what do you guys have that will scare me? I'm having a rough morning, need to be scared out of caving. Been searching the site for horror stories.
sorry to be so needy.
google mouth cancer pictures. How about your wife of ten years finding out and leaving you?
Stay on the site and Sack UP!
I always treated nicotine as my own personal, "Beautiful Mind" experience. Everything you think nicotine is to you and your need for it is not real or true.
Nicotine is not a person so its okay to hate her. Nicotine is a parasite. Imagine having a parasite that is taking all your nutrients and eating away your flesh, destroying your brain.
When she is seducing me, I imagine her as a mistress and the adrenaline and excitement that I feel is being alive...Imagine dancing with her and she is too done up, you see an Adam's apple on her neck and the surprise when you life up her skirt and there is genitalia that doesn't arouse you??? It shocks you on how you could have been so deceived! All the sudden the seduction is over and you are in so much shock, rage and realize the con that you run as far away from her deceit.
Simply, you came here to quit because she wasn't good to you and you were done. Why then? What changed? Nothing she is the same and you are still re-wiring. Don't think about this in terms of forever.
Can you quit her for the rest of the day and keep your promise today? Then do that. You aren't quit forever or Tomorrow. Only when it's today. So remember the day you quit and why. Then stay quit today. There is no tomorrow that you think or care about.
She is shit, cut her throat, enjoy watching her bleed out and then let me burn the body and clean your blade with a pat on the back. Kill her now and go live your today nic free! Stop entertaining her. Get laughing. If you aren't text or call someone and say, I need to laugh. My greatest battles that were overcome happened when I went into chat and just expressed that I needed a distraction.
I would drop my jaw at some of the nonsense things. Then I would just laugh and I couldn't stop. Before I even realized it, I wasn't hurting or craving.
I am Glad for Timeless and how he could take any story back or discussions and relate it to picking up some D.C. Tranny's. Seriously doesn't make sense but it save my quit because I was laughing and wondering, "who are these nuts" I wasn't thinking about nic and that was some strategic support.
Proud of you for being humble to ask for help. Your brother have your back and help comes when we have an idea of what you need. Quit on.
Another favorite post from Dag: NO NIC Just Dick today Find some humor and get laughing. This journey is funny too!!!!!