Author Topic: Looking for my peoples  (Read 16960 times)

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Re: Looking for my peoples
« Reply #28 on: May 29, 2019, 09:04:43 PM »
So, obviously some people are threatened by me. If u hunt and fish, great Raz man. Good for you. But i think i have given you fucksticks enough personal info to check me out. Let me be clear, i dont give a flying fuck what u do for fun. I know u all spend alot of time on your computers. Probly got Facebook, Twitter, Farmers only date site accounts and all that, but im new to this shit. Dont have alot of free time after living all day. So say what u want, i haven't heard u dispute a single thing i have said other then to call me a general lier. Spend some time, find someone u trust, who maybe lives in AK, who can at least confirm some stuff. If u started talking out your ass about Soldotna, i would know in a heart beat. And after all that, whether u decide oops, or, that guys a rat. Ask yourself, "what the fuck does sexmachines honesty or lack thereof have to do with my quit?" If your insults and conjecture help u quit, ok, just try not to be a Turd all the time. Oh ya, how is your family liking this new, happy you. Im sure they enjoy your company. Put on a happy face and quit blaming me for your insecurities. I apologized for the way i came in and thats enough for some, for the rest,hope u can find your way to freedom And happiness.
See 69 and skol, the idea that i or even others on this site need u running around like some bulwark (thats a shield, for you Rebel Mother Fuckers) against some imposter is ridiculous. Dont flatter yourself, dont get so self absorbed. All i see is a bunch of fat quiters trying to navigate a shit show we brought on ourselves. So whats more believable? My intro, or the fact i was surfing the net one night and found this site, and everyone was so  freekin unbelievably cool i would lie, cheat and steal to join? Fuuuck, whatever. Sorry mother fuckers, u think i want or need your friendship? Nope. Just looking for someone similar to get down with.

I'm a quitter.... but I ain't fat... exact opposite actually.

^^^steady diet of kale, turkey bacon, and Bud Light.  Fit as a fiddle.

Bughhh... I'm fat cant stand that kale crap. Turkey bacon and budd light? More like getting butt fucked with a reach around.

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Re: Looking for my peoples
« Reply #27 on: May 28, 2019, 10:44:02 AM »
So, obviously some people are threatened by me. If u hunt and fish, great Raz man. Good for you. But i think i have given you fucksticks enough personal info to check me out. Let me be clear, i dont give a flying fuck what u do for fun. I know u all spend alot of time on your computers. Probly got Facebook, Twitter, Farmers only date site accounts and all that, but im new to this shit. Dont have alot of free time after living all day. So say what u want, i haven't heard u dispute a single thing i have said other then to call me a general lier. Spend some time, find someone u trust, who maybe lives in AK, who can at least confirm some stuff. If u started talking out your ass about Soldotna, i would know in a heart beat. And after all that, whether u decide oops, or, that guys a rat. Ask yourself, "what the fuck does sexmachines honesty or lack thereof have to do with my quit?" If your insults and conjecture help u quit, ok, just try not to be a Turd all the time. Oh ya, how is your family liking this new, happy you. Im sure they enjoy your company. Put on a happy face and quit blaming me for your insecurities. I apologized for the way i came in and thats enough for some, for the rest,hope u can find your way to freedom And happiness.
See 69 and skol, the idea that i or even others on this site need u running around like some bulwark (thats a shield, for you Rebel Mother Fuckers) against some imposter is ridiculous. Dont flatter yourself, dont get so self absorbed. All i see is a bunch of fat quiters trying to navigate a shit show we brought on ourselves. So whats more believable? My intro, or the fact i was surfing the net one night and found this site, and everyone was so  freekin unbelievably cool i would lie, cheat and steal to join? Fuuuck, whatever. Sorry mother fuckers, u think i want or need your friendship? Nope. Just looking for someone similar to get down with.

I'm a quitter.... but I ain't fat... exact opposite actually.

^^^steady diet of kale, turkey bacon, and Bud Light.  Fit as a fiddle.

Offline Skolvikings

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Re: Looking for my peoples
« Reply #26 on: May 25, 2019, 12:18:44 PM »
So, obviously some people are threatened by me. If u hunt and fish, great Raz man. Good for you. But i think i have given you fucksticks enough personal info to check me out. Let me be clear, i dont give a flying fuck what u do for fun. I know u all spend alot of time on your computers. Probly got Facebook, Twitter, Farmers only date site accounts and all that, but im new to this shit. Dont have alot of free time after living all day. So say what u want, i haven't heard u dispute a single thing i have said other then to call me a general lier. Spend some time, find someone u trust, who maybe lives in AK, who can at least confirm some stuff. If u started talking out your ass about Soldotna, i would know in a heart beat. And after all that, whether u decide oops, or, that guys a rat. Ask yourself, "what the fuck does sexmachines honesty or lack thereof have to do with my quit?" If your insults and conjecture help u quit, ok, just try not to be a Turd all the time. Oh ya, how is your family liking this new, happy you. Im sure they enjoy your company. Put on a happy face and quit blaming me for your insecurities. I apologized for the way i came in and thats enough for some, for the rest,hope u can find your way to freedom And happiness.
See 69 and skol, the idea that i or even others on this site need u running around like some bulwark (thats a shield, for you Rebel Mother Fuckers) against some imposter is ridiculous. Dont flatter yourself, dont get so self absorbed. All i see is a bunch of fat quiters trying to navigate a shit show we brought on ourselves. So whats more believable? My intro, or the fact i was surfing the net one night and found this site, and everyone was so  freekin unbelievably cool i would lie, cheat and steal to join? Fuuuck, whatever. Sorry mother fuckers, u think i want or need your friendship? Nope. Just looking for someone similar to get down with.

I'm a quitter.... but I ain't fat... exact opposite actually.
Be humble... grow everyday.

I fear I will always be chasing the vortex like a drug. None will be as special as my first hit.


Offline Sexmachine

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Re: Looking for my peoples
« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2019, 05:22:17 PM »
So, obviously some people are threatened by me. If u hunt and fish, great Raz man. Good for you. But i think i have given you fucksticks enough personal info to check me out. Let me be clear, i dont give a flying fuck what u do for fun. I know u all spend alot of time on your computers. Probly got Facebook, Twitter, Farmers only date site accounts and all that, but im new to this shit. Dont have alot of free time after living all day. So say what u want, i haven't heard u dispute a single thing i have said other then to call me a general lier. Spend some time, find someone u trust, who maybe lives in AK, who can at least confirm some stuff. If u started talking out your ass about Soldotna, i would know in a heart beat. And after all that, whether u decide oops, or, that guys a rat. Ask yourself, "what the fuck does sexmachines honesty or lack thereof have to do with my quit?" If your insults and conjecture help u quit, ok, just try not to be a Turd all the time. Oh ya, how is your family liking this new, happy you. Im sure they enjoy your company. Put on a happy face and quit blaming me for your insecurities. I apologized for the way i came in and thats enough for some, for the rest,hope u can find your way to freedom And happiness.
See 69 and skol, the idea that i or even others on this site need u running around like some bulwark (thats a shield, for you Rebel Mother Fuckers) against some imposter is ridiculous. Dont flatter yourself, dont get so self absorbed. All i see is a bunch of fat quiters trying to navigate a shit show we brought on ourselves. So whats more believable? My intro, or the fact i was surfing the net one night and found this site, and everyone was so  freekin unbelievably cool i would lie, cheat and steal to join? Fuuuck, whatever. Sorry mother fuckers, u think i want or need your friendship? Nope. Just looking for someone similar to get down with.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2019, 11:23:57 PM by Sexmachine »
To crush your enemy, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women.     Conan the Barbarian

Offline 69franx

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Re: Looking for my peoples
« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2019, 01:54:04 PM »
U see Raz, u and i could not b more different. U and I will Never cross the inlet chasing 12in razors, snag reds, or hunt the Yukon in a flat bottom skif. U and i will never bugle elk off the Yakima rez, pick huckleberries on mt. Adams, or fish bass, sturgeon, and steelies on the John day. Why? Cause im not offering. I live a life you profess to enjoy but probly never do. I told part of my story and i was honest. I dont have to like u to work towards a common goal. I dont have to like u to respect your decision to quit. See, i dont have to like u period. So, that said, if you have something constructive to say, say it. U wanna talk shit, lets pm. Otherwise, STAY THE FUCK OFF MY INTRO BOARD. U aint invited or wanted. That goes for any other fake ass momas boys. See u in Caribou hills, under the Norther Lights so bright they crackle, oh wait, probly not. Lol

I can see the van now (SFW)

I kinda travel where I am needed and can sniff bullshit from a mile away. I have even had it on my boots.

Picked a 5 gallon bucket of Mullberries on Sunday to make jelly  and wine with. Caught a boatload of hybrids and Sandies on Monday ( pics to verify).

The mask will come off sooner or later "Mr. I'm looking for my people".

P.S. I really dont care if you like me or not. I leave feelings at the gate since they don't apply here.
Sorry I don't communicate by PM. I do it in front of everyone for the world to see. I got nothing to hide like you do. So I will be checking in on you. Prolly on a daily basis. Maybe even everything you post.

P.S. I am not really worried about that breakfast thing. Cause I used to have my way with little boys like you in prison for desert.

Ain't nothing but a shit stirring troll

Yes Sir. Good eye for a ***** guy. Wouldn't ant to be accused of being a racist like fishfuker. ;D
Love that van pic, but why does it smell like bullshit in here?
ABQ= Always Be Quitting

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My HOF Speech
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Offline RAZD611

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Re: Looking for my peoples
« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2019, 01:20:23 PM »
U see Raz, u and i could not b more different. U and I will Never cross the inlet chasing 12in razors, snag reds, or hunt the Yukon in a flat bottom skif. U and i will never bugle elk off the Yakima rez, pick huckleberries on mt. Adams, or fish bass, sturgeon, and steelies on the John day. Why? Cause im not offering. I live a life you profess to enjoy but probly never do. I told part of my story and i was honest. I dont have to like u to work towards a common goal. I dont have to like u to respect your decision to quit. See, i dont have to like u period. So, that said, if you have something constructive to say, say it. U wanna talk shit, lets pm. Otherwise, STAY THE FUCK OFF MY INTRO BOARD. U aint invited or wanted. That goes for any other fake ass momas boys. See u in Caribou hills, under the Norther Lights so bright they crackle, oh wait, probly not. Lol

I can see the van now (SFW)

I kinda travel where I am needed and can sniff bullshit from a mile away. I have even had it on my boots.

Picked a 5 gallon bucket of Mullberries on Sunday to make jelly  and wine with. Caught a boatload of hybrids and Sandies on Monday ( pics to verify).

The mask will come off sooner or later "Mr. I'm looking for my people".

P.S. I really dont care if you like me or not. I leave feelings at the gate since they don't apply here.
Sorry I don't communicate by PM. I do it in front of everyone for the world to see. I got nothing to hide like you do. So I will be checking in on you. Prolly on a daily basis. Maybe even everything you post.

P.S. I am not really worried about that breakfast thing. Cause I used to have my way with little boys like you in prison for desert.

Ain't nothing but a shit stirring troll

Yes Sir. Good eye for a ***** guy. Wouldn't ant to be accused of being a racist like fishfuker. ;D
Never Again For Any Reason

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Offline Skolvikings

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Re: Looking for my peoples
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2019, 01:18:39 PM »
U see Raz, u and i could not b more different. U and I will Never cross the inlet chasing 12in razors, snag reds, or hunt the Yukon in a flat bottom skif. U and i will never bugle elk off the Yakima rez, pick huckleberries on mt. Adams, or fish bass, sturgeon, and steelies on the John day. Why? Cause im not offering. I live a life you profess to enjoy but probly never do. I told part of my story and i was honest. I dont have to like u to work towards a common goal. I dont have to like u to respect your decision to quit. See, i dont have to like u period. So, that said, if you have something constructive to say, say it. U wanna talk shit, lets pm. Otherwise, STAY THE FUCK OFF MY INTRO BOARD. U aint invited or wanted. That goes for any other fake ass momas boys. See u in Caribou hills, under the Norther Lights so bright they crackle, oh wait, probly not. Lol

I can see the van now (SFW)

I kinda travel where I am needed and can sniff bullshit from a mile away. I have even had it on my boots.

Picked a 5 gallon bucket of Mullberries on Sunday to make jelly  and wine with. Caught a boatload of hybrids and Sandies on Monday ( pics to verify).

The mask will come off sooner or later "Mr. I'm looking for my people".

P.S. I really dont care if you like me or not. I leave feelings at the gate since they don't apply here.
Sorry I don't communicate by PM. I do it in front of everyone for the world to see. I got nothing to hide like you do. So I will be checking in on you. Prolly on a daily basis. Maybe even everything you post.

P.S. I am not really worried about that breakfast thing. Cause I used to have my way with little boys like you in prison for desert.

Ain't nothing but a shit stirring troll
Be humble... grow everyday.

I fear I will always be chasing the vortex like a drug. None will be as special as my first hit.


Offline RAZD611

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Re: Looking for my peoples
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2019, 11:47:55 AM »
U see Raz, u and i could not b more different. U and I will Never cross the inlet chasing 12in razors, snag reds, or hunt the Yukon in a flat bottom skif. U and i will never bugle elk off the Yakima rez, pick huckleberries on mt. Adams, or fish bass, sturgeon, and steelies on the John day. Why? Cause im not offering. I live a life you profess to enjoy but probly never do. I told part of my story and i was honest. I dont have to like u to work towards a common goal. I dont have to like u to respect your decision to quit. See, i dont have to like u period. So, that said, if you have something constructive to say, say it. U wanna talk shit, lets pm. Otherwise, STAY THE FUCK OFF MY INTRO BOARD. U aint invited or wanted. That goes for any other fake ass momas boys. See u in Caribou hills, under the Norther Lights so bright they crackle, oh wait, probly not. Lol

I can see the van now (SFW)

I kinda travel where I am needed and can sniff bullshit from a mile away. I have even had it on my boots.

Picked a 5 gallon bucket of Mullberries on Sunday to make jelly  and wine with. Caught a boatload of hybrids and Sandies on Monday ( pics to verify).

The mask will come off sooner or later "Mr. I'm looking for my people".

P.S. I really dont care if you like me or not. I leave feelings at the gate since they don't apply here.
Sorry I don't communicate by PM. I do it in front of everyone for the world to see. I got nothing to hide like you do. So I will be checking in on you. Prolly on a daily basis. Maybe even everything you post.

P.S. I am not really worried about that breakfast thing. Cause I used to have my way with little boys like you in prison for desert.
Never Again For Any Reason

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Offline RAZD611

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Re: Looking for my peoples
« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2019, 10:39:17 AM »
U see Raz, u and i could not b more different. U and I will Never cross the inlet chasing 12in razors, snag reds, or hunt the Yukon in a flat bottom skif. U and i will never bugle elk off the Yakima rez, pick huckleberries on mt. Adams, or fish bass, sturgeon, and steelies on the John day. Why? Cause im not offering. I live a life you profess to enjoy but probly never do. I told part of my story and i was honest. I dont have to like u to work towards a common goal. I dont have to like u to respect your decision to quit. See, i dont have to like u period. So, that said, if you have something constructive to say, say it. U wanna talk shit, lets pm. Otherwise, STAY THE FUCK OFF MY INTRO BOARD. U aint invited or wanted. That goes for any other fake ass momas boys. See u in Caribou hills, under the Norther Lights so bright they crackle, oh wait, probly not. Lol

I can see the van now (SFW)

I kinda travel where I am needed and can sniff bullshit from a mile away. I have even had it on my boots.

Picked a 5 gallon bucket of Mullberries on Sunday to make jelly  and wine with. Caught a boatload of hybrids and Sandies on Monday ( pics to verify).

The mask will come off sooner or later "Mr. I'm looking for my people".

P.S. I really dont care if you like me or not. I leave feelings at the gate since they don't apply here.
Never Again For Any Reason

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Offline Sexmachine

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Re: Looking for my peoples
« Reply #19 on: May 23, 2019, 05:13:50 PM »
So we are wrapping up the spring king (Chinook down here) run in WA. Slammed em even though the numbers over Boneville were dismal. Bass are starting to bite and the walleye are thick. The spring morrel (wild mushrooms) hunt was crazy good with all that late snow we got, boletus popping now and i hope to dry 10 lbs or so before heading home for the summer! Sat around all winter and lookin to shake the morose, the quit gained me at least 15 lbs. Wanna talk arrow-heads, dogs, guns, hunting, fishin? Pm me. I will send u a picture of me driving the Slammin Salmon van.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 07:12:21 PM by Sexmachine »
To crush your enemy, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women.     Conan the Barbarian

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Re: Looking for my peoples
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2019, 01:34:08 PM »
U see Raz, u and i could not b more different. U and I will Never cross the inlet chasing 12in razors, snag reds, or hunt the Yukon in a flat bottom skif. U and i will never bugle elk off the Yakima rez, pick huckleberries on mt. Adams, or fish bass, sturgeon, and steelies on the John day. Why? Cause im not offering. I live a life you profess to enjoy but probly never do. I told part of my story and i was honest. I dont have to like u to work towards a common goal. I dont have to like u to respect your decision to quit. See, i dont have to like u period. So, that said, if you have something constructive to say, say it. U wanna talk shit, lets pm. Otherwise, STAY THE FUCK OFF MY INTRO BOARD. U aint invited or wanted. That goes for any other fake ass momas boys. See u in Caribou hills, under the Norther Lights so bright they crackle, oh wait, probly not. Lol
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Offline Sexmachine

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Re: Looking for my peoples
« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2019, 01:25:45 PM »
U see Raz, u and i could not b more different. U and I will Never cross the inlet chasing 12in razors, snag reds, or hunt the Yukon in a flat bottom skif. U and i will never bugle elk off the Yakima rez, pick huckleberries on mt. Adams, or fish bass, sturgeon, and steelies on the John day. Why? Cause im not offering. I live a life you profess to enjoy but probly never do. I told part of my story and i was honest. I dont have to like u to work towards a common goal. I dont have to like u to respect your decision to quit. See, i dont have to like u period. So, that said, if you have something constructive to say, say it. U wanna talk shit, lets pm. Otherwise, STAY THE FUCK OFF MY INTRO BOARD. U aint invited or wanted. That goes for any other fake ass momas boys. See u in Caribou hills, under the Norther Lights so bright they crackle, oh wait, probly not. Lol
To crush your enemy, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women.     Conan the Barbarian

Offline RAZD611

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Re: Looking for my peoples
« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2019, 12:05:57 PM »
I am thinking you are full of shit...….

« Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 12:26:40 PM by RAZD611 »
Never Again For Any Reason

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Offline Sexmachine

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My new introduction
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2019, 11:16:47 PM »
So i need a new introduction. My name is William my friends call me Bill. Ya, im addicted to nicotine. I was born in 1971 in the then small town of Soldota AK. I spent time with relatives and family friends. Lived for a while in Washingtonattended WSU and became  an archeologist. Cave men and shit, not dinosaurs. It didnt pay enough and there wasnt near enough adrenaline.  In 2000 i found my career as a wildland fire fighter. Ended my career in AZ on the alpine fire, later it became a complex called the Wallow, largest in state history. 500k acres turned to dust. Breathed alot of smoke that summer and caught pneumonia bad. Tried life as a water tender, a water truck driver, but just cant take the smoke anymore. All my years at firecamp came with 'all u can eat' dip. Everyone dipped. Try smokng when u cant see ten feet for the smoke. Anyway, drove truck for a while, decided to go back home and enjoy family. I made good money fighting fire, but some things are more important. Im a straight guy, 48, never been married as work Always came first. Also , no kids, lots of nephews and nieces. I own a home in eastern Washington, where my parents both live. Unfortunately we are not blessed with material riches but we get by. I say this cause i want you to know im a real person, not some fucking troll or 'rat'. Are the groups herein offten inundated by rats or imposters? Ive been fighting this shit solo and am desperate for help. Its kinda funny cause when the good ole boys round cheer,find out my group called me a drama queen, their gonna laugh themselves stupid. Im so not. In fact ive never shared so much with anyone, the anonymity. So thanks for reading, and careing, time is so precious and lord knows ive spent enough time on this site. Its like nic porn. And dont be fooled by Brittany, i drive an F-350 with a 460, my favorite gun is my 45 sig P226, and i got a dog that can whip anything u call a dog and then some.
Drama Queen , over and out! 
« Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 01:36:20 AM by Sexmachine »
To crush your enemy, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women.     Conan the Barbarian

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Re: Looking for my peoples
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2019, 10:50:28 PM »
Welcome!  If I read this thread right you've quit 100 days plus by yourself and that is bad ass!  The struggle is never over and hopefully you can be here every day to help other quitters.  Build a reliable quit chain and never forget to quit!   8)