78 days quit, about time to do my intro! Name is Matt. I am a taxidermist in Western Colorado. Married with 2 crazy sons, 2 and 7. I started chewing when I was 16 and I am 52 now. Do the math that's a lot of years!! Its only be the grace of God that I don't have cancer yet. My decision to quit started in Dec 2018. My 7 year old was excited about Christmas. He asked me if I would like some Copenhagen Snuff for Christmas from him. That was a moment in time that I will never forget. It makes me tear up just thinking about it now. It was at that point the decision was made. A few days later I ordered some Baccoff from a facebook link. The day it arrived I tried it. Wasn't real good so I did a google search to find other brands. That's how I discovered KTC. Clicked the link, signed up and was quit!! Almost immediately vets were messaging me, welcoming me and helping me figure out how to post. It took me a few days to get comfortable with giving random guys my ph number but it quickly made sense. I owe my quit to the accountability of KTC. Absolutely no way Id still be quit without the support of the BMF'rs of April and all the vets and supporters! I owe this site my life! PTQWYRF'sT