Author Topic: Just quit yesterday.  (Read 4155 times)

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Re: Just quit yesterday.
« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2012, 07:39:00 AM »
Quote from: Souliman
Any balls in here?
Just mine, but they are already quit.
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Re: Just quit yesterday.
« Reply #22 on: February 15, 2012, 07:33:00 AM »
Any balls in here?

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Re: Just quit yesterday.
« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2012, 11:08:00 PM »
Quote from: CoachDoc
Quote from: tarpon17
well its fucking 12:15 central and you still haven't posted a day 1 yet.  How serious are you buttercup?

I hope you don't get griped out by your boss.  I hope someone doesn't give you the finger on the road.  I hope your dog doesn't shit on your duvet (ghey I know). 

I don't think you are serious at all.  Why don't you move along little cowboy.
"I'll be back on the quit board soon..." just as soon as I finish this can I HAD to go buy last night...

I mean, nobody would expect him to waste a perfectly good can, now would they? I mean, it wasn't like he still had a can laying around, is it? mean maybe he never really flushed his stuff and truly quit??? Get the hell outta here! I can't believe that!!!! _
What Doc said.
You may be cool, but you're a tool compared to these guys.

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Re: Just quit yesterday.
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2012, 01:51:00 PM »
Quote from: tarpon17
well its fucking 12:15 central and you still haven't posted a day 1 yet.  How serious are you buttercup?

I hope you don't get griped out by your boss.  I hope someone doesn't give you the finger on the road.  I hope your dog doesn't shit on your duvet (ghey I know). 

I don't think you are serious at all.  Why don't you move along little cowboy.
"I'll be back on the quit board soon..." just as soon as I finish this can I HAD to go buy last night...

I mean, nobody would expect him to waste a perfectly good can, now would they? I mean, it wasn't like he still had a can laying around, is it? mean maybe he never really flushed his stuff and truly quit??? Get the hell outta here! I can't believe that!!!! _
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Re: Just quit yesterday.
« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2012, 01:19:00 PM »
well its fucking 12:15 central and you still haven't posted a day 1 yet. How serious are you buttercup?

I hope you don't get griped out by your boss. I hope someone doesn't give you the finger on the road. I hope your dog doesn't shit on your duvet (ghey I know).

I don't think you are serious at all. Why don't you move along little cowboy.

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Re: Just quit yesterday.
« Reply #18 on: February 14, 2012, 11:53:00 AM »
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: CoachDoc
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: Rduff25
I caved after 3 days got into it with my girlfriend and grabbed a can
While there is no justifiable reason to cave, I could at least see somebody with a major tragedy posting this...death to parent/child/spouse.
Gator, I love ya bro, and I am glad you started with "no justifiable reason, " but I have to say that we have seen brothers go through the loss of loved ones, divorces, MAJOR REAL ISSUES....and maybe it's just MAGIC, but many of them NEVER CAVE. I refuse to accept ANY EXCUSE as a reason to cave. When it comes down to it, the ONLY thing to be said as to WHY someone caves is:


THAT is the only reason for a cave. Period. And all that says to me is, you are lying to yourself and everyone else to pretend to be on here to "quit."
Doc, I totally agree, and I guess I was looking at it more from the outside perspective. No justification to ever cave. Period. But the lame 'I argued with my girlfriend' treats me, as the outsider, as more of a jackass than the person claiming a real tragedy. Guy says my dad died, I caved, I shouldn't have...I'm much more inclined to at least reach out with the phone number and some help...after I lay into him a little...than this needlepuss.
Agreed... I'm sure I'd be a little more able to receive that...but then again, I'm just a prick...
Blah...Blah...Blah...You keep TALKIN....I'll keep QUITTIN

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Re: Just quit yesterday.
« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2012, 11:51:00 AM »
Quote from: CoachDoc
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: Rduff25
I caved after 3 days got into it with my girlfriend and grabbed a can
While there is no justifiable reason to cave, I could at least see somebody with a major tragedy posting this...death to parent/child/spouse.
Gator, I love ya bro, and I am glad you started with "no justifiable reason, " but I have to say that we have seen brothers go through the loss of loved ones, divorces, MAJOR REAL ISSUES....and maybe it's just MAGIC, but many of them NEVER CAVE. I refuse to accept ANY EXCUSE as a reason to cave. When it comes down to it, the ONLY thing to be said as to WHY someone caves is:


THAT is the only reason for a cave. Period. And all that says to me is, you are lying to yourself and everyone else to pretend to be on here to "quit."
Doc, I totally agree, and I guess I was looking at it more from the outside perspective. No justification to ever cave. Period. But the lame 'I argued with my girlfriend' treats me, as the outsider, as more of a jackass than the person claiming a real tragedy. Guy says my dad died, I caved, I shouldn't have...I'm much more inclined to at least reach out with the phone number and some help...after I lay into him a little...than this needlepuss.
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Re: Just quit yesterday.
« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2012, 11:40:00 AM »
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: Rduff25
I caved after 3 days got into it with my girlfriend and grabbed a can
While there is no justifiable reason to cave, I could at least see somebody with a major tragedy posting this...death to parent/child/spouse.
Gator, I love ya bro, and I am glad you started with "no justifiable reason, " but I have to say that we have seen brothers go through the loss of loved ones, divorces, MAJOR REAL ISSUES....and maybe it's just MAGIC, but many of them NEVER CAVE. I refuse to accept ANY EXCUSE as a reason to cave. When it comes down to it, the ONLY thing to be said as to WHY someone caves is:


THAT is the only reason for a cave. Period. And all that says to me is, you are lying to yourself and everyone else to pretend to be on here to "quit."
Blah...Blah...Blah...You keep TALKIN....I'll keep QUITTIN

I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to support YOUR quit.

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Offline DW3

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Re: Just quit yesterday.
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2012, 11:10:00 AM »
Dude, if your quitting dip cuz you don't want bad breath, or it cost too much, your missing the boat. Its because dip can kill you. Dip can leave you maimed with half your face cut off. Dip has robbed you of your dignity and your will. Your cave and your post are proof of that. When you decide your life and integrity are more important than nicotine, get back in the game.
Grit and Quit ~ Timpy
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Offline tarpon17

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Re: Just quit yesterday.
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2012, 10:10:00 AM »
Good lord. I cannot even think about a good response to this weak sauce. Duff, you need to reevaluate your shit. There's a billion triggers and a billion "stresses" that are going to make you want to fingerbang. YOU make the decision to do it or stay quit. If you're not ready, thats ok, just come back when you have some hair on your nuts and are ready to go all in.


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Re: Just quit yesterday.
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2012, 09:48:00 AM »
Quote from: Rduff25
I caved after 3 days got into it with my girlfriend and grabbed a can. But fuck that it's on me. My may quitters I'll be back with NO dip. Fuck that garbage i gotta be stronger than that. I know my will power is better. I'll be back on the quit board soon vets get keep at me I need it 'bang head'
And WTF??? You state on here...vets, stay on me I need it. Guess what, gang? It's 9:43 am EST as I type. Wanna know the last activity of rduff? When he posted this. No point staying on him if he doesn't care enough to read it.

Use this for what it is...allow yourself the means and the motive to cave, you'll do it everytime. Don't hang onto that can...why we tell everyone to flush all the dip you got. And don't use some pussy excuse like 'got into a fight with my girlfriend.' While there is no justifiable reason to cave, I could at least see somebody with a major tragedy posting this...death to parent/child/spouse. But, oh I fought with my pathetic. I'd rather this guy not insult my intelligence and just say he didn't want it bad enough so he chose to dip. Nobody on this board is a moron. The fight with the girlfriend doesn't cut it.

EDIT: You probably don't even have a girlfriend, cupcake. Not sure how you fingerbang the can with a limp wrist.

Now gator got hisself talked into a tizzy.
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Re: Just quit yesterday.
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2012, 09:31:00 AM »
Quote from: Rduff25
I caved after 3 days got into it with my girlfriend and grabbed a can. But fuck that it's on me. My may quitters I'll be back with NO dip. Fuck that garbage i gotta be stronger than that. I know my will power is better. I'll be back on the quit board soon vets get keep at me I need it 'bang head'
When you say "grabbed a can" was it laying around the house, in the car, or hidden somewhere. If you had to actually go out and buy one what was you thought process while going to the store. I got in a fight with my wife last night. If it was 2 weeks ago I'd walked to the garage, slammed a beer and put in a big fat chew just to make sure she'd see it. Last night, I walked away after some yelling, grabbed some Smokey Mountain  a Diet Coke, went to my room, texted a brother, posted / read things on KTC. Temptation went away. Commit to the proccess and don't have a can around for when the times get tough.
Commit to the Quit.....Not to the shit!!!!

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Re: Just quit yesterday.
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2012, 09:19:00 AM »
This is really lame! What does the girlfriend have to do with it? Did she come with a can tucked in her pants? "Quitting soon;" yeah, we've heard that before . . . .

Read This: index.php?showtopic=5923

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Re: Just quit yesterday.
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2012, 08:39:00 AM »
Quote from: Rduff25
I caved after 3 days got into it with my girlfriend and grabbed a can. But fuck that it's on me. My may quitters I'll be back with NO dip. Fuck that garbage i gotta be stronger than that. I know my will power is better. I'll be back on the quit board soon vets get keep at me I need it 'bang head'
it's on me
keep at me I need it
I'll be back with NO dip
I'll be back on the quit board soon



Blah...Blah...Blah...You keep TALKIN....I'll keep QUITTIN

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Offline Sleestak

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Re: Just quit yesterday.
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2012, 07:52:00 AM »
Don't finish the can you bought. I hope you didn't keep a can around? Make damn sure you clean out everything. Cars, lockers, bags, house, etc, then get on May and post a new Day one when you don't have a dip in.

The first 3 days suck no doubt, but dude you have to want it bad because there will be plenty of other days that are gonna be hellish as well. You do not buy a can. You do not keep a can around. Not even dust...I would snort that shit on a bad day. Clean it up and get back with your group.