Author Topic: The Liar  (Read 4905 times)

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Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: The Liar
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2013, 03:12:00 AM »
Quote from: Luby
C'mon guys, its scary! What if he gets stressed out he'll need a dip. In a couple days its gonna be the perfect fucking day! Angels will sing, unicorns will shit gold and we will all never think about dip again. Just gotta give it a few days and the magic will happen. Right now it is just too hard. When that magic day comes, perfect!

Besides the fact that Sarcasm is hard to write well. the other thing I can tell you is TODAY is the magic day. We all posted roll today and kept our word and that shit is magical. I kept my word today and I cherish my freedom so today was truly great. Today can be a great day Foundry trust me.
Unicorns Shit Gold? Oh I'm rolling. Never heard that before. Classic!

Luby and diesel. You guys rock! 'crackup'
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Offline Diesel2112

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Re: The Liar
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2013, 11:26:00 PM »
Grow some balls bro, what the fuck. You pour your heart out about this, that and the other then say you'll quit in a few days? Why? What the hell are you waiting for? Not like your other quit attempts worked so well.

I just don't get it.

Talk is cheap and right now you're a fucking bankrupt.
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
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20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline luby

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Re: The Liar
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2013, 07:56:00 PM »
C'mon guys, its scary! What if he gets stressed out he'll need a dip. In a couple days its gonna be the perfect fucking day! Angels will sing, unicorns will shit gold and we will all never think about dip again. Just gotta give it a few days and the magic will happen. Right now it is just too hard. When that magic day comes, perfect!

Besides the fact that Sarcasm is hard to write well. the other thing I can tell you is TODAY is the magic day. We all posted roll today and kept our word and that shit is magical. I kept my word today and I cherish my freedom so today was truly great. Today can be a great day Foundry trust me.

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: The Liar
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2013, 03:54:00 PM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: cdaniels
I one million times agree with everyone!!! quit that shit now. you said you are a liar. well sir its not your girl your lying to its yourself. if you detest liars then make the CHOICE to not be one. Spit that shit out and dump it. If you dont it sure as hell will spit you out and dump you right into a grave. then you wont have to worry about lying to anybody. read the stories of the people that are here,hell read my intro and words of wisdom. I know that if I can do it you can we all here have your back. its that damn simple.
1.spit/dump roll with your promise to quit today
3. return tomorrow and post another promise...etc
Your intro says it all! Until you man up and quit you will always be a liar!

I made an additional promise today to go on offense with nicotine and support a new quitter.

I loved your intro but I fear it is all show and no go.

Please tell me, Please tell me that my effort to support wasn't wasted.

You didn't write that to feel better about your "desire" to quit but you just can stop kneeling and putting tobacco in your mouth. Right?

BTW - Nicotine isn't a mistress giving you head. You are the giver and nicotine's mistress. You are a slave. You are under nicotine's spell.

When you get sores in your lip and gums and finally go to the dentist to get a biopsy, remember this day. The day you showed up but were too much of a slave to the can to grow up.

Post a day one and begin your journey out of hell. Flush it and post roll and fight with us. You stay quit for 100 days, I promise you that you will not regret it. You will be free from this dirty whore that isn't worth the loyalty you give. The loyalty of your character and honor.

I believe that you are honorable and a man of you word. (Only when you are quit) As long as you dip, you will lie. Break the chains.

Seriously Whats the point of humping tobacco? Why keep it up? There is nothing that tobacco gives you. The only answer. The true answer is that you chew tobacco because you are an addict.

I am the biggest pussy around. I wanted to gear up and say, I quit on Monday. (giving me the weekend to go on a nic binge before finally doing it) I didn't think I was ready. The peer pressure got me. I spit out my dip and flushed it. I haven't caved since. 344 wins 0 losses.

Here is the big secret that I will revel. After that, I am done with you until you act...
Your last can that your are going to suck as much juice out of. The 17 bj's you need to give to nicotine before you quit. You are doing this because an addicted brain can't think in terms of forever. Hell tomorrow is too far away. Yes this program tells you to quit for good but we trick the addicted mind by only quitting for today.

Here is the deal, can you spit it out post roll and quit today? I know anyone can go a day right? Then JUST DO IT Now. Don't sweat how hard it will be to quit tomorrow. Just get through today. You never post roll tomorrow. You only post when it is today. Will you post your promise and stay quit today? Can you do that?

I can do it. So can you. I think you posted your confession with a dip in your mouth and a humble knowledge that you don't want to hump tobacco anymore. 'rem'
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Offline Wt57

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Re: The Liar
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2013, 02:54:00 PM »
Quote from: cdaniels
I one million times agree with everyone!!! quit that shit now. you said you are a liar. well sir its not your girl your lying to its yourself. if you detest liars then make the CHOICE to not be one. Spit that shit out and dump it. If you dont it sure as hell will spit you out and dump you right into a grave. then you wont have to worry about lying to anybody. read the stories of the people that are here,hell read my intro and words of wisdom. I know that if I can do it you can we all here have your back. its that damn simple.
1.spit/dump roll with your promice to quit today
3. return tomorrow and post another promise...etc
Your intro says it all! Until you man up and quit you will always be a liar!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline cdaniels

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Re: The Liar
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2013, 02:29:00 PM »
I one million times agree with everyone!!! quit that shit now. you said you are a liar. well sir its not your girl your lying to its yourself. if you detest liars then make the CHOICE to not be one. Spit that shit out and dump it. If you dont it sure as hell will spit you out and dump you right into a grave. then you wont have to worry about lying to anybody. read the stories of the people that are here,hell read my intro and words of wisdom. I know that if I can do it you can we all here have your back. its that damn simple.
1.spit/dump roll with your promice to quit today
3. return tomorrow and post another promise...etc
Quit date 11-20-12
Never again for any reason. I quit for today. Today I live.

Offline loot

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Re: The Liar
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2013, 02:14:00 PM »
Quote from: wastepanel
You're back again.

I see you, and I knew you would be.

I saw the want in your words (as did many others in such a short period of time).

Do it.

We'll have your back.
Peer pressure.

Do it.

Do it or you are not kewl.

Offline wastepanel

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Re: The Liar
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2013, 01:58:00 PM »
You're back again.

I see you, and I knew you would be.

I saw the want in your words (as did many others in such a short period of time).

Do it.

We'll have your back.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: The Liar
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2013, 01:40:00 PM »
Quote from: Foundry99
I am, generally speaking, a very honest man. I don't cheat or steal, and until recently i didn't lie. Like most people I detest lying, and liars, and my addiction has turned me into what I hate. I am horrifically addicted to a poison branded Grizzly wintergreen, and I am ready to leave it behind once and for all. I am new here, so I guess I will begin with a little background. I am a relatively recent chew addict, I have only been doing it around two years, but have been a nicotine slave for 15. I started smoking in high school, quickly developing a two pack a day habit. After twelve long years and thousands of dollars I made the choice to quit smoking. I quit cold turkey, it was tough, and i prevailed. For a little over a year I didnt smoke once, not even a puff. My confidence was soaring and I felt like I could accomplish anything, until one night at work. I was having an exceptionally bad night at the plant. My boss was riding my ass, putting a lot of pressure to finish a project in half the time it would normally take. I was stressed to the max, and I broke. I knew one of my coworkers kept cigarettes in his truck, and in a moment of weakness I asked if I could go have one to relax. Of course he obliged. Over the next week i was smoking on my breaks at work, and as addictions go I started buying packs and was smoking two packs a day again. I am a runner, something I picked up when I quit smoking originally, and I found after a month my running had gone to shit. I was relaying this to a friend who told me that I should use chew to stop smoking. "Chew to break the habit of lighting cigs etc, then phase the chew out", was the sage advice bestowed on me. I figured what the hell, chewing tobacco is disgusting and theres no way i would adopt it as a habit. I was sure I would do it for a week or two and be so grossed out id stop doing it quickly. As you all know, I couldnt have been more wrong. Fact is the first little dip of Copenhagen I tried quickly morphed into a 1+ can of Grizzly a day habit. I find myself almost constantly chewing. And the strange thing is I truly feel like I am more addicted to it than I ever was to smoking. The urge to chew is so strong I cant find words to describe it. Since I started I've met a really amazing woman, and like all women she hates the fact I chew. When we first met I told her I was going to quit when the time was right etc. After six months of dating I told her it was over, that im quitting. That lasted less than a day. Once i got to work it was game over. I cant run my machines with an empty lip. I quickly told her that I started again, and would make another effort down the road. Fast forward a few months, i really felt like it was time to give it another go. I rid my home and truck of all thing tobacco related and decided to do the damn thing, for real. That was two months ago, and I lasted for three days before caving. This time I didn't have the heart to admit to her that id failed again. So for two months I have been lying through my tobacco stained teeth. I keep mouthwash in my truck, so hopefully she wont smell the chew on my breath. I have to keep a running list of ways to cover my tracks. Did I remember to check my teeth for flecks of Grizzly? Did I remember to wipe the brown residue from my bottom lip? It's exhausting. I wish I could just take a magic pill and forget I ever tried the stuff. Wish in one hand and shit in the other, see which one gets filled first..... I don't want to quit for her, I want to quit for me. I wanted to quit before I met her. That being said I can deal with my failures to quit by myself, but I can no longer tolerate lying to someone I love on a daily basis. Im starting a new quit in a few days. I hope that the wisdom and support here will help me through the hard times. Thanks for reading my rambling diatribe. It did feel great to vent, and be open about my addiction, even if it was on a message board under an assumed name. good luck to all who read this post.

Great confessional and you are quitting for the right reason. Only you can will the quit. You can't quit for your girl, health, family, work or God for that matter. It must start with your desire to be done.

One thought, you lumped losing as a failure. Losing and winning are stepping stones to success. Failure is when you surrender.

You had some good runs and desire, your tool box just missed some tools you need to quit for good. So those stepping stones brought you here.

I like your story because nicotine addicts have similar stories and all of us here just get it.

So now starts the beginning. Follow what the vets tell you with exactness. Make your first promise to quit nicotine today and then your next vow should be to post roll every day. No matter what the road blocks are, get on roll immediately when you wake. Get numbers you can contact and have someone post for you if you aren't online but find anyway and overcome any roadblock to post up. Since you are not a liar and are a man of your word, that roll will protect and strengthen you in weak times.

Just follow the plan with exactness. Then one day when you post roll and put up a record of 344 days quit, 0 caves....You might read a post that reminds you of well, you and encourage that quitter too.

You are on a fun journey but it is a war. Get ready for the suck and embrace it.
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Re: The Liar
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2013, 01:30:00 PM »
QUIT!! Right now. Right this very minute. If you have come back to read this, then your mind is in the right place. Seize that opportunity to catch the addiction by surprise. Get up from that keyboard, round up every can you have within walking distance (vehicles, too), go dump it in the nearest toilet, flip nicotine the finger, and then flush it. Don't put it in the trash can, or dump it in the yard. That shit is recoverable. We all know that you'll be digging and scraping that shit up before supper time. Then you'll be lying about why you've scattered trash all over the place. Probably something like losing a receipt or maybe a pen. Yeah, I've been there. I live 10 miles from the nearest store, so I speak from experience. I'm not proud of that fact.

Besides, if you plan to quit later, your brain plans for that. Your anxiety will increase. That means your nicotine intake will increase. For the 24 hours before your planned quit, you'll be at an all-time high level of nicotine in your system. You might as well start a damn IV. What does all this mean? If it's even possible, your withdrawals are gonna be even more severe than if you quit right now. Planned quits fail.

All of the above comes from first-hand failures in my past. Don't make excuses here, because they will not fly. You cannot bullshit a room full of bullshitters. We are serious about two things: quitting and helping others quit.

Glad you are here. Now I'd like to see you take effective action. Reach out if you need anything. THere is much support here.

Offline jhaenel23

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Re: The Liar
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2013, 01:24:00 PM »
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Foundry99
I am, generally speaking, a very honest man. I don't cheat or steal, and until recently i didn't lie. Like most people I detest lying, and liars, and my addiction has turned me into what I hate. I am horrifically addicted to a poison branded Grizzly wintergreen, and I am ready to leave it behind once and for all. I am new here, so I guess I will begin with a little background. I am a relatively recent chew addict, I have only been doing it around two years, but have been a nicotine slave for 15. I started smoking in high school, quickly developing a two pack a day habit. After twelve long years and thousands of dollars I made the choice to quit smoking. I quit cold turkey, it was tough, and i prevailed. For a little over a year I didnt smoke once, not even a puff. My confidence was soaring and I felt like I could accomplish anything, until one night at work. I was having an exceptionally bad night at the plant. My boss was riding my ass, putting a lot of pressure to finish a project in half the time it would normally take. I was stressed to the max, and I broke. I knew one of my coworkers kept cigarettes in his truck, and in a moment of weakness I asked if I could go have one to relax. Of course he obliged. Over the next week i was smoking on my breaks at work, and as addictions go I started buying packs and was smoking two packs a day again. I am a runner, something I picked up when I quit smoking originally, and I found after a month my running had gone to shit. I was relaying this to a friend who told me that I should use chew to stop smoking. "Chew to break the habit of lighting cigs etc, then phase the chew out", was the sage advice bestowed on me. I figured what the hell, chewing tobacco is disgusting and theres no way i would adopt it as a habit. I was sure I would do it for a week or two and be so grossed out id stop doing it quickly. As you all know, I couldnt have been more wrong. Fact is the first little dip of Copenhagen I tried quickly morphed into a 1+ can of Grizzly a day habit. I find myself almost constantly chewing. And the strange thing is I truly feel like I am more addicted to it than I ever was to smoking. The urge to chew is so strong I cant find words to describe it. Since I started I've met a really amazing woman, and like all women she hates the fact I chew. When we first met I told her I was going to quit when the time was right etc. After six months of dating I told her it was over, that im quitting. That lasted less than a day. Once i got to work it was game over. I cant run my machines with an empty lip. I quickly told her that I started again, and would make another effort down the road. Fast forward a few months, i really felt like it was time to give it another go. I rid my home and truck of all thing tobacco related and decided to do the damn thing, for real. That was two months ago, and I lasted for three days before caving. This time I didn't have the heart to admit to her that id failed again. So for two months I have been lying through my tobacco stained teeth. I keep mouthwash in my truck, so hopefully she wont smell the chew on my breath. I have to keep a running list of ways to cover my tracks. Did I remember to check my teeth for flecks of Grizzly? Did I remember to wipe the brown residue from my bottom lip? It's exhausting. I wish I could just take a magic pill and forget I ever tried the stuff. Wish in one hand and shit in the other, see which one gets filled first..... I don't want to quit for her, I want to quit for me. I wanted to quit before I met her. That being said I can deal with my failures to quit by myself, but I can no longer tolerate lying to someone I love on a daily basis. Im starting a new quit in a few days. I hope that the wisdom and support here will help me through the hard times. Thanks for reading my rambling diatribe. It did feel great to vent, and be open about my addiction, even if it was on a message board under an assumed name. good luck to all who read this post.
First of all, man...We've all been where you are. We've lied. We've cheated. We've stolen time from everyone we have loved to fulfill our addiction. We've hidden it through all sorts of ninja tactics. It's a horrible feeling.

But you can do this.

You know how I know that?

Because we are.

Screw this whole "starting a new quit in a few days". Start your quit now. Be quit, and we can help you stay quit. There is nothing that nicotine can offer you with a few more days of usage. Nothing. It is a false prophet that has latched on to your brain and whispering doubt into your head.

Dump your stuff. Now. Declare yourself quit, and fucking do it man. If you want to be something, then go out and be it. Don't give us excuses or blame other things. You're better than that. You're worth more.

Take a look up to the top of this screen to the black bar and find the WELCOME CENTER. Read up on what we do here, how we do it, and why. Then, post roll and be what you want to be.

Finally, there is no luck in quitting. Quitting is about identifying a goal and doing it. We control our actions.
x 2


"Im starting a new quit in a few days." = Famous last words of people we never hear from again.

You gonna be like everyone else that says those words or are you going to dump your shit and quit today?

Do it and you'll see that luck doesn't have a damned thing to do with quitting.
Coach is getting fired up lately!! I love it!!!

Coach is right! Nicotine has never done anything for you except keep you addicted to a thing that will kill you! Luck, Hope and trying You Best and all of that other Lovey Dovey Bullshit will only keep you from Quit!! "Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen." Dump that Shit and Get on Board with us brother!!
Stay in the Q.U.I.T*********Fuck the NIC!!" Jhaenel23
"Freedom is like your Soul going Commando!" Scowick
"Losers always whine about their best, Winners go home and fuck the prom queen!!" John Mason
"If its too much trouble to post roll, You can always Fuck Off!!" J2B
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QUIT 10-22-12
HOF 1-29-13
Post with Da Jackwagins!!

Offline Coach Steve

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Re: The Liar
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2013, 12:58:00 PM »
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Foundry99
I am, generally speaking, a very honest man. I don't cheat or steal, and until recently i didn't lie. Like most people I detest lying, and liars, and my addiction has turned me into what I hate. I am horrifically addicted to a poison branded Grizzly wintergreen, and I am ready to leave it behind once and for all. I am new here, so I guess I will begin with a little background. I am a relatively recent chew addict, I have only been doing it around two years, but have been a nicotine slave for 15. I started smoking in high school, quickly developing a two pack a day habit. After twelve long years and thousands of dollars I made the choice to quit smoking. I quit cold turkey, it was tough, and i prevailed. For a little over a year I didnt smoke once, not even a puff. My confidence was soaring and I felt like I could accomplish anything, until one night at work. I was having an exceptionally bad night at the plant. My boss was riding my ass, putting a lot of pressure to finish a project in half the time it would normally take. I was stressed to the max, and I broke. I knew one of my coworkers kept cigarettes in his truck, and in a moment of weakness I asked if I could go have one to relax. Of course he obliged. Over the next week i was smoking on my breaks at work, and as addictions go I started buying packs and was smoking two packs a day again. I am a runner, something I picked up when I quit smoking originally, and I found after a month my running had gone to shit. I was relaying this to a friend who told me that I should use chew to stop smoking. "Chew to break the habit of lighting cigs etc, then phase the chew out", was the sage advice bestowed on me. I figured what the hell, chewing tobacco is disgusting and theres no way i would adopt it as a habit. I was sure I would do it for a week or two and be so grossed out id stop doing it quickly. As you all know, I couldnt have been more wrong. Fact is the first little dip of Copenhagen I tried quickly morphed into a 1+ can of Grizzly a day habit. I find myself almost constantly chewing. And the strange thing is I truly feel like I am more addicted to it than I ever was to smoking. The urge to chew is so strong I cant find words to describe it. Since I started I've met a really amazing woman, and like all women she hates the fact I chew. When we first met I told her I was going to quit when the time was right etc. After six months of dating I told her it was over, that im quitting. That lasted less than a day. Once i got to work it was game over. I cant run my machines with an empty lip. I quickly told her that I started again, and would make another effort down the road. Fast forward a few months, i really felt like it was time to give it another go. I rid my home and truck of all thing tobacco related and decided to do the damn thing, for real. That was two months ago, and I lasted for three days before caving. This time I didn't have the heart to admit to her that id failed again. So for two months I have been lying through my tobacco stained teeth. I keep mouthwash in my truck, so hopefully she wont smell the chew on my breath. I have to keep a running list of ways to cover my tracks. Did I remember to check my teeth for flecks of Grizzly? Did I remember to wipe the brown residue from my bottom lip? It's exhausting. I wish I could just take a magic pill and forget I ever tried the stuff. Wish in one hand and shit in the other, see which one gets filled first..... I don't want to quit for her, I want to quit for me. I wanted to quit before I met her. That being said I can deal with my failures to quit by myself, but I can no longer tolerate lying to someone I love on a daily basis. Im starting a new quit in a few days. I hope that the wisdom and support here will help me through the hard times. Thanks for reading my rambling diatribe. It did feel great to vent, and be open about my addiction, even if it was on a message board under an assumed name. good luck to all who read this post.
First of all, man...We've all been where you are. We've lied. We've cheated. We've stolen time from everyone we have loved to fulfill our addiction. We've hidden it through all sorts of ninja tactics. It's a horrible feeling.

But you can do this.

You know how I know that?

Because we are.

Screw this whole "starting a new quit in a few days". Start your quit now. Be quit, and we can help you stay quit. There is nothing that nicotine can offer you with a few more days of usage. Nothing. It is a false prophet that has latched on to your brain and whispering doubt into your head.

Dump your stuff. Now. Declare yourself quit, and fucking do it man. If you want to be something, then go out and be it. Don't give us excuses or blame other things. You're better than that. You're worth more.

Take a look up to the top of this screen to the black bar and find the WELCOME CENTER. Read up on what we do here, how we do it, and why. Then, post roll and be what you want to be.

Finally, there is no luck in quitting. Quitting is about identifying a goal and doing it. We control our actions.
x 2


"Im starting a new quit in a few days." = Famous last words of people we never hear from again.

You gonna be like everyone else that says those words or are you going to dump your shit and quit today?

Do it and you'll see that luck doesn't have a damned thing to do with quitting.
Make Your Decision

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Re: The Liar
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2013, 12:53:00 PM »
Welcome to the site Foundry.

Nice post. There are a couple things LOOT would like to pick apart, but we got more important things to address.

LOOT knows you. LOOT was you. LOOT IS you with a significant difference. LOOT is clean. Yous still dirty. And the sad thing are fucking with yourself by saying you'll quit in a couple days. Chance are, you are lying to LOOT. can't lie to LOOT.

LOOT knows you got a knot full of butterflies right now just thinking about quitting. You will set a date. You will torture yourself and dip like a fiend until that day'll throw out all your shit the night'll walk out the door the next morning...and head straight to the store.

So...instead of going through all that shit and torture...lets' quit NOW. You are here. You are reading. You are engaged. Now you just need to be in CONTROL.

Go flush your shit and post Roll CAll. Do it while you have momentum. Do it while you have initiative. Afterall...cancer is black and white. You either have it, or you don't. One single dip starts the process. It would be a shame if that dip came between now and "the next few days". Then you'd really have a lot to explain. Fuck that bro. Flush it and hit Roll Call in May 13.

LOOT will gladly quit with you TODAY. Get it done son.

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Re: The Liar
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2013, 12:40:00 PM »
Quote from: Foundry99
I am, generally speaking, a very honest man. I don't cheat or steal, and until recently i didn't lie. Like most people I detest lying, and liars, and my addiction has turned me into what I hate. I am horrifically addicted to a poison branded Grizzly wintergreen, and I am ready to leave it behind once and for all. I am new here, so I guess I will begin with a little background. I am a relatively recent chew addict, I have only been doing it around two years, but have been a nicotine slave for 15. I started smoking in high school, quickly developing a two pack a day habit. After twelve long years and thousands of dollars I made the choice to quit smoking. I quit cold turkey, it was tough, and i prevailed. For a little over a year I didnt smoke once, not even a puff. My confidence was soaring and I felt like I could accomplish anything, until one night at work. I was having an exceptionally bad night at the plant. My boss was riding my ass, putting a lot of pressure to finish a project in half the time it would normally take. I was stressed to the max, and I broke. I knew one of my coworkers kept cigarettes in his truck, and in a moment of weakness I asked if I could go have one to relax. Of course he obliged. Over the next week i was smoking on my breaks at work, and as addictions go I started buying packs and was smoking two packs a day again. I am a runner, something I picked up when I quit smoking originally, and I found after a month my running had gone to shit. I was relaying this to a friend who told me that I should use chew to stop smoking. "Chew to break the habit of lighting cigs etc, then phase the chew out", was the sage advice bestowed on me. I figured what the hell, chewing tobacco is disgusting and theres no way i would adopt it as a habit. I was sure I would do it for a week or two and be so grossed out id stop doing it quickly. As you all know, I couldnt have been more wrong. Fact is the first little dip of Copenhagen I tried quickly morphed into a 1+ can of Grizzly a day habit. I find myself almost constantly chewing. And the strange thing is I truly feel like I am more addicted to it than I ever was to smoking. The urge to chew is so strong I cant find words to describe it. Since I started I've met a really amazing woman, and like all women she hates the fact I chew. When we first met I told her I was going to quit when the time was right etc. After six months of dating I told her it was over, that im quitting. That lasted less than a day. Once i got to work it was game over. I cant run my machines with an empty lip. I quickly told her that I started again, and would make another effort down the road. Fast forward a few months, i really felt like it was time to give it another go. I rid my home and truck of all thing tobacco related and decided to do the damn thing, for real. That was two months ago, and I lasted for three days before caving. This time I didn't have the heart to admit to her that id failed again. So for two months I have been lying through my tobacco stained teeth. I keep mouthwash in my truck, so hopefully she wont smell the chew on my breath. I have to keep a running list of ways to cover my tracks. Did I remember to check my teeth for flecks of Grizzly? Did I remember to wipe the brown residue from my bottom lip? It's exhausting. I wish I could just take a magic pill and forget I ever tried the stuff. Wish in one hand and shit in the other, see which one gets filled first..... I don't want to quit for her, I want to quit for me. I wanted to quit before I met her. That being said I can deal with my failures to quit by myself, but I can no longer tolerate lying to someone I love on a daily basis. Im starting a new quit in a few days. I hope that the wisdom and support here will help me through the hard times. Thanks for reading my rambling diatribe. It did feel great to vent, and be open about my addiction, even if it was on a message board under an assumed name. good luck to all who read this post.
First of all, man...We've all been where you are. We've lied. We've cheated. We've stolen time from everyone we have loved to fulfill our addiction. We've hidden it through all sorts of ninja tactics. It's a horrible feeling.

But you can do this.

You know how I know that?

Because we are.

Screw this whole "starting a new quit in a few days". Start your quit now. Be quit, and we can help you stay quit. There is nothing that nicotine can offer you with a few more days of usage. Nothing. It is a false prophet that has latched on to your brain and whispering doubt into your head.

Dump your stuff. Now. Declare yourself quit, and fucking do it man. If you want to be something, then go out and be it. Don't give us excuses or blame other things. You're better than that. You're worth more.

Take a look up to the top of this screen to the black bar and find the WELCOME CENTER. Read up on what we do here, how we do it, and why. Then, post roll and be what you want to be.

Finally, there is no luck in quitting. Quitting is about identifying a goal and doing it. We control our actions.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline redtrain14

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Re: The Liar
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2013, 12:38:00 PM »
We were all a bunch of lying more.

Welcome to the rest of your life, glad you found us.

One thing....there is no hope, only do.

One day at a time friend, we have your back.