I drew a tiger
It came to life.
That is a true story. Maybe the name of my first album.
Let me take you back a few years ago. Before I ever touched an instrument. I had a friend. He was my best friend, my almost best man, a brother from another mother.(We don't talk anymore). He was a talented musician. I mean even thinking about it now, this dude was a music genius. Ive known him for almost 18 years.(I'm 30). To watch him grow as a musician was a blessing. I was there for when he was just coming up with an idea of a song. I got to watch him create magic from that idea. From the attic to the studio.... The studio... I still remember my first time being in a studio. Gosh what an experience. Just being a bystander sitting on this nice leather couch, and just watching how a song is created for the first time ever. How hyped I was seeing a genius create such a beautiful work of art. Its truly breathtaking. It didn't stop there, every weekend we were somewhere different in Chicago doing shows. I mean WOW. I got to hang out with an upcoming musician doing all these crazy things with him in one of the greatest cities to be doing these crazy things in. Then came House of Blues Chicago.
. I got to be backstage, and on stage the entire time with him. It still puts a smile on my face. Seeing my best friend shining. It was awesome.
He just had the ear. I was jealous. Even before I started playing music. It was just ridiculous how he can pick up any instrument and jump into any key and just go off. I got to see him do this millions of times. One thing I notice is how some ladies will try to talk to him and he will just ignore them. I asked " Dude why don't you play music to get girls numbers?" He told me that its about the music. I laughed. I told him that if he wasn't going to do it then I will. Next week I bought my first guitar. She was a beautiful. So beautiful that I got a tattoo of her on my arm.
What I didn't realize when I when I made this purchase was there is a lot work to be done...LoL..LoL...LoL Ok lets get to work. So of course I had a million questions that I thought would be answer by my musical genius friend. He told me that he didn't know the answers...What? He told me that he just hears it. That when it comes to music theory or just explaining music, he had no clue. So I mention before about hearing problems. My ear canals start closed then open. So that means a sound has to hit a certain decibel before my ears pick it up. So if you are a soft speaking person standing a foot a way. I cant hear you. But I can hear birds whistling a good 100 feet away. Its a blessing and a curse. I have tried hearing aids multiple times. Yeah I can hear normal conversations, but then that sound of a fork scraping a plate increases. It feels like a knife stabbing my brain. And it got annoying that I can hear everyone's conversations. So that meant I have to learn music theory....
Music theory in my OPINION can only teach you so much. No one wants a robot playing just sounds. I rather being a musician that can make people feel, than be a musician that knows every scale forwards and backwards. Music theory doesn't teach you about what influences your music. You know chords that sound like sad chords,but can you make people feel sad with those chords? One of my influences happens to be Hendrix. Not because of his play style or his amazing music. It was how he approached the guitar. He took it everywhere. I mean everywhere. So that's what I did. Every time you saw me I had a guitar in my hand. All day everyday. I felt like I was so far behind from my friend that I was committed to catching up to him. People stopped inviting me to hang out because I would just go in a corner and practice. Some guy got really pissed at me because I wouldn't put my guitar in the trunk so he can get a ride. All that matter to me was making progress. My friend didn't like who I became. Even though he was someone who drank from morning to night. He judged me and my choices and we stopped talking. I kept working on without him. Grinding 24/7 wanting a chance to let people hear my music. I was in a studio all the time just recording. I met my first producer about a year into playing. He saw my potential, he still records me till this day. He taught me how to take my street performer magic and put it on a track. He taught me that everyday is a blessing to be able to chase my dream. GO FOR IT.
I think my favorite thing about being a musician is hearing what others have to say. They talk about how they get taken away to different place. That the energy is vibrant and beating with positivity. How some go to space, while others imagine being on the beach... It means a lot to me to hear that. It drives me to want to be get better everyday. I approach music like a blank canvas. Since I cant hear sounds, I have been teaching myself how to feel them. So when I close my eyes I can see a different colors for each note. The guitar is my paintbrush.. I want to take you to a place where all you know is love. I want to give you a reason to just smile, because smiling is an amazing gift and its contagious. I want my music to remind you of why you believe in love and happiness. Ill take you on a journey, I'm not really good at communication. But with my guitar I can tell you stories that people wish they can hear me say. When I am stage I transform. I feel like my true self. Something about all eyes on me just gets my heart racing like no other. To play my own music and have people listen... That's a cool sentence to write out. I love music. I always will. Never going to stop chasing that dream to live out my life the way I see fit.
Why am I writing all of this? Honestly I am still trying to figure out who I am without nicotine. I have had many days where I wake up and say "OK I am not dipping, now what?" I had a realization that this mindset will not help me gain progress in this journey. So this is just a reminder that life doesn't stop for you because you are having a bad day. This is a reminder that I have my dreams to continue chasing. That nicotine isn't who I am. I'm an amazing person. Head in the clouds feet on the ground kind of guy. I'm an addict and that's OK. Nicotine wants me to feel sorry about it not being in my life. I'm over that and taking back control of who I want to be.
Day 65 I Quit With You Today.