Day 160 - Many different thoughts, a real mix. My quit is strong, no desire whatsoever. I thank KTC for that. The power of the promise, mine to them and theirs to me, has become the central focus. The feelings that I have when the news of a brother caving comes, only serves to strengthen my resolve to never give that kick in the gut to those who have trusted me by accepting my promise and giving me theirs.
Seeing a person post a Day One, regardless of new or rebounding, brings a real mix of feelings. Elation that they are on their way and made the decision, empathy for knowing the struggles they have ahead of them, compassion and the desire to be all they might need when it gets tough, and the stark realization that it is their Choice, their Quit and their fight. I should know better but part of me wants to believe that if we do A and B that C will happen. Not. It may, but throw in a few more letters and we have chaos, blindsided by the unpredictability of life. Each step, each choice offers infinite variables with outcomes we cannot foresee. One of my favorite sayings is "When it's over, we will know what happened."
How I CHOOSE to handle these events, that can take us to our knees, determines a lot in how I move: forward, backwards, sideways. I can CHOOSE to make it all about me, manifest the pain and anguish, allow it to bring me down, push me backwards, undo progress. Or, I can CHOOSE to empathize, offer encouragement, state the reality of their choice, support them through the consequences of their choice, reaffirming that it is their Quit and most of all LEARN from the mistake.
I never REALLY understood the 3 Question thing to its fullest depth. At first I thought the Vet's were just being jerks. Now I get it. Unless we do a deep dive into our own...person(?) and get past the easy answers, we won't fully address our issues and the multiple actions or lack thereof that led us to that place and that CHOICE. Reminds me of growing up, the older I got the smarter my parents got.
So it concerns me to see Post and Ghost, to see a lack of presence on the site, I understand the debate around GroupMe. That concern is based on the sense that there is strength in being involved in the recipe of Quit that is KTC. but... It always comes back to one word, CHOICES.