Hey Folks -
I have been dipping for about 8 years. I started to occasionally dip in college because my roommate would do it. Then I started associating dipping with everything... when I drove, when I studied, etc. Within a year the "occasional dip" became an addiction that I couldn't go without.
That changes today. I decided I am done with my addiction. I will not let this own me any more.
I am tough enough to quit and I WILL QUIT.
Welcome gdotdylan,
You have made a wise decision. Head on over to your quit group
HERE. Find the most recent Roll Post and post your promise to remain nicotine free for the rest of the day. Keep your word, return tomorrow morning and repeat. We quit one day at a time, every damn day. Wake Up, Piss, Post your promise is the mantra. That means you don't wait until the day is half over to post your promise. You post it early in the day, taking nicotine off the table for the day.
Get to know the other bad ass quitters in July and exchange phone numbers with them in private message. Those numbers are your life line. Keep them with you at all times so you have a way of contacting someone if you are in a bad spot. Those numbers also are a means to building brotherhood with the other members of this site.
If you would like mine, please send me a PM and I will be happy to oblige.
Proud to quit with you,