Just don't put nicotine in your body ever again. Sounds simple, right? But the only way out is through. That is, the only way you will not feel this shitty again, the only way to finally free yourself from the grip of this addiction, is to not put nicotine in your body ever again. Say to yourself (and mean it) that nicotine is off the table. You want a dip, no, do something different. I don't care if it means shoving 10 pounds of snickers bars down your gullet (my house was a Willy Wonka factory for months!!!), use seeds, use fake, just take nicotine off the table. In the beginning that feels impossible, I know. That is why we don't quit for forever here, we only quit one day at a time. Some days we just get through one hour at a time! But I promise you that this gets better and better with time and determination.
Post your name, post your day count, post your promise and keep your word. It's that simple.
You've got this.