Day 36 - New Year's Eve, Happy New Yew Year to all who stop by. So, this is where we reflect back over the year. Of all that went on, the big news is that I AM QUIT! Wouldn't have thought it last year. Part of life/anatomy, inhale/exhale/chew... What's kewl is I don't miss it. I had a chew dream last night. Woke up scared, pissed, angry, disappointed...Then I really woke up...relieved and grateful it was only a dream. It was so real and nothing good about it. I am glad the negative emotions were so strong. To me that says a cave is ways off, still there, but a ways off. Continue to build the defenses and stay the watch. It really is a battle. All lose in any battle, even the "winner". My loss in this battle is the years spent and lost sucking on tobacco stuff, lungs and lip. This is my second chance. I have won this battle, the war rages on. It is the ending of the not good, it is the beginning of the good. Now, what are you gonna do with it? 2020, normal vision, a new start with clear sight. Clear sight to make good choices.
Love the Lord my God with all my heart, mind and soul AND Love my neighbor as myself THEN #1. ODAAT the Quit. #2. Start the day WUPP and do devotion. #3. Choose the healthy side, particularly food and activity. #4. One good project per day, more doing less sitting. #5. Repeat.
Thank you for being! Extremely thankful all of you are here! I wish all of those that make up KTC a victorious New Year One Day at a Time.