the roll a while ago - today was highly stressful. Ranked on up there with some of my hardest finals weeks, but THIS TIME THE NICBITCH WAS NOT THERE. That was an amazing revelation to me - for 10+ years I have relied on her to get me through the stressful times, but today I handled all those proverbial hot irons without her "assistance" and it was awesome. I'm still pretty happy about that. I'm still using hooch for those mindless tasks like housework and grass cutting, but I'm seeing some good separation in the work side of it now, though it is still a long ways from being absent from my average day. ODAAT
Proud of you Bimbo! Keep rockin the quit and I'll catch you on chat again soon!
Excellent post Bombero- way to own the quit and learn deeply!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2014, 10:18:00 AM »
Quote from: Bombero
Well, I think I messed up today. No, no cave, secondhand smoke, or anything of the sort - not really even any notable craves today either.

Last night (wed) was a late night, paperwork and brief writing kept me up until late. I was exhausted and considered posting roll before heading to bed, but decided that I'd just wake up a couple mins early and post roll this morning (thurs). That decision is where I screwed up first - I shoulda just posted roll then, cuz I knew how hard it would be to get up in time to post this morning. Well, I woke up 30 minutes later than I had planned this morning, and very nearly did not make it to my first appointment for the day - as it was, I was 7 minutes late. Granted, in my line of work there is sometimes a little leeway, but not always. Luckily, today was a leeway day. From then until almost 6, I was absolutely wide open (which was awesome). One little problem - I had forgotten/neglected/failed to post roll. Well, I checked my phone and had 4 calls, 2 texts, and, found out later, 3 PMs on KTC wondering what happened and if I were still alive. So I did what I should have done hours earlier

I posted roll

I continued on with all the crap I had to do.

I messed up a couple ways. First, I lost my schedule. That's really more of a personal problem I suppose, but we expect to see certain people post in the same general lineup each day, and jacking up your schedule kinda screws with posting too. What I need to do is to build in check valves or spare time so that I'm not forced to screw my schedule just to get everything done - a big part of this is gonna be cutting some activities and just doing work, church, and maybe 1-2 others. Second, I didn't follow through on my duty to post early. Regardless of all the good, valid, and necessary reasons I have, you and I both know that I could have found 30-60 seconds to text a brother or grouptext the lot of them (which reminds me, I need to set that up). What I need to do is set up a deal so I can shoot sos texts out in a hurry, or find a number to call in very short order, be it for a bad crave, chatting, or something like today. Third, I haven't let them all know what happened - yet.

What I do know is that I've got some amazing quitters keeping my head in the game, and I need that. This is both a shortsighted goal and an incredibly longsighted goal at the same time; some days I have to focus on the next minute, others I have to calibrate and think about the tobacco freedom for the future.

What I also know, and what I didn't realize until reading the roll a while ago - today was highly stressful. Ranked on up there with some of my hardest finals weeks, but THIS TIME THE NICBITCH WAS NOT THERE. That was an amazing revelation to me - for 10+ years I have relied on her to get me through the stressful times, but today I handled all those proverbial hot irons without her "assistance" and it was awesome. I'm still pretty happy about that. I'm still using hooch for those mindless tasks like housework and grass cutting, but I'm seeing some good separation in the work side of it now, though it is still a long ways from being absent from my average day. ODAAT
Proud of you Bimbo! Keep rockin the quit and I'll catch you on chat again soon!

Offline Bombero

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2014, 03:08:00 AM »
Well, I think I messed up today. No, no cave, secondhand smoke, or anything of the sort - not really even any notable craves today either.

Last night (wed) was a late night, paperwork and brief writing kept me up until late. I was exhausted and considered posting roll before heading to bed, but decided that I'd just wake up a couple mins early and post roll this morning (thurs). That decision is where I screwed up first - I shoulda just posted roll then, cuz I knew how hard it would be to get up in time to post this morning. Well, I woke up 30 minutes later than I had planned this morning, and very nearly did not make it to my first appointment for the day - as it was, I was 7 minutes late. Granted, in my line of work there is sometimes a little leeway, but not always. Luckily, today was a leeway day. From then until almost 6, I was absolutely wide open (which was awesome). One little problem - I had forgotten/neglected/failed to post roll. Well, I checked my phone and had 4 calls, 2 texts, and, found out later, 3 PMs on KTC wondering what happened and if I were still alive. So I did what I should have done hours earlier

I posted roll

I continued on with all the crap I had to do.

I messed up a couple ways. First, I lost my schedule. That's really more of a personal problem I suppose, but we expect to see certain people post in the same general lineup each day, and jacking up your schedule kinda screws with posting too. What I need to do is to build in check valves or spare time so that I'm not forced to screw my schedule just to get everything done - a big part of this is gonna be cutting some activities and just doing work, church, and maybe 1-2 others. Second, I didn't follow through on my duty to post early. Regardless of all the good, valid, and necessary reasons I have, you and I both know that I could have found 30-60 seconds to text a brother or grouptext the lot of them (which reminds me, I need to set that up). What I need to do is set up a deal so I can shoot sos texts out in a hurry, or find a number to call in very short order, be it for a bad crave, chatting, or something like today. Third, I haven't let them all know what happened - yet.

What I do know is that I've got some amazing quitters keeping my head in the game, and I need that. This is both a shortsighted goal and an incredibly longsighted goal at the same time; some days I have to focus on the next minute, others I have to calibrate and think about the tobacco freedom for the future.

What I also know, and what I didn't realize until reading the roll a while ago - today was highly stressful. Ranked on up there with some of my hardest finals weeks, but THIS TIME THE NICBITCH WAS NOT THERE. That was an amazing revelation to me - for 10+ years I have relied on her to get me through the stressful times, but today I handled all those proverbial hot irons without her "assistance" and it was awesome. I'm still pretty happy about that. I'm still using hooch for those mindless tasks like housework and grass cutting, but I'm seeing some good separation in the work side of it now, though it is still a long ways from being absent from my average day. ODAAT
I was a ninja dipper, but I will have a berserker quit - Here's some encouragement

NEVER Ring the Bell! Watch this. It will change your life.

When a crave hits watch this.

"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be Kind Always."

?Gentlemen, we are going to relentlessly chase perfection, knowing full well we will not catch it, because nothing is perfect. But we are going to relentlessly chase it, because in the process we will catch excellence. I am not remotely interested in just being good. ? ~ Vince Lombardi

"We all have our own demons that we face on a day to day basis. Some we can talk to others about. Some that we have to work through on our own. ...the nic bitch continues to knock on the doors my friends. Stay strong, stay vigilant." - Fireheeler; 6/11/14 in AUG14

Never cured, but quitting like this

What cost is too high?

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2014, 10:45:00 PM »
Quote from: Bombero
Well, made it through one of my trial terms and today I am in the lull before the next term. I've been poking around, reading and staying as active as I can on the site - it helps me keep the mind games pushed away, the stress manageable, and my quit well supplied and equipped against the addiction lies. While posting roll this morning, I remembered that my day count was screwy and wasn't lining up with the quit date on my profile.

I doubt anyone has noticed, but I am not hiding anything. Here are my "confessions" and report:

1. My quit date listed on my profile was inaccurate.
As initially listed, it said I quit on 4/24/14. I did not. That was my baby sister's bday, and I had not pulled the trigger yet. I stopped using around midday on 4/25/14, and that night I quit. I had driven up to visit my gf and do some research for an upcoming trial that morning, and had stopped using once she came by the library (yea, I was a secret dipper. She hated the stuff from day 1). That night she cooked some italian chicken thing and we celebrated her last day of classes with a bottle of wine. She goes to bed insanely early, so by 9 she was asleep. I stayed up, watched tv and drank some more to relax the week away. By now I'd been about 10-12 hours without a dip, and the urge hit me out of the blue. I wasn't about to drive anywhere, and there was nowhere within easy walking distance to get one. The longer I sat there the stronger the crave, and it really pissed me off. I had been lurking for a while, and I came back and started reading the quit info. I decided that I was tired of being consumed, tired of not being in control of my facilities, and after reading some of the stories, I felt ashamed that I had told my sister happy bday, I love you, ate some cake, and walked outside to sneak a dip. Half the reason I was sitting in the living room right then was because I started hanging back on my visit to get in that last dip. I was infuriated with myself. I hated that can, I hated the crave, I hated the anger (now ID as 'nic rage'), and I posted my intro. It wasn't a sober moment, but by god I've stuck to it. Even now I'm getting pissed off just thinking about how I felt then.

2. I have been clean everyday I have posted.
When I'm not lawyering or working odd jobs to pay for life and keep it all going, I volunteer with my local FD, where I'm a volly Lt. I usually stop by the station a couple times a week, as my office is about .2 mi from our station. (under AL law, we're volunteer, even though the chief and asst are paid and man the station 7-1400). Out of the 22 members, I am now one of 2 guys who doesn't use. Posting roll keeps this real for me, helps force my senses to full alert every day. Reading the stories, the intros, the relapses remind me that I'll never be cured, that it is a DAILY choice and quit, and has really lead me to feel bad for my enslaved brothers. I am clean, and I intend to stay this way even if I have to post roll until the day I die.

3. I have posted every day since my intro.
As trained, and because I wouldn't trust the (quit) addict I see in the mirror, here is the proof. You will have to look at the time stamp though, as I had some difficulties getting the date right and my day count may be off (see #1 for explanation of the confusion)

My quit began on April 25, 2014. I don't remember putting in a quit date, but I must have somehow screwed it up because the quit date initially appeared as 4/24 on my profile. Thus, my day count kept getting off, and today I figured out that that was the problem - I've corrected the profile date now. Here's my April postings to back it up: Apr 26 post (with date error); Apr 26 post (corrected); Sunday, April 27, 2014 Roll; Monday, April 28 2014 Roll posting; Tues. Apr. 29 Roll; Wed. Apr. 30 Roll. For May, you can verify by skimming if you want, but here's the the Spreadsheet.

I have been quit for 14 days as of today, May 8, 2014, as reported this morning.
4. You decided to take your quit accountability to another level by stepping up to help with the spreadsheet. Great decision and one that will help your quit. You are a leader of August 14 now...the question is, who else will step up from your group to help you?
Quit Date: 11/23/13

Offline Bombero

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2014, 03:48:00 PM »
Well, made it through one of my trial terms and today I am in the lull before the next term. I've been poking around, reading and staying as active as I can on the site - it helps me keep the mind games pushed away, the stress manageable, and my quit well supplied and equipped against the addiction lies. While posting roll this morning, I remembered that my day count was screwy and wasn't lining up with the quit date on my profile.

I doubt anyone has noticed, but I am not hiding anything. Here are my "confessions" and report:

1. My quit date listed on my profile was inaccurate.
As initially listed, it said I quit on 4/24/14. I did not. That was my baby sister's bday, and I had not pulled the trigger yet. I stopped using around midday on 4/25/14, and that night I quit. I had driven up to visit my gf and do some research for an upcoming trial that morning, and had stopped using once she came by the library (yea, I was a secret dipper. She hated the stuff from day 1). That night she cooked some italian chicken thing and we celebrated her last day of classes with a bottle of wine. She goes to bed insanely early, so by 9 she was asleep. I stayed up, watched tv and drank some more to relax the week away. By now I'd been about 10-12 hours without a dip, and the urge hit me out of the blue. I wasn't about to drive anywhere, and there was nowhere within easy walking distance to get one. The longer I sat there the stronger the crave, and it really pissed me off. I had been lurking for a while, and I came back and started reading the quit info. I decided that I was tired of being consumed, tired of not being in control of my facilities, and after reading some of the stories, I felt ashamed that I had told my sister happy bday, I love you, ate some cake, and walked outside to sneak a dip. Half the reason I was sitting in the living room right then was because I started hanging back on my visit to get in that last dip. I was infuriated with myself. I hated that can, I hated the crave, I hated the anger (now ID as 'nic rage'), and I posted my intro. It wasn't a sober moment, but by god I've stuck to it. Even now I'm getting pissed off just thinking about how I felt then.

2. I have been clean everyday I have posted.
When I'm not lawyering or working odd jobs to pay for life and keep it all going, I volunteer with my local FD, where I'm a volly Lt. I usually stop by the station a couple times a week, as my office is about .2 mi from our station. (under AL law, we're volunteer, even though the chief and asst are paid and man the station 7-1400). Out of the 22 members, I am now one of 2 guys who doesn't use. Posting roll keeps this real for me, helps force my senses to full alert every day. Reading the stories, the intros, the relapses remind me that I'll never be cured, that it is a DAILY choice and quit, and has really lead me to feel bad for my enslaved brothers. I am clean, and I intend to stay this way even if I have to post roll until the day I die.

3. I have posted every day since my intro.
As trained, and because I wouldn't trust the (quit) addict I see in the mirror, here is the proof. You will have to look at the time stamp though, as I had some difficulties getting the date right and my day count may be off (see #1 for explanation of the confusion)

My quit began on April 25, 2014. I don't remember putting in a quit date, but I must have somehow screwed it up because the quit date initially appeared as 4/24 on my profile. Thus, my day count kept getting off, and today I figured out that that was the problem - I've corrected the profile date now. Here's my April postings to back it up: Apr 26 post (with date error); Apr 26 post (corrected); Sunday, April 27, 2014 Roll; Monday, April 28 2014 Roll posting; Tues. Apr. 29 Roll; Wed. Apr. 30 Roll. For May, you can verify by skimming if you want, but here's the the Spreadsheet.

I have been quit for 14 days as of today, May 8, 2014, as reported this morning.
I was a ninja dipper, but I will have a berserker quit - Here's some encouragement

NEVER Ring the Bell! Watch this. It will change your life.

When a crave hits watch this.

"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be Kind Always."

?Gentlemen, we are going to relentlessly chase perfection, knowing full well we will not catch it, because nothing is perfect. But we are going to relentlessly chase it, because in the process we will catch excellence. I am not remotely interested in just being good. ? ~ Vince Lombardi

"We all have our own demons that we face on a day to day basis. Some we can talk to others about. Some that we have to work through on our own. ...the nic bitch continues to knock on the doors my friends. Stay strong, stay vigilant." - Fireheeler; 6/11/14 in AUG14

Never cured, but quitting like this

What cost is too high?

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Offline Derk40

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2014, 11:57:00 AM »
Quote from: Bombero
So I was reading through different threads when I saw one of the 'how much I spent on cat turds' figures, and decided I'd find that calculator. Found it, ran my numbers. Been quit a fortnight, dipped 1.5+ cans @ apprx $3.60 - $75. Hey, I saved $75! 'oh yeah' 'winker'

'Course, I fancy myself a thinker, so it wasn't long until I started wondering 'Self, how much you figure your stupid self spent on it?' Well, Had to figure out how long first - I started sporadic chew 13-14, smoked a little, dipped, smoked for a year, then full dip... - call it 10 years for straight dip alone, and I didn't start the 1.5-2 can until law school, so figure 1 can at $4 cuz cope was expensive....
'archer' :o 'flush' ... In round figures, $14,000 (additionally, don't forget the smokes and chew, or the NRT I tried for 6 mos).

Now, I realize that doesn't sound like much, especially since I've seen some figures on here that woulda paid my entire college bill, bought a NICE car, or been a down payment on a house - but I LIVED off of about 12k for over 4 years! My truck didn't cost that when I got it, nor did the car! I am appalled that I spent that much money, that I spent ANY money on tobacco. I would love to have that 14k to jump start my practice now, to make my wedding a little better, maybe do something really nice for the honeymoon, buy some turnouts for my department - hell, I could hand out hundreds to homeless people and be better off.

Sorry for the extensive rambling over what probably seems like an unremarkable sum for the site, it just really bothered me and I knew you guys would understand (and not bash me over the head with it like the family might).
14 Large sounds like a lot to me.

You made a great decision to quit. Do not look back today.
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2014, 11:27:00 AM »
Ramble on, Rage on all good just continue to quit on!

Offline Mogul

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2014, 11:10:00 AM »
You talk all you want, it's your intro. Just keep quitting, and keep typing.

Offline Bombero

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Re: Quit Day 4/25/2014
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2014, 01:00:00 AM »
So I was reading through different threads when I saw one of the 'how much I spent on cat turds' figures, and decided I'd find that calculator. Found it, ran my numbers. Been quit a fortnight, dipped 1.5+ cans @ apprx $3.60 - $75. Hey, I saved $75! 'oh yeah' 'winker'

'Course, I fancy myself a thinker, so it wasn't long until I started wondering 'Self, how much you figure your stupid self spent on it?' Well, Had to figure out how long first - I started sporadic chew 13-14, smoked a little, dipped, smoked for a year, then full dip... - call it 10 years for straight dip alone, and I didn't start the 1.5-2 can until law school, so figure 1 can at $4 cuz cope was expensive....
'archer' :o 'flush' ... In round figures, $14,000 (additionally, don't forget the smokes and chew, or the NRT I tried for 6 mos).

Now, I realize that doesn't sound like much, especially since I've seen some figures on here that woulda paid my entire college bill, bought a NICE car, or been a down payment on a house - but I LIVED off of about 12k for over 4 years! My truck didn't cost that when I got it, nor did the car! I am appalled that I spent that much money, that I spent ANY money on tobacco. I would love to have that 14k to jump start my practice now, to make my wedding a little better, maybe do something really nice for the honeymoon, buy some turnouts for my department - hell, I could hand out hundreds to homeless people and be better off.

Sorry for the extensive rambling over what probably seems like an unremarkable sum for the site, it just really bothered me and I knew you guys would understand (and not bash me over the head with it like the family might).
I was a ninja dipper, but I will have a berserker quit - Here's some encouragement

NEVER Ring the Bell! Watch this. It will change your life.

When a crave hits watch this.

"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be Kind Always."

?Gentlemen, we are going to relentlessly chase perfection, knowing full well we will not catch it, because nothing is perfect. But we are going to relentlessly chase it, because in the process we will catch excellence. I am not remotely interested in just being good. ? ~ Vince Lombardi

"We all have our own demons that we face on a day to day basis. Some we can talk to others about. Some that we have to work through on our own. ...the nic bitch continues to knock on the doors my friends. Stay strong, stay vigilant." - Fireheeler; 6/11/14 in AUG14

Never cured, but quitting like this

What cost is too high?

Addict Life