Welcome. You made the best decision of your life to quit using nicotine. You know what's at stake: Do or die! It really is a life or death decision. We choose to stay free and live, one day at a time.
You don't need to worry about anything else right now...just quit. If you gain a few pounds, you'll have the rest of your life to work them off. Your jaw pain is very likely normal and will likely go away soon. Some of the jaw pain might have some connection to your other dental issues, but I'm betting you'll feel much relief in short order. We recommend everyone see their dentists as soon as they can after quitting. Tell your dentist you recently quit, and he or she can give your mouth a close look. Dentists are our friends now. If you do need some additional work done, the savings from not buying Kodiak will add up fast! I've already saved about $7,500.
Keep kicking ass. Wake up, piss, post. Every Damn Day. Make your promise to take nicotine off the table for the day, one day at a time. Keep your word. Repeat. Simple, but not easy.