Ok, I think I figured out how to post roll. Still figuring out how all this works, here's my intro. I was a 3rd generation Nic slave, but no more. I started when I was 17, and convinced myself throughout college and law school that I needed it, life was just too stressful to quit...maybe after exams. I realize that I have been a slave for 10 years, that my health has been affected, and that I've spent thousands on something slowly killing me. This is my second attempt, the first I made it 38 days using lozenges. This time I've dropped it altogether, and I alternate from feeling great to just trying to make it through the minute. I stopped smoking after joining the vol. fire department, reasoning that it was stupid to wear the SCBA to keep out the chemicals if I was just choosing to inhale the same thing, and switched exclusively to dip - grizzly green - straight - snuff. I guess now I've finally faced the reality that I just traded one death for another, and I have to quit. I have too much to live for, too many people I love, too much invested not to quit. This past Sunday I talked with a guy who quit after 18 years, and that conversation really helped motivate me to man up and quit. Here's to the quitters, whom I will soon join.